What is Pirate Legend actually worth?

  • I'm here to ask you: What is Pirate Legend actually worth?

    Last week I was part of a discussion in a different topic. The topic was about the fact that players can now use Doubloons to buy reputation for different trading companies. A few people argued that this makes Pirate Legend worth less, because now the effort to get there is less. It's becoming easier to hit Pirate Legend because of this. But what is Pirate Legend actually worth?

    I'm not a Pirate Legend myself, not yet at least. I come across quite a few of them regularly, tho. For something that a lot of people argue is supposed to be this big achievement, the people that are there aren't all that great.

    Take my adventure that happened just now. We got onto a server to find out that a skeleton fort had spawned. My crew and I started making our way there and it was great! There were four Galleons, including us, contending for it. We sank two of them, the third one was a bit harder because they kept running away. We decided to let them be and start working on the fort. One of the Galleons that we sunk, came back. They started circling the island and we found out that 3/4 people on their ship were Pirate Legend. Awesome, we had a legendary fight on our hands now.

    We finally managed to sink that other Galleon, so now it was just us and the Legend crew. Waves were being cleared, we kept shooting their ship and they were repairing (could hear it). They managed to kill the captain and took the key. We went after them straight away. One of our crew mates managed to take it from them, jump in the water. I was near him, but he got killed by three of them. I managed to kill two, but the third one got me.

    They got the key, made a run for it. We started going after them. Our sail management was a lot better than theirs, so we caught up quite fast. Three times one of them managed to get on our ship to drop the anchor in a moment of weakness on our end, but every time we managed to get close to them again. This went on for about 30-45 minutes. We got tired of chasing so we stopped.

    Is this what Pirate Legends are in this game? Are these the "greatest pirates"? If my crew and I are being kept from getting the stronghold loot, we'll turn around and shoot your ship along with it's crew to the locker and then grab our loot.

    Sure, it's smart to run away if you can't beat the crew but aren't we supposed to look up to these pirates? Pirate Legend was supposed to mean something and it's players like this that make it seem worthless to me. They are not worthy of the Pirate Legend title. So I ask you this: What is Pirate Legend actually worth?

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  • Absolutely nothing.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in What is Pirate Legend actually worth?:

    @nwo-malice said in What is Pirate Legend actually worth?:

    Absolutely nothing.



    Currently, yeah that's the case. That's just sad, if you ask me. I want Pirate Legend to mean something. I want to see a Pirate Legend and go: I need to watch out, because this pirate is... well... a legend. One of the greats!

    That's just not the case and I think that sucks.

  • Have any of you non-legends ever actually encountered a pirate legend who wasn't a complete weiner? I know I haven't.

  • So, your crew did all the work for the stronghold, but the legend crew were the ones to cash it in!?

  • @ant-heuser-kush :O ! Some of them are looked upon fondly by the community!

  • @spookycat973 said in What is Pirate Legend actually worth?:

    I think pirate legends should maybe have a small damage boost or something, so then people will fear and look up to pirate legends.

    Yeah, no.

    @rockinpodunk said in What is Pirate Legend actually worth?:

    Have any of you non-legends ever actually encountered a pirate legend who wasn't a complete weiner? I know I haven't.

    Honestly? No. Most I've encountered are quite terrible at the game. That isn't to say that all Pirate Legends are terrible, just the one's I've encountered are.

    @rofliam said in What is Pirate Legend actually worth?:

    So, your crew did all the work for the stronghold, but the legend crew were the ones to cash it in!?

    Not really. All four Galleons fought the stronghold at some point. So it was a joint effort! I don't mind being bested. But gosh darn it, turn around and fight us! You're a pirate legend, or at least in title because you're actually just a chicken.

  • Pirate Legend lost all meaning as soon as it was rush-jobbed by a random who couldn't tell you how to trim the sails.

    I'll get there when I get there, whilst actually putting in the effort.

