Ship value tracking, and a complimentary system that rewards players who take risks.

  • I'm not sure if any of you have seen us on the waters, but my teammate and I are the kind of people who wait til the end of a long journey to turn our treasure in. We adorn the entire perimeter of our ship with chests/trinkets/skulls until there is no wood visible.
    We don't care about losing the treasure if we get out-pirated. That's part of the game.

    SoT can be an RNG nightmare hellscape to pretty much anyone at all times, but I feel it's about time to reward risky players with at least a higher average of decent rewards. Having large amounts of treasure on your ship should make for more rewarding quests and voyages.

    For example:

    • Add a ship 'ledger' to automatically keep track of items that have entered the ship's possession, or have been sold (by unique IDs). This would be a place you could find the total average value of your ship.
    • When the total value of your ship reaches certain tiers, certain low-level treasures should be phased out. An idea might be:
    • ~30K Treasure: All loot is Tier 2 or higher. (No castaways, basic skulls, sugar)
    • ~60K Treasure: All loot is Tier 3 or higher. (No seafarers, disgraced skulls, tea)
    • ~90K Treasure: All loot is Tier 4 or higher. (No marauders, hateful skulls, silks)

    (EDIT: These have been raised from the original suggestion of 10K, 20K and 30K respectively, due to popular feedback)

    Maybe that's a reasonable lower limit. There is virtually no reward for turning in the lowest level of loot, neither for gold or reputation. Please keep in mind, I would only expect this system to work in the following scenarios:

    • Digging up treasure from maps and riddles.
    • Defeating the megalodon + kraken.
    • Defeating skeleton galleons which have specifically spawned to fight you.
    • MAYBE completing a skeleton fort, if you've done all the work. Imagine a vault full of captain's chests, villainous skulls and the most gold treasure you've ever seen. That's the dream for me.

    At any rate, I love the game and the adventure it brings. If something can be done to reward risk takers, like a raised loot quality average, that would be awesome.

  • 31
  • But the rare tea is a cover for the illegal stuff we smoke in holland and the sugar is the caribean white gold.. we even let the cargo plants dry on purpose :")

    But i like the idea. Its fun to keep everything and its fun for pirates to plunder a nice cargo so it could have a fun effect to stimulate a little gambling ^^

  • @gaseousxihro if you’re already doing it just for the rush then that is probably enough. There’s an Xbox achievement, so that’s one tangible reason to do it. The other is high-level/Athena are already naturally higher-risk (time and possibility of losing the Athena as well as higher rewards than other voyages). There’s also the Devils Roar and “ashen” stuff which is better gold and xp.

    Basically I think you’ve got what you’re looking for already.

  • @haydnsym45 said in Ship value tracking, and a complimentary system that rewards players who take risks.:

    @gaseousxihro if you’re already doing it just for the rush then that is probably enough. There’s an Xbox achievement, so that’s one tangible reason to do it. The other is high-level/Athena are already naturally higher-risk (time and possibility of losing the Athena as well as higher rewards than other voyages). There’s also the Devils Roar and “ashen” stuff which is better gold and xp.

    Basically I think you’ve got what you’re looking for already.

    If I don't have a ship ledger and a value-based reward system to reward high risk play, by definition I don't have what I'm looking for! Particularly considering that the ascent to Pirate Legend requires loot that actually moves the needle.

  • I completely agree with you and think this would work great! This game is so much more fun when then is an actual risk and you are on edge. This is a simple system that would really help on the way to Pirate Legend. It could also make for a new way in which other players interact with each other - People may see how much loot others have and steal it for their own ledger but be raided by another. Or an alliance could distribute loot to make everyone in the alliance get better loot which would, in the long run, get the alliance more money.

    I think this would be great!

  • They must keep track of the loot you have already, or at least some of it, because there are achievements and commendations for stolen chests.

  • @gaseousxihro The gold becomes meaningless as you get that high up anyway. Losing an Athena with 2+ hours work put in is the definition of high risk. Enjoy the regular play while you can.

  • @haydnsym45 said in Ship value tracking, and a complimentary system that rewards players who take risks.:

    @gaseousxihro The gold becomes meaningless as you get that high up anyway. Losing an Athena with 2+ hours work put in is the definition of high risk. Enjoy the regular play while you can.

    To suggest that the only high risk scenario should be a specific end-game voyage is folly. There is plenty of loot to be had trawling the high seas in any area, and players should indeed be rewarded for putting a large amount of gold at risk just for the heck of it.

    It's a long arduous grind to 50 reputation when you're a casual player. Given that there is no strategic advantage to getting more gold or reputation, there is no reason a risk/reward system should not exist.

