New Consumable Items - Rotten Plank, Rusty Cannonball, Spoiled Banana, Waterlogged Powder Keg

  • I made this post 6-months ago and forgot about it because I received no alerts. Turns out it was locked without notice presumably because some of the words I used hit the filter even though they were appropriate. So, I am re-posting the original idea minus those two words in hopes of getting feedback.

    I thought about this while passing right through the floating supplies the other day, and thought it would be an interesting topic and possible addition with some tweaking. I personally don't stock up at the floating supplies unless I am in dire need of supplies, half the time I don't even notice them until I pass right over the top of them which led me to my first idea of the Waterlogged Powder Keg and eventually the rest.

    Waterlogged Powder Keg:

    This keg is a darker shade of brown, similar to those floating in the water, due to it having been there a while. This has also changed the properties of the keg, the powder is wet and doesn't do as much damage and may not be set off right away. If you aren't paying attention while sailing, you run the risk of sailing right into these.

    These would not be obtainable to the player and will float there until the barrels despawn or it is triggered.

    Rotten Plank:

    Found in the floating barrels, this plank has become saturated with water and weakened. It is a darker shade of brown than the standard plank and will randomly bust off the hull because it cannot take the pressure.

    Rusty Cannonball:

    Found in the floating barrels, this cannonball was exposed to the sea and became covered in rust. Be careful when loading this ball in the cannon as it has a chance of becoming lodged in the barrel and exploding. This will harm the pirate operating the cannon, and knock them back a bit.

    Spoiled Banana:

    Found in the floating barrels, this banana was exposed to the sea and spoiled, turning a shade of brown. Eating this will heal the player, but also cause them to become poisoned like a snakebite which will slowly bring their health back down. Could also cause them to become sick or drunk as if the banana fermented somehow?

    The idea is that these items would be somewhat rare, and be stored in a ships supplies, loaded into cannons, or another players inventory mixed with the basic supplies. A good way to set a trap in ones own supplies or to mess with an opposing crews supplies.

    Some might suggest the players would need a way to "drop" these items, but I think that since these are rare enough it would be just fine to force them to use them right away to clear their inventory of the items.


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  • honestly these look very interesting and defiantly possible in the game, maybe not the rotten plank but defiantly the other 3. The gunpowder barrels especially interested me and i think they defiantly should be in the game or something similar.

  • @archangel-timmy as @garb4569 has said there is definitely an opportunity to be had here alongside the current cursed cannonballs to play with other crews here!

  • @garb4569 said in New Consumable Items - Rotten Plank, Rusty Cannonball, Spoiled Banana, Waterlogged Powder Keg:

    honestly these look very interesting and defiantly possible in the game, maybe not the rotten plank but defiantly the other 3. The gunpowder barrels especially interested me and i think they defiantly should be in the game or something similar.

    Glad you like the ideas :)

    Any particular reasoning for not liking the planks? I suppose as it is now, you cannot pop off a rotten plank if you notice it and would have to wait for it to burst off on its own. This would be a time for the addition of the boarding axe or secondary function for the shovel which would allow you to pry planks off :)

  • @archangel-timmy Tbh i just dont feel it would work well in the game, unless it was given a very distinctive sound cue of some sort that made it clear it popped i couldnt see it working, as it could just mean that some players would leave it and sink.

    altogether i just wouldnt see it working in the way most play sea of thieves

  • @garb4569 I could be wrong here, but I think there is a distinct sound in the game for a new hole versus a plank popping on your ship when you scuttle, sail into the Devils Shroud, or a storm. Either way, there is a sound indication already built in to let you know there is a hole. Plus It would have a different appearance than a normal plank in order for it to be noticeable, but at the moment you won't be able to do anything about it until it pops which is cause for concern. That could be mitigated with the ability to remove planks :)

    Thank you for sharing your concerns :)

  • @archangel-timmy I think the sound you are thinking of is just the sound of your ship breaking when you scuttle without the other sound we usually hear accompanying that: cannon impact. So every time a cannon ball hits, two sound queues are played: the impact and the splintering wood. Scuttling just plays the one.

    I really like the idea of soggy gunpowder barrels floating in the water like traps. Not sure how with the current inventory system the others would work, but they sound fun.

  • @archangel-timmy Another great post for the Master list you think?

    Althou my thoughts these would probably be supplies that would most likly be avoided. Especially if they are exclusive to the barrel of plenty.

    Right now the besr source for supplies right now are the floating barrels so if you added these objects i feel players might actually avoid them more.

  • @enf0rcer The original idea was for the old barrel system where you couldn't see inside the barrel, so you could potentially sabotage another ships barrels. With the new system, the bananas as described probably wont work as well and would be avoided, but I think the Rusty Cannon Balls and Rotten Planks could have a place as you could safely hold them in your inventory/barrels.

    Rusty Cannonballs could be loaded into an enemy ships cannons so they misfire during combat if they don't notice and clear them. Either way, it would slow them down and benefit others :)

    Rotten Planks would be better served with the ability to remove planks as you would require an active leak to utilize them.

    In the end, they could go into any supply barrel but it just felt better having them getting ruined floating in the ocean for extended periods of time :)

  • @archangel-timmy Yeah i could definitly see where this idea could work for the old barrel system I feel with a few adujustment here and there this idea can be reworked for the new Barrel System. Any ways I'm gonna add this post to the list if you don't mind.

  • @archangel-timmy Your post has been added to the list.

  • Some of this doesn't sound fun to me
    Randomly taking damage while sailing is only going to lead to confusion and long interruptions to play by having to not only stop and repair but to determine why. You can't just write off that you weren't attacked so you have to literally stop everything to check the waters, ladders, and the rest of the ship for intruders
    These items should never be allowed to be used on your own ship. Otherwise they will, over time, just be left behind and ignored by most players and complain more time is needed to sort through supplies to make sure none are accidentally taken and used. This will be especially harder for newer or younger players and will cause a further divide of them from veterans socially. Worse still these will be exploited by players to sabotage their own crew which is already a major problem
    All that said - I can see the fun in boarding and sabotaging an enemy ship if they're kept most rare like the cursed cannonballs, you could use them in the same fashion but in a more direct application. For balance I'd say -

    • You apply the item to a single barrel
    • This application takes time comparable to loading a cannon or hammering a plank
    • The effect is visible and has a duration similar to the cursed cannonballs (This would mean that the crew has to choose whether or not to take items out of the barrels in defense of their ship if they don't have the supplies on their person already)
    • Poisoned bananas hit with venom and the healing at the same time and the poison duration isn't additive, it just resets (This means you have to eat more to counteract the poison effect. You're taking damage and you deplete your provisions more)
    • Rotten planks don't have a chance to break. They just do over time (This duration would have to be balanced long enough to make a difference but still probably break while still in the same fight)
    • Rusty cannonballs don't jam or do less impact damage to the enemy but always do a set amount of damage to the player firing them (this allows the ship to fight back still but it with a major drawback of firing five or six cannonballs would kill you, meaning you have to stop and heal)
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