Player Base

  • I was wondering if anyone has any idea how many people still part this game. I love it and hope it continues to grow for years. But if there aren't enough players I'm sure rare won't continue to grow or for more than a year. Any ideas on how successful it is? Are people still playing. Is it still picking up new players?

  • 7
  • @crimson-aa I think the hungering deep sparked interest, but I think cursed sails...if done well will bring some life. The life of the game will depend on what the devs do after what's been announced.

  • @crimson-aa I love this game. Being a parent I dont get a ton of time to play the game and SoT is the best about me being able to jump in with my friends once a week and we are never overpowered we never feel outmatched. We just are there to have a good time and in that regards I dont think SoT can be touched. So they will keep me coming back for months to come. Very excited about Cursed Sails!

  • I dunno about you guys... but recently the servers I have been on have been busier than ever.

    Not that that is a perfect indicator of popularity but still good none the less!

  • @musicmee

    I think that the skeleton quest has done a great job of drawing people to the forts....I love to see things that draw people together whether peacefully or not. Prior to the HD and the skeleton thrones ect it seemed I seldom saw people.....I do wish that forts showed up more often though.....I get tired of having to server hop and they really are the funnest in the game. Also I don't think that they progress you any faster bc last night I earned 10k gold doing quests in less time than a contested fort takes so increase the frequency.

  • @musicmee Same, but I have also been fort hopping for the explody boi commendations and that's probably what everyone else is doing as well so it's probably not an accurate representation lol.

  • @xcalypt0x Yeah very true, same here! But I think this proves how Live Events can keep the games popularity up?

3 out of 7