Fix Red Sea exploit - move the loot back into the play area.

  • @urihamrayne said in Fix Red Sea exploit - teleport the loot back into the play area.:


    I have been very consistent in my posts, you are again warping my words to your whim which is what I complained when you quoted my line on loot which was in reference to the functionality of the wall, it doesn't have anything to do with loot in its purpose, but it is affecting it.

    Looks like I got one of your posts crossed with another in regards to the mechanics, I will cede that and I apologize. I do stand by the rest in regards to this being solely about the access to free loot and not a legitimate exploit as it in no way benefits one party over the other. That is not apologistic trite, that is simple fact. If the chaser were to get the loot free and clear with no effort as you desire, then you are using the barrier to your benefit and the detriment of others, and an exploit is born. It is not the barriers job to do the work for you and trap players. As it stands, it is lose/lose, equal, not beneficial to anyone, and not an exploit.

    There is no defense against this, there is no reason to defend this, this doesn't affect only the runners, it affects the entire environment of players that have each their different playstyles, there is no balance because there is very little counter play, this mechanic throws fair play out of the window.

    This is not true. There are 12 pages of defense for it, as well as against it. You just don't agree with it because you want free loot.

    Nothing about the barrier getting items permanently stuck is intended, it will never be for as long as I am here.

    You don't know that, the only thing you have is your opinion based on other mechanics in the game. I can just as easily say it is (and I have), and provide the many examples I have provided to back that up. The only thing your presence does is keep your opinion out there for everyone to see, it has no bearing on whether this is working as intended or not.

  • @archangel-timmy

    I'm not parading an opinion here, I also don't want free loot, I want this exploit patched, and that is what I'm going to get.

  • The red sea is a lame way to finish a battle I wish they would make it where it turned your ship back around instead and there would be a really rough sea so you could have a better opportunity to flee or be sunk by rogue waves.

    If a pirate isn't a coward he should be able to take the keg barrels and blow up his ship with them or just dump the loot overboard that's all fine because it's realistic and gives that battle a climatic ending that's not oh yeah he just sailed into the red zone.

  • @urihamrayne said in Fix Red Sea exploit - teleport the loot back into the play area.:


    I'm not parading an opinion here, I also don't want free loot, I want this exploit patched, and that is what I'm going to get.

    Thank for the short reply, I was working on shortening things up here as well. These long back and forth comments are getting a bit out of hand...

    I disagree, for the most part this is all opinion. Only people who know one way or the other have yet to comment (Rare). It is also your opinion that you are going to get your way.

  • To keep things simple for new readers, here are my point for keeping it as is with a small change that would work for all parties.

    I don't feel this is an exploit because it doesn't benefit one player over the other, everyone loses and saves time from a pointless chase.

    I am for current functionality because:

    • Equal Loss: Runner and Chaser lose out on loot.
    • Puts an end to hour long chases, which are ridiculous.
    • Doesn't favor PVP over PVE
      I am against the proposed changes because:
    • Favors PVP by giving them an advantage.
    • Incentivizes long chases by taking choices away.
    • Gives loot with little to no thought or effort.

    Favorable Options:

    • Make the Red Sea more hazardous to make it more difficult to get to the barrier. This will give the pursuer a chance to catch them and put actual work into getting the loot and give the runner a chance to escape one way or another.
  • The solution is to sink them before they make it to the red sea. If you can't do that just take the loss and move on. Other ships to plunder.

  • @archangel-timmy

    "Equal Loss: Runner and Chaser lose out on loot."
    But it iis not fair play, as the advantageous position of the runner garantees are higher success of peforming the exploit, than the chaser of preventing it. Which gets worse considering in the future new rare world even items will exist in game, having them be griefed into an unobtainable state could prove problematic, due to the lack of counterplay.
    "Puts an end to hour long chases, which are ridiculous."
    The current system does indeed end a chase quickly, but its one out of many strategies that players can employ to scare, defeat or outplay their foes, those remain intact.
    "Doesn't favor PVP over PVE"
    And neither does the proposed patch to the barrier.

