What happens to my ship when I leave the game?

  • I had a fully stocked sloop, sitting waiting at Shark Bait Cove to help anyone that wanted to fight Megan. Two other sloops turn up. One seemed friendly but the guy from the other came on board and killed me.

    I figured I had better things I could be doing, so I quit that game.

    Now, my question is: Did my sloop vanish the moment I logged out, or did it stay in the world and behave as if I skuttled it, sinking slowly?

    I like to think my assailant found himself suddenly swimming, and unable to use all those carefully gathered resources.

  • 9
  • It scuttles as far as I know.

  • I've seen other crews log out before; your ship sinks/scuttles.

  • @surveyorpete As stated above, if you are the last person in your crew and you log out your ship is lost to Davey Jones... Maybe you could turn your session into an open one and allow someone to pick up your ship before you leave?

  • @musicmee said in What happens to my ship when I leave the game?:

    @surveyorpete As stated above, if you are the last person in your crew and you log out your ship is lost to Davey Jones... Maybe you could turn your session into an open one and allow someone to pick up your ship before you leave?

    That is what we did the first day of THD. A crew was signing off, they gave us their ship and we invited our second crew on the same server. worked out well.

  • So, if the ship is skuttled, a bunch of holes appear in it, so that it soon sinks. But can a keen crew (either the original crew, or another) save it, if they patch the holes quickly?

    Is that a mechanism for getting two ships? The one you skuttle and the one that spawns to replace it?

  • It's like the little light in the fridge I guess ;)

  • It sails away and takes on a life of its own. Eventually marries another suitable ship, has lil boats, raises them to be fine upstanding vessels.. Then after a fulfilling life they.. they head to shipwreck bay..

  • @surveyorpete said in What happens to my ship when I leave the game?:

    So, if the ship is skuttled, a bunch of holes appear in it, so that it soon sinks. But can a keen crew (either the original crew, or another) save it, if they patch the holes quickly?

    Is that a mechanism for getting two ships? The one you skuttle and the one that spawns to replace it?

    Nope. The ship that you skuttled will continue blowing holes through the boards you use to repair it, no matter how many you put on. You can bucket out the water to keep it afloat for a while, but eventually the ship will just disappear, regardless of it's condition.

    Similar thing happens when sailing into the red sea. You can bucket the water out fast enough to not sink, but after you sail too far away your screen will fade to black and it will re-spawn you at a new island as if your ship sunk.

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