Outpost Under Siege (New Event Idea)

  • An outpost is under siege! As you approach Ancient Spire you spot several skeleton ships encircling it. Skeletons have taken over Dagger Tooth Outpost. Do you approach readying the cannons or do you play it safe changing course towards Galleon's Grave...

    The Set Up
    A Crossed Swords cloud appears over an outpost on the horizon. Skeleton ships arrived at an outpost. A ship or two patrols around it. Skeletons have attacked the outpost trying to recover the chests, skulls, and other items us pirates have been turning in. The NPCs are not to be found. They are in the tavern waiting for rescue.

    The skeletons have taken back a few of the captain skulls from the Order of Souls and have resurrected some of their captains. They lay in wait for either brave or foolish pirates to sail up to the outpost so they can enact their plan for revenge.

    How It Would Work
    The NPCs are either hiding boarded up in the tavern scared and waiting for rescue, or as @WeakDexx suggested the NPCs could be jailed up in the tavern by the skeletons. The outside of the door could be boarded up and chained with a lock like on the treasure room in the skeleton forts. The skeletons have taking back some chests and trinkets from the Gold Hoarders as well and locked it away on a galleon docked at the outpost.

    We would have to get past the patrol ships by sinking them like in the skeleton fleet battles. Some skeletons are waiting on shore to taunt and fight us as we make land. There are also skeletons waiting in waves to ambush us like in captain bounty voyages. There are skeletons on the docked galleon protecting what they have stolen back.

    Until the outpost can be freed we will be unable to sell our loot at that outpost. Once the skeletons and the resurrected captains are defeated we get the keys to rescue the NPCs and recover the treasure they tried to take back. Being ever so grateful for rescuing them and recovering what the skeletons tried to steal back, they give the rescuing crew, or crews in an alliance, deeper discounts in their shops. The crew or crews would also receive higher gold and rep rewards for the new items they turn in. This benefit could be for a limited time as you continue your voyages or as @WeakDexx suggested, it would disappear once your ship sailed away.

    Outpost Under Siege is a way of continuing the story. The battles in Cursed Sails are over. The fight rages on as we continue to serve the factions and our own interests of course. ; )

    Escalation Mode: Per @Starship42 suggestion the siege on an outpost could escalate to the skeletons attacking other outposts. To minimize impact to the server and keep the main part of the event focused, the skeleton fleet would move to another outpost. They would leave the outpost behind with the NPCs locked in the tavern. The NPCs at the next outpost are now locked away. Now two outpost are temporarily barred from pirates turning in cargo and booty.

    The escalation could be random. Maybe it is tied to the number of ships on the server. Risk and tension would rise as pirates have to sail further away or chase down the skeleton fleet, defeat the captains, and get the keys to free the residents of the outposts. Do they take on the task alone? Do they form an uneasy alliance with a full hull in hope on freeing an outpost and earn bonus rewards.

    Maybe they are left with no choice as all the outposts are eventually locked down. Maybe crews end up fighting over the keys once won and break alliances. For one is never sure what is going to happen sailing on a Sea of Thieves!

    ~ As @Bern-DimaII mentioned we definitely must have the ambience of the skeleton's attack on the outpost. Need to hear the cries and pleas for help from the NPCs locked in the tavern. Maybe the skeletons waiting on shore can have one of the NPCs hanging in a cage tormenting them.

    ~ As @ENF0RCER suggested the Outpost Under Siege event would occur randomly after a skeleton fort is defeated. So since the skeletons lost, the skellie ships converge on a random outpost for revenge. That way as @NoFears-Fun mentioned it is not too much and taxing on the servers. After the outpost is rescued, the fort would than appear again later.

    My Ideas
    Fishing, Crabbing, Digging Clams, & Harpoon Monster Hunting
    Walking the Plank
    Outpost Under Siege
    Sea Folk Magic
    Usable Dagger: Weapon/Tool & Environmental Targets
    Fly More Flags
    Diving Helmet

    Community Ideas Master List
    You can find a lot more creative and fun ideas from the great minds of the community in Community Ideas Master List. Who knows maybe some of them will be coming our way soon in a future Bilge Rat adventure or update!

