Pk-ing just for fun is wrong

  • The one main issue I have with sea of thieves atm is that some players just want to sink your ship even if you have no loot on it and follow you just to bully you cause they are good at the game. They have mastered the combat system and is using it to harass other players even if there is no gain in it. And Personally I think Rare needs to adress this in some way. I have read a suggestion in one of the threads about putting players who do this at a regular basis to be put on servers with others that do the same and I am actually very in favor of that, cause even though this is a pirate game and the combat is a big part of it. if you only fight just to fight to not steal loot or anything then what is the purpose.
    and just to clarify I am not against people who sink your ship or bord your ship to get the loot you have on it. but if you come back after taking the loot just to bully them then that is wrong in my opinion.

  • 75
  • How are they supposed to know if you have loot before engaging?

    Plus, PvP is rewarding and fun in it's own right.

  • @kayzenhyuga Here's the thing: They are doing that because due to the nature of human opponents those battles actually are different every time. They are interesting. They provide them what the standard tasks in the game fail to deliver, variety and fun. So if you want to blame anybody for the amount of people hunting other ships, blame Rare for not delivering something more worthwhile and rewarding in the gameplay loop.

  • @kayzenhyuga after grinding forts or fetch quests for a few days getting the cosmetics you want then there really is not much else to do other than PK this adventure game as rare calls it is actually a very simple death match game.

  • @kayzenhyuga I know what you mean. Yesterday we joined a server, after 1 minute we were attacked by an other crew. The first time i saw our ship it was half sunk.
    I'm okay with pvp. But this was stupid and pointless, it was griefing in perfection. For that you need a reputation system.

  • @geniechef thank you for agreeing with me and what you say is just my point. killing players just for the fun of killing defeates the purpose of the game.

  • For glory : being the most feared crew of the server, for domination, for fun, to train, for grievance but most probably due to boredom.

    This is quite a typical behavior in repetitive/boring games featuring open pvp for pvp brings surprise, whereas pve brings routine.

    You should have a look at Black Sails Tv Show : there are plenty of dirty b******s in for players to enjoy willing to do the same in this game ^^

  • @meurtrisseur I have actually seen black sails, and if I recall correctly those pirates attack only when there was something to gain from it. while some people in sea of theives just attack cause it is fun.

  • @kayzenhyuga said in Pk-ing just for fun is wrong:

    @meurtrisseur I have actually seen black sails, and if I recall correctly those pirates attack only when there was something to gain from it. while some people in sea of theives just attack cause it is fun.

    That's the whole point of the game. Collect treasure, kill the other players, and steal their stuff. Sometimes you work out some alliance, but don't expect it.

  • @kayzenhyuga a dit dans Pk-ing just for fun is wrong :

    @meurtrisseur I have actually seen black sails, and if I recall correctly those pirates attack only when there was something to gain from it. while some people in sea of theives just attack cause it is fun.

    You'd better watch it again then , in the show they were usually attacking due to passion (anger, revenge, hatred) usually killing for the example, while pretending it was for an hypothetic gain, yet never for certain as frequently lost actually, so much for the deads ^^

  • He is absolutely right. Everyone thinks the same. This game is very boring, the only purpose is farm and farm to buy cosmetic things for you or your boat that do not improve anything. I have played with 3 friends since it came out, 30 of reputation in the 3 companies and we have stopped playing for what is absurd and boring as it is raised. You can only farm to buy cosmetic things that do not give you any advantage on your boat. They should focus more on the pvp, more powerful new weapons, statistics improvements for boats, levels, armors, etc ... things that are worth playing for to be the strongest pirate ship and crew and not to buy me a wooden leg that is worth 15k or a blue sail for the boat. Although I have the feeling that none of this is in their future plans. They are only interested in cosmetic things that are useless, above all this for $ 70, absurd, as it should be worth $ 10. I do not give it more than 2 months of life unless they change radically. And whoever says it's hate or troll towards the game is that he does not know what a fun game is.

  • The main point of this thread is adressing the fact. that player killing just for the fun of it should not be acceptable even in a pirate game. just because some people get bored of this game due of slow progression. does not justify player killing just for fun. if people get bored with the game find something else to play until the game gets a content update, or go around doing goofy stuff like shooting yourself out of the cannons while playing the instruments. Don't resort to player killing cause of boredom, it wil ruin the game experience for new players, which wil eventually kill the game.

  • Chuckle ,

    So want you consider "fun" is more important than what others consider "fun" ?

    What world do you live in?

    There are millions who play games simply for PVP , what they like is just as valid as what you like.

