Here's a "Summon the Megalodon" metal remix for you salty dogs

  • Hey everyone! I just released a metal remix of Merrick's shanty. Check it out below, lemme know what you think! :D

    Not sure where else I could put this, so I'm just rolling with General Discussion.

  • 17
  • Oh my, this is really good. Awesome work lad!

  • Flipping awesome, i love it.


  • @itstartsatdusk Brilliant work mate.

  • One of my favorites shanty songs in the game and one of a great remix to it. I think this fits right in the pirates of the Caribbean as setting sails to unknown danger and fun adventure, overall well done.

  • Pretty cool! Thanks for sharing it.

  • Aaawesome! This melody actually really sounds good as a metal version :D Love it!

  • @itstartsatdusk WOWZERS!!!!!!! Love, Love, Love it!!!!!

    Will be putting this on loop for a while!!!!!

    I cant write what I want to say about this song as many of the words wouldn't pass the filter but man oh man this is a flippin' awesome track matey!

    If I could give you a million upvotes it still wouldn't be enough.

  • @itstartsatdusk this remix is epic! Awesome work and hats off to you. Hope the team sees this and puts in a little Easter egg with your name on it! ;)

  • @itstartsatdusk, awesome work! I love it.

    Would you mind if I use it in my streams? I will give full credit with link/s.

  • @dislex-fx Knock yourself out. :D

  • Would that not be more of a cover instead of a remix? Great job :D

  • Nice work!
    If you slapped a real drum kit in there it would be even better. PITA to set up and record though, totally not judging.

    Subbed. Looks like you have quite an extensive body of work for me to plow through. Yeehaw.

    Check this guy out, he’s helped my sound immensely. Not saying you need help, you have some good arrangements but it’s a lifelong journey. Keep up the good work!

  • @itstartsatdusk Nice work!

  • Great job mate! Very nice.. I always do this with my mind, make the remixes in my head, as a rock/metal fan.. Keep up the good work!

  • @itstartsatdusk Wow... Epic tune. Going straight into my playlist.

  • That was dope!

12 out of 17