  • Personally I like to consider myself a pirate legend, even though I'm less than level 40 in all three trading companies. I'm pretty decent in pvp, I'm a good sailor, and my favorite part of the game is finding less experienced players and helping them learn the game, and giving other people I meet a fun experience. I'm in no rush to hit tree fitties. Encountering a legend should be a memorable experience, not just another "look at this weiner" moment. If you are an official pirate legend, start acting the part.

  • @rockinpodunk said in What is Pirate Legend actually worth?:

    Personally I like to consider myself a pirate legend, even though I'm less than level 40 in all three trading companies. I'm pretty decent in pvp, I'm a good sailor, and my favorite part of the game is finding less experienced players and helping them learn the game, and giving other people I meet a fun experience. I'm in no rush to hit tree fitties. Encountering a legend should be a memorable experience, not just another "look at this weiner" moment. If you are an official pirate legend, start acting the part.

    I'm in the same boat. I try to act "Pirate Legend Worthy", so to speak. I want to be that pirate, other pirates look up to and fear at the same time. I want to be the pirate that is friendly if you don't engage first, but will kick your butt if you make a wrong move.

    Basically everything I want Legend to be haha.

  • Tree fiddy

  • The problem is that there is no way for anyone who has reached Pirate legend to answer this to say they don't suck without coming across as a boaster or being told to prove it.
    I sailed with quite a few friends adding almost 70 new contacts through the xbox app for this game alone.
    At least 7 of us are legends. Any 4 out of the 7 of us will destroy everything that comes our way, all day every day. We have sunk over 400 ships and only lost 4 ships, 2 of them to noob mistakes from fill ins during funny timezones.

    We have done almost 100 skeleton forts and have never lost a single one, whether we have to fight one ship or 5.
    In fact 2 of us in a sloop sank the same galleon 7 times at one fort, along with a different galleon and 2 sloops once each, before moonwalking off with the treasure as they tried to come back for an eighth time. plus lots of similar tales.
    Most of this on Twitch or multitwitch too so we can see the other guys perspective at the same time.

    But, we also aren't douches and have helped other peeps, have handed out 100+ athena missions to others and have even just had silly sessions where we didn't even go for any loot. We sailed around the entire map twice with the pirate legend tune on board to see if athena skellies spawned when you played on their island
    (Some troll rumour that came out).
    A good sign is that when we log in, we get about a dozen invites each from crews that want us to join because they always have fun with us.

    The problem with lack of content means that once you have reached legend and done some Athenas you start craving more PVP as a way of distancing the grind and then you get called over aggressive or mean. In fact out of the 7 only 1 or 2 still play regularly now due to lack of things to do.

    We have met quite a few other decent crews that knew their stuff and gave us a decent fight of it, so you will just have to keep persevering and you will find pirates worth the title, but I agree, while all you have to do to reach legend is keep logging in for weeks on end, you will obviously get poor players there too due to law of averages, but by the same law, there will be some really talented pirate legends out there too. Unless all the good ones got bored and left.

  • @f1lthy-rich I agree, it's very hard not to come across as a boaster. I don't need anyone to prove their worth of the Pirate Legend title, I'll let that happen on the seas. Because of that, most of the Legends I have come across, are not worthy of their title. They aren't good, they are mostly chicken and are only boasting their Pirate Legend status to other players because they had more time than you.

    keep persevering and you will find pirates worth the title

    We shouldn't have to persevere tho. Most of the pirates carrying the title, should be worthy of it. They simply aren't and that sucks.

  • @murkrage
    Well unless I go and get references to say that peeps have met me and my crew and we dont suck, there is no way to convince you otherwise.
    But, I know we dont suck, and so does everyone we ever encountered, but with maximum 6 ships per server instance and quite often less than that active you will probably never meet us.
    I posted previously and said it would be nice to see more of your own stats, number of pirates killed, normal skellies killed, sharks killed, ships sunk, ships lost, accuracy percentage of cannon balls fired at players etc. That would be more interesting to me than the fact i have sailed over 4.5 Million metres even though I have only played a combined 4 days for the Meg and thrones since middle of May.
    Then you could look at peeps profile and see just how dangerous they are, if that is your only measure of ability.