  • @gaseousxihro What your proposing here is a type of Loot Hoarding objective and If understand correcttly the more loot you Hoard the Greater you chances of finding higher teir loot becomes from completing RNG objectives. I must say i definitly agree with you as i have suggested a very simular system for my Rogue Wave Project. Were the Ship itself gains Lvls based on the loot currently aboard. May i add your post to the Community Idea's Master List and use your post as a reference to my upcoming second draft.

  • @enf0rcer said in Ship value tracking, and a complimentary system that rewards players who take risks.:

    @gaseousxihro What your proposing here is a type of Loot Hoarding objective and If understand correcttly the more loot you Hoard the Greater you chances of finding higher teir loot becomes from completing RNG objectives. I must say i definitly agree with you as i have suggested a very simular system for my Rogue Wave Project. Were the Ship itself gains Lvls based on the loot currently aboard. May i add your post to the Community Idea's Master List and use your post as a reference to my upcoming second draft.

    I wouldn't mind you adding this post to the master list. I appreciate that you're compiling feedback!

  • @new-world-clogs Agreed on both points. Perhaps the gold requirement would have to be higher for each tier; However as I tend to get 80-90% of my loot from other player ships, I don't mind some people joining forces to make my hunting more lucrative :)

  • @haydnsym45

    You don’t have to play like us. You can sell after every island.

    This mechanic is for those who enjoy risk. Think of our ship, as a piñata, the more stuff into our piñata the better the reward.

    If you are confident in your crews ability, then you will push past the innicial “hoard 20 chest on your boat” achievement. Going to 50 chest then 100 chest ect. The more you risk(losing) or gamble(rng/ other players) the better payout I would like.

    Typically these are players who play for longer then three - eight hours. As an example, I did two gilded voyage without selling. Got attacked by a brig, and took part of their gilded voyage.

    If players don’t want to play this style, then they won’t participate. It won’t get them. So saying “enjoy the regular voyages while they last” is silly, being that the game won’t punish a player for not hoarding, but reward players that enjoy risking it.

    As another example, players tend to fight harder when they are at risk of losing everything. If your boat is empty, you’d probably let it sink and respawn. If it has 30k worth of loot, you’d ether run or fight. Personally I enjoy fighting, the challenger. Since you are typically at a better defense, stationary, on the initial attack. “Boat is coming for a ram” aright go barrel them. “ someone jumped off to try and keg us” well jump into the water and shoot the keg before he gets too close— kill that player before he gets on the boat.

  • @new-world-clogs

    I disagree with “ make a ship ride lower” basically your hinting that a ship is always under the balask ball mechanic. Which sinks a galleon if they are careless about their upper deck (( via possible lack of planks to prioritize only lower deck repairs)) that and a galleon is so large that you can usually hit upper deck easier compared to lower. ( this is also assuming that your ship is thirty - fifty meters from another vessel. Where your aiming at the top of the sails or even over it. )

    Other then that I do can agree with you.

    I don’t really care much for those “farming servers” yeah sure they farm till they get to PL but they don’t learn how to fight. Personally I just think players who do that are, just solely focused on their status in the game. Via max level. Guess what, the games no different when you reach max, and without pvp action I tend to get bored.

    At this time, I could careless, how other play. If they want to farm, let em. If they want to sell after every island or skull fort, so be it. I just find it humorous when someone wants to fight, after selling their bounty because they have nothing to lose. All I’m really interested in, is making it more enjoyable for myself, by adding a challenge.

    I’ve suggested a similar bounty system, where if you sink five player ships without sinking.(so a kill streak system) , you are marked as hostile. After you sink the hostile ship, you gain a token(mermaid gem) Worth 30k if that hostile ship sinks. If the hostil ship sinks another ship increase bount by 5k. This is incentive for other players to attack ships. What does it do for hostile ship? Provides pvp in adventure mode, they do not get a reward. I woulda liked one but, if a player scuddels to get the token to sell to duke, I can see it being cheesed maybe.

    All and all, everything can be cheesed by the “pve” servers. I find it boring, however I do enjoy playing with friends in a 2 ship fleet on occasion. (( when alliance came out, I originally thought it would be a “my fleet” vrs “ your fleet” mechanic, which I woulda enjoyed))

  • @gaseousxihro said in Ship value tracking, and a complimentary system that rewards players who take risks.:

    @enf0rcer said in Ship value tracking, and a complimentary system that rewards players who take risks.:

    @gaseousxihro What your proposing here is a type of Loot Hoarding objective and If understand correcttly the more loot you Hoard the Greater you chances of finding higher teir loot becomes from completing RNG objectives. I must say i definitly agree with you as i have suggested a very simular system for my Rogue Wave Project. Were the Ship itself gains Lvls based on the loot currently aboard. May i add your post to the Community Idea's Master List and use your post as a reference to my upcoming second draft.

