Rainbow Halo on all surfaces

  • I was wondering if any one else is now encountering a strange halo that looks like an oil slick on all surfaces. Extremely noticeable around flames and on bright spots. Halo is a bad word, more like a surface reflection on everything from rocks to shadow. The rainbow effect stays within the geometry of the asset.

  • 11
  • @negitive-xero

  • @negitive-xero
    It goes away if i have the start bar at the bottom of the screen up?
    It goes away in window mode as well? I run a GTX 970M drivers from Nvidia
    Furthermore, it does not happen at 900p full screen only at native 1080p or 1080p. this is so strange.

  • @negitive-xero

  • @negitive-xero
    I will am trying to downgrade to an older driver from about a month ago hope this works. I do not think its a problem with the game. I'm almost certain its with the NVidia drivers.

  • @negitive-xero said in Rainbow Halo on all surfaces:


    It took me a minute to see what your talking about. You mean the 'green lines' (and perhaps the red ones) in this image?

    I have no actual response, no issues here. My Alienware and Asus laptops running this game operate on both 1070 and 970 respectively and I haven't noticed any visual concerns. Both with drivers updated two weeks ago.

    I have no advice, but I wonder if there is another issue, which is why I post.

  • @blooddoll22 I tried older drivers and nothing changed

  • @negitive-xero said in Rainbow Halo on all surfaces:

    @blooddoll22 I tried older drivers and nothing changed

    You know where this all leads don't you...

    If it's not a driver issue, not something in the game by default and is an actual error...

    you'll eventually have to uninstall and reinstall. Which I am sure will do little.

  • @blooddoll22 Looks to not be driver related but update related to SOT.
    I have not played on my pc in a few weeks. It appears to do with the way windows renders the app in full screen at native. Strange how 900p full screen has no issues but 1080p does. 1080p windowed aka alt+enter fixes it instantly its the strangest thing. It has to do with lighting and highlighting.

  • It appears to be a g-sync driver issue? Another game has the same issue. https://forums.playbattlegrounds.com/topic/36547-on-fullscreen-mode-i-see-red-green-and-sometimes-blue-fuzzy-lines/?do=findComment&comment=295467
    I'm gonna go back to 287.x driver

    Any one else have fullscreens g-sync coloring issue?

  • I verified it is related to g-sync. Once turned off no issues. Question is why 900p with g-sync performed without issue and 1080p would produce the artifacting. A support ticket was put in and I egerly await a response.

10 out of 11