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  • @x-crowheart-x I like this idea and sounds fun. Would be best if it is not waves of skellie ships. But I wonder if it is possible with the soon to be implemented all forts can now be skellie forts.

  • @nofears-fun said in Outpost Under Siege (New Event Idea):

    @x-crowheart-x I like this idea and sounds fun. Would be best if it is not waves of skellie ships. But I wonder if it is possible with the soon to be implemented all forts can now be skellie forts.

    It would be a set number of ships. The skeleton waves would be on land like in the voyages. I think this would be a nice alternative to do along side the forts. The skeleton ships are going to start roaming around now so it fits in well now. It could occur once in a while. After all the skellies need a chance to get back some of everything we are stealing away.

  • @x-crowheart-x I like it, but I would want it as a replacement for the current skellie ship cloud. Reason being, I think if you keep the current, add this, and the new skellie forts, it becomes a bit too much. Also, this sounds like it would possible reduce some of the tax on servers by removing the waves of ships. And as you said, it lends itself to the story unfolding within the game better.

  • Love 💘 it!

  • @nofears-fun good points. I figure the set fleet battle will go away once the ships are free roaming around the sea. I believe that the current battle location was only temporary.

  • To me the idea is sound.
    Dont see flaws for now, nothing to add.

    Rare read this post! Thank you

  • A few thoughts

    • Have a couple of the Skeleton Ships Anchored at The Docks or In the Harbor. These ships would signify that "Landing Parties" are on the island. The ships themselves would be used strategically by both skeletons and pirates alike. Fighting grounds with active cannons if you will. They can be sunk but can't be moved!
    • I want to hear the anger, fear and crying from the npc's locked inside the bar! Maybe put one in a stockade on the beach!
    • If no one comes to free the outpost within a set amount of time (Say 30 minutes) then the cloud will disappear and the prices at all outposts will rise significantly. Also an Invincible Skeleton Captain will remain at the seized outpost Mocking visitors as he is now the new Mayor in town😂
  • @x-crowheart-x I love this idea I would like to see more pve

  • @x-crowheart-x said in Outpost Under Siege (New Event Idea):

    I would like to present an idea for everyone to discuss and help flesh out. It would basically work similar to skeleton forts and skeleton ship battles combined. I started this under one of @enf0rcer threads.

    The Set Up
    A Crossed Swords cloud appears over an outpost on the horizon. Skeleton ships arrived at an outpost. A ship or two patrols around it. Skeletons have attacked the outpost trying to recover the chests, skulls, and other items us pirates have been turning in. The NPCs are not to be found. They are in the tavern waiting for rescue.

    The skeletons have taken back a few of the captain skulls from the Order of Souls and have resurrected some of their captains. They lay in wait for either brave or foolish pirates to sail up to the outpost so they can enact their plan for revenge.

    How It Would Work
    The NPCs are either hiding boarded up in the tavern scared and waiting for rescue, or as @WeakDexx suggested the NPCs could be jailed up in the tavern by the skeletons. The outside of the door could be boarded up and chained with a lock like on the treasure room in the skeleton forts. The skeletons have taking back some chests and trinkets from the Gold Hoarders as well and locked it away on a galleon docked at the outpost.

    We would have to get past the patrol ships by sinking them like in the skeleton fleet battles. Some skeletons are waiting on shore to taunt and fight us as we make land. There are also skeletons waiting in waves to ambush us like in captain bounty voyages. There are skeletons on the docked galleon protecting what they have stolen back.

    Until the outpost can be freed we will be unable to sell our loot at that outpost. Once the skeletons and the resurrected captains are defeated we get the keys to rescue the NPCs and recover the treasure they tried to take back.

