Devil's Roar Athenas

  • Hey folks... I'm just curious if somebody has managed to complete a DR Athenas without taking half a day with this.....

    if so please help me... this is just too much to complete in this region....
    me and my mate just placed one 1h ago and still struggling to complete a riddle without the damned island set active, or someone coming by just to fight, or without skeletons killing us, or geysers..

    any help/ tip.. would be welcome.

    edit: 3rd eruption in a row. still not getting this treasure...

    Edit 2: finally made it.. since 9pm till 3am... We needed to cancel one because of a riddle we didn't understand, change to Galleon, unfortunately we got the same riddle with the bad translation took us a lot of time to complete it...

  • 14
  • @nunoazuldimeter
    Maybe running a bigger crew perhaps. If not possible then I’m sorry for not having anything other ideas. Possibly do the skeletons first and get that torture out of the way first?

  • I've ran 2 Athena's in DR. One as 2 man on a brigantine, the other 3 man on brigantine. Both took about slightly longer 2 hours, they should have been shorter, but the eruptions were NOT cooperating.

  • @iisrgntwolfii it took us 6h to complete.
    We cancel our first on the first quest, because we couldn't complete it. Change to Galleon and took more 3h to complete... And got the same bad riddle.

  • @personalc0ffee it was to go from an abandoned stash.
    But in portuguese we couldn't understand it was referring to an abandoned open chest.

    We we're looking for abandoned supplies or some shelter.

  • Lol took my crew an hour and a half

  • Yesterday I complete an Athena's in DR alone, took 4 hours with the intromission of a galleon that had me entertained half an hour. You have to be careful and move away from the island when the volcano starts to smoke

  • Last sunday we did 2 athena's in just under 4 hours with a galleon. If no annoyance from other ships the athena's are quicker then in the "old" regions for us altleast now that there is no merchant things to do.

    Keep in mind there are a few things that slow you down. (besides other ships that is)
    First the new region aka where are the islands / where are the riddles / ships. No more blindly doing stuff.
    Second for the less then full crews i guess the volcano's

    On the other hand i find that the OoS are just going insanely quick.

  • @ur-mi-ma damn. I wish I was your crew.

    It always takes us so long to complete it due to Riddles and geysers spawning on us while we're digging and the amount of volcanoes setting active when we step on the island.

    We had Fletcher's erupting 5 times in a row last night.

    But I agree @Nessiroj the OoS are the easiest.

  • @personalc0ffee it was really confusing.. then the rate of volcano activity on the island didn't help either.

  • myself, @SirioNDB, @Skulliah, @SpecialAdvisor and a few others did one last night, but I don't know the exact details of how long it took us. I joined partway through until the very end, which was no longer than 2 hours of my time.

  • @sshteeve probably it was just that messed Riddle we couldn't figure out plus the volcano activity stressing us.

  • @nunoazuldimeter oh god the geysers a********r but the skeleton spawns are worse I have yet to dig a chest up without getting hit in the back and that’s not including the skeletons that spawn when you dig up a chest I could care less about them

  • @nunoazuldimeter yea I wasn’t expecting volcanoes to erupt every time there was an earthquake

7 out of 14