What a beautiful afternoon on the sloop, alone, with tips!

  • I went out alone on the sloop today as usual. I used my own advice today on some tips for successful slooping by yourself and it worked fine.

    First, I selected a voyage and I equipped myself with 2 TNT barrels prior to beginning. I ventured out towards the island I needed to be at and along the way, I saw something shiny on a small island I was passing. It was a nice chalice worth a few hundred coins. I did not get greedy and turned around to turn it in right away since no one was around the outpost I just came from.

    I then returned to the island for the voyage and looked around for a while since I am not good at finding stuff in the riddles. I took a TNT barrel and hid it near my boat in the weeds. I did not put my shovel in the ground once I found the spot to dig until I got up high to see what was around. Sure enough, the time it took to find the spot, a sloop pulled up to my boat and started unloading their cannons into me sinking my boat. I still hadn't committed to the shovel so no loss yet and I ran down, got my TNT, swam under their boat and detonated it. I can't repeat the expletives I heard in game chat from them, but I got on board and killed one of them while he tried to repair. Their boat sank, and I took a Merman back to a new boat, never losing my voyage quest.

    I went back, finished the voyage and cashed in.

    My Tips for solo:

    1. Never commit to a dig or quest until you get up high and look around. If someone is near, don't start. Sit tight and have a Corona on the beach until it's safe.
    2. Don't get greedy, make frequent 1 item runs. Be patient. I know it takes time, but it beats loading multiple chests or skulls and losing them in an unexpected battle.
    3. If you see a skull in the sky, now is your time to work your voyages. The big boys are heading to the skull. Use the time to finish your work, still looking around for those annoying sloops.
    4. Have fun with the game. Don't take it seriously. Enjoy the scenery, the storms, the sailing. Practice your skills everywhere you go.
    5. Be nice.......until it's time not to be nice! (Quoted from the great Dalton)

    See you out there my friends!

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  • Nice to see in how many ways this game offers you to play. I enjoy playing slow-solo myself and enjoying the scenery and the feeling of sailing.

  • @bustarbox said in What a beautiful afternoon on the sloop, alone, with tips!:

    1. Never commit to a dig or quest until you get up high and look around. If someone is near, don't start. Sit tight and have a Corona on the beach until it's safe.

    Just said the same thing this morning, glad to see this as your #1 tip, I couldn't agree more strongly!

    Good tips!

  • Love it!

  • Well done Matey! Some Captains seem to be figuring out that the solo Sloop is actually very doable!

    I love the risk and danger associated with the solo adventure. However, ye must always be wary of yer surroundings...at all times!

    I use the same non-hoarding strategy as well. I get something nice I go and turn it in!

    Good sailing shipmate,
    Keep yer Hook shiny an yer Peg Leg vertical!

  • That backup barrel on the beach with you is a good one, I hadn't thought of that.

    Nice tips, thanks for sharing!

  • Do treasures despawn that quick? Didn't really get the tip with bringing chests one by one. I always hid them in some bushes and only when I had all of them I looked around. If it was safe, I moved chests to my sloop qucikly.

  • @notracistatall The tip for brining chests one by one is really meant for those afraid to venture out solo, and for voyages (so I'm clear). If you have an island with more then one chest on it, of course, get them both, but once your done, turn it in.

    The idea behind quick runs to the outpost is so you don't lose the voyages you bought and have ready to throw down for a vote. It's meant to give new players with a lack of skills (like me) a chance to build some confidence in the game and themselves before they get brave and add more risk.

    I don't think the chests despawn until you lose the voyage, either by cancelling it or leaving the server and starting new.

  • @bustarbox Can I also add a few more tips, please?

    As someone who sails both Sloops and Galleons, I've come across a lot of people who seem oblivious to the strengths and weaknesses of both.

    If you're soloing a sloop and are being chased by a galleon:

    (1) Use your tighter turning circle and shallower draft to manoeuvre between rocks/edges of storms/islands. You can dodge galleons all day with a bit of a practice,

    (2) Steer your smaller vessel into the wind if the galleon is behind you, as you're quicker into it than they are,

    (3) Fighting should be your absolute LAST DITCH effort. You could be outnumbered 4 -1, and one good broadside will finish you off. If you absolutely have to fight. ram them head on or from behind. With a bit of luck you'll force the crew to divide their attention between repairs/bailing/healing and you. Last minute cannon shots at the deck can also kill a pirate, reducing the number of foes you will have to fight at once. Then back to your ship (with loot if you're brave/foolhardy enough) and then hole them below the waterline whilst you try to run,

    (4) Try not shooting first and don't approach an island/outpost with an unknown vessel there. Not all SoT players are the rabid type, but may assume you're hostile (regardless of vessel size). Don't provoke or attract attention you don't want.

    Hope these also help.

  • @snaggletooth77 More great tips. Thanks.

  • @BusTarbox excellent write up and tips. I'm still very new to this game but I'm loving it. Have played a couple of times with friends in both the Galleon and the Sloop. But have absolutly loved to excitement of sailing the seven seas on the Sloop solo.

  • you forget one important detail... TURN OFF YOU BLASTED LANTERNS!!!

    besides that a thing i like to do as a solo. I keep track of where the Skeleton cannons are on the island and i park my ship JUST out of site of them. This way if someone does try to come up to your ship they will be attacked by sniper Skeletons while trying to attack you. It wont stop them but it'll slow them down for sure.
    Also as a general rule park on the far side of island thats not at the center (or on the side someone would sail if going to an outpost) if you can. More so when the island is the cloesest to the edge of the map. The less traffic the less chances someone will see you. On top of that squeeze in tight and park between rocks if you can. For islands that have rocks around squeeze in between the island. This will give you extra cover as well as help hide your mast/sails which are what people see most from the distance.