  • @hydrofox96 said in Pk-ing just for fun is wrong:

    He is absolutely right. Everyone thinks the same. This game is very boring, the only purpose is farm and farm to buy cosmetic things for you or your boat that do not improve anything. I have played with 3 friends since it came out, 30 of reputation in the 3 companies and we have stopped playing for what is absurd and boring as it is raised. You can only farm to buy cosmetic things that do not give you any advantage on your boat. They should focus more on the pvp, more powerful new weapons, statistics improvements for boats, levels, armors, etc ... things that are worth playing for to be the strongest pirate ship and crew and not to buy me a wooden leg that is worth 15k or a blue sail for the boat. Although I have the feeling that none of this is in their future plans. They are only interested in cosmetic things that are useless, above all this for $ 70, absurd, as it should be worth $ 10. I do not give it more than 2 months of life unless they change radically. And whoever says it's hate or troll towards the game is that he does not know what a fun game is.

    I don't think I could possibly disagree more. Adding stronger weapons and ship improvements etc is a trap that will kill the game at its very core and would make the problem which newer or less skilled players experience at least ten times worse than it is now. That said you have some points, the game needs more verity and far more options when it comes to p*****g out your ship. The insane price levels is not a good thing right now but this could be changed with the addition of being able to purchase crates of cannonballs, bananas and planks.

  • @kayzenhyuga sagte in Pk-ing just for fun is wrong:

    The main point of this thread is adressing the fact. that player killing just for the fun of it should not be acceptable even in a pirate game. just because some people get bored of this game due of slow progression. does not justify player killing just for fun. if people get bored with the game find something else to play until the game gets a content update, or go around doing goofy stuff like shooting yourself out of the cannons while playing the instruments. Don't resort to player killing cause of boredom, it wil ruin the game experience for new players, which wil eventually kill the game.

    Rare designed this game with PvP in mind. It's an essential part of the game. The game you want to play is not Sea of Thieves, sorry.

  • @x1-two PvP is a part of the game I know that, and I have nothing against pvp when it has a purpose. For example, you see a crew looting a skelleton fort or getting loot from a mission, or sunken ship or what ever. and you take them out and take their loot. I am fine with that, that is pirat life.
    if you constatly take out ships, target people either because they are not good at the game or new players, just out of pure boredom. THAT IS NOT RIGHT. This game is not an fps, it is not CoD, Pubg or Fortnite. There is no reward for killing just for the fun of it. So why in gods name do some people do it. If this game is so boring that people have to resort to killing players out of pure boredom. Then I dare say that those players are playing this game wrong. This is a game about adventure going on quests finding treasure, fighting to protect your loot. THAT is what sea of thieves is. THAT, is what Rare intended with this game.

  • Pirate game

    • Killing for fun isn't right
    • Pirate game with PvP


  • He/she/it essentially is so blinded to the idea that others can enjoy playing a different way (PVP'ing for the sake of it) and have fun that it is comical.

  • @tarosd Then,
    What is the purpose of this game? What is the use of playing hours and hours if they only reward me with skins that do not matter to me? or materials? This game needs a clear objective and it does not have it, it only farm a large amount of gold to buy me a wooden leg. If you are not going to put anything of what he said in the previous commentary, what can he put so that he interests to play?

  • @kayzenhyuga
    I can understand how frustrating that would have been for you. Just scuttle your ship in a scenario where you are getting camped.

  • @hydrofox96 said in Pk-ing just for fun is wrong:

    @tarosd Then,
    What is the purpose of this game? What is the use of playing hours and hours if they only reward me with skins that do not matter to me? or materials? This game needs a clear objective and it does not have it, it only farm a large amount of gold to buy me a wooden leg. If you are not going to put anything of what he said in the previous commentary, what can he put so that he interests to play?

    Well while i can only truly speak for myself and for my friends; Maybe the purpose is to just have fun. This is a social semi casual game and as such the balance is just about perfect, save for the insane prices on cosmetic stuff and lack of being able to spend your gold on supplies like cannonballs, bananas and planks. If you are looking for a competitive game full of classic progression pitfalls where the oldest players have all the coolest toys i honestly think this might be the wrong game for you. This game is a perfect example of where the destination is not the point of the game, its the journey. I love the sailing and just can't get tired of it. Sharing stupid experiences with friends and just having fun is what the game is about. Adding the sort of "progression" you are talking about just has no place in a game like this in my opinion.

    The reward for me is the fun I have with friends while I play the game.

