Volcano Eruption Too Frequent

  • 26
  • While I agree that eruptions should be scaled back with regards to their frequency and with how far the lava bombs reach, the Devil's Roar is basically "Hard Mode" for Sea of Thieves. It can be difficult even for a full Galleon crew, so the fact that you were Duo-Slooping (and both leaving the ship, a cardinal mistake you shouldn't have made going in) makes it especially difficult.

    Sorry to be so harsh, but you were asking for it.

  • @blam320 Were on a brigantine and we're very savy with keeping the boat repaired and afloat no matter the damage. But we accurately waited the volcano out and it immediately started back up, there's no excuse for that bs, sorry.

    PS: One of us stays with the boat while the other grabs a chest and comes back. We are well coordinated but just got f****** obliterated from volcanic rocks while ON the boat. We aren't dumb enough to just let the boat hang far away from us. The furthest we would move from it is the shore where we are within quick reach of return. Anchor was up, boat facing away ready to roll out when the next eruption came. However, it happened in less than a minute which we were realistically not expecting so we both wound up dying on the boat trying to get it out of there.

  • @swordcrossx Fetchers is the most active volcano in the devils roar. On average is will erupt every 3 minutes or so. Compared to most of the other islands will erupt every 6-8 minutes. Sometime these timers overlap and cause crazy moments where all the volcanoes are erupting at the same time. You just got unlucky.

  • @blam320 Problem with the sloop and brig in this area is you can be killed by volcanic rocks below deck and sunk before you can respawn. I have been using the galleon for this area exclusively because it is near impossible to navigate this area with a sloop, less so with a brig but still very difficult.

    @rumble8888 said in Volcano Eruption Too Frequent:

    @swordcrossx Fetchers is the most active volcano in the devils roar. On average is will erupt every 3 minutes or so. Compared to most of the other islands will erupt every 6-8 minutes. Sometime these timers overlap and cause crazy moments where all the volcanoes are erupting at the same time. You just got unlucky.

    Actually I was at ashen a while ago and the volcano kept going off within a minute or two of it being dormant. Idk if statistically one island is less frequent than another but it feels random when they go off (which is fine if it wasn't so frequent).

  • @swordcrossx said in Volcano Eruption Too Frequent:

    @blam320 Were on a brigantine and we're very savy with keeping the boat repaired and afloat no matter the damage. But we accurately waited the volcano out and it immediately started back up, there's no excuse for that bs, sorry.

    PS: One of us stays with the boat while the other grabs a chest and comes back. We are well coordinated but just got f****** obliterated from volcanic rocks while ON the boat. We aren't dumb enough to just let the boat hang far away from us. The furthest we would move from it is the shore where we are within quick reach of return. Anchor was up, boat facing away ready to roll out when the next eruption came. However, it happened in less than a minute which we were realistically not expecting so we both wound up dying on the boat trying to get it out of there.

    Were you not watching the mountaintop for smoke (I get that it can be broken at times but still)? Were earthquakes broken? The eruptions follow cycles of geysers, earthquakes, then both and the eruption soon after.

    Like I said, Full Galleon crews have trouble here. And you were a mere duo. That's asking for trouble.

  • i have completed multiple voyages on sloop with 2 people. let one person stay on ship while the other investigates for treasure/kills skeletons.
    it's totally doable, pleaase stop asking for nerfs,

  • agree the new zone needs some balancing, i timed the erutpion on my stop watch and on the island i was on it was every 2Minutes 38Seconts kinda weird, another thing that seems broken to me is the range of the vulcanos we were dock at a small island and somehow got hit from island next to us and our ship got sunk because we did not even noticed the hit since we thought we are far enough hell you could not even hear the damm volcano going off. Just fix the range and the damn timing and its gonna be good maybe do something about the row boats the controls kinda suck on pc idk about xbox + they are useless since they dont survive even one hit from vulcano anyway so i don't see the point why should we use them. Oh and if you are solo stay away from this dlc you are F its not for you

  • We were on a galleon last night and we though that it had been perhaps nerfed as we were running around the island for a good 10-15 minutes on Devil's Thirst and no eruption. But the night before it had been pretty manic.

  • I am uploading a video that will show you exactly what I mean. Will attach here when it's done being uploaded to youtube. Another sloop and our sloop were both waiting about 5 minutes for the island to stop shooting rocks, the moment we got to it and dropped anchor, it began again. The ground shakes, the smoke came out, I had enough time to get to the X and then it started. More details in video to come

  • @swordcrossx I've experienced that going on a rowboat does not trigger as many volcano eruption as having the ship docked in the island.