    "Favors PVP by giving them an advantage."
    That is vague, what advantage?
    "Incentivizes long chases by taking choices away."
    There is only one choise being removed from the table, the myriad of other strategies remain intact, the impact on long chases is minimal, most players would still be afraid of following anyone into the red sea over loot.
    "Gives loot with little to no thought or effort."
    That choise is at the hand of the chased, the proposed change doesn't force a state that player gives their loot. And the chasers still have to employ skill and strategy to catch them.

    Now I understand why you are against my proposal, because you have a warped view of what is actually going to be the impact of it. Nothing you mentioned is actually going to happen, players merely lose the ability to get items stuck beyond a barrier, nothing else.

  • @entspeak said in Fix Red Sea exploit - teleport the loot back into the play area.:

    The Red Sea is there so that we don’t have invisible walls - it is the SoT version of “Return to Combat Area”. If you stay, you sink and will not be able to prevent that from occurring. It’s purpose is to keep people in the play area. It’s purpose is not to provide place to dump loot so that nobody can get to it without the game trying to sink them for being out of bounds.

    Currently, it is possible to sail your ship out far enough, that even by swimming, other players are teleported back before they can reach the floating loot.

    If a player is going to lose loot and is willing to sink rather than fight, they should just surrender or scuttle their ship. They shouldn't be allowed to take the loot out of the play area.

    An easy fix for this exploit: if a ship with loot sinks in the Red Sea, the loot is teleported in a straight line back to the play area and birds appear over it, so that it can be found by others or eventually respawn.

    Make the red sea act like the Krakon's inky darkness. Any ship that comes in contact with it drops speed significantly and takes heavy damage. Meanwhile, players can still swim around it with ease, until the excessive sharks begin to spawn and eat them up. Adjust it so the sharks keep spawning around players in the red sea just enough to deter more than a few seconds worth of loot grabbing in and out of the waters. There you have it. Anyone who dares run to the red sea meets an almost immediate stop, and the chaser gets the advantage from that point forward.

    Prolonged naval engagements and chases are a blight to the fun of this game, and need to be dealt with. Suggestions have been made here some time ago on this: take a look and feel free to add your thoughts on it.

  • @entspeak said in Fix Red Sea exploit - teleport the loot back into the play area.:

    @pure-rare said in Fix Red Sea exploit - teleport loot back to gaming area.:

    @entspeak said in Fix Red Sea exploit - teleport loot back to gaming area.:

    The Red Sea is there so that we don’t have invisible walls - it is the SoT version of “Return to Combat Area”. If you stay, you sink and will not be able to prevent that from occurring. It’s purpose is to keep people in the play area. It’s purpose is not to provide place to dump loot so that nobody can get to it without the game trying to sink them for being out of bounds. If a player is going to lose loot and is willing to sink rather than fight, they should just surrender or scuttle their ship. Taking the loot off the board is simply being a poor loser.

    An easy fix for this exploit: if a ship with loot sinks in the Red Sea, the loot is teleported in a straight line back to the play area and birds appear over it, so that it can be found by others or eventually respawn.

    How is this an exploit? This is how the game works. The ship you were chasing had his loot on-board and you are not good enough to take it.
    I'd say it is you that is the bad loser here.

    Your belief, then, is that the Red Sea was designed with intentionally taking loot out of the play area in mind? You believe that was the devs intent in creating the Red Sea?

    First of all, he never said that was the specific design intention of the red sea, what you did there is what is called a straw man argument... That is a fallacy, good sir.
    What he said is that you weren't good enough to ensure the treasure ended up in your posession, which is 100% true, mate.
    Look at his upvotes, then compare it to yours... No, it's not just "his belief". xD

    Thing is, when hunting an animal, you need to pace yourself, if you s***k the animal off a cliff into a "bottomless pit" where you can't retrieve the animal's corpse for dinner... That's YOUR mistake, mate. xD

    If you push your target too hard, you will lose more than you gain... That's the lesson here, that's what you did not learn from your experience.