  • @tarosd Then this game is not worth $ 80.
    It should be free or at most $ 10, if I want a game just to have fun with my friends and laugh there are millions of free or not worth as much. Garry mod, gang beast, etcccetccetc ... I do not pay $ 80 for a game just to surf the sea and laugh with my friends, and like me many people, it does not make sense $ 80 for that goal.

  • @kayzenhyuga said in Pk-ing just for fun is wrong:

    if you only fight just to fight to not steal loot or anything then what is the purpose.
    and just to clarify I am not against people who sink your ship or bord your ship to get the loot you have on it. but if you come back after taking the loot just to bully them then that is wrong in my opinion.

    Acting out the fantasy of sinking ships is the purpose. Most simple and very satisfying one at that too. Nothing harmful here.

    Players who just want to sink ships is not the issue because they don't target same ships twice. Reason why someone may target a ship twice in a row happens either accidentally due ship spawning mechanism or intentionally because it is so rare to actually meet yet another crew out there. Then there are the griefers who do so no matter what you do.

    Griefers are a symptom drawn from the real issue and that issue is the ship spawning mechanism itself.

  • @x1-two said in Pk-ing just for fun is wrong:

    @kayzenhyuga sagte in Pk-ing just for fun is wrong:

    The main point of this thread is adressing the fact. that player killing just for the fun of it should not be acceptable even in a pirate game. just because some people get bored of this game due of slow progression. does not justify player killing just for fun. if people get bored with the game find something else to play until the game gets a content update, or go around doing goofy stuff like shooting yourself out of the cannons while playing the instruments. Don't resort to player killing cause of boredom, it wil ruin the game experience for new players, which wil eventually kill the game.

    Rare designed this game with PvP in mind. It's an essential part of the game. The game you want to play is not Sea of Thieves, sorry.

    yes it is, you are not playing sea of thieves, you are playing "sea of trolls"

  • I wholeheartedly disagree with this sentiment, PvP offers unique challenges almost every single time and it is rewarding in that very aspect. Almost all of the players that are looking to fight can't possibly know that you don't have loot, they would have to board and look for it and most of the time it is far more convenient to handle the players first. If you sink the ship you guarantee that you have at least have 5 minutes to take what loot appears on the surface of the water. Also, if they did happen to board you and see that you had no loot then it is far more convenient to finish sinking your ship than to just leave. That is mostly because people will carry a sort of vendetta to try to sink the ship that attacked them and chances are if you are part of the crew that boarded you have a significant advantage to distract the enemy crew while the rest of your crew sinks the ship. All in all PvP is compounded to reward itself by sinking another ship, because you never know what the other crew is capable of and finding that one crew that actually gives a challenge to combat is probably one of the more fun and interesting aspects of this game. Most people love PvP in an open sandbox type of game, at least to some degree and it is inherently wrong to infringe upon one of the core aspects of a game. If you feel like you are being bullied because you are not good at combat then I think the problem lies within yourself, if it really is that bad then you should probably learn the mechanics more or get better at the combat. If you are letting ships get close enough to you to engage in combat that is your fault for not being more attentive to the surrounding waters. Better yet, leave the server and go to a new one if there is a player bullying you, by staying you are not only giving them what they want (an easy fight) you are just going to get frustrated with the combat system in general.

  • @hydrofox96 said in Pk-ing just for fun is wrong:

    @tarosd Then this game is not worth $ 80.
    It should be free or at most $ 10, if I want a game just to have fun with my friends and laugh there are millions of free or not worth as much. Garry mod, gang beast, etcccetccetc ... I do not pay $ 80 for a game just to surf the sea and laugh with my friends, and like me many people, it does not make sense $ 80 for that goal.

    Good thing you only payed $60 for it then.

    But your assertion is ludicrous. Fun games should be free? You can't believe you payed money for a game that is meant to be fun? You also can't believe the game, which is designed for people to have stupid fun does not allow you to stroke your own ego with your endless list of achievements and rankings and kewl rewards?

    Oh noes, a major game is released that is fun and it cost money to buy!? oh the horror.

    Honestly if its a highly competitive pirate game you want which may have ship upgrades and rankings to stroke your own ego then perhaps Skull & Bones might suit you better? That game, in contrast to SOT is not designed to be fun and should suit you perfectly.

  • @tarosd said in Pk-ing just for fun is wrong:

    @hydrofox96 said in Pk-ing just for fun is wrong:

    @tarosd Then this game is not worth $ 80.
    It should be free or at most $ 10, if I want a game just to have fun with my friends and laugh there are millions of free or not worth as much. Garry mod, gang beast, etcccetccetc ... I do not pay $ 80 for a game just to surf the sea and laugh with my friends, and like me many people, it does not make sense $ 80 for that goal.

