Hourglass matchmaking is terrible

  • It’s double gold and glory

    Just constantly losing to much better players

    Matching against the same people who destroyed , one team was 4 times in a row

    Why is there no skill based matchmaking?

    Why is the xp so low for a loss too? It’s just awful even in double xp

    I’m willing to grind for a curse but throw me a bone here and there , we haven’t been matched with ANY players in our skill range it’s virtually impossible to make any progress or improve

    Just puts us against the same great players over and over and over and over

    It’s way too tedious for average skilled players , plain and simple

  • 14
  • While they say the system tries to sbmm you (not sure if true or not), if no one else is on your stamp at or around your level, it will match you against anyone else that fits your ship/crew size in order to ensure you always get a match.
    If that means you get matched with a sweaty player, it is what it is.

  • Why is there no skill based matchmaking?

    So you wanna lose to those who lose on purpose for so long and still dominate you? Leaving you to really wonder...are you just that bad?

    I’m willing to grind for a curse but throw me a bone here and there

    Is that your endgame? Hourglass for curses? Not just for the sole Pvp? Mmmmm

    we haven’t been matched with ANY players in our skill range

    That is gonna be the same issue with "Skill matchmaking" game wont find anyone so..INSTEAD of you waiting hours, game gives you whom ever is also waiting.

  • @europa4033

    4 times in a row tho ? Is that normal ?

  • @some-stoneddude don't engage in disscusion with this dude he just post same maenigless stuff about topic he didn't know much.
    But we cheerish him as only one stable part of SoT expirience.

    Of course matchmaking is horrible beouce of low player count in HG so there is little chance to get even match.
    Nowadays it's coin toss you will win easly or be squashed in matter of seconds.

  • @some-stoneddude Europa is right, there is SBMM but if there aren’t enough players of your level, to save you waiting hours, it gives you a match with whoever is on your stamp. If you have the ability, maybe switch servers via a vpn and you may have a better time, but considering its Ghoul and Glory, maybe not.

  • I think the issue is the lower skilled players are going for level 100 curse , the higher skilled are going for 1000. So the casual playerbase aren't doing hourglass consistently.
    I definitely see a mixture of competency when I queue. I play with a duo who has a lot less levels though so the matchmaking would struggle to average between us anyway.

  • [mod edit]

  • @itz-majman Please avoid engaging in personal arguments and derailing the topic of the thread. It is fine to debate the content of the post, and the viewpoints therein, but disrespecting any of your fellow pirates personally is against the pirate code, and our forum rules.

  • I believe the game is trying to match you with people around your level but the second it doesn't find someone in a couple seconds, it sends you VS either people below or above you. More people above usually so the matches often end up being "unfair" since you can go vs people that are level 400+ when you are 30 yourself.

  • @burnbacon

    What are you mmmmming are you the one deciding how peoples play? Why are you in every hg topic while in fact you are Just playing forum and Xbox servers simulator?

    [mod edit]

  • @some-stoneddude
    There is not a big enough population for sbmm to work.

    Players don't like HG.

1 out of 14