    You need to consider your environment when playing this game, the environment is a factor that matters... So no, the devs wont make the hunt easier for you by handing you the treasure you flushed down the drain on a silver platter.

    Consequences are part of the gaming experience, live with it.

  • @urihamrayne said in Fix Red Sea exploit - teleport the loot back into the play area.:

    Now I understand why you are against my proposal, because you have a warped view of what is actually going to be the impact of it. Nothing you mentioned is actually going to happen, players merely lose the ability to get items stuck beyond a barrier.

    If anything is warped, it is your sense of entitlement. If a player makes it to that point, you failed as a pirate and shouldn't get to dictate what happens to that loot since it isn't in your possession. You didn't earn the loot, you are not losing anything and you deserve nothing.

    By making your change you are giving players a tool to box in other players. You say nothing I mention will happen, but it already does. Players don't just run straight for the barrier, they are chased out there, and since you can't catch them you want to wait for them to disappear and collect free loot that was not earned as you were evaded. If you trap them at an island, that is one thing as they still have other options thanks to the environment. Cornering them with an invisible wall out in the middle of the ocean only benefits one side, the chaser.

    The chaser is now using the barrier for their benefit to the detriment of others, a good example of exploitation... The barrier as it is gives nothing to either side, and takes equally from both. It is not advantageous to the runner, if the runner had any advantage it is directly related to your failures that allowed them to get out ahead of you.

  • @entspeak nope. If I can’t have the loot, you can’t either. So you can either get better or stop crying.

  • @archangel-timmy

    You are assuming that I am a chaser, that is a mistake, you don't know me.

    I don't know if you noticed but the red sea is huge, you can box a person in smuggler's bay, but you can't box anyone in the red sea, there are no enviromental obstacles. If a person goes to the red sea its their choise, they will face the consequences for going there if they are not prepared for it or their strategy fails, but that doesn't mean they can't find success. The red sea is still an option after my proposed patch, because I'm not creating a box, I'm making an exploit dissapear.

    The chaser can hardly ever dictate the direction where the runner goes, most of the time the runner is the one in charge of his own escape route, so I have no idea where is this ad hoc excuse is coming from.

    And even then, most of you claim that the runners are always winning, and "I" am always losing loot I don't deserve, so that implies that the implementation of this fix to the exploit is entirely harmless to the current environment, as runners are always defeating "people like me" since I am "coming here to cry about it".

  • @urihamrayne said in Fix Red Sea exploit - teleport the loot back into the play area.:

    I don't know if you noticed but the red sea is huge, you can box a person in smuggler's bay, but you can't box anyone in the red sea, there are no enviromental obstacles.

    It is possible, even if you can't accomplish it. They can get pinned into a corner or get stuck going N/S or E/W while the chaser follows suit along side at a distance. You are creating an exploit by taking a choice a way and forcing another after you lost the initial encounter and allowed the chase to begin.

    The chaser can hardly ever dictates the direction where the runner goes, most of the time the runner is the one in charge of his own escape route, so I have no idea where is this ad hoc excuse is coming from.

    Whether the attacker has the element of surprise or not, they have the ability to plan their advance on the runner. Wind direction, obstacles, other ships in the area, etc.. These all give the attacker plenty of options to make their move against a boat that is usually parked off an island. If the attacker fails to predict the runner, out plan the runner, at any point let the runner have an advantageous lead, then the attacker has lost. Any chase is pointless and drawn out.

    And even then, most of you claim that the runners are always winning, and "I" am always losing loot I don't deserve, so that implies that the implementation of this fix to the exploit is entirely harmless to the current environment, as runners are always defeating "people like me" since I am "coming here to cry about it".

    The runners aren't winning, it is a stalemate in which the best course of action is to stop wasting time and break even. Nobody gets the loot. If they were clearly winning there wouldn't be a point in calling it a wash.

