Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.5

  • Patch Notes - 1.1.5

    Ahoy pirates!

    We're in the final week of the latest Bilge Rat Adventure – Gunpowder Skeletons! It's your last chance to get all the Doubloons available if you want to ensure you have all the time-limited cosmetics in your inventory before they disappear from the shops. The Commendations and Titles will still be available after the event ends, but the time-limited cosmetics and Doubloons will no longer be up for grabs.

    To mark 20 Years of Banjo-Kazooie, players will now be able to purchase a majestic Bear & Bird Figurehead for a very fitting price of 1998 gold! This figurehead is only available during the month of July, so make sure you join in the celebration and purchase it while you can!

    This week we've banned a number of players who we've been able to confirm have been cheating. Those players have been contacted via email and we've removed their Sea of Thieves account privileges. We will continue enforcing a zero tolerance policy to this behaviour and taking regular action against any players who are found to be cheating.


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    • Bear & Bird Figurehead - Now stocked by the Shipwright to celebrate Banjo-Kazooie's 20th anniversary.
    • Rock the Boat - Upon impact, cannonballs now apply a rocking effect to ships.
    • PC Exit to Desktop - Players on PC now have the ability to exit to desktop from the front end.
    • Shop Clutter - Player Titles no longer remain in the shop when purchased, reducing the amount of clutter in the clothing shops.
    • Megalodon - The spawn timers for the Megalodon have been fine-tuned to offer a wider chance of an encounter.

    Performance Improvements

    • Multiple server and client crash fixes.
      Further improvements and optimisations for all platforms are ongoing.

    Fixed Issues

    • Multiple Megalodons will no longer spawn in the same zone.
    • Megalodon encounter music will no longer be heard on the Ferry.
    • 'Crew Management' and the 'Allow Friends to Join' text is now localised to all languages.
    • There is no longer an invisible rock in Thieves' Haven.
    • 'Skeleton Exploder' Title now shows the correct icon in the Vanity Chest.
    • There is no longer a wall on Plunder Valley that players can clip through to see outside the map.
    • VFX for lighting a gunpowder barrel now correctly appear connected to the fuse.
    • Players will no longer be teleported back to their ship when they shoot themselves from the cannon on the north side of Devil's Ridge.
    • Header and footer UI in shops is now consistent with the rest of the UI menus.
    • The 'More' button on all radials now properly updates when key bindings are changed and will no longer remain the same button.
    • Resource barrels on ships will not longer periodically restock if they are below the default level.

    Known Issues

    • The 'Gunpowder Plot' Commendation and its Legendary Commendation counterpart may not unlock.
      This issue appears to be intermittent and we are investigating its root cause. We are aware that for some players, retrying the Commendation correctly awards it.
    • Some players travel in an unintended direction when fired from a cannon.
    • Bilge Rat Doubloons have not been correctly rewarded to a number of players who earned them through the Skeleton Thrones event.
      We are investigating a resolution for this and will share information when available.
    • The Hungering Deep rewards were not received by a number of players who earned them.
      We are investigating a resolution for this and will share information when available.
    • Upon impact, cannonball knockback also causes unintended damage to fellow crew members.
    • The option to enable and disable the Player Talking Indicator has been incorrectly removed from Settings.
    • Some players may continue to hear muffled sounds after being fired from a cannon.
      We have reports that being fired out of a cannon again clears the muffled sound.

    Download size:

    Xbox One: 1.86GB
    Xbox One X: 1.86GB
    Windows 10: 1.50GB

    Xbox Installation Instructions can be found here.

    PC Installation Instructions can be found here.

    Looking For Crew?

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    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

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  • Epic notes!

  • No Banjo as musical instrument? That's a shame. Still a great patch!

  • yeah great patch, had hope for the banjo an maybe some new music from banjo kazooie

  • Cannonball ship-rocking is going to be interesting!
    Also glad to see that cheaters are finally getting their just-rewards!

  • @personalc0ffee excellent reference to the source material there Klungo
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  • Thank you RARE.... looks good.
    It's all heading in the right direction.

  • @khaleesibot

    That bear figurehead is amaaaazingly beautiful to see!

    And I know this will be well received by those who have raised concerns about the subject.

    This week we've banned a number of players who we've been able to confirm have been cheating. Those players have been contacted via email and we've removed their Sea of Thieves account privileges. We will continue enforcing a zero tolerance policy to this behaviour and taking regular action against any players who are found to be cheating.