    I wouldn't mind you adding this post to the master list. I appreciate that you're compiling feedback!

    Your post has been added to the list under Cat 3. I appreciate your contributation and will be using your post as a reference in Rogue Wave project.

  • @dragonwhir0 You're speaking my language. Very well spoken!

    In my opinion, in a game where the hard value of gold doesn't REALLY matter, it's best that it flies around in increasingly massive quantities to keep players' interest.

  • @gaseousxihro

    One of the few good ideas to achieve true improvement and game depth promoted on this forum


  • I disagree - to me, this is just another way to game the system; play for a few hours with the risk of getting attacked or sunk, and all of sudden everything you do is basically a gilded? NO.

    The fact that you have so much loot on board and are taking on the risk in the 1st place and how it makes you feel more and more nervous the longer you sit on it should be more than enough - your reward is in that experience, not in getting even more gold.

  • I love this idea, it would help people get tons of gold and provide pvp players an actual reward when raiding other ships. There'd be more opportunity on the ocean for plunder instead of finding empty ships all the time.

    Increase the number of ships per server too. More life on the ocean would be more fun.

  • @galactic-geek

    The gilded was an example because it gets you a lot of items in a shorter period of time, that’s why I referenced it.

    I’ve done two or three ashen Athena’s, only selling Athena chest but keeping the rest.

    Back in June 2018, I did a 16-18 hour voyage and had 250assorted treasure, from trinkets/ skull forts to voyages.

    This was before skull forts every 15 minutes , loot drops from meg/ kraken and devils roar

  • @galactic-geek said in Ship value tracking, and a complimentary system that rewards players who take risks.:

    I disagree - to me, this is just another way to game the system; play for a few hours with the risk of getting attacked or sunk, and all of sudden everything you do is basically a gilded? NO.

    The fact that you have so much loot on board and are taking on the risk in the 1st place and how it makes you feel more and more nervous the longer you sit on it should be more than enough - your reward is in that experience, not in getting even more gold.

    The game is called Sea of Thieves, not Sea of Voyaging.

    My expectation is that there should always be a ship on the horizon ready to steal my treasure, and I want to make sure that there is treasure for them to steal. By giving players a reason to hold onto gold for longer, it encourages the actual namesake of the game.

    I'm happy to debate the merits of adding depth to the game, but I hope people come with more to say than "I disagree with this because you already have what you want."

    If you think I have what I want, read the original post.

  • @gaseousxihro The idea is good and I would love to endorse it, but there are some holes I want addressed.

    First lets address your idea.

    The 30k limit is too low. You would have to raise it up higher. You can get around 30k just for doing a single skull fort or close to. Would you feel comfortable raising the limits by 20k, 50k, 70k?

    Next lets address the motivation behind this.

    You suggest the idea so that the game can be more "risky." I think the risk is relative to each player. I think a high level losing 15 captain chests isn't going to really cry over spilt milk, but a low level that loses 15 seafearers chest might feel a pain in his heart for the loss of loot. Your idea almost loses its appeal as you get higher. Which would mean that lower levels will cry even more over losing their loot.

    The abuse of the idea -

    You idea comes with one huge abuse tactic. There are 2 at the moment. 1 is when a server is taken over by a PvE alliance. Now I don't consider this tactic an exploit in any shape or form. I applaud players abilities to actually take over a whole server and form alliances.

    But when a server is taken over, your idea will just pure gold mine. Then there are problems where people stay in servers purposely so that they don't merge, being the only ones in the server. Again gold mine.

    The already present Athena -

    Your idea is really just an Athena quest without the Athena at the end. Athena quests give you nothing but Tier 3 and Tier 4 items already. The Athena chest itself is worth a lot of money.

    If you are not Pirate Legend yet, I'd say just wait it out until you are doing an Athena and someone in the server knows you are. You want risky situations? Being afraid of someone stealing a chest that took you over 2 hours to do.

    I see the appeal to your idea, I just don't see the sense in implementing it. What are your counter arguments?

  • @xultanis-dragon Thanks for coming in with some counterpoints.

    I'd be totally comfortable with raising the gold limits required, as they would prevent the server-wide alliance issue you've noted.

