Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop

  • This article is for those who can't accept why the 4 man sloop is a bad idea. Here's the full list:

    • The Sloop is too nimble and can turn more easily than a Galleon, making it easier to anchor close to shore, whereas the Galleon takes longer to turn and is more bulky and difficult to park. If four players could use a Sloop, players trying to get missions done would all use the sloop as it is far easier to get around in and to manoeuvre, making it very useful for Gold Hoarders and Merchant Alliance missions.

    • The Sloop is smaller than the Galleon and it is easier to run upstairs and downstairs on a sloop. A four man crew on a sloop could easily patch up all the holes in a ship and empty water out from the bottom if attacked by a galleon.

    • While the sloop only has one cannon on either side of the ship, since it is easier to turn than the galleon, the sloop can easily sail around the galleon and constantly barrage it with cannonballs from the front and back, where there are no cannons to counter the sloop.

    • The sloop has the same mount of storage as the galleon (apart from one cannonball barrel), so players will never bother using the galleon anymore unless they require it for Order of Souls missions (as four cannons makes those missions easier) and players can store just as much bananas and planks on a sloop.

    • The sloop can be operated efficiently with only 2 players, allowing the other two to attack an enemy galleon, whereas the galleon requires 4 to operate efficiently (3 on the sails, 1 on the wheel). This is a major advantage for the sloop.

    Ultimately a 3 or 4 man sloop is too overkill against a galleon. They have the same storage (minus 100 cannonballs), it can be efficiently steered by only 2 people (the galleon needs more), it turns faster than the Galleon and is faster unless the Galleon catches the wind, and it is easier to repair a sloop than a Galleon if you have 4 people on both teams.

    Adding additional player slots to the sloop is unfair unless the Galleon also has an increased amount of players allowed on, and really, if you're asking for a 4 man sloop, you're asking for it because you ARE going to use the 4 man sloop, because you KNOW that it's BETTER than the galleon. The 4 man sloop has too much of an advantage against the galleon and should never be implemented unless more players are allowed on the galleon. End of story.

  • 125
  • Which all could be counteracted by altering different actions on the sloop, essentially just adding another playstyle.


  • Everything you said is already possible on a sloop with 1-2 people. The only difference between a 2 man sloop and a 4 man sloop is instead of fighting 4v2 you might have to take on a 4v4.

    If the thought of a even 4v4 fight worries you so much, maybe avoid PvP all together. Literally the only people against 4 man sloops are people who play galleons and have grown used to picking off easy 4v2 and 4v1 sloops. Usually the same ones who cry hacks when a good solo sloop takes them down.

    Edit: nvm my math sucks lol

  • @iduskk said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    Everything you said is already possible on a sloop with 1-2 people. The only difference between a 2 man sloop and a 4 man sloop is instead of fighting 4v2 you might have to take on a 4v4.

    If the thought of a even 4v4 fight worries you so much, maybe avoid PvP all together. Literally the only people against 4 man sloops are people who play galleons and have grown used to picking off easy 4v2 and 4v1 sloops. Usually the same ones who cry hacks when a good solo sloop takes them down.

    Also your math sucks. You have 200 less cannonballs on a sloop.

    As someone who sloops the majority of the time. You are just so wrong. In so many ways. First. You tell them their math sucks because the sloop has 200 less cannonballs... bro. Do you even math? Galleon has 3 barrels. Sloop has 2. Thats ONE HUNDRED less cannonballs. Not 200.

    The sloop is balanced for 2 people. I am not going to reiterate what everyone has argued in all the posts because it's the same arguments about how it would be imbalanced. But you guys in favor of a 4man sloop like to disagree with "nah bro. 4v4 yo. Fun yo, I want fun. Screw balance" I summarized the majority of the arguments.

    4 man sloops would be the end of galleons.

    Edit: phone autocorrected some spelling

  • @bambam-bm said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    @iduskk said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    Everything you said is already possible on a sloop with 1-2 people. The only difference between a 2 man sloop and a 4 man sloop is instead of fighting 4v2 you might have to take on a 4v4.

    If the thought of a even 4v4 fight worries you so much, maybe avoid PvP all together. Literally the only people against 4 man sloops are people who play galleons and have grown used to picking off easy 4v2 and 4v1 sloops. Usually the same ones who cry hacks when a good solo sloop takes them down.

    Also your math sucks. You have 200 less cannonballs on a sloop.

    As someone who sloops the majority of the time. You are just so wrong. In so many ways. First. You tell them their math sucks because the sloop has 200 less cannonballs... bro. Do you even math? Galleon has 3 barrels. Sloop has 2. Thats ONE HUNDRED less cannonballs. Not 200.

    The sloop is balanced for 2 people. I am not going to reiterate what everyone has argued in all the posts because it's the same arguments about how it would be imbalanced. But you guys in favor of a 4man sloop like to disagree with "nah bro. 4v4 yo. Fun yo, I want fun. Screw balance" I summarized the majority of the arguments.

    4 man sloops would be the end of galleons.

    Edit: phone autocorrected some spelling

    L**O I forgot the sloop has 2 barrels.

    My other points still stand. If you don't like the idea of a 4 man sloop, you probably are just upset you can't sink sloops in a galleon easily anymore. It's not going to be the "end of galleons" 4 man galleons will always be the meta. They're much harder to sink then sloops. They can hold more cannonballs, you can hide loot better, they have a faster top speed and don't need to rely on shallow waters and rocks to escape battles, etc.

    Even with 4 people on a sloop, the galleon still has an advantage. But personally I don't like sailing galleons. I like the sloops more. Id like to play with friends, but usually I solo or duo just because sloops are more enjoyable for me. I like weaving between rocks, sailing close to the shore so I don't have to swim, and I love PvP more on a sloop because galleons like to attack sloops thinking it's easy only to cry hacks when they sink. Plus I like interacting with people, and sloops avoid galleons like the plague which is no fun.

