[15/24] The Cursed Hunters - A New Guild, Ready To Achieve Glory!

  • Ahoy there, maties!
    Are you looking for a friendly, new and active guild to join?
    Then you are at the right place!

    The Cursed Hunters are a guild ready to embark on any activity, be it fishing, fighting for gold and glory in the hourglass, doing forts and other world events, or simply sailing the wide open Sea Of Thieves.
    This guild was created in order to always have mates to sail the sea with.
    No more solo-slooping for eternity without a crew!

    What we need from you?

    • Being an active member.
      No one is expecting you to be online 24/7.
      Just make sure to play once in a while, especially on weekends, and contribute to this guild's reputation!
    • Fly the guild emissary flag unless you are grinding for a specific company.
      Together, we can unlock the Ledger Rewards as well as additional gold and reputation boosts!

    It does not matter if you are an experienced Sea Dog, or simply a new sailor that just arrived at these seas.
    Anyone is welcome!

    Our purpose?
    Help other members and play with them on their endeavors. Together, we are stronger.

    If you can, make sure to pledge a ship. We understand if you are new and do not yet have the means to own a ship, they are quite pricey for new pirates!
    But if you are able to, please pledge one or two ships so others can enjoy the privilege of Captained Ships!

    Until then, I hope you join The Cursed Hunters and commence the true Pirate Life!

    Make sure to reply to this post / or send me a message on discord: @realpoggersduck for a Guild Invitation!

    [We have an official guild discord server that you should preferably join!]

  • 19
    communityeventsstory & lorejust for funcompetition
  • Hello! i am interested, i also sent you a message on discord!

  • Hi there mate, nice to hear! It's quite late right now so I won't be able to invite you yet. Gonna do so tomorrow :)

  • This sounds exactly like a guild I’d want to be a part of! I had my own with my brother and me but he’s lost interest in playing so looking for some people to sail with now and again

  • Ahoy there! Your post is excellent and my friend and I would love to join your Guild! What are the next steps? My Xbox gamer tag is Solokai
    Thanks for your consideration!

  • @solokai Hey there lad, thank you, that's nice to hear! I'll be sending you an invite to the guild later today when I am able to. Please note that we are still in the recruitment phase and waiting for people to accept their invitations; so it may not be as active right now as we'd like. But surely within the next few days! Happy sailing!

  • @boogrog Cool mate, I'll be sending you an invitation later today :) Please keep in mind that we are still recruiting and there are still a few open invitations that weren't accepted yet. It should fill up nicely the coming days and thereafter be as active as we'd like it to be

  • @theoldmaster378 that’s awesome thank you for the invite. Hopefully my friend and I can help build the Guild up and make it a great community that you have envisioned! Also, my friend’s Xbox gamer tag is SkybladeWRLD

    Thanks again and excited to make our mark with The Cursed Hunters!

  • @theoldmaster378 great! Thanks! See you soon on the high seas!

  • I am interested if you’re still looking for players.
    Adult, chill, looking for active guild. I play daily evenings and weekends, 23 days, adventurer, looking to get better at pvp. I messaged on disc as well. Thanks

  • @fnjfk Hey, sure thing, thank you! Sending an invite right now, great to see the guild growing day by day

  • Ahoy,
    I am interested if you still have spots. I've been playing for quite some time, on and off, solo only and still bad at PvP. Looking at playing with a friendly crew as part of a guild.
    Platform: Xbox
    Gamertag: ZooterOne

  • @zooterone Ahoy matey, sure thing. Sending an invite right now!

  • Currently working on a discord server to improve communication and availability in the guild! Looking good so far!

  • @theoldmaster378 sounds like a solid plan, I was just wondering what everyone’s time zones and most active play times are, but that would be best talked about on discord anyway 👍

  • I am interested in joining, I would be able to pledge a ship if you are still in need or looking for more for the guild also.

    Xbox GT: Dills Ghost

  • @dills-ghost Aye, matey! I am sending an invite right now. Thanks for the pledge in advance :)

  • Ahoy there, mateys! The wait is over and the official The Cursed Hunters Discord Server is out now! Make sure to join it in order to communicate with other guild members more easily and coordinate times to set sail together! Happy sailing! 🌊

    Send me a message on here or on discord [@realpoggersduck] to get an invitation!

  • Interested, my discord name Hinata_0wo
    TikTok: Hinata_0wo
    Twitch: Hinata__0wo

communityeventsstory & lorejust for funcompetition
1 out of 19