  • @archangel-timmy The choise was entirely from the runner to go to the red sea, calling this an exploit on the chaser part is very illogical, this is just an excuse to pretend that my solution to the exploit creates another exploit, but its incredibly falty.

    And if the chaser has the opportunity to plan their advance that also means the runner can plan his escape, and if he fails to escape it wasn't an inherent disadvantage, and rather his failiure, he lost. He had plenty of options to avoid getting captured yet he was outplayed... see how derivative this is, it is literally an excuse to pretend that the fault is on the attacker and on a fix to an exploit rather than a combined set of circumstances that by luck or skill were what defined who was the victor in the pvp encounter.

    The best course of action depends entirely on circumstance, you have options, you have choises, the game doesn't suddenly become deterministic because I fixed an exploit.

  • @urihamrayne said in Fix Red Sea exploit - teleport the loot back into the play area.:

    @archangel-timmy The choise was entirely from the runner to go to the red sea, calling this an exploit on the chaser part is very illogical, this is just an excuse to pretend that my solution to the exploit creates another exploit, but its incredibly falty.

    You assume the runners b-line it to the red zone, which entirely false. There are choices leading up to this, and it could be a variety of things.

    • The chaser is pontlessly relentless, they are not going to be caught, give up and stop wasting time.
    • The chaser drove them there but were unable to claim the prize. The chaser lost, give up and stop wasting time.

    The exploit you want to create would force these players to give up a choice they should be allowed to have. In the end, if the chaser couldnt get them loot before the chase and can't gain ground, they do not deserve the prize, plain and simple. Your new ecploit would just hand them a prize for their failures, hurray for participation medals...

    And if the chaser has the opportunity to plan their advance that also means the chaser can plan his escape, and if he fails to escape it wasn't an inherent disadvantage, and rather his failiure, he lost. He had plenty of options to avoid getting captured yet he was outplayed... see how derivative this is, it is literally an excuse to pretend that the fault is on the attacker and on a fix to an exploit rather than a combined set of circumstances that by luck or skill were what defined who was the victor in the pvp encounter.

    If the attacker failed to get the loot before a long pointless chase, then it is literally their fault. They failed, get over it and move on. Creating an exploit to reward them for their failures is not a positive experience for anyone, except the loser in this case which happens to be the chaser. They lacked the skill to take out their target, target got away.

    The best course of action depends entirely on circumstance, you have options, you have choises, the game doesn't suddenly become deterministic because I fixed an exploit.

    By taking away choices with the exploit you want to add, you are creating instances where things can become restricted, taking choices away from one and giving them to the other.

  • @archangel-timmy

    You are saying that because the runners fail to escape, the chasers don't deserve the loot, which is some mental gymnastics to twist the perspective of what really happens in pvp. They lose one choise but they get to keep dozens, if the runner choses to b-line to the red sea its their choise, nothing was imposed, if their decision making leads them to being cornered and defeated, you can't spin the narrative to blame the chasers of having an "exploitative advantage", that makes no sense. What defines the end of a chase? An arbitrary time limit? Isn't the indicative of victory to the runners the abillity to create distance in a way that they secure their loot? Or that they turn against their chasers and defeat them? How many other options will you purposely ignore to maintain the fallacy that chasers lose because of some unspoken time limit?

    There is only one singular choise I aim to remove, you imply a plural of choises, which is another fallacy. The choise that shouldn't be here that is to abuse an exploit, the only exploit that isn't a fallacious argument, the one you failed to disprove and time and time again you spiral deeper into this descent of denial and special pleading. The barrier exploit needs to be patched.

  • @entspeak you make me wish there was a violin in the game.

  • @urihamrayne said in Fix Red Sea exploit - teleport the loot back into the play area.:


    I'm parading an opinion here, I want free loot, I want this, and that is what I'm going to get.

    Fixed this for you to be more accurate.

    "that is what I'm going to get?"
    Such an entitled statement.
    You no longer have any credibility and should not be allowed to have an opinion.