    Plenty of reasons why people want 4 man sloops, none of which are even about competitive play. This isn't an esports game, it's a casual adventure game. Let us adventure on whatever ship we want. Galleons can sail solo now, so why not let sloops sail with 4?

  • @iduskk why not allow a 20man sloop.

  • @lenny2k3 said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    Which all could be counteracted by altering different actions on the sloop, essentially just adding another playstyle.


    They can't even patch simple functionality into the game...

  • @bambam-bm said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    @iduskk why not allow a 20man sloop.

    Exactly if we get 4 man sloops, may as well just do 24 man ships. Whole server can fill one ship. As someone else said multiple playstyles.

  • If they raise sloop limit to 3-4 they have to double the limit for Galleons as well.

  • @bambam-bm said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    @iduskk why not allow a 20man sloop.

    You have no argument so you're just being dumb now l**o.

  • @iduskk said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    Everything you said is already possible on a sloop with 1-2 people. The only difference between a 2 man sloop and a 4 man sloop is instead of fighting 4v2 you might have to take on a 4v4.

    If the thought of a even 4v4 fight worries you so much, maybe avoid PvP all together. Literally the only people against 4 man sloops are people who play galleons and have grown used to picking off easy 4v2 and 4v1 sloops. Usually the same ones who cry hacks when a good solo sloop takes them down.

    Edit: nvm my math sucks lol

    So wrong. Most of the people against 4 man sloops are good 2 man sloop crews, because we know its going to be OP.

  • I also read in Cursed Sails they are adding new ship types, like 3 man ships for example... maybe the solution is make different servers.... one for those that choose 1-3 player ships, and another for players choosing 4-6 man ships... would be better than being in a solo sloop and encountering a 6 man ship.

  • IMO it would be fine, just remove the cannons..

  • @iduskk said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    @bambam-bm said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    @iduskk said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    Everything you said is already possible on a sloop with 1-2 people. The only difference between a 2 man sloop and a 4 man sloop is instead of fighting 4v2 you might have to take on a 4v4.

    If the thought of a even 4v4 fight worries you so much, maybe avoid PvP all together. Literally the only people against 4 man sloops are people who play galleons and have grown used to picking off easy 4v2 and 4v1 sloops. Usually the same ones who cry hacks when a good solo sloop takes them down.

    Also your math sucks. You have 200 less cannonballs on a sloop.

    As someone who sloops the majority of the time. You are just so wrong. In so many ways. First. You tell them their math sucks because the sloop has 200 less cannonballs... bro. Do you even math? Galleon has 3 barrels. Sloop has 2. Thats ONE HUNDRED less cannonballs. Not 200.

    The sloop is balanced for 2 people. I am not going to reiterate what everyone has argued in all the posts because it's the same arguments about how it would be imbalanced. But you guys in favor of a 4man sloop like to disagree with "nah bro. 4v4 yo. Fun yo, I want fun. Screw balance" I summarized the majority of the arguments.

    4 man sloops would be the end of galleons.

    Edit: phone autocorrected some spelling

    L**O I forgot the sloop has 2 barrels.

    My other points still stand. If you don't like the idea of a 4 man sloop, you probably are just upset you can't sink sloops in a galleon easily anymore. It's not going to be the "end of galleons" 4 man galleons will always be the meta. They're much harder to sink then sloops. They can hold more cannonballs, you can hide loot better, they have a faster top speed and don't need to rely on shallow waters and rocks to escape battles, etc.

    Even with 4 people on a sloop, the galleon still has an advantage. But personally I don't like sailing galleons. I like the sloops more. Id like to play with friends, but usually I solo or duo just because sloops are more enjoyable for me. I like weaving between rocks, sailing close to the shore so I don't have to swim, and I love PvP more on a sloop because galleons like to attack sloops thinking it's easy only to cry hacks when they sink. Plus I like interacting with people, and sloops avoid galleons like the plague which is no fun.

    Plenty of reasons why people want 4 man sloops, none of which are even about competitive play. This isn't an esports game, it's a casual adventure game. Let us adventure on whatever ship we want. Galleons can sail solo now, so why not let sloops sail with 4?

    You COMPLETELY ignored all the points I made. The sloop is easier to control than the Galleon by far, because two people can easily steer and use the sails, while the other two people can attack the Galleon. This gives a huge advantage to the Sloop while the Galleon requires all 4 players to steer and use the sails!

    Oh, and a casual game? It's called SEA OF THIEVES because you SINK SHIPS and STEAL LOOT. The Sloop's design is small and nimble because it is designed for a small, sneaky crew that is capable of accessing more areas than a Galleon. The Galleon is the big, attack ship, which is designed for combat and hence has more players. Adding a larger amount of players to a sloop makes PvP MUCH harder for a Galleon because the sloop can evade attacks too easily, is easier to control with less people, has a faster anchor, turns faster, and supplies can be stored and accessed on the boat faster since it is smaller and there is less distance to cover when running upstairs and downstairs! Being able to hide stuff better on the galleon is a stupid argument when the sloop can easily sink it with the extra players.

    Stop your pathetic whining for a 4 man sloop, you have no argument apart from "I want it", and it will clearly be way too overpowered and gamebreaking unless the Galleon's crew size is also doubled!

  • @bambam-bm

    @iduskk why not allow a 20man sloop.

    dont know why i laughed so hard at this. good job

  • @jedimasterfraze said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    @iduskk said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    @bambam-bm said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    @iduskk said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    Everything you said is already possible on a sloop with 1-2 people. The only difference between a 2 man sloop and a 4 man sloop is instead of fighting 4v2 you might have to take on a 4v4.

