12/13 Titles?

  • I’ve noticed that I only have 12/13 of the Bilge Rat titles unlocked. The only comindations I haven’t compleated are one Skeleton captain this week and the three next week.

    Is there a title that is coming after compleating all the ship captains or is one I already unlocked glitched?

    One thing I noticed is I have the legendary Chain Reaction for the gun powder skeletons but no title for it. Only thing is I don’t know if there is a title for it or not.

    Anyone got any ideas or knows a list of all Bilge Rat titles that I can compare to to figure out which one I’m missing?


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  • I don't think you get a title for defeating all the crews, but I could be wrong. I don't think you get a title for the chain reaction thing either.

  • @becausescience1 There was a title for the 'Legendary Skeleton Exploder' which was sold for free by Duke (Bilge Rat Guy) but that was taken out of the game (Last time I checked). As for the titles, the 13 relate to all Bilge Rat event so you could be missing an old title, which you could still obtain!

  • @capt-soul-beard said in 12/13 Titles?:

    @becausescience1 There was a title for the 'Legendary Skeleton Exploder' which was sold for free by Duke (Bilge Rat Guy) but that was taken out of the game (Last time I checked). As for the titles, the 13 relate to all Bilge Rat event so you could be missing an old title, which you could still obtain!

    I’ve complicated all the old comindations and as far as I can tell Duke doesn’t have any titles to sell me. I’ve bought all Bone Crusher boat stuff so all Duke has is the gold and letters when I look at what he sales.

    I also have the legendary skeleton exploder title already so I don’t think that’s it.

    Do you know where I could find a list of all the Bilge Rat titles available?

  • @oroku
    Bilge Rat Titles include:

    Protector of The Wilds
    Protector of The Shores of Plenty
    Protector of The Ancient Isles
    Conqueror of the Skeleton Fleets
    Seeker of the Warsmith
    Curse Breaker
    Master Curse Breaker
    Legendary Curse Breaker
    Skeleton Exploder
    Master Skeleton Exploder
    Legendary Skeleton Exploder
    Hero of Thrones
    Master of Thrones

    I've got you covered c:

  • @capt-soul-beard said in 12/13 Titles?:

    Bilge Rat Titles include:

    Protector of The Wilds
    Protector of The Shores of Plenty
    Protector of The Ancient Isles
    Conqueror of the Skeleton Fleets
    Seeker of the Warsmith
    Curse Breaker
    Master Curse Breaker
    Legendary Curse Breaker
    Skeleton Exploder
    Master Skeleton Exploder
    Legendary Skeleton Exploder
    Hero of Thrones
    Master of Thrones

    I've got you covered c:

    THANKS! I may actually be confusing Master Skeleton Exploder with Legendary Skeleton Exploder. How would I go about getting that, if it’s still available? My Bilge Rat page shows 62/66 (again just one ship this week and the three next week.)

  • @oroku This was the update that Rare posted:

    Legendary Skeleton Exploder Title - We heard feedback from our community that Legendary Commendations are deserving of a Legendary Title, so we have now introduced the 'Legendary Skeleton Exploder' Title. Existing players who have met the criteria can grab it in the Bilge Rat shop for free. If players unlock the Legendary Commendations required for Gunpowder Skeletons in the future, they will automatically be awarded this Title.

    If you are still unable to obtain it I would suggest raising a support request!

  • @capt-soul-beard said in 12/13 Titles?:

    @oroku This was the update that Rare posted:

    Legendary Skeleton Exploder Title - We heard feedback from our community that Legendary Commendations are deserving of a Legendary Title, so we have now introduced the 'Legendary Skeleton Exploder' Title. Existing players who have met the criteria can grab it in the Bilge Rat shop for free. If players unlock the Legendary Commendations required for Gunpowder Skeletons in the future, they will automatically be awarded this Title.

    If you are still unable to obtain it I would suggest raising a support request!

    Last question then. Is there a way to track it assuming I haven’t conpleated it? Again, everything on my page shows completed. Master is 50 right? I know I have that. Is the Legendary 100 or something along those lines?

    Also, I super appreciate all the help! The forums stay so wide open it’s easy for dumb questions like mine to go unnoticed.

  • @oroku No problem keep asking away!

    In order to get the 'Legendary Skeleton Exploder' title you need to complete all 3 Legendary commendations related to the Skeleton Exploders which include:

    -Legendary Skeleton Exploder (Kill 3 Bone Skeletons at the same time by Shooting a Gunpowder Skeleton. (50x))

    -Legendary Gunpowder Plot (Destroy 5 Skeletons at the same time by Shooting a Gunpowder Skeleton on an active Fort; while at least 1 other crew is on the Island at the same time. (20x))

    -Legendary Chain Reaction (Set off a chain reaction between Gunpowder Skeletons. (50x))

  • @oroku

    @Capt-Soul-Beard said everything and I just want to add that Patch 1.1.7 removed this title from the Bilge Rat progression UI:

    The Legendary Gunpowder Title has been removed from the Bilge Rat progression UI due to it incorrectly tracking progress. The Title is currently available to players through the Bilge Rat shop once all 3 Legendary Gunpowder Skeleton Commendations have been completed.

    So that might be the reason you don't see it but you should see it available when you talk to Duke when you'll unlock it if it's not already done :)

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