Naming Your Ship

  • It's bad luck to sail a ship with no least that's what they say (and I don't know who they are 🤣). With that said, did you name your ship? What's your ship's name and why did you name it that?

    My ship, I've named it Desire. I named it that cause it sails me to my desires.

  • 58
  • "Poseidon's Revenge" =)

  • Galleon: Unsinkable VI
    Sloop: She-Got-The-House

  • Mine is always called 'The Treasures Revenge'.
    One day while playing on a galleon with some rando's, we had been talking about possibly naming the ship. I pipped up with 'The Treasures Revenge' and liked it ever since. Though it has made it's name multiple times since then(stealing back treasure, or sinking another players ship that sank me), I do love just calling her Treasure for short.
    Also, the tag line of "Alright Treasure, let's get some Revenge" helps. XD

  • "The Pretty Penny" because even the smallest treasure is worth it. All for 1 gold and all gold for 1!

  • @thegreatluthe

    My ship is called the Dark-Water Witch, in memory of a fine war brig I sailed in the past in another world.

  • Happy-go-Lucky

  • @thegreatluthe The 'King's Justice' sails the high seas, bringing law to the lawless and collecting taxes owed to his royal highness for sailing his seas.

    The king judges you guilty until proven innocent (or sunk).

  • I think my crew have settled on “The Pearl Necklace” smh 🤦‍♂️

  • My ship is called "The Friend", because it is The Friend Ship.
    Yes, it is a bad pun, but my character looks a lot like a person I know who makes a lot of bad puns, so I decided to do my best impression of her and pun my ship name =)

  • The Sloop is Sloop Dogg (of course) and the Galleon is Shipfaced.

  • @crimsonraziel what happened to "Unsinkable I-V"?

  • Boaty McBoatface

  • @thegreatluthe
    Sloop: The Cloudcatcher
    Galleon: McKraken

  • We have a few Galleons in the fleet, "The Lone Pine", "Black Moclips", "Devilfish", "SubiWRX". Since we rotate roles each day each Captain has their own ship.

    When I sail solo my Sloop is "Sloop John B".

  • @crimsonraziel said in Naming Your Ship:

    Galleon: Unsinkable VI
    Sloop: She-Got-The-House

    Let me guess...The first five were unsinkable too.

  • The Revenge

    Emo, simple, menacing, cool, and somewhat easily to use in a phrase

    "You know why I sunk you? Revenge told me to!

  • @crimsonraziel said in Naming Your Ship:

    Galleon: Unsinkable VI

    And @SteelRoots55
    Dang, I've wanted "Unsinkable II" after seeing it on a small boat in a beer commercial in Australia. lol

  • The Inadequacy - My crew and I spent half an hour during beta switching servers, scuttling sloops and galleons, and sinking our own ship trying to get it to spawn in with any colors other than green on green. Eventually, we decided to call it a day and sail on our inadequate ship.

  • @thegreatluthe

    The Lexington, or Lady Lex.

    Named after the aircraft carrier from WWII, which in itself was named after another aircraft carrier (ex battlecruiser) lost at the Battle of the Coral Sea.

  • ive really been hoping they'll open an editor to let us design sails, and also name our ship, ive never heard of ships not having names, bad luck. they have a place for it right above the captains quarters, they just need to add one on the side or back as well, also should add a set of hamocks downstairs where the jail is since they are finally adding servers. i keep trying to figure out where the rest of the crew stays. could also really use a over the shoulder belt for extra ammo or cannon balls or bannanas whatever item you choose to stock it with, but only one choice each time, and also has to be earned or bought high dolla

  • @twiztedkarrtoon said in Naming Your Ship:

    could also really use a over the shoulder belt for extra ammo or cannon balls or bannanas whatever item you choose to stock it with, but only one choice each time, and also has to be earned or bought high dolla

    Rare said no vertical progression.

  • The name for my ship is :''Crooked Hope''

  • My ship would be called AFKWFC (Away from keyboard waiting for content)

  • "The Floater"......

  • Sloop is called Sloopwaffle, being a bad pun on Stroopwafel/Stroopwaffle. :p

  • @thegreatluthe

    I named my ship Lionel because there's a BIG gold lion on the front. 😆

  • The Dapper Parrot.

  • Sloop = Sloop Of Doom
    Galleon = The Kessel Run

  • @rumham636 I like the Kessel Run. I was originally going to do something like that, name both boats, but i was torn between two names for the galleon: The Purloined Walrus or The Iron Vessel, but I scratched it cause Im thinking of changing the name when making Pirate Legend from The Dapper Parrot to the Debonair Ruffian

  • @filibustersg Yeah originally I was going to have one name as well. Im a huge Star Wars fan so the Kessel Run was going to be the name. A lot of my early hijinks on a sloop earned it the name the sloop of doom on the sea of thieves xbox facebook page so I ran with it.

  • @thegreatluthe Banana bread.

  • @rumham636 Stick with what works eh? When in the Alpha, I called my boat The Stolen Voice, but when the Beta and Scale tests came it was changed to The Fury of the Sassanach

  • @walkthrough100 They all float down here...😆

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