    If the thought of a even 4v4 fight worries you so much, maybe avoid PvP all together. Literally the only people against 4 man sloops are people who play galleons and have grown used to picking off easy 4v2 and 4v1 sloops. Usually the same ones who cry hacks when a good solo sloop takes them down.

    Also your math sucks. You have 200 less cannonballs on a sloop.

    As someone who sloops the majority of the time. You are just so wrong. In so many ways. First. You tell them their math sucks because the sloop has 200 less cannonballs... bro. Do you even math? Galleon has 3 barrels. Sloop has 2. Thats ONE HUNDRED less cannonballs. Not 200.

    The sloop is balanced for 2 people. I am not going to reiterate what everyone has argued in all the posts because it's the same arguments about how it would be imbalanced. But you guys in favor of a 4man sloop like to disagree with "nah bro. 4v4 yo. Fun yo, I want fun. Screw balance" I summarized the majority of the arguments.

    4 man sloops would be the end of galleons.

    Edit: phone autocorrected some spelling

    L**O I forgot the sloop has 2 barrels.

    My other points still stand. If you don't like the idea of a 4 man sloop, you probably are just upset you can't sink sloops in a galleon easily anymore. It's not going to be the "end of galleons" 4 man galleons will always be the meta. They're much harder to sink then sloops. They can hold more cannonballs, you can hide loot better, they have a faster top speed and don't need to rely on shallow waters and rocks to escape battles, etc.

    Even with 4 people on a sloop, the galleon still has an advantage. But personally I don't like sailing galleons. I like the sloops more. Id like to play with friends, but usually I solo or duo just because sloops are more enjoyable for me. I like weaving between rocks, sailing close to the shore so I don't have to swim, and I love PvP more on a sloop because galleons like to attack sloops thinking it's easy only to cry hacks when they sink. Plus I like interacting with people, and sloops avoid galleons like the plague which is no fun.

    Plenty of reasons why people want 4 man sloops, none of which are even about competitive play. This isn't an esports game, it's a casual adventure game. Let us adventure on whatever ship we want. Galleons can sail solo now, so why not let sloops sail with 4?

    You COMPLETELY ignored all the points I made. The sloop is easier to control than the Galleon by far, because two people can easily steer and use the sails, while the other two people can attack the Galleon. This gives a huge advantage to the Sloop while the Galleon requires all 4 players to steer and use the sails!

    Oh, and a casual game? It's called SEA OF THIEVES because you SINK SHIPS and STEAL LOOT. The Sloop's design is small and nimble because it is designed for a small, sneaky crew that is capable of accessing more areas than a Galleon. The Galleon is the big, attack ship, which is designed for combat and hence has more players. Adding a larger amount of players to a sloop makes PvP MUCH harder for a Galleon because the sloop can evade attacks too easily, is easier to control with less people, has a faster anchor, turns faster, and supplies can be stored and accessed on the boat faster since it is smaller and there is less distance to cover when running upstairs and downstairs! Being able to hide stuff better on the galleon is a stupid argument when the sloop can easily sink it with the extra players.

    Stop your pathetic whining for a 4 man sloop, you have no argument apart from "I want it", and it will clearly be way too overpowered and gamebreaking unless the Galleon's crew size is also doubled!

    If the galleon is the big bad attack ship you describe it as, you wouldn't have an issue fighting a 4 man sloop. Face it, you just dont wanna attack a sloop, find out they have 4 good players, then get destroyed because you aren't capable of handling anything other then a 4v2.

    The two ships have different playstyles. Galleons are bigger, have more durability, higher top speed, and 4x firepower, and more Cannonball storage.

    Sloops are smaller, more fragile, but more agile. You have less firepower and cannon storage, but more mobility.

    The two ships are pretty evenly balanced imo. All I want is for people to pick whatever playstyle they want. I'm not as hung up on your points because unlike you I'm not crying "Overpowered" over every small detail. I'm not afraid to fight a 4 man sloop. I just want to sail the ship i like with friends. Everyone who is against the 4 man sloop is arguing from a PvP perspective, complaining about galleons will be obsolete. Which leads me to believe people are just upset that they can't attack easy sloops anymore. Which is laughable coming from people who supposedly enjoy PvP.

  • @iduskk said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    @bambam-bm said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    @iduskk said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    Everything you said is already possible on a sloop with 1-2 people. The only difference between a 2 man sloop and a 4 man sloop is instead of fighting 4v2 you might have to take on a 4v4.

    If the thought of a even 4v4 fight worries you so much, maybe avoid PvP all together. Literally the only people against 4 man sloops are people who play galleons and have grown used to picking off easy 4v2 and 4v1 sloops. Usually the same ones who cry hacks when a good solo sloop takes them down.

    Also your math sucks. You have 200 less cannonballs on a sloop.

    As someone who sloops the majority of the time. You are just so wrong. In so many ways. First. You tell them their math sucks because the sloop has 200 less cannonballs... bro. Do you even math? Galleon has 3 barrels. Sloop has 2. Thats ONE HUNDRED less cannonballs. Not 200.

    The sloop is balanced for 2 people. I am not going to reiterate what everyone has argued in all the posts because it's the same arguments about how it would be imbalanced. But you guys in favor of a 4man sloop like to disagree with "nah bro. 4v4 yo. Fun yo, I want fun. Screw balance" I summarized the majority of the arguments.

    4 man sloops would be the end of galleons.

    Edit: phone autocorrected some spelling

    L**O I forgot the sloop has 2 barrels.

