Solo Ship Idea with Concept Art (updated: Crows Nest and Flag)

  • I had this ship idea for a while now and presented it a while ago. i still think that it is a good idea to this day and thus i'd like to revive it.

    players can sail solo in a sloop with its own advantages. you have the fastest ship against the wind than the Brig or the Galleon and your ship had the smallest turning radius. everything that functions on the ship also has less weight or requires less time to interact with. however, since the sloop can also hold two players, a solo player lacks any advantages when encountering a coordinated two-person sloop.

    with this said, this ship would slower than the sloop with the wind and fastest ship overall against the wind. it would also have just as much turning radius, but would require less time to reach its full radius.

    so i drew a rough sketch and...

    it was rough, but it was progress.

    i had the idea of a lever-controlled rudder, which would make controlling the ship feel more fluent. i also had the idea of adding a metal ram, allowing the ship to damage others without damaging its own hull. a very basic gunboat.

    it was at this point that had to improve my shipwrighting skills by using more references in-game. during that time i thought more critically on balancing this ship. giving a solo player two sails to manage as opposed to just the sloop's one would not be fair. a front cannon and ram would encourage players to relentlessly chase others. i also brought up the idea hear and there and payed attention to feedback.

    i also focused on creating more space for the basic necessities, such as containers, a map, quest table, lanterns, etc.

    the second sketch was more promising.

    so i though, "what if it had no cannons or offensive capabilities at all?" and worked with that concept. to compensate, i added a few more advantages, such as literally placing most of everything within view and within reach while sailing (even more so than the sloop). the map, for example, is tilted and facing the players steering stations.

    another interesting advantage is the gaff-rigged sail. this sail freely turns with the wind, ensuring that it catches the most of it 100% of the time. the player can manage the sails freedom via the rope in front of them while steering.

    basically, right and left is steering. up and down is sail freedom (speed control).

    with the basic sketch done, its time to use some art software.

    there were a few problems with the ships shape at first. the deck of the basic sketch made 0 sense, so i went through a lot of designs, hopefully being able to create a lower level somehow. in the end, i just went with something that was basic; no lower level. clutter was improved as well, now with the food and plank barrels supporting the captains table. everything was neatly in place, allowing room for movement. the lack of a cannon and cannonball barrels helped a lot.

    and thus after a while i finally planned for a final design.

    i removed the crows nest as i thought it would decrease the likelihood of this ship being used aggressively. i added a square grate so that players can look down and see how much water got into the hull. players can also bail water out of the ship's hull by using the bucket while looking directly at it. other than that, i tried to mimic that Sea of Thieves artstyle to the best of my ability.


    in this new design based on feedback thus far, i've added a crows nest and flag to the main mast. I've also changed the deck design so that there would be room for hull damage.

    Lets recap:

    the lack of a cannon and cover makes it harder for solo players to engage other ships. to compensate, the ship has more maneuverability and speed against the wind than any other ship, so that it can easily escape when it does encounter certain threats.

    EDIT: please note that the list of pros and cons is referring to the ships current design.


    • fastest ship against the wind
    • gaff-rigged sail automatically catches the wind.
    • fluent controls including steering.
    • traditionally less time to interact with ship functions.
    • everything is within POV from the back of the ship
    • small ship means players can traverse through island rivers and hazards.


    • slowest with the wind
    • little to no cover or hiding spots (also can be a benefit against intruders)
    • least weighted ship besides the rowboat.
    • low sinking threshold
    • no cannons (may be willing to add based on feedback)

    please note that what i have so far is not exactly how i image a "balanced" solo ship would look or function but it is fairly close. overall, i'm really proud of the basic design, but i am willing to return to it based on feedback. Helping me balance it would be appreciated as well as providing feedback.

    there has been a small amount of controversy concerning the speed of the ship. in response to this, i'd like this question answered: how fast should it be, or is it fine as is?

    Answers thus far: its lack of speed is justified because of its maneuverability and time to interact with objects.

    before the Shrouded spoils update, a lot of people payed little to no attention to the fact that sloops had no chance to spawn a unique encounter. now after the update, there has been a lot of cases were playing solo may be a little too difficult with these encounters. enough cases to believe in the subject, IMHO, despite how many people boast as a counter argument.

    with this said, should this solo ship have the unique effect to not spawn any of these encounters as the sloops once did?