  • There are big difference between people with different lvls. Lvl 10 or 20, 30, 40 or 50 or legends. Completely different actions in different situations.i can tell after playing this game around 500 hours.im 50/46/48 and when playing with for example 30/32/23 player i can see how much wrong he or she act in all cases and specialy in pvps. Most of the Pirates legends (if they don't cheated in any case) are really legends in sea of thieves.

  • @f1lthy-rich said in What is Pirate Legend actually worth?:

    Well unless I go and get references to say that peeps have met me and my crew and we dont suck, there is no way to convince you otherwise.

    I really don’t need or want you to convince me. All I am saying is that the majority of Pirate Legends I have come across in game, the place where it matters, aren’t worthy of the title.

    Again, I repeat, I do NOT need you to convince me that you are worthy of the title. I could not care less.

  • Raise sails n sink em, always been my moto. We never runnin, too confident.... well unless we got an athena chest, i aint gonna lie, ill run real fast if u coming at me and i got a Chest of Legends on board LoL

  • @rockinpodunk out of maybe 20 I've killed about 2-4 could hold their own.

  • @rofliam I'm not a Pirate Legend either but I've stolen 3 stronghold keys and its pretty much the greatest experience I've had in a video game.

  • First line says it all...


    In all seriousness, we are expecting to see new legend quests in the future, thing that make becomeing a legend a bit more spicy or gratifying, since we have some quotes from rare implying that pirate legend in the future will be like step one in the grand scheme of things. Btw forts should have items for legends too, legends are just bullying fort people at this point.

  • Sounds to me like they got the loot...

  • @murkrage sagte in What is Pirate Legend actually worth?:

    I'm here to ask you: What is Pirate Legend actually worth?
    What is Pirate Legend actually worth?

    Since we all get the legendary pirate title if we catch chickens and pigs : The legendary pirate title is 6 chickens and 6 pigs worth !

    To be able to get the title of legendary pirate , we should do more meaningful and epic things.

    If you wanna know more about it just look here : https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/64232/new-and-different-opportunities-to-get-the-legendary-pirate-title

  • Don't forget there's no vertical progression, so anyone who can shoot straight can kill a legend, we're not Gods. I'm not great at pvp, made my Legend through voyages and PvE, but I wouldn't lose a fort to anyone, I've built several good crews full of pvp nutters that can't find an x if it slapped them in the face, this game is about teamwork, a good team compensates for each others strengths and weaknesses. Most of my crew are sick at pvp, some are excellent navigators, or ace on a cannon, everyone has a role. Beating a Legend once or twice in melee doesn't mean anything, you still haven't accomplished anything close to what they have.

  • @murkrage In the long run, I think Pirate Legends worth is all about who bares the title. You'll have the bad ones, and the good ones, and the legendary ones. Hopefully, one day, a great PL will show up, and a few follow his lead to help shape some of the community up and make this game even better. Fingers crossed!

  • Reedski must be a legend. Trying to defend the honor pretty hard. From a PvP standpoint yeah the legends tend to be trash. Hard to get good at PvP when your face is to the grindstone and murder is rarely profitable outside of a skull fort. Most of us don't beat legends once or twice in melee combat. We beat them every time. Once they're done grinding they'll have nothing else to do but murder so sooner or later they'll "git gud".

    Right now legend status just means they've done a lot of PVE and sank a lot of time into the game or in one special case have done neither and are just bad at all components.

  • in reality, its a title, a ghostly outfit (which anyone can get, because Athena's rep) a gold and purple outfit, and a spooky unicorn for a figurehead (the rest of the ship parts are just colors...)
    so in reality, nothing.
    theres nothing for the legends besides a cool hideout thats a safe haven from most players, and a not worth while voyage for a chest thats only worth as much as a skull fort chest/skull.

    still not worth it, even with the weekly boosts, especially if theres going to be more AFTER pirate legend.