    I don't think the tendency towards PVE alliances would necessarily be a bad thing, and in fact, may mitigate outcry from the opposite side of the argument who just want to feel secure in their venture. I understand a full server PVE take-over is a (very rare) risk, but if a bunch of strangers managed to do something that impressive, they deserve some applause. From my experience, it's pretty unlikely that everyone in the server will play nice. I certainly would not. Let's remember also that, even if people are hoarding massive amounts of gold, it still doesn't effect anyone else in a negative way as the game is designed to be played on a level field.

    Having played the game casually since beta, I am still not a pirate legend. I feel like many existing pirate legends don't recall how steep the climb is to get there, particularly for players who play the game in unorthodox ways for short hours each week.

    The Athena quests should not be our only solution for high risk / high reward ventures. There is a vast space between levels 1 and 50 where the game is bone dry in terms of actual depth of content. Increased megalodon/kraken/ghost ship encounters do not whet my appetite until risk modifiers exist.

  • @dragonwhir0 Sure fine whatever floats your boat, by all means go for the rush of risking 40k gold. I’m not seeing that as a justification for additional rewards on top of regular.

    The only real upside I can see is that it could mean more equal-risk PvP encounters. There’s a similar downside though - more incentivento attack while empty hoping you’re attacking a hoarder. So for that reason, beyond the other more esoteric reasons earlier stated, I’m opppsed.

  • @gaseousxihro I like the concept, but perhaps not the implementation as you have outlined it.

    Loot serves two purposes in SoT, to give people a reason to sail around the world, and to give them something to fight over with other players.

    Loot creates the motivation for all types of play.

    It would be a more interesting sea for everyone if all ships were rolling around laden down with goodies. It'd also be a much more dangerous sea, there'd be no reason not to attack every ship if the chances of them having good loot was higher than it is now.

    Once you hit max level, unless you've been avoiding combat, you should have fairly decent PVP skills. The thrill of a PVP fight starts to fade as your skill level increases. It takes a little bit more for the adrenaline to start flowing. That's where hoarding a bunch of loot comes in. I may not need rep, but 50 - 100g worth of loot is still 50 - 100g worth of loot. That makes things exciting.

    The fact that not every ship carries that much loot means that there's a whole tactical game in picking targets, tracking them down, attacking them when they are most vulnerable/valuable. It's the best feeling in the world when you get it all right and sink someone with an Athena's chest on board, especially if it involved some sort of scheme, like stowing away to see what Island their chest is on and then having the ship ambush them as they leave.

    I'd be ok with there being a small incentive to carry loot on board, because that would mean that people who defeat a PVP crew would get some sort of reward for their victory (beyond getting to survive and keep their stuff), but not such a large incentive that every ship is a valuable target, so there's no reasons not to sink them.

    I'd lean towards a system where, if you have over a certain threshold of loot on board when you go down, you get extra resources in your barrels on respawn, like maybe 30 extra of each resource. That way there's a reason, especially for a PVP crew, to keep loot on board, but people aren't forced into carrying a massive haul to try and maximise their earnings.

  • @boxcar-squidy I've been playing the game in almost a strictly PVP capacity since beta, gaining skill all the while, and the thrill of the hunt hasn't abandoned me one bit! Not even after being double-gunned a hundred or more times!

    Cautious play is of course still an option for people who don't want to take the risks, but the fact remains that players are going to attack other players, regardless of loot on their ship. That is a fact of life in this game, and will remain that way.

    Personally, if this system was implemented, my strategy would change from "SINK EVERY SHIP YOU SEE" to "BOARD THAT SHIP AND SEE IF THEY'RE WORTH OUR TIME". The biggest complaint I've personally seen from players is that they are being sunk before they've even gotten a chance to loot anything, and I know this would offset my tendency to make those people miserable.

    While I like the idea of the extra resources, it sort of goes against the risk aspect of actually getting your treasure back to the outpost for your reward.

  • @gaseousxihro I understand where you are coming from, but my personal journey with SoT has gone from:

    avoid every ship you see


    sink every ship you see


    let's figure out if that ship is worth our time

    It all happened pretty naturally for me. I understand that other people don't seem to follow the same trajectory.

    I'd be fine with tweaking things and adding incentives to help other people find their way, I'm just wary of changing things too much, because they seem to have worked as intended for me.

    It's not a bad suggestion and I agree in principle, but I feel the PVP crowd are the ones we want to encourage to carry loot, and seeing as a lot of them don't care about loot, the way to encourage them seems to me to be to give them something they do care about i.e. cannonballs, planks and bananas on respawn.

  • @new-world-clogs said in Ship value tracking, and a complimentary system that rewards players who take risks.:

    I think that there should be some reward for hoarding loot. Not as much as you suggest or the temptation would be too great to make "Friendly Servers" with 6 ship alliances. People would make PL in a 24 binge.

