Official Sea of Thieves Inn-side Story #25 Customisation

  • Do you think that Rare ever going to put split screen in sea of thieves.

  • @erikinthebakery The hat, boots, and belt are from the ferryman outfit while the jacket it's from the black dog pack.

  • The part I picked up on was :
    "...we know that players, at some point after launch, want to own ships."

    So what exactly does this mean? Does this simply mean that ships aren't persistent yet? Or does it mean that we'll actually use gold to purchase different ships? Or something else?

  • @lucid-stew said in Official Sea of Thieves Inn-side Story #25 Customisation:

    The part I picked up on was :
    "...we know that players, at some point after launch, want to own ships."

    So what exactly does this mean? Does this simply mean that ships aren't persistent yet? Or does it mean that we'll actually use gold to purchase different ships? Or something else?

    Right now you just get a random ship when you spawn into the game. Later, you'll get a ship, be able to customize it, and then from that point forward, it'll be the ship that you spawn into the world with when you log on to play. Any further details are yet to be determined.

  • To be totally honest, I thought that this one was a bit tone-deaf. The devs seemed fairly happy with the way in which character customisation and ship customisation/ ownership will work, but they failed to address the concerns of a portion of the community. For instance, quite a lot of people are unhappy with the restrictive nature of the character creator (which's to say that there really isn't one), and in addition to this a number of concerns have been raised over the omission of true ownership within the game.

    I don't know, it could be that this was just filmed a few weeks ago. Though in general, I'm beginning to see more and more of a divide between community expectations and what Rare actually have planned for the game. I just hope that everything's sorted out by the 20th.

  • @capt-explodabob said in Official Sea of Thieves Inn-side Story #25 Customisation:

    To be totally honest, I thought that this one was a bit tone-deaf.

    The part that stuck me as odd is that someone is going to recognize a crew based on their sail. Maybe inside the instance. But what are the odds that you'll even see the same crew again outside of that first instance? It will probably happen, but it's so remote you likely wouldn't remember them unless you had some major interaction or actually friended them on XBL. In that case, the sail isn't going to be the determining factor.
    And you can already kind of tell who the other crews are in an instance just by what type of crew/ship it is, and the general vicinity they're sailing around in.

  • I know that this game is meant to be heavily horizontal progression based, but I am curious to find out if there will be any vertical progression at all.

  • @timidobserver I think it's a total possibility, but it'll most likely be something trivial that we haven't thought about yet. Something that truly doesn't impact the players that much.... Who knows though.

  • @k7-issues said in Official Sea of Thieves Inn-side Story #25 Customisation:

    @timidobserver I think it's a total possibility, but it'll most likely be something trivial that we haven't thought about yet. Something that truly doesn't impact the players that much.... Who knows though.

    I heard a rumor you'll be able to level up the distance you can throw puke from a bucket.

  • I'm hoping to see if they increased the font size for us couch pirates (Or added a slider)!

    I really want to be able to see what neat things all these npcs are saying but I'm not hopping up and down and running back and forth to the tv all day and night!

    #Imalazypirate! :P

  • I don't know about you guys/gals, but to me that little circle thing in the word search looks more like the old map symbol for a Whale or whale sighting.

  • Could we see the Beta come out on the Thirteenth?

  • The Dice on the table read 5 and 3 5/3/2018? Also if you look at all the letters NOT used in the find-a-word they spell out - 'NO LEMONS ATOLL' (an atoll is a reef) coincidence?

  • @xx-24k-magic-xx
    quite likely!!

  • @alpinecarton891 said in Official Sea of Thieves Inn-side Story #25 Customisation:

    The Dice on the table read 5 and 3 5/3/2018? Also if you look at all the letters NOT used in the find-a-word they spell out - 'NO LEMONS ATOLL' (an atoll is a reef) coincidence?

    Or is it No lemons at 'all'? Hence the picture of the bananas?

  • @lizalaroo I did see that but atoll makes more sense as an 'atoll' is a string of islands in the shape of a crescent moon :/

  • @musicmee said in Official Sea of Thieves Inn-side Story #25 Customisation:

    @andrew175151 Not sure... Looks like an island in a circle....

    It's make me feel like "Canon Cove" island, wich is the first island we've seen in the trailer of the game (E3 2015).

  • @badstarz I was starting to wonder... are we getting a bunch of bananas shaped island....


  • It's called Lucky Thirteen right, if you count all the O's including the one circling the Banana symbol, it counts to thirteen bananas and you become legend, simple!

  • @cptnstripes But what if the 'circle' is the island shape? :D

  • @lizalaroo Yeah, appears to be the shape of Old Faithful. Thought that inner shape was pointing to an area... spent a couple hours digging around it last night with no luck, lol.

    Edit: Lagoon of Whispers also appears similar in shape, but not much there to go off of.

  • @lizalaroo Still not sure what to make of the symbol :/ just looks like a bunch of bananas to me :S
    !alt text

  • @lizalaroo I bet they were trolling us l**o. We spent all this time trying to figure it out, sailing to different points of the map and exploring stuff to see what this was... When it was just a funny little easter egg the whole time lol

    Gotta say though, in-game, trying to find out what this was by sailing around to different spots we all came up with in this thread, I discovered a lot of neat little things I probably would have over looked before. All in all, I'd say mission accomplished Rare. Cheers!

  • If u read it backwards it sort of says LLOT A BANANAS NO MELON

  • @l-jayrun-l I think they are both right! Pretty neat puzzle to have for everyone. Cant wait to get on the seas again!

  • Soooooooo.... it looks like there will be no golden lemons atoll...

    I think we have seen this symbol in the circle before...

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