    I'm a person that likes to make many Concepts with art presentations based on the video games i play. one day i hope to be in a similar field of career, which is why i'm so passionate about showing you the development of this particular concept.

    if you want to see more of my work, there is more at

    so that's the concept so far! thank you for checking it out as always. i hope some of it was interesting. please post your thoughts in the comments if you want to provide feedback.

    thanks again!

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  • I like it, and it fits right in with the style of the other ships. I have one major question though, and that is: How do you repair it? My other bit of feedback is to maybe give it a small cannon with limited arc on the front, given the threat of the skeleton ships. A crow's nest wouldn't hurt, as spotting enemy ships is just as important for avoiding them as it is for attacking them. It would also give a place for storing gunpowder kegs, which is a vital inclusion for a ship this small, as one keg would probably damage it to the max. For this reason, I also suggest making it only have enough holes for the one player to bail out faster than it will fill although not by much. One other question, is how does it hold a rowboat (they are supposed to be allowed to all, no matter the playstyle. On a solo ship, efficiency is key and a rowboat allows that)?

    Also, I really like that anchor mechanism (I really like making and seeing that kind of thing, especially in this style).

  • @ultmateragnarok
    i was imagining it being damaged and leaking directly from the deck floor like what you would see from a cartoon (this is a pirate fantasy). honestly, this was a challenge when designing this ship. i tried to make a lower deck without increasing the ship's size to an awkward value, and the result was removing even more room.

    to your point of adding a cannon; a sort of downgraded cannon then? that does sounds interesting.

    i knew that removing the crows nest was risky. one of the main reasons why i see no point in the crows nest is because of the ships scale. for one thing, as high as the crows nest would go, a gunpowder barrel would still damage the ship. i do see your point in using the crows nest mostly for awareness purposes. personally, i was worried that because of the ships small size and how it would traverse over waves, the crows nest would move way too much to even bother. if more feedback were to arise, i'd be willing to add one.

    designing the anchor for this ship was based around making room without completely changing how anchors function in general. this is probably the ship part that has changed the most in both scale and design. the original in-game anchor would have been too big and take too much space, so i designed my own.

  • @mysticdragon297

    That makes more sense to have it leak from the top deck, almost as if it was a larger rowboat with ship characteristics (almost no deck, just the hull as the floor) or by having it sit that low in the water. The downgraded cannon would be similar to the normal cannon, with less firing arc (not as much turning), just so it can still do damage to other ships. I would almost say placing it at the back would be good, to ward off chasing ships, but the smaller vessels weave around so much it barely matters. The other option is to have it as rail-mounted cannons, although those are anti-sail so it would defeat the purpose. The crow's nest on a sloop (and even the galleon in rough seas) rock around plenty, but it is more for looking out when you are stationary (like stopping to approach and island). If the ship is set low in the water, that should cut down on rocking tremendously (although the waves may roll over the deck occasionally). The kegs in the crow's nest would do less damage, but still some. I still am curious about the rowboat. Perhaps adding a bar over the rudder which the rowboat is tied to?

  • @mysticdragon297 so you want a ship, that's even slower than the sloop? Voyages gonna take forever...
    When you run from another ship and you are just a few seconds not directly in the wind they catch up in no time...

    Sorry, but I think the sloop is just perfect for sailing solo

  • I love the idea of a front facing cannon... would be very Piratey for hunting down loots... but I can totally see why it would be very OP as far as cannons go... though the frailty of the ship could help justify the OP nature of the cannon...

    Or perhaps in lieu on a cannon you could put an almost 360 degree pirate catapult launcher as the benefits and necessities of needing to reach hard to get places without the OP ability to fire curses cannons forward.

  • @mysticdragon297

    You should consider asking enf0rcer to add this to his Community Ideas Master List. It certainly would fit right in and deserves some more people to see it.

  • @mysticdragon297 awesome idea and some beautiful concept art there matey.
    (You know Rare are employing and looking for interns at the minute right?)

