Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat

  • @callmebackdraft said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    @wolfmanbush said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    The issue with the approach of people pushing the mass cheating opinion is that they don't counter specific and valid points they just repeat "" and then make arguments against points that were never made.

    We can use me an example. I always make a significant amount of specific points. Those specific points are rarely countered and often times are even acknowledged as accurate or within reason but it goes right back personal stuff and arguing that cheating exists, something nobody, including me, denies.

    If you lost respect for someone making substantive posts with reasonable views based on significant experience over disagreement then it's unlikely that your respect was based on the person and was more about agreeing with the opinions of that person.

    Wolf, you should know me quite well and you know that i have always been on the skeptical side when it comes to hackusations in this game, and my skeptical side still is present for alot of the accusations i mean i still get hackusated alot for my cannon aim. however it is become painfully clear that something really needs to be done.

    i am not talking about content creators making claims of cheating however i am talking about content being released almost day after day now that shows blatant cheating:

    • Using shipwright repair at any given time to fix any given ship
    • Using Immortality (obtained from leaving the ferry without using the door) to completely lock down a ship, steal all supplies or even flip ships and send them flying
    • Using speedhacks to basicly fly trough the air and drop kegs off or simply shoot players or get easy boards
    • Shooting players consistently when they are deep underwater far away from the enemy (not talking about the occasional lucky hit but consistant aim

    and there are more examples of stuff like this and there is multiple people sharing evidence of this:

    • Beardageddon
    • LDSylvr
    • BoxyFresh
    • Cpt Donut
    • Theb
    • Awecoop
    • Blurbs
    • Mixelplx

    and probably more, the thing is, there is a rule on these forums in which you cant share any of that content that shows this cheating because it can and will get you stricken down because of inciting witch hunts and/or just advertising cheats.

    it used to be that we would get links to vids every so often taken from the cheaters perspective which where advertisements to their specific software of choice however with season 8 some have become so blatant with it because they get away with it, time and time again. new account, new gamepass and hey presto sailing again.

    And the style of cheats also has become more obvious because they simply dont care about their punnishment, i mean using player models to sent ships into the stratosphere is rather obvious, as is a mast that is down and just plinks back up straight again in a split second.

    Any proof there is, isnt allowed to be shared on these here forums and i partially understand it, however it has really become clear to me that whatever cheat detection they have currently just isnt cutting it. because they are clearly not checking for some basic stuff:

    • Player movement at extreme speeds, hights and angles
    • Player immortality only being active in a small radius around the ferry
    • Abnormal ship movement (ships getting Space X'd)

    just to name a few.

    can all cheats be countered 100% of the time... no, it will always be an ongoing battle between game devs and cheat devs, however i think in the current state it is very fair to call out to Rare and Microsoft to be doing more.

    • Hardware Id bans
    • VAC Bans
    • EAC

    This doesn't really conflict much with what I post though.

    I pretty much acknowledge everything people say other than sus accusations and that it is wide spread within the entire game.

    My main goal on these topics is to bring some calm to the storm, it may not feel that way because people do get pretty fired up about my posts but my posts are pretty chill and focused, I avoid zingers and gotcha stuff and I don't make personal attacks. I often feel like someone should counter the escalation and try to offer some sort of reasonable consistency while people are getting more and more frustrated. I don't think it matters much on this topic, I think this one is gonna run its course and there isn't much I can do about it, but I try because it's better than not trying. Probably not much else I can contribute on it more than I already have. I think I just gotta wait for the dust to settle going forward.

  • @burnbacon said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    The amount of cheating in the game is making the game kinda unplayable.

    Where. When? Proof.

    Some people confuse. Good skill with cheats and it’s funny. Or poor server

    Aged like wine. The game is riddled with cheaters ATM and people going out of their way to defend/deny the problem is beyond pathetic.

    Just visit Reddit or YouTube and look at the ever increasing amount of video evidence of the plague of cheaters happening right now

    But yeah, it's funny right?

    On a positive note, Xbox servers are overflowing with newcomers as people start to realise how awful the experience is on "all player" servers

  • Also it says that RARE replied to this thread? Has their reply been removed?

