I went out alone on the sloop today as usual. I used my own advice today on some tips for successful slooping by yourself and it worked fine.
First, I selected a voyage and I equipped myself with 2 TNT barrels prior to beginning. I ventured out towards the island I needed to be at and along the way, I saw something shiny on a small island I was passing. It was a nice chalice worth a few hundred coins. I did not get greedy and turned around to turn it in right away since no one was around the outpost I just came from.
I then returned to the island for the voyage and looked around for a while since I am not good at finding stuff in the riddles. I took a TNT barrel and hid it near my boat in the weeds. I did not put my shovel in the ground once I found the spot to dig until I got up high to see what was around. Sure enough, the time it took to find the spot, a sloop pulled up to my boat and started unloading their cannons into me sinking my boat. I still hadn't committed to the shovel so no loss yet and I ran down, got my TNT, swam under their boat and detonated it. I can't repeat the expletives I heard in game chat from them, but I got on board and killed one of them while he tried to repair. Their boat sank, and I took a Merman back to a new boat, never losing my voyage quest.
I went back, finished the voyage and cashed in.
My Tips for solo:
- Never commit to a dig or quest until you get up high and look around. If someone is near, don't start. Sit tight and have a Corona on the beach until it's safe.
- Don't get greedy, make frequent 1 item runs. Be patient. I know it takes time, but it beats loading multiple chests or skulls and losing them in an unexpected battle.
- If you see a skull in the sky, now is your time to work your voyages. The big boys are heading to the skull. Use the time to finish your work, still looking around for those annoying sloops.
- Have fun with the game. Don't take it seriously. Enjoy the scenery, the storms, the sailing. Practice your skills everywhere you go.
- Be nice.......until it's time not to be nice! (Quoted from the great Dalton)
See you out there my friends!