I really want a traveling giant sea turtle island

  • I don't know the realities of how you would implement a massive sea turtle island, but I for one would love it.

  • 16
  • That would be pretty cool.

    Tortuga means tortoise.

  • me too

  • Im not sure how it would work in game, but it would be fun to ride one of these around!

  • @shisizle said in I really want a traveling giant sea turtle island:

    Im not sure how it would work in game, but it would be fun to ride one of these around!

    No me mattey! Like a GIANT sea turtle!
    Just like the Kraken YAARRRR!!! Uhm uhm ...
    Just like some other events (yar) it could SURGE OUT THE WATER!
    WITH TREASURE!!!!! And also danger!

    5 access points to it by land.
    4 of which are Using its feet allowing pirates to swim to it.
    1 The tail be at deck level. Allowing docking. Or drop off.

    Canons work fine as well to land there.

    But is it still ? or moving ?

  • The Pirate Game "Tempest" may get mad, they have a Turtle City on their game. It doesn't float around but it is a "special" city

  • https://d1u5p3l4wpay3k.cloudfront.net/zelda_gamepedia_en/thumb/e/e9/Turtle.png/250px-Turtle.png?version=8763963dc40530695f8b2809237baf6e

  • Hi,

    Hum, sure! I'd love that! Wouldn't you, devs ? ;P

    Or an elephant ; )


  • I like turtles a lot. I'd just like to see them swimming around with the fishies too. Also whales would be fantastic.

  • @dewradley said in I really want a traveling giant sea turtle island:

    I like turtles a lot. I'd just like to see them swimming around with the fishies too. Also whales would be fantastic.


  • What if it was sentient and was able to give quests? Maybe it could possibly be an outpost or a place for a cool boss fight!

  • Would be super cool for there to randomly appear a new island while sailing, you dock to explore it, and when you're done you try to find your boat but you don't see it anywhere. Then you look back and it's alll the way back there. Did it move? You look a little bit more over and then you see legs sticking out the rock and you have a sudden D'OH moment.

  • YES! I second this.

    • Moving island, never in the same spot on the map.
    • Sometimes it's not there at all.
    • Occasionally you see it emerge from the waves.
    • Special Gold Hoarders maps or Order of Souls quests.
    • A gathering of regular sized sea turtles are an early indicator that the island
      is about to appear. Or failing that, lots and lots of sea birds.

    Super fun addition. Please add this!

  • yes, please.

  • I absolutely love this idea. I definitely want more mystic creatures like the giant Kraken

12 out of 16