  • WAAAAAA, someone is playing the game they paid for in a way I don’t like and doesn’t benefit me, please make them stop. 🙄

  • I dont think taking loot to the red sea is an exploit. I mean its in the game so they had to have assumed ppl would run and take their loot to the grave with them. There is no way this was overlooked.
    Of course with the way the patch was handled today i am starting to wonder if they test anything...

  • I use the Red Sea often when they have a greedy Pirate who is 40min behind me and never gives up ... So I step close to some outpost and deliver my trunk (or whatever I have to deliver) and let my boat go to the Red Sea !! It's so fun to watch the other player chase a ghost ship !!! hahahahahaha

  • I'm not running into the Shroud to simply deny some agrro'd tryhard a little easy loot... I'm just visiting my Uncle Davy and bringing him some presents! ;)

    OT... This mentioning of the "winner" being denied what's theirs is laughable! You "self identifying as the winner" due to chasing someone around endlessly, and thus being "due" any reward at the end, doesn't make it so!

    You want some compensation for your time? Well so did/does the runner! In their case, it's getting the loot to an outpost. If they feel that your relentless pursuit is making that untenable, and thus they decide to break and "run for the red"... Your only option is then, stop them and take the loot before they get there!

    If you can't (or didn't), then you didn't "WIN" anything and thus aren't entitled to anything!

    In this instance it's an equal outcome result! Nobody gets anything in the exchange, and thus isn't an exploit!

    You can say they should just git gud and turn and try to fight you from taking their time, loot, and xp... to that I can say git gud at chasing and overtaking them... to "earn" it!

  • If you can't catch them in time to get the loot that's your problem.

    Nothing to fix here

    ...git gud

  • @sweltering-nick said in Fix Red Sea exploit - teleport the loot back into the play area.:

    Your belief, then, is that the Red Sea was designed with intentionally taking loot out of the play area in mind? You believe that was the devs intent in creating the Red Sea?

    First of all, he never said that was the specific design intention of the red sea, what you did there is what is called a straw man argument... That is a fallacy, good sir.

    First, a question can’t be a straw man argument - it’s a question. Second, he said, “How can this be an exploit? This is how the game works.” Given that an exploit is related to the intention of developers, saying “this is how the game works” leads to that legitimate question.

    What he said is that you weren't good enough to ensure the treasure ended up in your posession, which is 100% true, mate.
    Look at his upvotes, then compare it to yours... No, it's not just "his belief". xD

    Appeal to popularity.

    Thing is, when hunting an animal, you need to pace yourself, if you s***k the animal off a cliff into a "bottomless pit" where you can't retrieve the animal's corpse for dinner... That's YOUR mistake, mate. xD

    If you push your target too hard, you will lose more than you gain... That's the lesson here, that's what you did not learn from your experience.

    You need to consider your environment when playing this game, the environment is a factor that matters... So no, the devs wont make the hunt easier for you by handing you the treasure you flushed down the drain on a silver platter.

    Consequences are part of the gaming experience, live with it.

    If you’d read this thread, you’d know that your advice falls flat with me. I didn’t create this thread because I’m a chaser. I created this thread because there are people who sail the edge of the map and turn into the Red Sea solely as a means of avoiding the consequences of sailing with a ton of loot on their ship. Theft is a fundamental aspect of the game. I don’t believe the devs created the Red Sea so that players could say, “If I can’t have it, neither can you.” That seems to me to go against the concept of needing to actually protect your stuff from theft. If the devs wanted a way for players to take their chests and skulls out of play, they’d have created a way to do that inside the map.

