Coordinated Search for the Pirate Legends Tavern

  • I know this might be unlikely, but what if it is outside the map? Like where the sea grows red? I mean. It would be a good place to hide it. You know. Pirates don't really follow the rules so why should a hideout?

  • @manslaughterxd said in Coordinated Search for the Pirate Legends Tavern:

    I know this might be unlikely, but what if it is outside the map? Like where the sea grows red? I mean. It would be a good place to hide it. You know. Pirates don't really follow the rules so why should a hideout?

    I was thinking of this a lot but didn't have time to check. My other tip is a portal next to Plunder outpost, closer to the center of the map, there is a big rock formation with a nice hole in the middle, enough deep for a galleon to sail out and fit altogether. Or a hidden "door" of some sorts on one of the islands, but none seems big enough for ships.. my bet is on the red sea or the portal. :)

  • @kgmshylian yeah I saw that too. Never sailed through it though.

  • @manslaughterxd I did in the beta with a sloop. Both sides, night time too. Didn't wait for a storm, but did check it with spyglass once when there was a storm around there. Nothing. I think if it is there, it has to be activated first. Be "available" before you can access/see it.

  • My guess is you have to pour water on one of the unmarked rocks and that will cause a waterfall which will bring you there, not asking anyone to think this is right but if you have the time go try it.
    (I would but I dont have the time right now)

  • @dellaint a dit dans Coordinated Search for the Pirate Legends Tavern :

    Devil's Ridge: Big enough, has some waterfalls, has an underground cave system, did not find an entrance. Also, none of the waterfalls seem big enough. Note: The waterfall on the west side has a potential chest (mine was a Captain's about 3/4 of the way up).

    And there is a skull with a key on it, on this island ;)

  • The answer is right in front of you.

    Stop 'N' Swop reveals the island the Tavern is hidden on.

     There are more clues hidden there than you would think.
  • Go to sanctuary outpost talk to a man in the equipment shop named Tyler he tells you that he lost the key that opens a door under marauders refuge then go talk to the guy in the tavern and he says he has a key. I don’t know if this is the same thing as what Tyler has lost on the outpost.

  • I found the Tiki Cave S 16

  • What if the waterfall can't be entered from outside but can be exited from within? What if it can only be entered by a pirate legend? Would explain why we haven't found it yet and why it's said that you can bring in other players if you're a pirate legend.

  • @manslaughterxd said in Coordinated Search for the Pirate Legends Tavern:

    I know this might be unlikely, but what if it is outside the map? Like where the sea grows red? I mean. It would be a good place to hide it. You know. Pirates don't really follow the rules so why should a hideout?

    I did notice an island off in the red yesterday while sailing near the map's edge... I just figured it was probably just decor at the time, you know to make the world feel more full? But maybe I was on to something without realizing it...

  • Iam in thieves haven at the broken entrance where you just can jump ore shoot by cannon.
    If you are near to it, you can hear a waterfall. i think the tarvern could realy behind it.


  • @zulaklan

    Do you need a hook hand holding a lantern to open that rock? That's what it looks like to me lol.

  • @thomas-locke oh i dont know. but it would be cool if one can sail to it too and check the waterfallsound.

  • Got a feeling it's the simple Goonies reference. Entrance is below the Taverns, the stranger opens the door once you are legend. Once inside the legendary tavern you sail through the water fall which will teleport you into the world.

    Just guessing that you come flying out of the water where the large rocks are stacked that have a huge opening underneath them. (L13?) I believe is the location.

  • I went past crescent isle today and it looked like you would be able to steer a ship right through the rock face in the middle of the island

  • @casesugar401098 Incorrect sir. The devs have stated that you can find the tavern without being a legend. You just get it's exact location once you do hit legend

  • Posting for visibility 😀

  • @anna-reinette go explore it! Or give me the coordinates and I can as well. Is it on the north, south, east, or west side?

  • @manslaughterxd Haven't had time to go check it out again, I'm afraid! However I do remember that we were near the red in the shores of plenty, in the north. I think we were going towards the wilds at the time.

  • It appears the entrance is at every outpost near the middle left of the Tavern, you simply play the legend shanty in the middle and the ground starts to glow and a stairwell opens up. (Note: Prod1gyx opened his up at Ancient Spire Outpost, but guessing it can open at any)

  • @melbufrauma it can indeed open at any Outpost, you just need the shanty as the key.

  • During the beta I double checked the floors of all the taverns. I should have triple checked because looking now I see that there's a hole where you can see a chamber below just like with the skeleton forts but much smaller. XD

  • rare could have trolled everyone by just posting that every player in the game has found it, it would have driven people insane lol


    your welcome

  • “The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you understand?” – Jack Sparrow

  • @daphonic w*f is sunken temple?!?!?!

  • @dutchdeadschot this is my thoughts on mermaids hideaway. What if you had to sink the ship and turn it into a submarine lol. NO i KNOW!!!!!! you know how in pirates of the Caribbean sparrow and will go under water in the row boat and breath inside. What if you had to use a row boat submarine and go underneath mermaids hideaway

  • @zakne wait are you saying there are caves with sunken aztec temples? that's so bleeping cool

  • @jonathangmerlin too easy i think it's not there

  • @kure6 what island is that ? coordinates plzzzzz?

  • @anubis316 I dont wanna be that guy but I think we should all focus our energy and time on becoming pirate legends. This is a very very noble pursuit to be searching but I think it might be a waste of time that we could be using to become pirate legends. Lets all just become legends as quick as possible and then we can continue this search that way our time is spent most efficiently.

  • @draconic-etrius if it's a charted island and it's underwater then my money is on mermaids hideaway

  • @unkeptbean6214 Mate you have to consider: This thread started during the beta tests. Of course we are all after becoming a pirate legend since the launch.

  • according to one of my xbox friends who has played with pirate legeneds and has pirate legend stuff the pirate legends taven is like the ship of the dead in that it can be accessed from any tavern at any outpost and the ship is just left parked at the island like any other boat. if you want to keep searching you are more than welcome too but unless you have a pirate legend in your crew you will never find it.

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