The Forsaken Stronghold w/Image Link (An Interesting Idea, hopefully approved in the long run)

  • Let’s get spicy with this one (no pun-intended). Let RARE (hopefully they do see this idea/suggestion) add a skull fort inside of Devil’s Roar region,but here is the fact there are numerous ones. So here, we, go.

    You see how the skull cloud is in the sky in The Wilds, Ancient Isles, and Shores of Plenty are just a normal, slight greenish color skull cloud formation in the sky. Now take that and turn the color to a reddish hue, and instead of green eyes, it’s yellow-orange, and flames (or smoke) coming from the mouth area and the eyes, and the teeth are slightly glowing yellow-orange.

    The fort will be the largest in landmass overall (about twice the size of Hidden Spring Keep). On the outside boundary, there will be up to 4 to 6 watchtowers (2 lower, 2 middle, and 2 tall ones), they will each have four cannons, all facing North, South, East, and West. Inside the fort, there will be a large lava pit that you have to avoid at all cost. There will be a large volcano that sits behind the main watchtower of the fort (The Fortress), and will erupt rarely, but the island will have violent earthquakes and geyser epidemics. But don’t worry about the earthquakes and geysers, they won’t spawn so much during the play as well.

    The regular towers have three layers (the main part, the upper balcony, and the top), well this one will have 6 layers (1 main, 3 upper, and 2 top towers). This will also have a cave system that goes through part of the volcano and onto the ground floor of the fortress. Barrels will be scattered throughout the area of course.

    Same four regular skeletons (the normal, plants, shadows, and gold), but now let’s add in the flaming skeletons. These will explode fire at a person and cause little damage to the person, they have much faster speed than the gold skeletons, but have the same amount of damage as a shadow skeleton.

    Let’s make it from 15 rounds, to up to 20 rounds. The last five rounds will spawn two different kinds of skeletons to attack at once, to make it even more of a daunting challenge to say the least. Then there will be a 20th round, and it will be one captain, but all types of skeletons spawn as well, so better get the swinging that Cutlass and blasting them with the weapon of yours.

    All the loot will be the ASHEN STYLE, including the Stronghold Chest, Skull, the Create of Bone Dust, and the Stronghold Gunpowder Barrell. The loot inside the vault will all be worth two to three times the regular amount, and will also include a:

    • Chest of Legends (for Pirate Legends who don’t want to have to go through two to three hours of sailing throughout)
    • Legendary Athena Skull (something that I mention before).
    • Sapphire, Emerald, and Ruby Gems

    My suggestion with putting the fort I mention is if looking at the Interactive Map, at coordinates V and 9, since that is above but in the region near Devils Roar and in the open area.

    What do you Pirates think about the idea? Please do spread this and hopefully RARE Devs do see this and think about and and too be interested in adding this to the game as well.

    UPDATE: I made some changes and corrected some things so that the grammar is correct and that everything made sense.

    UPDATE (01/28/2019): I will Provide a Sketch of how I see the fort being shaped, and I will also provide a ground view (a rough sketch of the fort itself, with the volcano in the frame in the future.

    UPDATE (02/07/2019): I have a sketch of the Forsaken Stronghold. I plans were to have it build in the area that is near the Wilds and north of Morrow's Peak, but since they have Molten Sands Fortress there (east of Fetcher's Rest), I was thinking of can they add one more and put this one on the south side of the region, east of Ashen Reaches at least.

    The "X" means the spots where the skeletons will spawn in on the island. I really do want Mr. Neate or any developers who see this to find this interesting because I worked hard with this and I really do love this game and want to (along with other pirates and there unique and cool ideas/suggestions) incorporate something like this in the game.

    @Musicmee @KattTruewalker @Marrl @J4dio @Kenji-Salk

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  • I do like the idea of a fort made in the Devils roar, something rare did mention due to the shroud that the skeletons are creating trouble and more active forts are happening.

