Revised Kraken

  • I can't be the only one that thinks this but, the Kraken fight in its current state is pretty lack luster in my opinion, even if it drops some loot it still just isn't that fun or that rewarding.

    Here's my solution, now this might have been said before but I think it would be cool if lets say after the Kraken initially attacks your boat its the same deal ink black water and the tentacles still come out of the water to attack you. However in.. lets say a 10 minute time period your crew has taken down a (whatever value) of tentacles they can enter almost like a phase 2 of the Kraken fight.

    Here are some options for phase 2.
    Idea A: The water slightly becomes more transparent and stops killing you. In this phase you have to swim down and take down the heart of the monster. Maybe the Kraken could have multiple weak points that have to be targeted. While being underwater you are at risk to drowning and have to manage your ammo. Since it might be hard to jump from ship to water constantly, ammo boxes could be spread around the area, or even ammo packets that refill ammo could be added to the game, just something to add to the inventory system.

    Idea B: After the last tentacle has gone down the body of the Kraken emerges from the water and creates a giant geyser. During this fight, the focus is to shoot the weak points once again. However now you have the risk of your boat sinking. The tentacles come back up out of the water and begin to thrash the boat, all while trying to shoot the weak points of the Kraken, maybe some can be partially underwater.

    Idea C: The Kraken creates a whirlpool that leads right into the mouth of the beast, almost like the scene from pirates of the Caribbean. Anyways in this phase, the Crew of the ship being sucked down has to try and defeat the Kraken almost on the time limit as their ship is at risk. I think throwing gun powder kegs off the side of the ship and watching them get sucked into the Kraken mouth to explode would be very cool. I think in this phase the crew should have some opportunities to shoot weak points on the Kraken with the cannons as well.

    Anyways those are just some thoughts for a Revised Kraken, I don't know much about game development but I think it would just be really cool to see. I don't think that every Kraken fight should go like this however, maybe shortly after defeating the Krakens tentacles a cloud (like a skeleton fort) could appear in the sky to finish the beast off. Now I'm just quickly typing this out and parts might've made no sense but if anyone really read this tell me what you think!

    Also Kraken themed chest, Kraken Eyes can goto the Skull lady and Boxed Kraken Tentacles can goto the Merchant.

    Thanks for reading.

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  • @Dayneatolla Very well detialed and laid out ideas. I think we would all like Karen to have a body to attack like the meg.

    The only problem i see is the way the tenticals are now would not be able to connect to any reasonable anatomical structure. By the mere way they sprout from the water in vastly different locations that are spread very far apart with widly different angles at the base.

    Any ways I love the idea of a muiltiphase Monster Battle. Espically if all the Loot rises at the end instead of after every dead tentical.

    Would you like me to Add your post to the Master List?

  • @enf0rcer sure dont know what the master list is but nothing wrong can come from it I guess

  • Survive to a Kraken attack should be considered as a reward by itself... I think it's clearly enough now to have treasure from the monster while it doesn't really make sense.

    The fight is really cool, I just think the Kraken is still not strong enough and in my opinion, the Kraken should be a boss you can defeat only one time on four except if you're several crews. Also I think the creature is not agressive enough, just as the volvano now are clearly not important. People always want nerf, it's not to the game to adapt to players, this is to players to learn from their mistakes or to be careful in the world of Sea of Thieves.

    The volcano should be as violent as before with less eruption anyway, and the Kraken should be twice as strong as it is now !

  • @dayneatolla said in Revised Kraken:

    @enf0rcer sure dont know what the master list is but nothing wrong can come from it I guess

    Here is the Community Idea's Master List you can check it out and use it as a reference for idea's also to find and help support community idea's you like.

  • @dayneatolla said in Revised Kraken:

    @enf0rcer sure dont know what the master list is but nothing wrong can come from it I guess

    Your post has been added make sure to show your support and if you have any update for this post you can annouce them as a reply on the Master List i thank you for your contribution.

  • @enf0rcer Thank you :)

  • @dayneatolla said in Revised Kraken:

    @enf0rcer Thank you :)

    Np did you checkout the list?

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