    Being ever so grateful for rescuing them and recovering what the skeletons tried to steal back, they give the rescuing crew, or crews in an alliance, deeper discounts in their shops. The crew or crews would also receive higher gold and rep rewards for the new items they turn in. This benefit could be for a limited time as you continue your voyages or as @WeakDexx suggested, it would disappear once your ship sailed away.

    What do you think of this idea? Do you have feedback and suggestions to help with this event? Looking forward to reading what you post.

    This event could be introduced as part of a Bilge Rat adventure centered around the skeletons wanting revenge. It would stick around afterwards.

    What would be the best name for such a Revenge of the Skellies adventure? What other ideas do you have to go along with such an adventure update?

    Wow I'm Lovin how well this idea is coming together. I agree with @NoFears-Fun that this might have to replace the ship fleets event as it will stress the server with all thats going on. Althou I would veiw this a grand event that is set to a bound of events like in some RPG's. Where lets say that a server That has no skell forts or Ship Fleet done by any player for a certain time would cause this event to occur. Like a concequence and that way instead of having both the Forts and the Fleet the Skellies could bear down on the outpost so when we spawn it would be outside the outpost and we would have to start releving the outpost.

    What do you guy's think?

  • @enf0rcer said in Outpost Under Siege (New Event Idea):

    Wow I'm Lovin how well this idea is coming together. I agree with @NoFears-Fun that this might have to replace the ship fleets event as it will stress the server with all thats going on. Althou I would veiw this a grand event that is set to a bound of events like in some RPG's. Where lets say that a server That has no skell forts or Ship Fleet done by any player for a certain time would cause this event to occur. Like a concequence and that way instead of having both the Forts and the Fleet the Skellies could bear down on the outpost so when we spawn it would be outside the outpost and we would have to start releving the outpost.

    What do you guy's think?

    Yeah that is a very good idea. Since the fleet and fort battles alternate, this could be in a new sequence. It could pop up after a fort is defeated. The skeletons just lost so their ships converge on a random outpost for retaliation.

    alt text

  • @enf0rcer @x-Crowheart-x

    I like your suggestion Enforcer, but I think I like replacing the skellie ship battles as they are now with the new idea better. That is solely from a story standpoint. Right now, we hunt the skellie ships, but since Cursed Sails we really don't have a story as to why they keep appearing anymore, especially since we defeated WarSmith at the end of cursed sails. I think that having won a fort battle, and the skellies go after an outpost in response makes sense on a story front.

    Though I do like your idea that if a fort is not done in a certain amount of time, the skellies become emboldened and go after an outpost. Either way the story works. They were either chased away from a fort, or they got emboldened.

    Plus, as Crowheart pointed out, having the random skellie ships throughout the seas now also lends itself to this story line.

  • @nofears-fun said in Outpost Under Siege (New Event Idea):

    @enf0rcer @x-Crowheart-x

    I like your suggestion Enforcer, but I think I like replacing the skellie ship battles as they are now with the new idea better. That is solely from a story standpoint. Right now, we hunt the skellie ships, but since Cursed Sails we really don't have a story as to why they keep appearing anymore, especially since we defeated WarSmith at the end of cursed sails. I think that having won a fort battle, and the skellies go after an outpost in response makes sense on a story front.

    Though I do like your idea that if a fort is not done in a certain amount of time, the skellies become emboldened and go after an outpost. Either way the story works. They were either chased away from a fort, or they got emboldened.

    Plus, as Crowheart pointed out, having the random skellie ships throughout the seas now also lends itself to this story line.

    Exactly! The battles for the sea back during Cursed Sails is over. Now it is the constant struggle of the ebb and flow of our fights with the skeletons and our efforts to serve the factions.

    With the skellie ships going to be roaming freely on the sea soon, the story and fight can continue forward.

  • Love this idea! Skellies hi-jack an Outpost - and I REALLY like the idea that noone can sell their loot unless and until the skellies are defeated and the outpost freed from skellie occupancy. Nice twist on the skellie fort theme.