  • Wait, how do you repair holes in your ship?

  • If tis were life, I'd gladly sail under yar Captain...

    I'm a solo player, but I'm to hesitant to fight back, especially because they usually outnumber me 3 to 1... luckily, the Australian servers don't have as many players yet, so half the time I come across solo or 2 men sloops who are pretty good blokes.

  • @bb8orr2d2 Wooden planks...

  • @bustarbox THIS is exactly how I play but sometimes I either get too greedy or too full of myself and then lose it all. That's on me though. Great tips and I will be passing these onto my crew when they decide to go solo when the rest of us are offline.

  • @bustarbox Very nice post. I agree on all points.

    I would add that players should engage in and enjoy the piracy as well, both the giving and receiving ends of it.

  • @notracistatall no they never despawn unless they are in the water for a long time

  • Someone who gets it! I like your positivity. Never venture without a keg as a sloop.

    Being alone is one of the most challenging things, consider it before you set sail alone.

  • I like to play Alone too, but...
    When i need to sell animals in the "Ancient ... Outpost" ...
    My heart start to cry, cause always hv a Crew waiting for me there. Ready to sunk my boat and steal my precious goldy animals...
    ( The geography helps to hide the ships, turning there a perfect place to an ambush)

    My tip is:

    Starts selling Animals quest's farway from there. To the game sends you to other safer outpost.

  • I tend to sell after each island as well, but not so much because I'm afraid of getting robbed, but because I often lose my connection and all my loot and quest :( I haven't finished a quest in days.

    Also, is there a reliable place to get powder kegs near the outposts? Are forts the best bet?

  • @dinorna said in What a beautiful afternoon on the sloop, alone, with tips!:

    I tend to sell after each island as well, but not so much because I'm afraid of getting robbed, but because I often lose my connection and all my loot and quest :( I haven't finished a quest in days.

    Also, is there a reliable place to get powder kegs near the outposts? Are forts the best bet?

    Yes. You can find them randomly throughout the islands, but forts always have them. I've found anywhere from 2 to 12 at a fort before.

  • I had that situation happen to me recently. I was coming in to an outpost to cash in and I slowly pulled in to the dock area looking carefully around and at the last minute, I saw a Merman in the water (not mine of course) with no boat parked.

    I cranked the wheel and left quickly and took the time to find another outpost.

  • I'm copying this from a guide I wrote.

    *Rule #1. Always keep a weather eye, most importantly when anchoring off objective locations. Did someone see you approaching the island? The horizon should be clear of sails when stepping ashore.
    *Rule #2. Mind your silhouette. Try to lay anchor near large rock formations and similar, and by doing that, masking your silhouette from several angles. And turn those lanterns off. Don't anchor by the beach or lowlands, you'll stick out like a sore thumb.
    *Rule #3. The sloop is a rally car while the galleon is a top fuel dragster. Don't challenge it keeping a true course on the open sea. Use your tighter and faster turn radius and shallow draft to your advantage. Stay close to islands and formations, and use them!

  • @bustarbox

    Some great tips there, would love to see some of them shared in this collection if you feel able to, this goes for anyone else who has found some good strategies for survival out on the high seas!


  • @katttruewalker Feel free to copy and paste my tips there alongside your own.

  • @bustarbox Thank you, I'll add them to the thread :)

  • @bustarbox exactlt. this is how i do it. i still havent had my treasure stolen sailing alone since launch. i had some similar situations! lol

    glad you're enjoying it! maybe ill see yoy sometime! mwahahaha!

  • @abominavei
    Always approach an outpost from a wide position... When you round the island & see a ship there you are still a distance away & can turn away...
    If you swing in close & round the rocks into a galleon's lap, you will get punished- I learnt that early...
    Have soloed from the start... All the tips mentioned above will keep you alive...
    Play smart. Cash in often. Stay under the radar...
    @KattTruewalker Great to see you on the forums again! This lady knows her business- mark her words well... ;D

  • @katttruewalker

    And mine as well if you please.

  • @raging-spork I ony had one occasion where a sloop was gaining on me because the wind shifted (not in my favor). I had a Villainous Skull on board.

    I knew I might lose this because the other sloop had the position advantage.

    I steered my sloop with the wind and quietly dropped off the side of my boat out of view and swam to a small rock outcropping with the skull. I watched the other sloop continue to chase an unmanned boat out of view.

    I lost the skull to a few sharks on my butt, but I will never allow a Pirate to fancy up his outfit at my expense!

    Yarrr. Grog!

  • @bustarbox yep!!! i will happily lose my treasure to keep other pirates from it!

    once i was on an island lookimg for a chest and i saw a sloop headed my way (because i keep an eye out when im on islands alone, go figure) i thought they will probably just leave me be, but i was wrong, lol. which is fine! also why i keep a gun poweder barrel around.

    all i had on my boat was an empty chicken create, so i let them start to fire on my boat so they feel confident and happy! so i snuck over to thier boat and blew up the barrel underneath and then i boarderd and killes them!

    thier boat sank and guess what they had!! a captains chest, which i hid on the island and was able to head back to and pick up amd turn it!!

    it was a good trade, empty create for captains chest.

  • @raging-spork That's how you do it! Nicely done.

  • @bustarbox thanks!

  • @boldgame said in What a beautiful afternoon on the sloop, alone, with tips!:

    Nice to see in how many ways this game offers you to play. I enjoy playing slow-solo myself and enjoying the scenery and the feeling of sailing.

    Same, it helps alot to spot shipwrecks as well as any potential beach galores!

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