Rescue a pirate, save a soldier!

  • @nexrum He's on Xbox. Just type his name in and tell him you talked with me. He's a great person and a great player.

  • @bern-dimall Will do!

  • @Bern-Dimall Done and done! :D

  • @nexrum I absolutely love this!!!

  • @nexrum Thank you good sir! Brad will surely appreciate it!

  • @MortarChelle Lookin' forward to sailin' with you sometime! :D

    @Bern-Dimall I definitely got that impression! You and he both are quite welcome! I was more than happy to help!

  • 'ey! What's that over there, on the horizon? Could it be? Steer us closer to it... It is! It's an update! Quick, drop anchor and check it out!

  • Careful, ye swabs! There be an update 'round here, somewhere...

  • @nexrum havnt seen you around in a while mate, we need to sail again sometime.

  • @rattlyfob My time online has been limited as of late. I've been around, and I've seen you around, but during those times you were playing something else and I didn't want to interrupt you.

  • Today's been a good day. I had to cut my endeavor short by a whole 45 minutes, but before then I managed to raise the goodly amount of $50 for WWP thanks to my old friend rocky1r and our new friend Gloonch! Here's hopin' next week will bring in an even bigger haul!

  • How have your adventures been going? :) Haven't seen you yet!

  • @mortarchelle In general, on in regards to this particular endeavor? If the former, great! If the latter, so-so. Deciding to stick to outposts instead of waiting around on Old Salts Atoll has helped me a vast amount when it comes to encountering players, but it's rare that I find ones who're truly friendly. Last week's encounter with the aforementioned Gloonch was the first time in nearly two months that I met a player who was willing to ferry me around...

    But anyway, I'm so glad to hear that you continue to look for me! Please be sure to follow my Twitter thread if you're not already doing so. While I make an effort to make sure that everything here on the forums is up-to-date, the fact of the matter is that I'm a bit more active over there when it comes to promoting this. ^_^;

  • Will definitely pick you up if I see you.

  • @damatheus Looking forward to it! :D

  • Your eyes aren't playing tricks on you, mateys! That there is the first update that we've seen in almost two weeks!

  • As some of you know, my health has taken a bad turn. For those that weren't aware of this, I briefly addressed it over Twitter the other day. I mention this here, because I don't know when I'll be able to dedicate some solid time to Sea of Thieves. I will definitely be on this coming Tuesday for Cursed Sails, but beyond that...

    My doctor said that the virus could take as long as 2 1/2 weeks to run its course, and that's with the aid of medication! Right now simply being online like this is tolling. Between the shingles, the pain radiating from my broken foot, and the heat, I'm barely functioning.

    So, as a big "thank you!" to everybody that's upvoted my posts in this thread, or who have contributed to it in any way, I've decided to put my last twelve Chips Ahoy! codes up for grabs. (You deserve them!)













    Just take any one (or four) of those and head on over to The rest is self-explanatory! (◠‿◠)

  • Wow amazing! good on ya...

  • @greatskullzero Glad to see you! Now I just need the rest of the crew!


    (By the way, some guy accused me of "buying" accounts through these Tweets of mine. Lol.)

  • @dunkachino1124 I haven't personally served, but I do come from a military family and know a fair number of people who're either presently serving or who have done their duty. I know through proxy just how bad it can get. My late, great aunt Margaret, for example, was a Colonel in the Army Nurse Corps. during WWII. She helped liberate Buchenwald. Her brother - my grandfather - was part of a tank crew. Throughout the entirety of the war they were always within five miles of each other, and yet not once had a chance to so much as exchange a letter during that time. So this little endeavor of mine is my way to honor them and those like them. They deserve it.

    EDIT: Why did you delete your post?

  • Click here to read the latest update. (It's not good.)

  • Just want to let everyone here know that I'm not dead, nor is the dream that is associated with this thread. I'm just going through some very rough waters still. Not sure when I'll be out of 'em, but I'll be damned if I let 'em sink me!

  • So I've got bad news and I've got good news...

    The bad news is that I'm still not the healthiest person on the planet, and as such my time online continues to remain limited.

    The good news is I think I've figured out a way to revitalize this idea of mine!

    Rather than waiting alone at an outpost or some wreck for someone to pick me up and then ferry me to a destination of my choosing, I'm thinking about picking a crew at random and then quite literally running into 'em!

    I won't be attacking them, however. No. What I'll do is stand on the very tip of my Sloop and then opt to scuttle my ship. As I'm being pulled under the water, I'll be playing a merry little tune for the folk that I've bumped into.

    If any of the people on my crew happen to catch my name before I sink under the waves and then ping me here with proof that it was indeed I who ran into your ship, then I'll go ahead and donate to a charity of their choice!

    Whaddya think?

  • Nice idea. Go for it.

  • @stordyrgaming Great to see you here, man! Thanks for takin' the time to read and respond! Yeah, I think I am going to do this. But I'd like to see if anybody else responds first.

  • Considering that absolutely nobody other than the aforementioned @StordyrGaming has expressed interest in this endeavor of mine for the better part of a year now, I think I'm just going to wash my hands of it... I mean what's the point if nobody's going to bother, you know? Plus it's not like it was an easy thing to do to begin with. Players more often than not decided it'd be better to kill or otherwise troll me than undertake my challenge. But, hey, we at least managed to get a little over 500$ out of it in the long run. That's not bad. Not bad at all. So to those of you who were kind enough to show me your support? Thank you. Thank you for everything. You're the true heroes here.

  • @nexrum i know this may be considered a thread necro, but i just want to say that i hope things get better for you. I really do. I sorta scanned through the thread and i really do think that you are a great person. Keep it up that way.

    Sorry @deckhands if i did an oopsie.

  • @klutchxking518, I had no idea that this post had been made here. No notification whatsoever. It's a good thing I periodically check here for responses, just in case. And I am really glad that I did, 'cause this brought a much-needed smile to my face. Thank you so, so, so very much.

  • @nexrum Even to this day, every time I sail past Old Salts I give it the once over with my spyglass because of this post.....

  • @triheadedmonkey Messages like that make me think to want to try again. All I'd need to do is get as many Reaper's Chests as I can and bring 'em with me, so people know to come looking!

  • Three months ago I created this thread, which seems to've fallen under everyone's radar. Part of me was thinking about trying to do recreate this experience, and rewarding people who find chests that I've relocated by donating to a charity of their choice. Back then Reaper's Chests only rewarded 15 doubloons each, so I was thinking that'd be a pretty safe number to work with. 15$ per chest, y'know? But now they're 25 apiece. I suppose I could just promise 10$ per, and have more than three active at any given time. The problem would be collecting them and holding onto them long enough to place 'em. Still, it seems a bit more feasible than sitting around, waiting for somebody to take me from one place to another...

  • @triheadedmonkey, what do you think of that last idea of mine? I have to admit I sorta like the idea of being able to do something that'd get me noticed by Umbra. (I'm almost certain that I'm the very first person who attempted to use the game as a platform to raise money for charity, but it's whatevs.)

  • Oh my gosh, 8,000 views! Thank you all so much!

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