    EDIT: just had another thought... what if after a time, the skellie occupied outpost has not been freed... ?

    ANOTHER outpost gets attacked and occupied the same way. So now you have TWO outposts out of commission, until you cleanse the skellie scourge!

    ... and what if this continues?! The skellies see they can take one outpost, so they keep taking them one by one until...

  • So, if this started out in a themed Bilge Rat adventure here are some name ideas I thought of since it involves skeletons resurrecting their captains. Maybe it could include captaincy for us pirates as well. : )

    Captain’s Bounty
    Captain’s Folly
    Captain’s Fury
    Captain’s Wrath

  • Maybe when you defeat the final Captain the blacksmith offers up a skull handled battle axe as a gift. Or maybe the gifts are level ups like in Athenas. Liberate two outposts and get a skull handled shovel. 4 gets you a skull cap bandana, 6 gets you skull handled throwing knives. 8 gets you the battle axe and 10 gets you a crossbow! I know I'm dreaming.......right?

  • Love the idea. I always felt things died after the fort fight ended. This would definitely give more life to the server.

  • @starship42 said in Outpost Under Siege (New Event Idea):

    Love this idea! Skellies hi-jack an Outpost - and I REALLY like the idea that noone can sell their loot unless and until the skellies are defeated and the outpost freed from skellie occupancy. Nice twist on the skellie fort theme.

    EDIT: just had another thought... what if after a time, the skellie occupied outpost has not been freed... ?

    ANOTHER outpost gets attacked and occupied the same way. So now you have TWO outposts out of commission, until you cleanse the skellie scourge!

    ... and what if this continues?! The skellies see they can take one outpost, so they keep taking them one by one until...

    I like the twist that the skeleton retaliation could escalate. Do not know if the server could handle several outposts being taken over the same way at the same time.

    What if the first outpost is not rescued in a certain amount of time the captains move on to another outpost. The NPCs remain locked in the tavern. Only skeletons are left on the island.

    The captains move to another outpost and it is now locked down. That way the biggest load is only on one outpost at a time with the skeleton fleet raiding it. Players have to defeat the captains now not just to get a key for the new outpost they have taken over, but a key to go back and free the other outposts locked down.

    This creates more tension on the sea between pirate ships and their crews. With multiple outposts locked down their choices where to turn in their booty is narrowed. Do they risk sailing further away, take on the skeleton raid alone, or risk an alliance with others to open up the shops and factions to get the bonus rewards or lose it all.

    Maybe the best way would be both options. The Outpost Under Siege is usually a random single outpost event. However, when the server is full the skeletons are sometimes so emboldened they try to take over every outpost choking the pirates off in a server wide event.

  • @x-crowheart-x sounds great, whichever way it rolls...!!


    Pirate Pete: So, Paul, it looks like that outpost has been ransacked too...
    Pirate Paul: Yes. Seems that way, doesn't it.
    Pirate Pete: Pity.
    Pirate Paul: Indeed. Pity.... what to do, what to do...
    Pirate Pete: Not really in the mood for this, I must say.
    Pirate Paul: No.... I hear you. But we have so much.... er...
    Pirate Pete: Loot? Indeed... hmmm, what to do...
    Pirate Paul: The uh, merchants and whatnot are probably quite, uh.... out of sorts...
    Pirate Pete: I bet they are... Indeed.
    Pirate Paul: so uh.... what you think we should do?
    Pirate Pete: Well, that's two outposts they've taken. So uh...
    Pirate Paul: Head west? Maybe Sanctuary, or...
    Pirate Pete & Pirate Paul in unison excitedly: GOLDEN SANDS!! Yes!!

    They sail on to the west, exclaiming out loud, "Good Luck!!"

  • @starship42 and their "haul" is 15% less per outpost seized!😀 But hey, it's better to live and cash a little than to die and lose it all!😂

18 out of 20