    My other points still stand. If you don't like the idea of a 4 man sloop, you probably are just upset you can't sink sloops in a galleon easily anymore. It's not going to be the "end of galleons" 4 man galleons will always be the meta. They're much harder to sink then sloops. They can hold more cannonballs, you can hide loot better, they have a faster top speed and don't need to rely on shallow waters and rocks to escape battles, etc.

    Even with 4 people on a sloop, the galleon still has an advantage. But personally I don't like sailing galleons. I like the sloops more. Id like to play with friends, but usually I solo or duo just because sloops are more enjoyable for me. I like weaving between rocks, sailing close to the shore so I don't have to swim, and I love PvP more on a sloop because galleons like to attack sloops thinking it's easy only to cry hacks when they sink. Plus I like interacting with people, and sloops avoid galleons like the plague which is no fun.

    Plenty of reasons why people want 4 man sloops, none of which are even about competitive play. This isn't an esports game, it's a casual adventure game. Let us adventure on whatever ship we want. Galleons can sail solo now, so why not let sloops sail with 4?

    I sloop a majority of the time and I'm against it. Galleons are already super easy to sink as it is with just my friend and I. Adding two additional people makes life that much easier. I can board the enemy ship myself while we still put shots on them and steer and repair. Or we can leave 2 people on the ship while two of us board. 100 cannonballs isn't a big disadvantage. I rarely use even 30 before a ship sinks. Cannon count doesn't mean much, especially since pumping a sloop full of holes isn't a huge deal, it's easy to repair and not sink. And the 2nd deck only means something if you aren't hitting below sea level, plus people tend to ignore the 2nd deck so if you ever do get water there they pretty much are done because another 8 holes just started adding water.

  • @iduskk said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    @jedimasterfraze said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    @iduskk said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    @bambam-bm said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    @iduskk said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    Everything you said is already possible on a sloop with 1-2 people. The only difference between a 2 man sloop and a 4 man sloop is instead of fighting 4v2 you might have to take on a 4v4.

    If the thought of a even 4v4 fight worries you so much, maybe avoid PvP all together. Literally the only people against 4 man sloops are people who play galleons and have grown used to picking off easy 4v2 and 4v1 sloops. Usually the same ones who cry hacks when a good solo sloop takes them down.

    Also your math sucks. You have 200 less cannonballs on a sloop.

    As someone who sloops the majority of the time. You are just so wrong. In so many ways. First. You tell them their math sucks because the sloop has 200 less cannonballs... bro. Do you even math? Galleon has 3 barrels. Sloop has 2. Thats ONE HUNDRED less cannonballs. Not 200.

    The sloop is balanced for 2 people. I am not going to reiterate what everyone has argued in all the posts because it's the same arguments about how it would be imbalanced. But you guys in favor of a 4man sloop like to disagree with "nah bro. 4v4 yo. Fun yo, I want fun. Screw balance" I summarized the majority of the arguments.

    4 man sloops would be the end of galleons.

    Edit: phone autocorrected some spelling

    L**O I forgot the sloop has 2 barrels.

    My other points still stand. If you don't like the idea of a 4 man sloop, you probably are just upset you can't sink sloops in a galleon easily anymore. It's not going to be the "end of galleons" 4 man galleons will always be the meta. They're much harder to sink then sloops. They can hold more cannonballs, you can hide loot better, they have a faster top speed and don't need to rely on shallow waters and rocks to escape battles, etc.

    Even with 4 people on a sloop, the galleon still has an advantage. But personally I don't like sailing galleons. I like the sloops more. Id like to play with friends, but usually I solo or duo just because sloops are more enjoyable for me. I like weaving between rocks, sailing close to the shore so I don't have to swim, and I love PvP more on a sloop because galleons like to attack sloops thinking it's easy only to cry hacks when they sink. Plus I like interacting with people, and sloops avoid galleons like the plague which is no fun.

    Plenty of reasons why people want 4 man sloops, none of which are even about competitive play. This isn't an esports game, it's a casual adventure game. Let us adventure on whatever ship we want. Galleons can sail solo now, so why not let sloops sail with 4?

    You COMPLETELY ignored all the points I made. The sloop is easier to control than the Galleon by far, because two people can easily steer and use the sails, while the other two people can attack the Galleon. This gives a huge advantage to the Sloop while the Galleon requires all 4 players to steer and use the sails!

    Oh, and a casual game? It's called SEA OF THIEVES because you SINK SHIPS and STEAL LOOT. The Sloop's design is small and nimble because it is designed for a small, sneaky crew that is capable of accessing more areas than a Galleon. The Galleon is the big, attack ship, which is designed for combat and hence has more players. Adding a larger amount of players to a sloop makes PvP MUCH harder for a Galleon because the sloop can evade attacks too easily, is easier to control with less people, has a faster anchor, turns faster, and supplies can be stored and accessed on the boat faster since it is smaller and there is less distance to cover when running upstairs and downstairs! Being able to hide stuff better on the galleon is a stupid argument when the sloop can easily sink it with the extra players.

    Stop your pathetic whining for a 4 man sloop, you have no argument apart from "I want it", and it will clearly be way too overpowered and gamebreaking unless the Galleon's crew size is also doubled!

    If the galleon is the big bad attack ship you describe it as, you wouldn't have an issue fighting a 4 man sloop. Face it, you just dont wanna attack a sloop, find out they have 4 good players, then get destroyed because you aren't capable of handling anything other then a 4v2.

    The two ships have different playstyles. Galleons are bigger, have more durability, higher top speed, and 4x firepower, and more Cannonball storage.

    Sloops are smaller, more fragile, but more agile. You have less firepower and cannon storage, but more mobility.