  • Aww, I liked the restocking resource barrels. Why was it removed?

  • Thanks you for another great update!

  • @sshteeve sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.5:

    Cannonball ship-rocking is going to be interesting!
    Also glad to see that cheaters are finally getting their just-rewards!

    That will make fights really interesting...let's see how much the effect will be

  • Aww, I was really enjoying the auto refill. Well, it was nice while it lasted =)

    Still haven't returned the 8 items you removed? Very disappointing.
    Seems like you intent for people to not be able to complete their sets. Return the items already!

  • Lovely, keep it up!

  • This week we've banned a number of players who we've been able to confirm have been cheating. Those players have been contacted via email and we've removed their Sea of Thieves account privileges. We will continue enforcing a zero tolerance policy to this behaviour and taking regular action against any players who are found to be cheating.

    This is good news indeed! A step further into a fairer playing field sea for all!

    Some nice QoL updates too... all in all, not a bad patch.

  • @lt-swag-johnson said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.5:

    No Banjo as musical instrument? That's a shame. Still a great patch!

    There's still at least one large update planned for July. Might be in that.

  • Argh. Be mighty good news to be sure matey! :-)

  • @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.5:

    • Multiple Megalodons will no longer spawn in the same zone.

    Noooooooo! Removed before I could get a video and play it to some tasty jams!

  • Awesome as always good news for all especially on those pesky cheating pirates

  • Will be interesting to see how much the rocking of the ships will interefere with accuracy when you plan on returning fire.

  • Banjo-Kazooie made me a Rare fan back in 90s and 00s I loved all Rare games up until the Kinect era that I just couldn't care about.
    Sea of Thieves somehow again has that nostalgic Rare feel for me. So this figurehead is so perfect now.

    Also since release this is the first figurehead that I can buy :D

  • As always, thank you for the fixes and these new additions!! Can't wait to rock this beautiful figurehead

  • "This week we've banned a number of players who we've been able to confirm have been cheating."

    Love you!

  • @thor-von-blitz said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.5:

    Will be interesting to see how much the rocking of the ships will interefere with accuracy when you plan on returning fire.

    I was wondering the same thing, we may all need to learn how to aim again!

    I can't wait to get that bear on my ship!

    And I know a lot of people are probably relieved to hear the cheaters are being banned.

    Thanks for the notes Khaleesi!

    • Some players travel in an unintended direction when fired from a cannon.
      Still down on the Known Issues list.....
  • Time for a video review :)

    @igotderpy Aye :(

  • Whoever thought multiple megalodons at once was an issue needs to have a good long think about they’ve done and then reimplement them haha

  • @igotderpy said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.5:

    • Some players travel in an unintended direction when fired from a cannon.
      Still down on the Known Issues list.....

    On reddit, Drew talked about this issue:

    Hey everyone, we've tracked down the issue and it wasn't a simple fix otherwise we would have banged this out quicker. We are having to prioritise this one alongside some of the work being done for cursed sails so taking a little longer than usual. We are looking to get this resolved as soon as we can though - we know how frustrating it is!

  • @khaleesibot the ship rocks now?!?! That's dope!!

  • Was hopeful the banjo instrument would make an appearance. Oh well, I knew it was a long shot. Figurehead looks beautiful though 😍

    Rock the boat sounds like a great addition too. Hopefully it’s a more subtle impact when compared to explosive barrels! GG rare.

  • I love how you guys keep adding little unexpected but welcome gameplay enhancements, such as the gunpowder barrel explosions rocking boats last week, and now cannonballs also having an effect on ships. Keep up the good work, guys!

  • Thank you for another solid QoL update. I particular like the rocking effect that cannonballs will now apply to a vessel.

    I already knew that the shooting out of a cannon bug wouldn’t be fixed, so no surprise there. Glad they are working on it though.

  • I like it!

  • @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.5:

    This week we've banned a number of players who we've been able to confirm have been cheating. Those players have been contacted via email and we've removed their Sea of Thieves account privileges. We will continue enforcing a zero tolerance policy to this behaviour and taking regular action against any players who are found to be cheating.

    Awesome! Good work, Rare. :-)

  • @thor-von-blitz said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.5:

    Will be interesting to see how much the rocking of the ships will interefere with accuracy when you plan on returning fire.

    Very much so - you get the first good couple of shots in and it could well be game over!?

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