    Good thing you only payed $60 for it then.

    But your assertion is ludicrous. Fun games should be free? You can't believe you payed money for a game that is meant to be fun? You also can't believe the game, which is designed for people to have stupid fun does not allow you to stroke your own ego with your endless list of achievements and rankings and kewl rewards?

    Oh noes, a major game is released that is fun and it cost money to buy!? oh the horror.

    Honestly if its a highly competitive pirate game you want which may have ship upgrades and rankings to stroke your own ego then perhaps Skull & Bones might suit you better? That game, in contrast to SOT is not designed to be fun and should suit you perfectly.

    Different countries have different currencies with different values. What sells for $60 in the US, doesn't in AUS. AUS players paid close to $100 for this game as I've been told.

    Google exchange rates for different countries compared to the US for more info.

  • @face-0-o said in Pk-ing just for fun is wrong:

    @tarosd said in Pk-ing just for fun is wrong:

    @hydrofox96 said in Pk-ing just for fun is wrong:

    @tarosd Then this game is not worth $ 80.
    It should be free or at most $ 10, if I want a game just to have fun with my friends and laugh there are millions of free or not worth as much. Garry mod, gang beast, etcccetccetc ... I do not pay $ 80 for a game just to surf the sea and laugh with my friends, and like me many people, it does not make sense $ 80 for that goal.

    Good thing you only payed $60 for it then.

    But your assertion is ludicrous. Fun games should be free? You can't believe you payed money for a game that is meant to be fun? You also can't believe the game, which is designed for people to have stupid fun does not allow you to stroke your own ego with your endless list of achievements and rankings and kewl rewards?

    Oh noes, a major game is released that is fun and it cost money to buy!? oh the horror.

    Honestly if its a highly competitive pirate game you want which may have ship upgrades and rankings to stroke your own ego then perhaps Skull & Bones might suit you better? That game, in contrast to SOT is not designed to be fun and should suit you perfectly.

    Different countries have different currencies with different values. What sells for $60 in the US, doesn't in AUS. AUS players paid close to $100 for this game as I've been told.

    Google exchange rates for different countries compared to the US for more info.

    I'm well aware of that, I payed $78 for the game including VAT because I do not live in the US. It was a response to @hydrofox96 seeming to inflate the price simply to complain that and assert that it shouldn't be for fun.

  • @tarosd I agree with the point about skulls and bones, from what we have seen so far it looks like a game more focused on pvp than SoT is.

  • @tarosd said in Pk-ing just for fun is wrong:

    @face-0-o said in Pk-ing just for fun is wrong:

    @tarosd said in Pk-ing just for fun is wrong:

    @hydrofox96 said in Pk-ing just for fun is wrong:

    @tarosd Then this game is not worth $ 80.
    It should be free or at most $ 10, if I want a game just to have fun with my friends and laugh there are millions of free or not worth as much. Garry mod, gang beast, etcccetccetc ... I do not pay $ 80 for a game just to surf the sea and laugh with my friends, and like me many people, it does not make sense $ 80 for that goal.

    Good thing you only payed $60 for it then.

    But your assertion is ludicrous. Fun games should be free? You can't believe you payed money for a game that is meant to be fun? You also can't believe the game, which is designed for people to have stupid fun does not allow you to stroke your own ego with your endless list of achievements and rankings and kewl rewards?

    Oh noes, a major game is released that is fun and it cost money to buy!? oh the horror.

    Honestly if its a highly competitive pirate game you want which may have ship upgrades and rankings to stroke your own ego then perhaps Skull & Bones might suit you better? That game, in contrast to SOT is not designed to be fun and should suit you perfectly.

    Different countries have different currencies with different values. What sells for $60 in the US, doesn't in AUS. AUS players paid close to $100 for this game as I've been told.

    Google exchange rates for different countries compared to the US for more info.

    I'm well aware of that, I payed $78 for the game including VAT because I do not live in the US. It was a response to @hydrofox96 seeming to inflate the price simply to complain that and assert that it shouldn't be for fun.

    But... if you know that... and paid $80 yourself... why are you assuming he only paid $60? Lol.

    Personally, after being with the game for as long as I have, I would find it hard to drop $30 on it. However, since M$ has their name on it, they want a return on their investment and starting high and dropping the price gradually is how they aim to get it back fast. If I pay top dollar for a game that is labeled as a AAA title, I'm going to assume the content would be on par with that. If it's not, then the market will adjust the price accordingly in the first month or two. As it sits, the key points of the game being criticized are the price and the content for the price. They are viable complaints.