    The two ships are pretty evenly balanced imo. All I want is for people to pick whatever playstyle they want. I'm not as hung up on your points because unlike you I'm not crying "Overpowered" over every small detail. I'm not afraid to fight a 4 man sloop. I just want to sail the ship i like with friends. Everyone who is against the 4 man sloop is arguing from a PvP perspective, complaining about galleons will be obsolete. Which leads me to believe people are just upset that they can't attack easy sloops anymore. Which is laughable coming from people who supposedly enjoy PvP.

    Small detail? I just posted a large list of reasons why they're MASSIVELY overpowered. You want the 4 man sloop because you know it's OP, and you're trying to argue that it isn't so that it gets added to the game. Galleons are way harder to repair than sloops because you must run 2 floors up to empty water from the boat, whereas players on a sloop can walk 5 spaces and toss the water out a window, and quickly repair the ship. Add 2 more players to the sloop, and they can steer, fix the ship AND attack at the same time, whereas the galleon can only do one of these tasks at a time. Your argument is stupid - this IS A PVP GAME, pirate games ALWAYS have combat. And from what you just said above, Sloops are already capable of sinking a Galleon, so it would be SUPER unbalanced to double the crew on the Sloop!

    Quit the stupid arguments for a 4 man Sloop. It will break the game and nobody would use the Galleon anymore because they would be at a severe disadvantage.

    "Sloops are more fragile." Absolute ********, they are much easier to repair and to bail water out of, one person can repair an entire sloop on their own. Galleons are not "more durable", they sink just as quickly and they are harder to repair as you have to run further to bail the water out, making it too difficult for one person to manage on their own with too many holes on the ship.

  • @imoutofnames1 Exactly right!

  • @jedimasterfraze maybe your galleons are easy to sink. Explains why you're afraid of a 4 man sloop.

    Sloops are more fragile, the game even describes them as such. Galleons need to take water on 2 floors before going down, the sloop only has 1 floor. It is a more fragile ship, idk why you're trying to argue its not.

    Sloops and Galleons are equally balanced imo. Sloops are capable of sinking galleons, galleons are capable of sinking sloops. At the end of the day it comes down to which crew is better. A 2 man Galleon will beat a 4 man sloop just like a 2 man sloop can beat a 4 man galleon. It all comes down to which team is better.

    No sense in continuing the argument. At the end of the day you're just afraid of change. You can cry balance all you want, to me you just look like you're afraid to fight a 4 man sloop. They already confirmed 4 man sloops are coming, so just enjoy the easy pickings while you still can. I'm not gonna keep arguing with you though, this is getting stupid.

  • @iduskk said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    @jedimasterfraze maybe your galleons are easy to sink. Explains why you're afraid of a 4 man sloop.

    Sloops are more fragile, the game even describes them as such. Galleons need to take water on 2 floors before going down, the sloop only has 1 floor. It is a more fragile ship, idk why you're trying to argue its not.

    Sloops and Galleons are equally balanced imo. Sloops are capable of sinking galleons, galleons are capable of sinking sloops. At the end of the day it comes down to which crew is better. A 2 man Galleon will beat a 4 man sloop just like a 2 man sloop can beat a 4 man galleon. It all comes down to which team is better.

    No sense in continuing the argument. At the end of the day you're just afraid of change. You can cry balance all you want, to me you just look like you're afraid to fight a 4 man sloop. They already confirmed 4 man sloops are coming, so just enjoy the easy pickings while you still can. I'm not gonna keep arguing with you though, this is getting stupid.

    You're a hypocrite mate, you just said the two boats are already balanced, but then said the sloop needs another two members. Also, if you would take the time to open your eyes and read instead of hitting your keyboard repeatedly with a hammer, THE SLOOP IS EASIER TO REPAIR. The galleon has two entire floors to cover, with ONE FLOOR being able to take on TWICE as many holes as a sloop. This means the Galleon is 4 TIMES harder to repair than the sloop, and this makes it tougher for the crew of the galleon to repair. A sloop takes about a quarter of the time to repair than a damaged galleon. The sloop only has one floor - but that's not a disadvantage, that's an advantage because it's super easy to bail, AND it's easily accessible. Adding two extra players to a sloop is way too much of an advantage, and players like you don't have the common sense to think about the imbalance it would bring to the game because you only think about the positive sides and not the negative. So far you haven't countered ANY of the arguments against the 4 man sloop, and instead you've only tried blurting out dumb reasons to add it, which we already countered.

    Also, they have not confirmed that a 4 man sloop will be coming.

  • Great points in the original post. I must add, it's not all about a 4-man sloop being overpowered against a galleon. When playing solo or a duo sloop it's important part of the gameplay dynamics that when you see a sloop you can expect to be up against two players max. There's simply no good reason to mess up this balance at this point of the game.

    4-man sloop is a horrible idea.

  • Dear Pirates! I posted this already in an similar topic earlier, but it seems to fit perfectly here:

    I personally don't think that 4-men-Sloops are a good idea at all. The reason why I'm concerned about them is, ofcourse the difficulty to fight against one of those. I will break down my thoughts in the following:

    Galleons would have great trouble or even a disadvantage to them: In my understanding, the most efficient way to deal with Sloops is boarding it, kill the crew and sink it with cannonballs or drive it against an island and besiege it, until it's sunk. Same goes with sinking a Galleon, if you are on a Sloop with addition of gunpowder kegs.

    In a fight between two 4-men-crews, one on a Galleon, one on a Sloop, the Sloop has an advantage in terms of boarding. A Sloop can be efficiently driven and maintained by one person. Means that 3 guys are free to board the galleon.

