Inovation / Inovação

  • Hello!
    I like so much the game, but it's so boring if you play a lot. I've played the game by a week and i don't want to play like before. I have sugestions: Ship Upgrades (Armor, Powerfull Cannonballs), not a pay to win, but you need to play the game to upgrade. Map expansion with online campaign mode, you have to had variable quests to do, but not repetitive like it was. More Sea Animals, i guess Kraken and Megalodon is very outdated. Special abilities its a very interesting sugestion, but i dont think its the purpose of the game. More weapons, more fighting animations. I guess the game needs inovation, because resumes in "Find the treasure, receive gold and buy skins"
    Thanks! I hope you guys enjoy it.

    Eu gosto muito, mas muito mesmo do jogo, porém é muito repetitivo... joguei por uma semana e já to meio enjoado pq é sempre a mesma coisa. Eu tenho algumas sugestões: Upgrades no navio, como armaduras e canhões mais fortes (Não desejo que seja um pay to win, mas que você tenha que jogar para melhorar). Expansão de mapa com implementação de um modo online de campanha, em que você tem uma série de objetivos para cumprir e enfrentar como se fosse um boss no final, mas que não seja repetitivo igual é, como um RPG mesmo. Adicionar alguns animais marinhos, pq eu pelo menos acho que o Kraken e o Megalodon já esteja meio ultrapassado. Habilidades especiais é uma ideia bacana, mas não acho que seja o propósito do game. O jogo precisa de um pouco mais de inovação, Pq tudo se resume em "Ache tesouros, ganhe dinheiro e compre skins"

    Valeu espero que leiam

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  • @classiermango16 So the ship upgrades are not going to be implemented as they would tip the playing field toward the players who have been playing longer.
    Imagine this is the first time playing. You spawn in, grab a voyage, and set sail. Now, there is a galleon on the horizon that is heading straight towards you. You prepare for a fight, but get hit many times by the powerful cannonballs. You can't hit them as hard as they are hitting you because you haven't played as long as they have.

  • @supersnipper60 Yes i understand, but its so unfair. Someone who plays by 3 years have the same things i have... Most of RPG games have this difference, who plays for most time is strongest.. Why i play this game? All the missions are the same and all the ships are the same, all the weapons are the same. The only thing i can have are skins... Its a game that you play for fun, not to be the best pirate of the sea.

  • @classiermango16 said in Inovation / Inovação:

    @supersnipper60 Yes i understand, but its so unfair. Someone who plays by 3 years have the same things i have... Most of RPG games have this difference, who plays for most time is strongest.. Why i play this game? All the missions are the same and all the ships are the same, all the weapons are the same. The only thing i can have are skins... Its a game that you play for fun, not to be the best pirate of the sea.

    You are incorrect in your assessment, this game does actually promote being best at the sea because it is based on skill and tactics instead of whoever grinds to get the best equipment. How can you claim to be the best on the 4 Seas if you are dependent upon better weaponry or armor to prove it? You actually have to be good, strategic or inventive instead of merely grinding your way to better equipment. The only advantages veterans have are skill and knowledge, they have no equipment buffing them to make up for the lack in skill or making them much more overpowering to newer players.

  • You already have an "online campaign" in the form of the Tall Tales. More weapons might come soon, but I'm not certain what Rare has planned. New sea creatures would be welcome; I keep suggesting a Sea Serpent, which could be a unique hybrid of the Meg and Kraken.

    As for being able to unlock more powerful equipment, absolutely not. The game is based on becoming a better pirate through raw skill, and learning to be better than your opponent in terms of strategy and knowing the game's mechanics, not because you happened to spend more time in-game, netting you the next tier of equipment.

  • Yes BLAM320, i know the "online campaign" but its always the same thing, treasure skulls and chickens.. About the upgrades i've understand. But ship skins with different designs can be very cool.

  • @dlchief58 I'm not so incorrect because the best pirate don't have the same ship like a newbie pirate, but i understand...

  • I can tell u that u will have a better skills level from playing the game, just not in levels and gears. This game is more focused on your experience with other players. The pirates u meet in the sea and the pirates u sail together will probably be the greatest treasure u ever found in sea of thieves.

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