    I think they should remove the rep rewards from alliance members. Only the crew that turns it in should get rep. The other crews should just get a cut of the gold. That would prevent the PvE boosting servers.

    I also think that ships with lots of loot should ride lower in the water so that other pirates can see if a ship is worth attacking or not.

    I don't really like this one because that would mean the ship would be easier to sink and would create an imbalance in PvP. It's basically like having the ballast ball effect.

  • @haydnsym45
    I attack anyone and everything, while having a hoard in my own boat. Running with one vil skull or 1 castaway, it the same but a bit more tilting. I still use their boat as target practice and resource gather.

    Earlier today I had a brig run from my sloop. I just find it silly that larger ships run from smaller, where they merely have a couple castaway/ sefeirer/ less then 10k

    The only reason you seem to be against the idea is purely “ people will attack (me?) more” but rather then defend, they run— to mock you later.

    I’d personally rather someone defend/fight then just run. I gladly welcome ships to try and roll up on me at a fort, while other I encounter just leave without attempting.

    Not everyone wants to pvp, just to pvp. I enjoy the game more when all the loot floats to the top, rather then “ oh, we just won... nothing! Yeah!”

    I’ve noticed those who run, typically lower skill/ don’t trust their crew( via open crew) or are grinding their levels. This is ignoring “sailor” pirates,but rather players who have at least a couple ghost(Athena) items. Which would rule out the “ new to the game” argument.

    As a side note, I joined an open crew galleon a few days ago. The pirate legend insisted that I should be nice to the two stowaways at marrows outpost. They were taking to me and I commented to my crew” I’m not scared of em, if you want I’ll take them out.” I went to get cargo, dropped it and then sat on a cliff. I went AFK to go to the bathroom and found out I was on ferry. Assumed the island erupted. I needed to go to ruby, and found a sloop. The same two guys without a boat at the outpost. Who asked if I was mad that they killed me. I solo sunk them twice, out of spite, cutlass and sniper— no respawn/ boat( swam over) did my riddle and left. They were aggressive first, but I won that little battle. They never returned.

    The point, is my PL “captain” thought that little sloop was gunna do something, but I showed em that nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it. I gained no loot from them, but merely kept my own loot safe.

    If there was an incentive to defend ( if you sink the incoming threat, get a token—10k?) merely resources isn’t enough of an incentive. Loot/ gold/ stealing is more enjoyable. As well as defending against an approaching ship.

    Weather you like it or not, end game is fun, however, constant npc encounters become a bother. That being said, charging toward another ship only to have a skeleton ship spawn on you.

  • @dragonwhir0 Wasn’t my first reason and certainly not the best, you only saw it because it was the last and in response to someone else’s comment.

  • @haydnsym45 I understand that you disagree with the idea, but can you elaborate more on some of your points? It really seems like your play style and our play style can still co-exist if this game feature is added. You've suggested that we should settle for what the game currently offers, but it would seem the vocal majority here agree that some permutation of my idea could exist in the game.

    The exposure and growth the game is currently receiving from streamers will have the same effect you're worried this proposed feature would cause: People attacking people for no perceived reason, more often.

    As the game grows, you can expect more thieves in the Sea of Thieves. Gold hoarding and grand theft are natural, healthy growth vectors for a game about piracy, and seeing ships filled with gold will certainly draw more people in.

    I'd just like to know more about your thought process, because from the perspective of a lifelong player of games of all styles, there is a lack of rewarding content here that needs to be addressed. If you're happy with the content that exists, that's wonderful and I hope you continue to enjoy the game.

  • @gaseousxihro

    Just adding to your comment.
    Which is more enjoyable, opening up a twitch streamer.?
    If you notice a lot of loot, you question it.

    1. alliance/ pve server?(( can be close friends — I’ve participated but rarely.))
    2. no alliance

    interesting, how do they play?

    1. oh! They hoard?! Let’s hope they sink
    2. do they run from fight?
    3. hoard/ fight everything/ defend/ be strategic/ dominant

    Don’t get me wrong, watching baby/ new player is very entertaining. “ how do you lower sails?”

    Most viewer like to watch someone who fights, and wins/ dominates fights. Weather it’s hoarding 100k Worth of stuff or stealing 100k. Either way it’s more enjoyable to see the reaction when they pop open a ship and see all the shimmering items floating on the surface. Weather it’s excitement or defeat from losing it — via RNG mechanics or players who are better in fights.

    There is this streamer who has a little game show “ loot and lore” where they ask questions to other pirates and then give them loot. Dev created a sail for that streamer. I didn’t personally find the concept very entertaining, and I’ve never returned.

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