  • @urihamrayne said in Fix Red Sea exploit - teleport the loot back into the play area.:


    You are saying that because the runners fail to escape, the chasers don't deserve the loot, which is some mental gymnastics to twist the perspective of what really happens in pvp. They lose one choise but they get to keep dozens, if the runner choses to b-line to the red sea its their choise, nothing was imposed, if their decision making leads them to being cornered and defeated, you can't spin the narrative to blame the chasers of having an "exploitative advantage", that makes no sense. What defines the end of a chase? An arbitrary time limit? Isn't the indicative of victory to the runners the abillity to create distance in a way that they secure their loot? Or that they turn against their chasers and defeat them? How many other options will you purposely ignore to maintain the fallacy that chasers lose because of some unspoken time limit?

    There is only one singular choise I aim to remove, you imply a plural of choises, which is another fallacy. The choise that shouldn't be here that is to abuse an exploit, the only exploit that isn't a fallacious argument, the one you failed to disprove and time and time again you spiral deeper into this descent of denial and special pleading. The barrier exploit needs to be patched.

    i'm pretty sure it is not an exploit because by definition the utilization of it would result in a gain for the user. Obviously they gain nothing by doing it but lost loot and a lost ship, not to mention the lost time. I would say its more of a cheap way to be and lack of skill on both the chaser and chased. I agree with many of the other posts as far as if thats the cheap route they decide to take and you don't stop them it's on you for not being able to. It's no different than logging in, not even make it to your ship yet due to supply gathering, and someone starts blowing holes in your ship and boards it and starts killing you. The "exploit" you describe is no different than the aforementioned "exploit".

    It does not remove anything from the PVP aspect as again its a cheap way out. It's no different than any other PVP style game where you can kill yourself instead of letting someone else kill you. Or since we are on xbox and PC using party chat as a spotting tool in such PVP games as the team chat is no longer blocked. Again it's all cheap cop outs but with proper maneuvering and skill and a little practice on both you can prevent them from running. The chaser still "wins" because the chased ship is out of a ship and anything on it.

  • @archangel-timmy For some, there’s no need to b-line, they sail the edge of the map and turn into it if someone chooses to go after them - that’s how they play the game. This is the behavior that prompted me to start this thread. This isn’t really about chasing, it is about people feeling that their “hard-earned” rewards shouldn’t be taken by another player. But this game is about theft. The devs have made that clear. None of those “hard-earned” rewards are yours until you get them to an outpost.

    The advantage to the runner is that they can use the threat of the Red Sea as a means of avoiding the consequences of their actions and prevent theft.1 Given that theft is such a fundamental part of gameplay, I don’t believe the Red Sea was created with that in mind - which is why this is an exploit. If the devs wanted there to be a means of denying chests and skulls to all parties, it would be possible to do that within the bounds of the map.

    1 Barring bugs, glitches, and disconnects, any loss of loot in this game is the fault of the person carrying it.

  • @entspeak really wish people wouldnt whine over spilt milk

  • @entspeak it's my treasure until you take it. If you try, I'm going to make sure neither of us gets it. If you don't like it, get better at trying to stop me(us).

  • @pikavenger The devs would not agree with you:

    We've made decisions where all quest rewards are physical, and all of that stuff is never truly yours until you get back to the outpost. We believe in the paranoia of having that stuff on the ship because you know that someone can come and take it.

    • Mike Chapman, Rare

    Nowhere have they mentioned that the Red Sea is a mechanic intended for you take your loot off the map and out of the game as a means of preventing someone from coming and taking it. If they wanted you to be able to prevent someone from stealing it by removing it from the map, they’d have put in a way to do that inside the play area.

  • @entspeak

    "First, a question can’t be a straw man argument"

    Just because you added a question mark, doesn't necessarily mean it's a legitimate question. You phrased it like a statement, and asked a question regarding an argument he never made as a rhetorical question, as if to make a point.

    You were making an argument, with a question... You're not immune to making a straw man just because you slapped a question mark onto something, mate.

    "Appeal to popularity."

    ... It's literally not just his belief, though. Besides, if the forum suggestions aren't popular... chances are those suggestions wont make it into the game...

    So i'm afraid popularity matters... Rare implements what the majority wants. The majority is against your idea... Their opinions and thoughts behind disagreeing with you could be all kinds of incorrect, but they still disagree with your suggestion.