  • @schwammlgott

    Voyages taking time is better than being unable to do them at all.

    Two things: The ship automatically catches the wind. It also is the fastest into the wind, even beating a sloop.

    If you prefer the sloop nothing is stopping you from using it if this is added (nothing stops me from soloing my galleon all the time).

  • I love this concept, I love the art. I love the idea.
    Heck being a solo only ship a front cannon is kinda nice since you cant steer and shoot at the same time.

    Only thing I think would be a bit of a technical problem is getting the modern rigging in game. Squared rigging is kinda easy to sail with, sure the game doesnt realisticly handle it in the first place but how do you teach a player to tighten or slack a mainsail or a genua.

    Sure a modern ship will Tack witout having to do much, but to go faster you need to tighten or give some slack to the sails.

    I'd love to see this tho don't get me wrong :-)

  • @ultmateragnarok how are you unable to do them at all?

  • @ultmateragnarok sagte in Solo Ship Idea with Concept Art:


    Voyages taking time is better than being unable to do them at all.

    Two things: The ship automatically catches the wind. It also is the fastest into the wind, even beating a sloop.

    If you prefer the sloop nothing is stopping you from using it if this is added (nothing stops me from soloing my galleon all the time).'re not able to go all the time directly into the wind...sometimes there is an island, a rock this short moment I will catch up and sink you

  • @mysticdragon297 Really liked your concept art! pretty cool!

  • I used to solo sloop for i dont really like to fight monsters.. but now it doesn't matter they attack sloops so now i solo a brig... when monsters eat boat i put the crew open and ask the pop up players if they can help me.. yesterday i got 2 who defeated the popup skellyship :) then i turn in loot and close crew again.
    I would love this boat if it plays without stupid monsters or else i now solo just bigger ships so i can open the crew when its monster madness time.

  • The sloop is already explicitly balanced around solo play, another ship would be redundant.

  • @mysticdragon297

    I would suggest either a Cannon / Battering Ram on the Front., something that provides some form of Offensive Capabilities.

    I'd also "Sink the Fore Deck" … to where the Rear at "Port Level" becomes the "Raised" Aft., with a Staircase into the Hull which acts as the Fore Deck.
    As such the Hull to Raised Railing would essentially be "Character Height", providing you with Access to the Hull (to Bail / Repair); your essentials would be slightly buried into the Hull (like Ammo, Guns, Map, etc.) … with maybe some arched beams (allowing players to either go into the Hull or to Leap from Beam-to-Beam to get to the Bow that the Torch(s) attach to.

    The Cannon/Food/Grog/Wood could then be Crates/Barrels beneath the Aft Deck.
    Where you have the Deck now, place some "Viewing" Slats along each side; say 2 per side.
    Move the Compass to on-top of the Anchor Crank... where the Compass is, have a beam up to the Horizontal (Arched) beams; then have a Hammock from that to the Mainsail, with the Vanity Chests below it.

    Move the Weapon Rack to the Bow (so facing one way is Weapons, the other is the Ladder to the Crows Nest) and the Ammo Crate can remain basically underneath it.
    Sure, it won't exactly be "Spacious" but wouldn't be too different from the Sloop (given the Sloop has a pointless brig taking up a lot of real est. below deck... I mean if we could take prisoners it'd make sense., but we can't so... seems a bit pointless.

    In this respect you not only open up (and use the space) better., but it would give the illusion of having 2 Decks when really there's only one and resolve the Repair / Sink mechanic.

    Still other than that... I quite like it.
    You've put a damn sight more thought into this than the Rare Team did for the Brigantine.

  • @mysticdragon297

    I love it. Absolutely brilliantly done.

    I particularly like the different rig and the face it's fluent and everything is within reach but I have a feeling that most pirates might like even a light cannon somewhere on board.
    It sounds like it would make a great craft for those who want a more leisurely time on the seas, maybe exploring but with that extra ability to outrun everything when necessary.

  • @MysticDragon297

    Great concept and excellent art! I completely agree with @KattTruewalker that this would be the ultimate leisure craft for the solo pirate. When your crew is not around or you just want to pop on the sea for a little peace and tranquillity.