    On the other hand the Galleon needs at least 2 people to be operational, if the ship is damaged. One on damage control and one on the wheel if you don't want to be a sitting duck or drive against an island. That means that in most cases, 2 people of the galleon can safely board the Sloop, while a 4-men-Sloop can send safely 3 people to board the Galleon.

    Don't forget to mention that Sloops are smaller targets and way better to maneuver.

    Last but not Least, people who sail alone or with only one friend don't get a better experience from that change at all, it would be even worse. Sloops can escape from Galleons against the wind as well as Galleons can escape from Sloops with the wind, but if both Ships are the same type (i.e. 2 Sloops) it comes down to which crew is performing better. And here a 4-men-Sloop has a massive advantage over a Solo- or Duo-Sloop.

    Probably this change won't encourage more people to sail with random folks, but it will encourage established 3 or 4 men crews to change the vessel.

    Thank you for reading and patience about my bad english. :-)

  • @darkmore111 said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    Dear Pirates! I posted this already in an similar topic earlier, but it seems to fit perfectly here:

    I personally don't think that 4-men-Sloops are a good idea at all. The reason why I'm concerned about them is, ofcourse the difficulty to fight against one of those. I will break down my thoughts in the following:

    Galleons would have great trouble or even a disadvantage to them: In my understanding, the most efficient way to deal with Sloops is boarding it, kill the crew and sink it with cannonballs or drive it against an island and besiege it, until it's sunk. Same goes with sinking a Galleon, if you are on a Sloop with addition of gunpowder kegs.

    In a fight between two 4-men-crews, one on a Galleon, one on a Sloop, the Sloop has an advantage in terms of boarding. A Sloop can be efficiently driven and maintained by one person. Means that 3 guys are free to board the galleon.

    On the other hand the Galleon needs at least 2 people to be operational, if the ship is damaged. One on damage control and one on the wheel if you don't want to be a sitting duck or drive against an island. That means that in most cases, 2 people of the galleon can safely board the Sloop, while a 4-men-Sloop can send safely 3 people to board the Galleon.

    Don't forget to mention that Sloops are smaller targets and way better to maneuver.

    Last but not Least, people who sail alone or with only one friend don't get a better experience from that change at all, it would be even worse. Sloops can escape from Galleons against the wind as well as Galleons can escape from Sloops with the wind, but if both Ships are the same type (i.e. 2 Sloops) it comes down to which crew is performing better. And here a 4-men-Sloop has a massive advantage over a Solo- or Duo-Sloop.

    Probably this change won't encourage more people to sail with random folks, but it will encourage established 3 or 4 men crews to change the vessel.

    Thank you for reading and patience about my bad english. :-)

    When you were talking about the boarding and the sloop being maintainable by one person, that was exactly what I was thinking. Galleons require more people to sail the ship effectively, so Sloops would easily be able to win in combat due to the flexibility of the crew.

  • I think the main thing that balances 4-man sloops is being overlooked - death timers.

    Sloops are small. Not much space to sit on the ship. I have played on a sloop almost exclusivily and when you get hit directly by a cannon ball you instantly die. It doesn't happen all the time but every once in awhile you sink an entire ship just because u killed their whole crew with some lucky hits. I once sunk a gallion as a 2 man sloop by hitting all 3 of their cannoners with a cople of cannon balls.

    Now think about this. There are 4 cannons on a gallion. Unloading those cannonballs ontop a tiny itty bitty ship means people are going to be hit a LOT of the time. Meaning the sloop is going to be down on its "oppressive" man power" for a long loading time (especially if you're xbone)

    It obviously means adjusting your playstyle to fight them but so does every game when new mechanics are added.

  • @the1deva said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    I think the main thing that balances 4-man sloops is being overlooked - death timers.

    Sloops are small. Not much space to sit on the ship. I have played on a sloop almost exclusivily and when you get hit directly by a cannon ball you instantly die. It doesn't happen all the time but every once in awhile you sink an entire ship just because u killed their whole crew with some lucky hits. I once sunk a gallion as a 2 man sloop by hitting all 3 of their cannoners with a cople of cannon balls.

    Now think about this. There are 4 cannons on a gallion. Unloading those cannonballs ontop a tiny itty bitty ship means people are going to be hit a LOT of the time. Meaning the sloop is going to be down on its "oppressive" man power" for a long loading time (especially if you're xbone)

    It obviously means adjusting your playstyle to fight them but so does every game when new mechanics are added.

    @the1deva said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    I think the main thing that balances 4-man sloops is being overlooked - death timers.

    Sloops are small. Not much space to sit on the ship. I have played on a sloop almost exclusivily and when you get hit directly by a cannon ball you instantly die. It doesn't happen all the time but every once in awhile you sink an entire ship just because u killed their whole crew with some lucky hits. I once sunk a gallion as a 2 man sloop by hitting all 3 of their cannoners with a cople of cannon balls.

    Now think about this. There are 4 cannons on a gallion. Unloading those cannonballs ontop a tiny itty bitty ship means people are going to be hit a LOT of the time. Meaning the sloop is going to be down on its "oppressive" man power" for a long loading time (especially if you're xbone)

    It obviously means adjusting your playstyle to fight them but so does every game when new mechanics are added.

    You're right. Sloops are smaller, but that makes them even harder to hit, and all 4 players on a Galleon won't be on the cannons. Chances are, the sloop will be smart and manoeuvre into a position where the Galleon can't hit it, and then the extra two players will sneak onto the Galleon and sink it without the Sloop ever being at risk. Also, the chances of dying instantly from a cannonball are very low unless the players on the cannons have a perfect aim.