  • This is getting frustrating.
    I just lost 35.000 gold worth of loot.
    Volcano decided to erupt while I was busy fighting a skeleton Captain, kill me and appearantly sunk my ship in the first volley.
    I respawn, get on my ship, gets transfered to a new server. Multiple Ashen Chests and Skulls gone.
    I return to the island, voyage completes and I get no commendation advancement, I can now no longer use anything so I have to kill myself, go back, get new voyage, go to next island, ship despawns for no reason, volcano erupts(less than 2 minutes after it stopped) and kills me and I spawn on the other side of the friggin map.
    This is BULL!

    [EDIT 1]I am currently on my way back... Wanna bet the volcano is erupting by the time I get there?
    [EDIT 2] Oh look, 3 volcanos are erupting between me and the island I have to get to... So now I have to sail a MASSIVE detour to get there... WHAT FUN!
    [EDIT 4] I made it, time to kill some skeletons!... GUESS WHAT! They spawned inside the FRIGGIN' WALLS! Fine, I'll leave and come ba... GUESS WHAT'S ERUPTING!
    [EDIT 5] And now a Brig is chasing me... Who I can't outrun because it is faster then me in EVERY WIND DIRECTION!
    [EDIT 6] Finally, 5 completed OOS missions... WHY DIDN'T 2 OF THEM COUNT?! I HATE THIS PLACE! When I get done down here, I am NEVER coming back. This has to be the WORST place EVER designed.
    [EDIT 7] Finally done with this place... Hopefully they tune this down for next week.

  • @danish-crusader said in Volcano Eruption Too Frequent:

    This is getting frustrating.
    I just lost 35.000 gold worth of loot.
    Volcano decided to erupt while I was busy fighting a skeleton Captain, kill me and appearantly sunk my ship in the first volley.
    I respawn, get on my ship, gets transfered to a new server. Multiple Ashen Chests and Skulls gone.
    I return to the island, voyage completes and I get no commendation advancement, I can now no longer use anything so I have to kill myself, go back, get new voyage, go to next island, ship despawns for no reason, volcano erupts(less than 2 minutes after it stopped) and kills me and I spawn on the other side of the friggin map.
    This is [Mod edited].

    I forgot that part too, where you respawn clear on the opposite side of the map. I don't mean a couple islands, I mean basically the red sea of the left side of the map.

  • This is what we went through to get one chest.

    2:43 The volcano stops erupting after I started recording this video about 3-5 minutes after it initially started going off. Complete time was about 7 minutes of waiting.

    4:23 (Literally less than 2 minutes) the volcano readies for another eruption.

    The video from here shows how far the volcanic rocks reach and just how long it really takes to get away from them.

  • @danish-crusader said in Volcano Eruption Too Frequent:

    This is getting frustrating.
    I just lost 35.000 gold worth of loot.
    Volcano decided to erupt while I was busy fighting a skeleton Captain, kill me and appearantly sunk my ship in the first volley.
    I respawn, get on my ship, gets transfered to a new server. Multiple Ashen Chests and Skulls gone.
    I return to the island, voyage completes and I get no commendation advancement, I can now no longer use anything so I have to kill myself, go back, get new voyage, go to next island, ship despawns for no reason, volcano erupts(less than 2 minutes after it stopped) and kills me and I spawn on the other side of the friggin map.
    This is [Mod edited].

    [EDIT 1]I am currently on my way back... Wanna bet the volcano is erupting by the time I get there?
    [EDIT 2] Oh look, 3 volcanos are erupting between me and the island I have to get to... So now I have to sail a MASSIVE detour to get there... WHAT FUN!

    Look at the video I posted in this thread

  • im done with this game i was here since the start but this is just [Mod edited]

  • @Danish-Crusader and @Tralalakk Please refrain from swearing on our forums, as it is a violation of our forum rules. Your posts have been edited or removed accordingly.

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  • @lady-aijou said in Volcano Eruption Too Frequent:

    @Danish-Crusader and @Tralalakk Please refrain from swearing on our forums, as it is a violation of our forum rules. Your posts have been edited or removed accordingly.