    I like the idea that it has no cannons. It is about being closer to the sea and avoiding conflict with others. If Rare could make our toons able to crawl, maybe there could be crawl space were one or two holes pop up. It would sit closer to the water so water washing up through holes on deck is ok.

    How will the flags be handled?

  • ok, so a lot to process here.

    thank you who have provided feedback thus far. i would like to respond to some reoccurring topics.

    i'm seeing more feedback specifically concerning the lack of a crows nest. in response, i'm going to bring it back. it would be similarly designed to the crows nest in the third image, with the ladder facing forward.

    second topic to bring up is the lack of a cannon. while i personally prefer for this ship to be more of a "leisurely" vessel, built mostly for exploration and maneuverability, i'll think about presenting another design variant for fun and see how it goes. crows nest first and foremost though.

    there is also concern for the lack of speed. i do want to point out that i have suggested a faster boat before, and the response was mostly negative. however, this is the first time the concept has gotten a lot of attention and thus i'm willing to suggest this in the original post in response to this feedback.

    thank you for posting your thoughts thus far and thank your for the positive reviews so far on the artwork. i really do appreciate it.

  • @mysticdragon297

    I think you should stick to the leisure craft concept. Something smaller than a sloop used by a one man crew soley for the pleasure of sailing and exploring. One man or woman and the sea. Swift and nimble for the wise old salt that knows there is more to life and sailing than relying on cannonballs to solve unexpected encounters.

    Anxiously looking forward to how your ship evolves. Have you come up with a name that fits the style and purpose?

  • @x-crowheart-x said in Solo Ship Idea with Concept Art:

    Anxiously looking forward to how your ship evolves. Have you come up with a name that fits the style and purpose?

    i was thinking either a cat-boat or dinghy. however, since "cat-boat" just seems to be too modern of a name and because the boat seems too big to be a dinghy, i really have no clue.

  • @mysticdragon297

    I'd definitely love to see a solo ship. A pirate skiff would be amazing. It would still need a lower deck, though, but not much. Enough to fit loot and consumables as well as vanity chests. It'd need a crowsnest and should definitely still operate like any other ship, it's just super fast to turn and raise the sail or raise the anchor and such (and they would be right there next to the wheel, of course). I do still like the idea of the sail automatically catching the wind a bit, but the player should still be expected to adjust sails or you risk new players who generally run solo suddenly dealing with a learning curve if they join a crew. I would also suggest a fully 360 degree (or at least, like, 270) on the aft of the ship, raised up, with one barrel next to it. You need some means of defense and the sloop is certainly cumbersome when you need to repair and fight off sea monsters, skellies, or hostile pirates at the same time. Being on the aft, as well, could make for quite a deterrent of all but the most dedicated thieves. The solo player certainly should have disadvantages, but they need the ability to be a threat and engage in all content. The sloop is definitely not adequate IMO, and a solo skiff would be amazeballs.

    I'd play solo more often but I feel at such a disadvantage because of the difficulty of balancing multiple roles when the time comes. A more streamlined ship for solo oriented play would be wonderful.

  • The designs are cute and I'm fine with the idea, but let's be real here, why push a solo playstyle on a game where 70% of the community complains that the game is harder solo, despite it being absolutely obvious SoT wasn't meant to be a solo experience?

  • @urihamrayne

    despite this, the game still presents a solo option and the sloop was originally designed to be easy to operate solo.

    a game is so much better when it offers multiple play-style options.

  • @schwammlgott

    Some people complain that the sloop is more meant for two rather than one, so they can't do voyages on it as it is too big. That is the entire reason for a solo vessel in the first place, to be small enough to comfortably sailed by one person (I don't know why people complain about it, but I solo a galleon so I don't really seem to be entitled to an opinion apparently)

  • @schwammlgott
    so i'm wondering, as the first to bring up the topic, how much faster would you like the ship to go compared to others?
    if, say, you believe that the sloop is perfect for sailing solo, would it be more exceptional if the ship went just as fast as the sloop.
    i suggested this before a while ago, but it was met with mostly negative feedback; that the extra maneuverability of the ship was enough to justify speed slower than the sloop.