  • Legends were here before the title. :)

  • It’s just a title of knowledge. That’s it. It means you’ve played the game long enough to know all there is about it: the tricks, the mechanics, the map. It’s someone you can only defeat with exceptional combat skills. If you make one small mistake they will defeat you. Not because they’re better but because they know the game better than anyone else. The developers watch what people do in their game and it affects how it evolves. The Legends with their commitment have each had an impact on the timeline of this game. They shaped the game to what it is today. If you meet a pirate Legend don’t assume they are better than anyone else in combat. Many of them let their guard down because there’s And endless supply of imexperienced players in this game. Yes, some genuinely are bad at PvP but their experience will beat your efforts any day if you give them an opportunity. Respect them for their knowledge of the game and listen to what they say(unless they are a**holes). As for the skull fort encounters, it’s still a broken part of the game. Players still respawn very close to a fort when sunk and the fact that a crew can flee with the key creates chasing and camping scenarios that last all day. Not to mention the sizeable reduction in skull fort hauls. The good pirate legends that you question the existence of don’t go to skullforts. Even an uncontested bountiful fort is barely worth their time. A lot of the good pirate legends have given up on this game. Many will return when the next major update comes out.

  • @pure-rare

    You sank the same Galleon 7 times at a fort? You must be bad if it took you that long.

    This was before they changed the spawn distance so they were spawning in sight every time, plus the other 3 ships were in the mix too during this time.
    In a sloop you have to go mobile to kill galleons at forts, and every time you do that the white fort skellies respawn on the beach and the towers start shooting at you as well, so its not as simple as just smashing 12-15 waves in between killing their ship. By the time they had returned we managed at most one wave in between killing them, getting set up again and doing skellies then getting back to ship to take them on again.

  • Heroes get remembered but legends never die

  • @murkrage

    Maybe we should be asking how those who achieve Legend might add value to the status so it isn't looked upon so disparagingly by others?

  • @katttruewalker said in What is Pirate Legend actually worth?:


    Maybe we should be asking how those who achieve Legend might add value to the status so it isn't looked upon so disparagingly by others?

    That would be a better way to approach it, yeah. I don’t want Legend to just mean you’ve put a lot of time in the game. It should mean something big, a reason to look up to them.

    Because frankly, @Reedski, if you’re arguing I’m not even close to achieving what you have achieved, which I am but that’s besides the point, and all you’ve done to be “better” than me because of that title is no-life your way through voyages. Well, then I don’t even want to achieve what you have :’), because I’ll be compared to the likes of you.

  • @murkrage To me, Pirate Legend means that someone has spent WAY too much time on this game; if someone is pirate legend at this stage in SoT's lifespan than that means that they've most likely been playing this game all day, every day. For this reason I have little to no respect for people who wear the title, all I think of it is someone who has more time than me to do the exact same things because of their lack of commitments; I'm not saying that Pirate Legends aren't good people, I'm just saying that they're a little too sweaty. If you want my respect, I want to hear stories of how you launched yourself onto someone else's ship and killed all four people rather than how you got four stronghold chests in one session because the server was empty and the imprint on your seat was comparable to a crater; you're not so much good as you are lucky, and I couldn't care for your achievements which are only gained due to your disturbing lack of free time.
    And please don't think I'm throwing shade at pirate legends for being sweaty, if I want to win a battle I admit to being a little sweaty too - and I'm definitely not saying that pirate legends are bad people... because they're not. I've seen pirate legends give all of their loot away to randoms, teach people how to maximise efficiency, AND lend a helping hand to those who're in need - BUT, I've also seen pirate legends drop skeleton keys off the edge of the map, kill people trying to do weekly events, and treat others differently because of their rank. For this reason, I don't often hold them in high regard.

    So what does Pirate Legend mean to me? It means next to nothing; they've spent their time doing nothing but grinding whilst I've spent my time hunting people like them down - unless you prove yourself to be truly legendary than you haven't earned my respect in the slightest. But none of what I say matters, what I say SHOULDN'T matter; if you had fun becoming Pirate Legend than that's enough for you to earn your title; if you find fun in grinding for 9 hours straight than who am I to tell you otherwise? Being a Pirate Legend means something different to everyone and I (someone who isn't pirate legend) nor anyone else, should decide what it means for you. I wish everyone reading this a good day/night and Peace Out!

  • @murkrage i want free doubloons every month.

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