    Make peace with the fact that sometimes, majority or popularity or whatever you want to call it, actually matters... Not always, but sometimes.

    "If you’d read this thread, you’d know that your advice falls flat with me."

    I know, but i engage in madness, as a hobby... So i told you anyway.
    I'm fully aware that you wont learn anything from this forum thread, given you're not learning from your hunting failures.

    "I didn’t create this thread because I’m a chaser."

    And yet, your suggestion, is made to convenience chasers and remove the consequences of pushing their targets too hard... Your suggestions benefits chasers only, nobody else. A heavy-handed change that makes the game easier for chasers, for no other reason than: "boohoo, i "accidentally" pushed my target into the red sea, now their treasure is lost there, that's unfair!" when it was the chasers own fault for pushing the target in there to begin with.

    "I created this thread because there are people who sail the edge of the map and turn into the Red Sea solely as a means of avoiding the consequences of sailing with a ton of loot on their ship."

    Are you serious? Of course there are consequences for target if they sail into the red sea... They lose their treasure mate... They lose their treasure anyway, they just don't want you to have it. Of course there are consequences, what the bloody hell are you talking about?!

    They are in possession of the treasure, so they decide what to do with the treasure.. If they want to deny the chasers their chance to get the treasure, that's their choice.

    Your failure to realize these things is what makes me think you're a chaser... There's a clear bias behind your suggestion (given the inconsistencies behind your arguments), and it obviously only favors the chasers, not the chased.

    "Theft is a fundamental aspect of the game."

    So is risk vs reward... Play smart, or face the consequences.

    "I don’t believe the devs created the Red Sea so that players could say, “If I can’t have it, neither can you.”"

    It's more like "if your fight has reached this far... It's time to give up, otherwise you're gonna just gonna lose more than you gain."

    If you've spooked your target into the read sea, mate... You messed up, that means give up and try again another time... 'cus you're not good enough to get the treasure before you reach the red sea, so you don't deserve the treasure to begin with.

    This means, get the enemy, whilst they are unaware of your presence, get the enemy with tricks before they get a chance to get to the red sea, etc... If you can't do that, find a different and easier target elsewhere, simple as that.

    Rare isn't going to guarantee you success against passive players, mate, simple as that... You're not ever going to be guaranteed treasure if you chase a target long enough... Because you're not guaranteed treasure to begin with, another fundamental part of the game, is that you are not ever guaranteed treasure. :P

    "That seems to me to go against the concept of needing to actually protect your stuff from theft."

    Sailing into the red sea to dump your treasure to the depths to prevent other pirates from getting it, is indeed protecting your stuff from theft... By disposing of the treasure completely. xD

    Just because the original owner doesn't have it, doesn't mean the treasure isn't protected from the likes of YOU, for instance.

    "If the devs wanted a way for players to take their chests and skulls out of play, they’d have created a way to do that inside the map."

    Or maybe, just maybe the Red Sea is intended to encourage players to keep their fights inside the map? In other words, don't push your targets too hard, otherwise the fight will spill off the edge of the world causing you BOTH to lose...

    See, robbing ships in Sea of Thieves is like fishing... When you feel a nip, you pull back gently to ensure the hook attaches onto the fish properly, if you pull too hard, the hook either destroys the fish's mouth and sets the fish free and the fish swims away, or it doesn't get a chance to attach to the fish at all and the fish swims away.

    Basically, if you notice the enemy is heading into the red sea... Give up on them and go elsewhere, because you have reached a dead-end in the fight... You can't sink them fast enough to prevent them from dumping the treasure deep into the red sea anyway... And you can't retrieve the treasure from the red sea... So you might as well give up on them and prevent the treasure from getting wasted to begin with... Or here's the shocker, like a proper fisherman, pretend to give up (give the fish a lot of line to make it think it's free), and come back when the enemy has returned, and be sneaky about it if possible.

    Don't pull hard, pull gently.
    Be smart, or be a failure, simple as that.