  • @WolfManbush There you go, they even confirmed it in video it is a problem.

    Now obviously every game has a problem since there will always be Devs who know how to work on Kernel level and create cheats.

    Even when they said they will fix the problem, truth is they won't. Yea maybe they will shut down those people who call themselves "Hacking devs" (instead they just copy paste others code) but that means demand on cheating will be more and that equals Sea of Thieves getting attention by real "Hack Devs" that operate on Kernel level and cheats would be 100% undetectable. Right now there is no need for them to create cheats because you don't even need to operate at that level.

    There is a possible one fix to lower cheaters even if those "New true Hack Devs" come.

    And that is to add EAC. There was a question does EAC instant ban ?

    EAC my friend is the best of the best Anti-Cheat there is. EAC might be considered literally "malware" because it operates at Kernel level aswell as very powerful cheats and it can detect absolutely anything. ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING.

    Now of course there are methods to bypass even that, but you would need to update constantly your cheat for it (Like almost daily) and that's why games that have EAC don't have many cheaters. Because it's not worth to create cheat for that unless creating cheats is your full-time job.

    EDIT: My point is there will be always be cheating, but with EAC it will be a tiny, tiny minor problem, so you wouldn't need to worry if you think other side cheats.

  • @pit0nn

    [mod edit]

    I am hoping LUCID lets RARE tackle what RARE is good at - Story , PVE , Concepts , Skins ( MORE SKINS PLEASE ) , and enhancing the game , and that their focus will be - PVP , PVP , PVP - HITREG , PVP & Dealing with cheating.

    This game is so unique in its combat that with , semi improved hitreg and no cheating - with some support for a competitive mode whether its custom "arena" servers that allow arena scoring or something , this game has so much marketing potential for Competitive PVP its bananas

  • @lambo-sot said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:


    [mod edit]

    To this day I have never said that cheating didn't exist in this game and to this day I have never pushed against obvious cheating existing. If you and some others actually took the time to read my posts and consider the points I make in them rather than trying to turn this into something personal you would realize that there is a lot more agreement there than disagreement.

  • @lambo-sot Please avoid engaging in personal arguments and derailing the topic of the thread. It is fine to debate the content of the post, and the viewpoints therein, but disrespecting any of your fellow pirates personally is against the pirate code, and our forum rules.

    You post has been edited accordingly.

  • @wolfmanbush While I do agree with most of your points, thing is those points do not refer to actually extremely good players calling out. I can know in the first 15 seconds of a fight engagement if other is cheating or not. That's what experience does, and I am sure you can too.

    EDIT: Well not really 15 seconds but you get me

  • @pit0nn said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    @wolfmanbush While I do agree with most of your points, thing is those points do not refer to actually extremely good players calling out. I can know in the first 15 seconds of a fight engagement if other is cheating or not. That's what experience does, and I am sure you can too.

    EDIT: Well not really 15 seconds but you get me

    Accusation is power and power should be accountable, fair, consistent, and used responsibly

    I think that sus accusations do far more damage in public than any good when they are not supported by damning evidence and fact.

    People reporting things to be looked into is fine, that's a private matter where a person is not subjected to accusation within the community based on guessing, whether knowledgeable guess or not.

    We are dealing in people's reputations, we are discussing character. it is vital to decency to be accurate and fair or we create an environment where we will not be treated fairly when we are the center of social focus.

  • The situation of game is really disappointing, within release of arenas the game got flooded by cheaters, by my own experience I saw at least every 2-3th game a cheater, some were obvious, some were good at hiding it. There's no problem partnering with some external anti-cheat, most likely in this case it's all up to greed, cause you need to pay them. Fall guys, children game, literal walking beans have easy anti-cheat, The Isle, pretty old game from 2015 which is barely alive, 1-1.5k max peak players daily have EAC as well.
    Sad, really sad, also can't criticize game and how it work's because your messages get timed out or blacklisted, happened loads of time to me in official SOT disc, ( btw this reply gonna get deleted as well for sure :D ) I mean we critcize for good, we wan't the game to get better so take criticism, don't hide it, don't delete it, get to work and game will get bigger and you'll get your money, if you have time to release each week or two new skins at emporium, then you should use that time to fix long lasting issues.