  • @mysticdragon297 said in Solo Ship Idea with Concept Art:

    so i'm wondering, as the first to bring up the topic, how much faster would you like the ship to go compared to others?
    if, say, you believe that the sloop is perfect for sailing solo, would it be more exceptional if the ship went just as fast as the sloop.
    i suggested this before a while ago, but it was met with mostly negative feedback; that the extra maneuverability of the ship was enough to justify speed slower than the sloop.

    Fastest against the wind, even faster turning/sail manipulation compared to sloop, but slowest with the wind. Seems a fine means of balance IMO.

  • @ultmateragnarok sagte in Solo Ship Idea with Concept Art:


    Some people complain that the sloop is more meant for two rather than one, so they can't do voyages on it as it is too big. That is the entire reason for a solo vessel in the first place, to be small enough to comfortably sailed by one person (I don't know why people complain about it, but I solo a galleon so I don't really seem to be entitled to an opinion apparently)

    Too big for one? It gets boring when not soloing because there's nothing to do then...
    When we are two we only use the brig

  • @schwammlgott

    Yes, but some have different playstyles. There are some who say the galleon is too big, but I commonly solo it. You can find an incredibly broad range of opinions here.

  • updated the design with a crows nest and flag. i'm also presenting a re-design of the deck for feedback.

  • I suggest making the speed similar to the sloop downwind, simply for saving time, a bit slower, but not too much.

    But mostly I would suggest adding some kind of rowing option, giving you the speed you need to get away, at the cost of not being able to control the ship. It would help you get that extra speed needed to get away from the bigger ships, at the cost of temporary blindness.

    It's honestly the only ship other than the rowboat that would be able to row, since the other ships are too big.

  • i'd like to try somthing to speed up the development of the ship.

    these would be topics that i would bring to the table in hopes to get some feedback.

    before the Shrouded spoils update, a lot of people payed little to no attention to the fact that sloops had no chance to spawn a unique encounter. now after the update, there has been a lot of cases were playing solo may be a little too difficult with these encounters. enough cases to believe in the subject, IMHO, despite how many people boast as a counter argument.

    with this said, should this solo ship have the unique effect to not spawn any of these encounters as the sloops once did?

  • A cannon in the front of the ship would be over powering. "Oh you want to run from? No problem I'll just chase and constantly shoot you in the back."

  • @MysticDragon297 What if you tried adding a well in the center of the boat so that if it is leaking the player has a little more time to keep up. As it is the deck would instantly be covered with water as soon as you take a shot and then how is the player supposed to know when the water will be 'too high'. Also considering realism since the ship is the lightest the random turning due to the wind will have an even greater effect so you really will constantly have to be at the helm thus leaving to repair could throw your ship into a more perilous situation than you are already in. This idea might not work if you cant find a way to counteract this. Just had an idea as I posted this. What if it doesnt have to deal with holes like a regular boat and has a health sort of system. The lower the health gets it starts to look more and more rugged like the rowboat and eventually it just falls apart. Then repairing could either become impossible because you would never have to worry about sinking due to too much water (also gives a pro in storm) or you could literally look anywhere at the boat with wood and repair like so. hmmmmmmm much thought briann hurts now. Might add more l8r.

    Note: I've noticed some of the things I have said became irrelevant in the more recent posts and im jut gonna leave it because i saw it and ideas started sprouting so i just wrote them down

  • @mysticdragon297

    On the topic of speed, I believe it is good as it is. A non-combat ship should be either very maneuverable or very quick, but a solo ship needs maneuverability to be manageable by one person. Excessive speed would be difficult to manage for one person.

    For encounters, maybe making only smaller skeleton ships spawn on it (brigantines and smaller), megalodons could spawn (but less likely), and the kraken wouldn't spawn on it at all.

    As for the cannon, maybe placing a singular cannon on the front or back with little to no firing arc (perhaps not being able to turn at all?), to give it at least some capability to damage other ships. A non-combat ship would draw in far too many people if it had no self defence mechanisms.

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