  • @tarosd It seems you have not understood me, but it's simple. If I pay $ 60 for a game, at least I hope it has a lot of content from the beginning, a lot to do, I do not pay $ 60 for a game in which I can only navigate without any objective. What fun it is to laugh with my friends and sail the boat, that's why I paid $ 60! For real? xD. Your answers make me think that you and your friends are bad enough in pvp, hence your answers without meaning and to pay $ 60 to navigate without objectives and laugh xD. If I pay $ 70, $ 60, $ 80 for a game must have a lot of content from the beginning, do not launch and continue as in the beta, is simple. $ 60 for the game in this state is ridiculous.

  • @face-0-o said in Pk-ing just for fun is wrong:

    @tarosd said in Pk-ing just for fun is wrong:

    @face-0-o said in Pk-ing just for fun is wrong:

    @tarosd said in Pk-ing just for fun is wrong:

    @hydrofox96 said in Pk-ing just for fun is wrong:

    @tarosd Then this game is not worth $ 80.
    It should be free or at most $ 10, if I want a game just to have fun with my friends and laugh there are millions of free or not worth as much. Garry mod, gang beast, etcccetccetc ... I do not pay $ 80 for a game just to surf the sea and laugh with my friends, and like me many people, it does not make sense $ 80 for that goal.

    Good thing you only payed $60 for it then.

    But your assertion is ludicrous. Fun games should be free? You can't believe you payed money for a game that is meant to be fun? You also can't believe the game, which is designed for people to have stupid fun does not allow you to stroke your own ego with your endless list of achievements and rankings and kewl rewards?

    Oh noes, a major game is released that is fun and it cost money to buy!? oh the horror.

    Honestly if its a highly competitive pirate game you want which may have ship upgrades and rankings to stroke your own ego then perhaps Skull & Bones might suit you better? That game, in contrast to SOT is not designed to be fun and should suit you perfectly.

    Different countries have different currencies with different values. What sells for $60 in the US, doesn't in AUS. AUS players paid close to $100 for this game as I've been told.

    Google exchange rates for different countries compared to the US for more info.

    I'm well aware of that, I payed $78 for the game including VAT because I do not live in the US. It was a response to @hydrofox96 seeming to inflate the price simply to complain that and assert that it shouldn't be for fun.

    But... if you know that... and paid $80 yourself... why are you assuming he only paid $60? Lol.

    Personally, after being with the game for as long as I have, I would find it hard to drop $30 on it. However, since M$ has their name on it, they want a return on their investment and starting high and dropping the price gradually is how they aim to get it back fast. If I pay top dollar for a game that is labeled as a AAA title, I'm going to assume the content would be on par with that. If it's not, then the market will adjust the price accordingly in the first month or two. As it sits, the key points of the game being criticized are the price and the content for the price. They are viable complaints.

    The price of the game hasn't bothered me, I've gotten far more out of this game than many others at even half the price. As to the supposed lack of content, this has far more to do with people playing with a completionist attitude in a game which is not meant for them and treating it like a fraction of a game because it does not cater to them. I find this attitude to be a bit absurd. Especially when you have so many games getting released as AAA games which are buggy messes that are not even playable at launch and little better than a dilapidated public beta. More content is coming, they surely could've used more time to add content before the game's launch but such is the nature of game development. The publishers want their deadlines fulfilled. That said, I've been nothing but impressed with how this game has been handled and its state at release, save for the server s***u.

  • @hydrofox96 said in Pk-ing just for fun is wrong:

    @tarosd It seems you have not understood me, but it's simple. If I pay $ 60 for a game, at least I hope it has a lot of content from the beginning, a lot to do, I do not pay $ 60 for a game in which I can only navigate without any objective. What fun it is to laugh with my friends and sail the boat, that's why I paid $ 60! For real? xD. Your answers make me think that you and your friends are bad enough in pvp, hence your answers without meaning and to pay $ 60 to navigate without objectives and laugh xD. If I pay $ 70, $ 60, $ 80 for a game must have a lot of content from the beginning, do not launch and continue as in the beta, is simple. $ 60 for the game in this state is ridiculous.

    Maybe this is some sort of fundamental difference between us. I do not require the game to hold my hand, pat me condescendingly on the head and tell me what to do, neither do my friends. We've greatly enjoyed PVP in the game and had nights where we'd sunken 2-3 galleons and raided their treasure as well as a handful of sloops. All while doing quests and having a blast! So i don't get your silly assertion that people who enjoy the game are bad at it. If you do not enjoy the game, why are you playing it?

31 out of 75