  • @copperhead6006 said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    The situation of game is really disappointing, within release of arenas the game got flooded by cheaters, by my own experience I saw at least every 2-3th game a cheater, some were obvious, some were good at hiding it. There's no problem partnering with some external anti-cheat, most likely in this case it's all up to greed, cause you need to pay them. Fall guys, children game, literal walking beans have easy anti-cheat, The Isle, pretty old game from 2015 which is barely alive, 1-1.5k max peak players daily have EAC as well.
    Sad, really sad, also can't criticize game and how it work's because your messages get timed out or blacklisted, happened loads of time to me in official SOT disc, ( btw this reply gonna get deleted as well for sure :D ) I mean we critcize for good, we wan't the game to get better so take criticism, don't hide it, don't delete it, get to work and game will get bigger and you'll get your money, if you have time to release each week or two new skins at emporium, then you should use that time to fix long lasting issues.

    I dunno what happens in the discord as I've never been in there but on the forums a large majority of the criticism doesn't get deleted as long as it's not personally attacking people, posting witchhunt type of stuff or a bunch of spam.

    Which is far more important than a discord as more eyes are gonna see public forums than discords people gotta join to see.

    They take a lotta heat in posts that don't end up getting deleted so I don't think it's fair to suggest that, at least when it comes to the forums. Constructive criticism is helpful, not always fun to hear, but helpful.

    I've always said I think there is a disconnect between dev and player that isn't part of specific cliques but it's not malicious, it's pretty common for certain voices to have more pull than others in decision making. I also think that communication is something that needs some work between dev and community, they tend to let things burn themselves out rather than communicate publicly with substance, which can build up resentment in a community.

    but as far as taking criticism goes I think the forums specifically show that they do something that really isn't easy for anyone, they take a lot of criticism, both constructive and not.

    An example of how communication could be improved is addressing the external anti-cheat thing, informing players about that process and why they are or are not considering it would be helpful. pros/cons, substance on the issue.

  • @copperhead6006 Well said !!! ^^

    Partner with EAC and 99% of criticism will be gone. I don't know what is stoping them from doing it, did they already try, do they have a grudge against them, or are they just greedy (No mean to disrespect). I don't know what it is.

  • I feel the need to spread some actual information here.

    First, EAC is laughable at best. Far as I know it prevents modification of game files and bubbles the actual server from receiving third party commands etc. You can get around this from tunneling and SOT has a very bare bones version of checking core game files which also doesn't foil this completely.

    Most cheats you are seeing are from either script kiddies using third party code available free on any random google search which uses third party access to run not in the game itself but as a separate application.

    The rest, the paid for ones are from leaked code that one of the azure handling cloud services lost and hackers used that to script build a For Sale application that unlocks everything in the game etc.

    Also the banning feature is not hard ware based and can be removed either manually or by running a script to remove a piece of code placed on banned account. Also if you did hardware ban, also easy to fool with spoofing which is also easy.

    Right now from what little I've probed the server and client sides the security is virtually non existent so.... They should probable fix that.

    EAC is not an end all be all, look at Dead by Daylight. I run into script kiddies all the time and we even had a bot epidemic at one point till they had to completely remove all the code relying on it from the client altogether because they couldn't come up with any other countermeasure.

    Now less than 10 people out of a hundred know how to make these scripts for the script kiddies that are using them, but they are making money or having fun so doubt that will stop.

    HOWEVER, not having any security at all more or less as it is now is unacceptable. SOT made it under the radar for a longgggg time and now the chickens are coming home to roost.

    I fear though that until this cuts into Microsoft Profits they will greenlight any money into Rare's budget to setup these services.

    That being said, I truly pity you if you decide to use cheats against me :).

    Warmest Regards,


  • @thrawnpariah What if they ban your actual hardware id's not like your mac address? Say the GPU.

  • @personalc0ffee you can spoof that too. Also, as of right now the azure infrastructure doesnt even log your mac or ip, and has no implementation for mac logging and has no local or cloud services support for saving that data. I suspect this is also due to budget restrictions and doubt it was ever even brought up.