    But what if we had a Island in the Roar that basically is basically a vocano in the middle or 2, having obviously land around it fort treasure inside the volcano but can only be accessed once the Fort is complete like normal. Having surrounding the fort skelly ships to be much more challenging, Though this fort has to be more volcanic and active, due to the nature of the actual fort. Maybe adding a new skeleton could be a moltern armour kind of skelly has to be taken out mainly with cannons as their armour could be obsidian.

    The rounds can be more than 10 giving it a much challenging approach, maybe even in the end instead of 1 captain you have 3 just to give it a challenge.

    Another idea could be breaching layer of islands which could be a interesting approach you would need to breach 1 layer of waves to then get into the next layers until your inside the heart of the volcano, and with skelly ships outside meaning these kind of forts should pay insanely well and not appear as often

  • @kadaj1991 Good suggestions, especially about the molten armor suited skeletons that are made of obsidian and using cannon to attack them. About the going into the volcano, I'm not sure how will that work (even though you did explain the concept of what will happen). But I still like the molten skeleton armor idea.

  • @prorapidkiller I like this idea. May i add it to the Community Ideas Master List.

  • @enf0rcer Sure!

  • @prorapidkiller said in The Forsaken Stronghold (An Interesting Idea, hopefully approved in the long run):

    @enf0rcer Sure!

    Your Post has been added to the List. Thankyou for your Contribution. Be sure to post any updates to this post including an updated link and title as a reply on the masterlist.

  • @enf0rcer Thank you, and hopefully RARE finds this as an interesting idea.

  • @prorapidkiller said in The Forsaken Stronghold (An Interesting Idea, hopefully approved in the long run):

    @enf0rcer Thank you, and hopefully RARE finds this as an interesting idea.

    Np, and i do hope Rare will take inspiration from this idea like they have done in the past.

  • UPDATE (01/28/2019): I will Provide a Sketch of how I see the fort being shaped, and I will also provide a ground view (a rough sketch of the fort itself, with the volcano in the frame in the future.

  • @ENTICED-MALICE I saw your post about adding a fort into Devils Roar, I did this suggestion on it and see what you think about it.

  • @prorapidkiller i like it :)

  • I think this is a great idea! I think one of the big features that was overlooked with the release of the Devil's Roar was the introduction of a new type of skeleton. I particularly like @Kadaj1991's suggestion about obsidian armor. They're different enough from gold skeletons to pose a threat because they wouldn't be weakened by water while at the same time having quite a bit of damage resistance to really require a solid amount of teamwork. Great suggestion!

    Edit: Might I add that I think the obsidian skeletons should also be able to resist geyser damage if they happen to walk over an erupting one? I think with them having the extra armor on we could argue that they just simply aren't effected by it and shrug it off like it's a spring bath! This would help further differentiate them from the gold skeletons.

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie Totally agree with the gyser stuff, as it should not affect obsidian, being heat. I also think, when struck with a sword, we take sort of damage. Maybe the only weapon that can pierce through is a Blunderbuss!

  • Excellent idea and write up mate! The Devil's Roar has room for one fort and this would be a great fit. Look forward to more of your ideas.

  • Alright, I added an image Link to the idea of the Forsaken Stronghold, hope you like the illustration.

  • @prorapidkiller love the idea mate

  • Nice sketch you got there mate!

    Let's not forget about the magma trail!
    This could be the only way to lower the defence of the obsidian skeleton maybe?
    Then throw a bucket of water to make a thermal shock like damage?

    A lot of ideas comes to mind when killing skeleton, it reminds me of the day when i killed zombie in a parallel universe. :P

    See you on the seas!

  • @avengeful90 That would be a good idea with throwing water at those that are flamed and make them easier to kill.

  • There's already a Stronghold at the top right of the Devil's Roar. I did it with my buddy a few hours ago

  • @majoraakc Mate, ya know yer commenting on 5 months old post form before the Devil's Roar Fort was added, right? Yer just commited a necromancy here xD

  • @ardent-hallern Forsaken was released september 2018. This was posted in December and updated February. Suggesting that s/he didn't know it existed

  • @Deckhands This is a five month old necro.

  • Ahoy maties!

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