Female pirates

  • I'm sure this has been brought up before but it would be nice to able to able to switch or customize the pirate face without losing anything(leveling) that you have done. A lot of SOT content is based on cosmetics but it seem like the female pirates are way lacking. Their bodies are like body builders and their faces are well, really ugly lol.

  • 14
  • I have seen very pretty women pirates.

  • @chief-beef-dsp What? Is it wrong for us to want our pirates to look good? Wanting to look nice is done for oneself and not your benefit.

    I did take a very long time picking my pirate but I've seen a lot of posts where people didn't know this would be their one and only. I can imagine there is some remorse out there.

  • @pumpkinkangaroo they should let people have 2 character changes without resetting theirs stats.

  • @doubledragun I'm not disagreeing. There has been talk from the devs about allowing a change possibly in the future. I don't know when or how but there is some hope!

  • I have a similar problem, but the characters are too attractive for my tastes.

    The problem seems to be that the IPG has a very limited amount of "archetypes" that it chooses from. The most prominent female types that I saw in my hundreds of rolls were the giantess, granny applehead, drag-queen contest winner, and butterface hotbody. I tried for a long time to get a dark skinned butterface with a missing eye and janky teeth and pink hair like I had in the beta. She was as ladylike as an unwashed pirate could be. I don't think I even saw a single character with the same hair or teeth that I had in the beta. Here's to hoping we get a chance to recreate characters with an editor.

  • My pirate is VERY pretty! I got super lucky and after a handful of rolls I got a nice slim gal with a very pretty face!

  • Guys, Beauty is on the inside, and you are pirates so we all ugly.

  • The problem is the IPG. I don't like it.
    It takes up half the slots with men and half with women.
    I have seen the same identical pirate types created.
    It is not ''infinite'' at all.
    I found the same pirate 3 times rolling for an hour.

    The wheel is designed to waste your time and burn up all of your patience.
    Rolling for pirates gets old fast when you see the same pirates over and over.

    There is no option to make them smile to see if they have all of their teeth.
    No way to see what kind of tattos and scars they have under their clothes.

    Don't like taking a gamble on a female pirate after looking for hours.
    Then find out she only has 3 teeth.
    Delete and spend another few hours hoping I find a good looking female pirate.

    A filter to pick male or female, body type, skin color, and hair color would speed up the IPG process and save hours.

    Adding emotes to the IPG would be great too.
    So you know what your pirate looks like before loading in game.

  • look at this handsome s*b
    alt text

  • @el-dunco lol!

  • @pumpkinkangaroo
    It's a joke.

  • I have no clue how many days I've been stuck on this IPG because I can't find the right female pirate for me. I really wish they could add some other feature to help out so I could actually be playing the game sooner rather than later...

6 out of 14