  • The only real way to ban would be microsoft account and or steam account bans, but doubt that will ever happen.

  • @thrawnpariah So as I've said there will always be ways around but you need security in some form, ideally you should focus on this as much as possible but the company literally looks at it like product recalls, what is the amount of money spent on security services versus impact to the bottom line. Ideally they don't want to spend any money on security.

  • @thrawnpariah Also well said.

    Any form of security should be added.

    Now I know it is not hard to bypass EAC if you have right knowledge, but as you said those script kiddies will vanish if that is added, since "Cheat making COPY, PASTE" won't work if EAC is in. Also you misunderstood me. I said it is easily(I say for senior and very experienced Windows API programmers) to bypass any anti cheat but I also said that EAC is the best of the Anti Cheats, meaning there is no better.

    Thing is if EAC is added, those as you call "script kiddies" won't be able to just copy, paste code. You will need an extremely big knowledge from C++ (Logics) and Windows API to bypass it, which "Script kiddies" don't have because they have been copy, pasting code their entire life.

  • @crowley-sot Their latest podcast they quickly mention cheaters, but vague details, no timeline etc just that they are looking into it.
    So at least they are aware, but when action will be done, its who evers guess at this point.

  • @callmebackdraft

    Understand, EAC is not an option. EAC and other kernel level AC software is extremely invasive and poses a massive security risk to the user. Companies like Vanguard have given users information to the CCP (allegedly). If EAC or similar kernel level ACs are implemented, it will look very poorly on Rare as a company.

    VAC did it correctly, but hasn’t been able to keep up with cheaters for awhile.

  • @thrawnpariah Didn't Azure claim to have an ''AI'' when it came to anti-cheats regarding learning and adapting in finding cheaters?

    I swear I read it somewhere, and if true, its obviously pretty darn bad...

  • @xxii-sonik-iixx Tell me about VAC being good ... :D

    They gave up on it I think, there was new method discovered for how they actually ban cheaters. They track their stats and if something goes out of the ordinary "It's considered cheating".

  • @pit0nn said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:

    @xxii-sonik-iixx Tell me about VAC being good ... :D

    They gave up on it I think, there was new method discovered for how they actually ban cheaters. They track their stats and if something goes out of the ordinary "It's considered cheating".

    I didn't say VAC was good. I said they did it the correct way by not being intrusive. They were good for awhile, but have been quite ineffective for the past 5+ years.

  • Had an ''interesting fight'' ,we won the battle but at the last second they have turned our ship upside down and sank us? How bad one has to be too lose with cheats?^^

  • @karkona

    lol what? I don't think you understand Azure is

  • @forthefade

    When it comes to cheating, I have to say, me and my friends agree that it feels like the wave has passed. We used to see cheaters daily during our streaks and now it's become rare once again, although it does still happen. We mostly exclusively play on galleon EU tho. What servers and boat do you play on?

  • @forthefade said in Regarding SOT Anti-Cheat:


    lol what? I don't think you understand Azure is

    I already stated that very fact. Also, why don't you go ahead and tell us exactly what Azure is and how it does not collect data to catch cheaters? I'd like to hear it.
    If you are asking for complete prevention of any and all cheaters before they can even do it without them running free for a while before they get caught thats a tall order.

  • @wolfmanbush
    Actually yeah it does. Rare even admitted it in the video about the new content.

  • @gotszu I reported several today. Then came to the forums to see if Rare is planning on fixing the problem.

  • Its realy so insulting when you see like your opponent moving through the walls or disappearing and attack you in your back like some sc0rpion from m0rtal c0mbat or shooting you from far far distance seems like right in head (right between your eyes lol )etc... and this is just a small part of what the cheaters are doing here. Urgent action is needed and a public response from developers to these problems to their players, with cheats, this game will receive a pretty strong reputational blow and can lead to a decrease in interest and sales in the future IMHO

  • @krahaborr I dont think thats cheating/hacks as much so then just really bad server lag, where players would seem to teleport on your end of the screen (And you sometimes do to them but you don't realise it on their end.)
    Although some hacks like de-sync your player character exists, its hard to tell between the two at times.

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