  • @entspeak said in Fix Red Sea exploit - teleport the loot back into the play area.:

    @pikavenger The devs would not agree with you:

    We've made decisions where all quest rewards are physical, and all of that stuff is never truly yours until you get back to the outpost. We believe in the paranoia of having that stuff on the ship because you know that someone can come and take it.

    • Mike Chapman, Rare

    While nothing is truly yours until it hits an outpost (gold/rep), if the items are in ones possession, they get to dictate what happens to those items.

    • If they want to get the gold/rep, they turn it in.
    • If they want to give it to you, they can.
    • If they want to take it out of play, they can.

    Unless taken away of course, then it is up to the next person to decide what to do with it.

    Nowhere have they mentioned that the Red Sea is a mechanic intended for you take your loot off the map and out of the game as a means of preventing someone from coming and taking it. If they wanted you to be able to prevent someone from stealing it by removing it from the map, they’d have put in a way to do that inside the play area.

    A lack of explicit documentation/reference on their part isn't confirmation of your opinion though. Most of the specific mechanics of the game are undocumented outside of the company, so to say they didn't address this exact scenario directly somewhere means it wasn't intended is an assumption, an assumption I feel is inaccurate.

    This post has 13 pages now with people going back and forth, it has been on the front page more than most other discussions, and Rare hasn't acknowledged it one way or the other. By your logic above, since they haven't mentioned it, and surely by now they have at least noticed this discussion, then they do not share your opinion and the barrier functions as expected. That is another assumption and it would be great if they acknowledge this one way or the other.

    Heck, animals can be taken out of play. If a player doesn't want another to have their chicken, they can take it out of play very easily. They should have the same choice with other loot as well. I am sure Rare didn't expect players to board enemy ships and needlessly slaughter their live-stock. It is loot which can be turned in, and the killing benefits neither side, it actually causes grief to one side. But that is a mechanic of the game, a mechanic that Rare didn't come out and say "Hey, we built this into the game because we want you to do it and take the loot out of play".

  • @archangel-timmy said in Fix Red Sea exploit - teleport the loot back into the play area.:

    Heck, animals can be taken out of play. If a player doesn't want another to have their chicken, they can take it out of play very easily. They should have the same choice with other loot as well. I am sure Rare didn't expect players to board enemy ships and needlessly slaughter their live-stock. It is loot which can be turned in, and the killing benefits neither side, it actually causes grief to one side. But that is a mechanic of the game, a mechanic that Rare didn't come out and say "Hey, we built this into the game because we want you to do it and take the loot out of play".

    what a wonderful observation.

  • @archangel-timmy

    Unlike animals there is no explicit mechanic that allows for the destruction of loot, which is what @entspeak referenced. Animals aren't invulnerable, but chests are impervious to all damage, all items are immune to damage, and still, animals are everywhere and can be recovered even if they die on the ship, they don't become unretriavable, so the comparisson with animals is a false correlation. If there was a way to destroy loot, it would have been designed to be used inside the play area, if there was a volcano ingame that you could go to to sacrifice any item you wanted I would be worried of the prospect of griefing but I would accept that it was an intended feature by the devs since its a very clear system in the game.


    What is this arbitrary time limit I keep hearing over and over again. Who dictates the correct amount of time someone is allowed to engage in a chase? If it's the chaser than they can prolong it for as long as they want, right? But if it is the runner than they can end a chase imediately? Who balances this?

    The truth is that there is no arbitrary time limit, its the players with their decisions that dictate the flow of a pvp encounter. If the barrier is being used to end a chase that is fine, what is alien to the entire thing is the loot being stuck there, its an unecessary exploitative tactic, seeing how obtuse this mechanic is in comparrison to everything in the game you can do to chasers.

  • I reckon if a boat with loot runs away and sinks in the red sea their loot should be carried to my boat by magical unicorns and no matter where I am in the server it should go to me its only fair like.....

  • @pixelhood no it shouldn't

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