    Obscene and Vulgar Language
    Swearing is not permitted on the Forums and a profanity filter is in place to block it. Attempts to bypass the profanity filter will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Dear Lady Aijou
    I wish to inform you that the word [Mod edited] is vulgar true but its not considered swearing, please fix your filter. ITs a slang for lies, common in english language.If you spend more time testing your game instead of looking for curse words on forums you would have less people using them there. Have a nice day your loyal customer who decided to spend 60 dollars on unfinished product

    [Mod edited]

  • @tralalakk If you continue to infract the rules following a warning, further action will have to be taken. Your post has once again been edited.

  • @swordcrossx
    Hmmm more posts about how bad this new content is. I shall up vote this also.
    Please, fix this Rare!!

  • Dear rare, I have been a loyal customer to you, who also desided to spent 60 dollars of money, to a game that barely has any content, has very little variety in missions and a world that seems to repeat itself where ever I go. Even after I read the terrible reviews your game received, I wanted to give it a try (since I'm a giant pirate fan) only to realize that once we finally got some awesome new content, Its so unfinished that its almost unplayable. I have been a fan of yours for a long time, but you need to shift your focus back into your unfinished wasteland of a game and give us something to be proud to play.

    Most sincerely, Le Lankku.

  • Ich hab das neue Gebiet mit allen möglichen Crew Zusammenstellungen befahren , allerdings nicht mit Randoms sondern nur mit Freunden und funktionierendem voip und wir haben sehr viel Spaß dabei. Ein großer Teil dieser Zeit bin ich auch alleine mit einer Sloop unterwegs gewesen und mag den erhöhten Schwierigkeitsgrad sehr. Alles machbar auf jeden Fall. Es gibt allerdings auch einige Dinge die etwas frustrierend sein können. Das doppelte Ausbrechen der Vulkane kommt sehr oft vor. Wenn man das weiß und vorsichtig ist, also abwartet bevor man erneut die Insel betritt, dann ist das überhaupt kein Problem. Allerdings bedeutet das auch das man zum Teil bis zu 15 - 20 min nix anderes macht als zu warten bis der Vulkan sich erneut beruhigt hat. Wenn man ne Schatzfahrt macht mit 4 - 5 Schätzen auf einer Insel ist das alleine nicht innerhalb einer Ruhephase schaffbar. Dann heißt es wieder warten bis der Vulkan sich beruhigt hat und so weiter (ist selbst mit mehreren Leuten kanpp bemessen, also die Zeit). Das Finden der Rätselschätze kann eine Ewigkeit dauern wenn der Vulkan alle 8 Min ausbricht und dann oftmals halt zweimal hintereinander. Wenn die Fahrt dann auch noch 3 - 4 Inseln beinhaltet kann das gerne mal länger als 90 Minuten dauern bis man das alles geschafft hat, wenn nix dazwischen kommt wie Pulverskelette, Megalodons, und Kanonenköpfe die natürlich auftauchen weil man ja nen Jahrhundert in der Nähe einer Insel bleibt. Ruderboote sind zur Zeit leider useless denn der Vulkan zielt auf Spieler an Land wie auch zur See mit größter Präzision. Wir haben es zumindest nicht einmal geschafft eine Insel auf der ein Vulkan ausbricht zu F*ß zu überqueren oder mit dem Ruderboot zu entkommen(wenn es eine Höhle gibt dann überlebt man wenn man darin abwartet --- macht aber keinen Spaß).
    Zusammenfassend: zuviel genaues targeting von Spielern und Schiffen durch Vulkane, doppelte Vulkanausbrüche doof. Ruderboot cool aber nutzlos.

  • I love the game honestly but when you sit at sea waiting for the eruption to end and then you spend roughly 1 minute getting to the island and then the eruption starts again withing 30 seconds of getting on the island? That's stupid and ridiculous. I understand that it's hard mode. But you can't expect us to be able to sail in, find our chests, fight skeletons, and get back out of range in under 3 minutes.

  • Volcanos erupt way too much. I’m actually very peeved at Sea of thieves. I just sailed up to the skull fort in the devils roar. Two volcanoes erupt along the way (including the fort’s) no big deal. I dodge and take minimal damage. I park the boat in a spot that also will avoid a lot of incoming debris. I weather out the fort’s volcano. I used most of my planks during it but still had 9 left over. Once the volcano stopped, I went on land did the first round (it took less than 5 minutes.) I found a random disgraced skull on the ground and started back to my ship as the second round began. As I climb on to my boat the island’s volcano erupts a second time. It was all with in 6 minutes of the original one. The shaking of the ground moved my ship to a more exposed location where it was torn apart. I understand volcanos happen but it’s a joke and does not make the game fun to play, when it happens so frequently.

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23 out of 26