  • @jedimasterfraze said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    This article is for those who can't accept why the 4 man sloop is a bad idea. Here's the full list:

    • The Sloop is too nimble and can turn more easily than a Galleon, making it easier to anchor close to shore, whereas the Galleon takes longer to turn and is more bulky and difficult to park. If four players could use a Sloop, players trying to get missions done would all use the sloop as it is far easier to get around in and to manoeuvre, making it very useful for Gold Hoarders and Merchant Alliance missions.

    • The Sloop is smaller than the Galleon and it is easier to run upstairs and downstairs on a sloop. A four man crew on a sloop could easily patch up all the holes in a ship and empty water out from the bottom if attacked by a galleon.

    • While the sloop only has one cannon on either side of the ship, since it is easier to turn than the galleon, the sloop can easily sail around the galleon and constantly barrage it with cannonballs from the front and back, where there are no cannons to counter the sloop.

    • The sloop has the same mount of storage as the galleon (apart from one cannonball barrel), so players will never bother using the galleon anymore unless they require it for Order of Souls missions (as four cannons makes those missions easier) and players can store just as much bananas and planks on a sloop.

    • The sloop can be operated efficiently with only 2 players, allowing the other two to attack an enemy galleon, whereas the galleon requires 4 to operate efficiently (3 on the sails, 1 on the wheel). This is a major advantage for the sloop.

    Ultimately a 3 or 4 man sloop is too overkill against a galleon. They have the same storage (minus 100 cannonballs), it can be efficiently steered by only 2 people (the galleon needs more), it turns faster than the Galleon and is faster unless the Galleon catches the wind, and it is easier to repair a sloop than a Galleon if you have 4 people on both teams.

    Adding additional player slots to the sloop is unfair unless the Galleon also has an increased amount of players allowed on, and really, if you're asking for a 4 man sloop, you're asking for it because you ARE going to use the 4 man sloop, because you KNOW that it's BETTER than the galleon. The 4 man sloop has too much of an advantage against the galleon and should never be implemented unless more players are allowed on the galleon. End of story.

    Uhhhh.... Couple o' things. Three on sails? No wonder you have a hard time. Two works best. Coordinate them and work together. Sail work is three times faster with two people working them together.

    One cannonball can clear a 4 man sloop easily. One keg and that confident smirk is turned into running mascara snd lamentations.

    Adapt and overcome.

  • @mrgrim67686 Couple o' things. It would still be a 1v3 because the galleon would still have 2 people on the sails and 1 on the wheel, whereas there would be one person steering the sloop with the 3 other sloop players able to attack. In regards to gunpowder barrels, the 3 free players on the sloop could easily take the galleon players out, who are already pre-occupied with steering their ship.

    Adding 2 extra crew members to the sloop is NOT a good idea unless the Galleon's crew size is also increased. End of story.

  • @jedimasterfraze They need to up the server limits. 24 people for team deathmatch is incredibly low.

    I would like to see 6 man galleons. These micro servers won't allow it.

  • OP, your post is well structured but your arguments are weak and honestly just point to a lack of experience with the galleon.

    • The galleon is up to 4 times faster than the sloop, except directly against the wind. However, there is this thing called tacking, allowing you to keep up.

    • sailing the galleon in battle is easily possible with 1 person. 2 are better, obviously, for repairs, repelling boarders and supporting the helmsman, but I've been in many battles where I sent my 3 crewmates to board while I sailed the gal on my own.

    • maneuverability is not a big deal. 2 sails up and dynamically adjusting the back sail, the gall can match any sloops maneuverability and constantly present her broadside

    • the 'running takes longer argument' is hilarious tbh. It's a complete non issue if you utilise sprinting. Also, you have to walk up only 1 floor to bail the galleon, as you can throw the water outside from the bottom of the stairs leading from the main deck to the middle deck

    • the sloop is much easier to sink and one or two properly placed broadsides by the galleon, which is easy to do close to mid range, are likely to kill or knock off large parts of the sloops crew as well as causing disarray and a lot of holes. Properly followed up by 1-3 boarders, a 4 man sloop will sink easily because the crew would be dead and kept dead. Also, a single gp barrel will likely kill everyone on the sloop at once.

    • the galleon can get almost as close to most islands, and with a bit of experience, is perfectly easy to park exactly where you want it. Since its up to 4 times faster and tends to get left alone more than sloops, it's the obvious choice for PvE. Only drawback is that you can get attacked by the kraken, which is not a big deal.

    Ultimately, the sloop vs galleon meta will not even change much. Bad sloops will sail into the galleons broadside, rendering their additional crew obsolete because they will be killed in the crossfire. Good sloops will stay out of range and attempt keg moves and boardings, which you can generally see and hear coming. Those might be a bit more dangerous with 4 players, but that is no different than facing a 4 man crew already, and a prepared galleon crew can survive multiple keg moves if they can prevent the subsequent boarding - which isn't that hard to do.

    Idk why I'm explaining this again tbh. Upsides of the galleon have been discussed plenty of times.
    The real reason for 4 man sloops idea was to allow people to seamlessly join their friends game without having to make a new session. This is best accomplished by allowing 4 on a sloop, because then you would never have to make a new session, because you could always fill up your crew until the max size of 4, whereas right now, if you're 2 and 1-2 more come on, you have to end your session and make a new one.

  • The ONLY thing a four man sloop has going for it is invincibility. So they can essentially win a fight through attrition alone if they put two people on bailing.

