Gunpowder Skeletons - The Bilge Rat Adventures #2

  • The skellies are getting awfully uppity- in fact, their tempers are explosive lately! Watch out for skeletons with gunpowder barrels. Can you turn this new threat against other skeletons?

    This is the description of the bi-weekly event Gunpowder Skeletons. You can find this description when you talk to Duke in any tavern.

    • My Archive of Lore Related Texts (Just like this one)

    Text Archive

    Reason for posting this - Before you comment "Why are you posting this if we are all see it when we talk to Duke?" I am posting it because I am collecting texts based around the world of SoT and in the game. Also this text won't be available to read after this event.

  • 5
  • Thanks for posting this! I couldn't play the hungering deep event until the last day, so I had to speedrun everything and couldn't read anything. Thanks a lot!

  • @dragotech123 No problem mate! I love keeping track of these things for everyone :)

  • Do you have the dialogues from the bar ladies from the hungering deep?

  • @dragotech123 No, but I can easily get that. I recorded footage, but I haven't done anything with it.

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