Jack Sparrow playing Sea of Thieves

  • I would love it if there was some promotion or advertising featuring Johnny Depp playing SoT (not necessarily in character mind you, due to potential licensing issues with Disney). I think it would help give the game some more pull in the wider community.

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  • @galactic-geek Well, they have Sean Astin from The Goonies but I understand if the game's demographic is too young to know what that is and perhaps Johnny Depp would resonate with them more.

  • @xcalypt0x ...and I thought the Goonies reference was fantastic! Maybe have JD as a janitor in the museum? 😆

    I would be fine if it was just a celebrity sit-down-and-play video...

  • it would be funny, but worth the money? I don't know...

  • I have managed to avoid those films in their entirety (not seen a single second....ever!) and have no desire to have them infiltrating the games I play!

    If I wanted to see any of it, I would watch the films or play the games....but I don't! :D

    SoT has intentionally avoided adding characters/pirates from other franchises and history, not only for licencing purposes but to create their own Legends and Lore.

  • @triheadedmonkey Did I say anything about adding him to the game? No, I didn't...

    I am merely refering to using his fame as an on-screen pirate for advertising purposes to help sell the game. Please read posts more carefully in the future...

  • @sir-lotus said in Jack Sparrow playing Sea of Thieves:

    it would be funny, but worth the money? I don't know...

    That would be my concern. Could they afford JD? It's probably why they went with SA - I imagine he's significantly easier to get.

  • @galactic-geek Sean is also a gamer. He narrated Video Games: The Movie and voiced over a few games.

  • @sir-lotus said in Jack Sparrow playing Sea of Thieves:

    @galactic-geek Sean is also a gamer. He narrated Video Games: The Movie and voiced over a few games.

    Oh, I know. I'm a big SA fan, so you don't have to tell me. 😅

  • @Galactic-Geek I did read your post, and just stated that any appearance or association with those films, or in fact him, might attract some people but would completely turn away others.

    Also like you said, Disney owns POtC and I would be surprised if they didn't preclude Depp from any other Pirate related marketing outside of POtC.

    I apologise for any misunderstanding on your part and will avoid commenting on your posts in future.

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