    1. No, they don't have an advantage attacking because the sloops is more maneuverable (w*f?). No, a sloop is not "better" than a galleon in gold voyages. A galleon is faster, regardless of how close you can get.
    2. Viable concern. Congratulations Mr. Broken Clock.
    3. No, a galleon is not better on OoS due to more cannons. Just leave the ship. That being said, 100 cannons is extremely nice to have, especially since you claim that sloops will just bail and repair 100% of the time.
    4. If the captain can't do the back sails he's a bad captain. Also, how can two people attack a galleon from a sloop? It has one cannon. If you mean boarding, that can be done regardless. If you mean spin in circles on a sloop while standing still, that's completely stupid. You'll miss more and you'll waste time.
    5. If the sails are raised I believe the galleon turns the same speed. That's how a galleon wins the fight.
    6. Although I agree it will be overpowered if ONLY because of point #2, I like it better because my friends I play with don't know how to lift the sails so doing 3 sails and steering and navigating by myself is a pain.
  • @nebenkuh said in Every Good Argument Against the 4 Man Sloop:

    OP, your post is well structured but your arguments are weak and honestly just point to a lack of experience with the galleon.

    • The galleon is up to 4 times faster than the sloop, except directly against the wind. However, there is this thing called tacking, allowing you to keep up.

    • sailing the galleon in battle is easily possible with 1 person. 2 are better, obviously, for repairs, repelling boarders and supporting the helmsman, but I've been in many battles where I sent my 3 crewmates to board while I sailed the gal on my own.

    • maneuverability is not a big deal. 2 sails up and dynamically adjusting the back sail, the gall can match any sloops maneuverability and constantly present her broadside

    • the 'running takes longer argument' is hilarious tbh. It's a complete non issue if you utilise sprinting. Also, you have to walk up only 1 floor to bail the galleon, as you can throw the water outside from the bottom of the stairs leading from the main deck to the middle deck

    • the sloop is much easier to sink and one or two properly placed broadsides by the galleon, which is easy to do close to mid range, are likely to kill or knock off large parts of the sloops crew as well as causing disarray and a lot of holes. Properly followed up by 1-3 boarders, a 4 man sloop will sink easily because the crew would be dead and kept dead. Also, a single gp barrel will likely kill everyone on the sloop at once.

    • the galleon can get almost as close to most islands, and with a bit of experience, is perfectly easy to park exactly where you want it. Since its up to 4 times faster and tends to get left alone more than sloops, it's the obvious choice for PvE. Only drawback is that you can get attacked by the kraken, which is not a big deal.

    Ultimately, the sloop vs galleon meta will not even change much. Bad sloops will sail into the galleons broadside, rendering their additional crew obsolete because they will be killed in the crossfire. Good sloops will stay out of range and attempt keg moves and boardings, which you can generally see and hear coming. Those might be a bit more dangerous with 4 players, but that is no different than facing a 4 man crew already, and a prepared galleon crew can survive multiple keg moves if they can prevent the subsequent boarding - which isn't that hard to do.

    Idk why I'm explaining this again tbh. Upsides of the galleon have been discussed plenty of times.
    The real reason for 4 man sloops idea was to allow people to seamlessly join their friends game without having to make a new session. This is best accomplished by allowing 4 on a sloop, because then you would never have to make a new session, because you could always fill up your crew until the max size of 4, whereas right now, if you're 2 and 1-2 more come on, you have to end your session and make a new one.

    Ok that was a rubbish argument. The galleon can obviously turn just as fast as the sloop but it has to raise 3 sails while the sloop only has to raise one (which gives the sloop a time advantage). The galleon is NOT faster than the sloop unless all 3 of its sails are being pushed by the wind, and this has been confirmed. The sloop is not easier to sink because by the time the galleon manages to get into a position to attack, the sloop can easily move out of the way again and avoid being hit by the cannons. Also, players can hide downstairs to avoid being insta-killed or knocked off by the galleon's cannons, so no, there is not a major disadvantage by the sloop being smaller, it is an advantage if anything. The "running takes longer" argument is perfectly valid because it is still a far greater distance to run than the sloop's crew, and with only one person repairing the galleon while 3 go to fight, the galleon will easily sink. Finally, you controlled the galleon by yourself while your 3 teammates attacked because the sloop would've only had 2 people on it. 4 people and you guys would've been destroyed.

    If your main argument is that 4 man sloops are for being able to add a friend, then your main argument isn't valid because RARE are implementing private crews.

  • @jedimasterfraze
    You just further confirm my suspicions that you're simply not an experienced galleon player. And the moment your arguments are challenged, structure goes out the window, which is also somewhat telling.

    Look, my galleon has been sunk 3 or so times since release (honestly can't remember), and that was in the early weeks. I know what I'm doing and I have met one sloop who proved to be somewhat of a challenge. Of course it's anecdotal, but I'm not afraid of 4 man sloops because the ships themselves won't change, and the galleon is simply the better ship. And since 4v4 already exists, all that changes for me is that the other guys picked a worse ship for PvP.


    You gotta read my point about not needing to start new sessions again. That issue is not resolved by closed crews as it was implemented (or attempted to be implemented) this week, because you still have to make a new session when you want to increase your crew from 2 people to more than two. The only ways to do this without creating a new session are to either allow 4 man sloops, or allow changing ship type at the shipwright and then increasing crew size. The first option is the most seamless and will eliminate any waiting time for the people looking to join you, while the latter option does remove the need to start new sessions, but still leaves the people looking to join your crew waiting until you made it to an outpost, which could take hours depending on what you're doing.

  • allowing 4 man sloops is not a good idea in my opinion.
    While a galleon with 4 players is stronger than a sloop with 2, it still has some disadvantages.

    The main problem with this will be a sloop of 4 players against a sloop with 1 or 2 players. It's the same ship, but much better.
    Against a galleon, you move faster against the wind, you are more nimble and have room to run around once you board their ship. It's not possible on a sloop.

    I don't see a scenario where a 2 man sloop can win against a 4 man, if they are both on the same skill level. They can fix holes, use the cannons, control the ship and have a person board you.

14 out of 125