Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.8

  • Patch Notes - 1.0.8

    Ahoy pirates!

    In case you were adrift, lost at sea and missed it, we released our official trailer for The Hungering Deep and our very first issue of the Pirate Times! What hides in The Hungering Deep? Find out on May 29th when this free content update arrives! For now, keep your eyes out for that grizzled old soul Merrick on the shores. He's seen... things.

    Patch 1.0.8 brings with it much-requested features like the ability to discard voyages and set your aim sensitivity, and the first of many updates to improve accessibility for our colour blind pirates!

    Download size:

    Xbox One: 1.22GB
    Xbox One X: 1.22GB
    Windows 10: 1.18GB

    Xbox Installation Instructions can be found here.

    PC Installation Instructions can be found here.


    • On to the Next! - Players can now discard unwanted voyages within the Quick Menu. No more having to propose them on the Captain's Table and cancel them!
    • Did You Hear That? - When you are transmitting voice over your mic, an icon will now appear on screen to let you know that you are doing so. This can be toggled on in the Audio Settings!
    • Stories Untold - Players will now come across more Lore books on their adventures.
    • Give and Take - Resource Crates which are being held by players can now have items put into or removed from them.
    • Distressed Chickens - The unsettling sound of a squawking chicken whilst caged is now... more bearable.
    • Music of Legends - The musical sting that plays when entering the Legendary Hideout has been updated.
    • Updated Voice Lines - Legendary Tavernkeeper Louise, the Pirate Lord and the Order of Souls NPC Olivia now have new ghostly-sounding voice lines.
    • Visual Effects - Improved multiple VFX of weapon impact to grass terrain, and cannon impact to water.
    • Icons - Updated the Chests UI to make it clearer that players can scroll through the filter tabs. Icons are now also prettier, bigger and generally better.
    • Out Of Stock - Shipwrights and Weaponsmiths will no longer stock the eight cosmetic pieces which weren’t visually distinct enough.
    • Launch Crew Eye of Reach - We kept it in for an extra week due to its popularity, but this time-limited item has now been removed from the weapon shops!

    Player Settings

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    • Colour Blind Accessibility - There is now a High Contrast 'X Marks the Spot' option in the Accessibility Settings. Enabling this will change the red X on the map to white with a black outline, which we understand will be easier to view for red-green colour blind pirates.
    • Aim Sensitivity Slider - Player can customise their controller and mouse sensitivity specifically when aiming with each ranged weapon. The Blunderbuss, Flintlock Pistol and Eye of Reach each have their own slider to adjust.
    • Shhh! - Additional muting options have been added to "My Crew". These now include the ability to mute voice, text chat and non-verbal phrases separately.

    Performance Improvements

    • Whilst on the ship and in multi-ship scenarios, performance has been improved.
    • Server optimisations to reduce latency.
    • Frame rates while streaming islands have been improved.
    • Improved gunplay in high-latency network conditions.
    • Multiple server and client crash fixes.
      Further improvements and optimisations for all platforms are ongoing.

    Fixed Issues

    • Issues with giving items have been resolved and the feature is now re-enabled.
    • Skeleton Fort keys will no longer drop into inaccessible locations.
    • Dates displayed on pocket watches will no longer go out of sync.
    • Fixed areas on Smugglers Bay and Plunder Valley where Bounty Skeletons were not spawning.
    • Pirates should no longer lose their clothing upon respawning after death.
    • Changing your bucket at the equipment chest will make the water spill out instead of just vanishing. So be careful not to flood your ship!
    • Players should no longer encounter an issue where they are unable to interact with reward items floating in the water once they leave the area and return.
    • Barrels of Plenty no longer disappear when respawning onto your ship after death.
    • Improved skeleton movement in Skeleton Forts.
    • Instruments will no longer sound muffled / cut out when being played on the back of a sloop.
    • Opening the vanity chest multiple times in a short span of time will no longer cause your pirate preview to stop appearing.
    • It is now possible to loot all items in Skeleton Fort vaults.
    • The prompt to talk to the Merchant Alliance NPC on Sanctuary Outpost is no longer missing her name.
    • Chicken movement should no longer appear jittery.
    • Pirate Legend band in the Hideout now play audible shanties.
    • The legendary Tavernkeeper was loading the wrong text loadout – the correct text loadout has been rebound to the NPC.
    • Players will no longer incorrectly hear ambient sounds (storms/rain/birds) after using a mermaid, exiting the Ferry or being teleported after getting stuck.

    Known Issues

    • Some players cannot see their downloadable content in-game.
      Once you redeem your code, here is a Support Article that shows you where to find your items in-game. If you still cannot find your items in-game, please raise a support ticket to log this issue.
    • Washed up items, including messages in bottles, are still disabled following issues in last weeks patch. We are working on getting these switched back on as soon as possible.


    A lost page from Tales from the Sea of Thieves has been found washed ashore…

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    Looking For Crew?

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    Looking for new crew mates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to the official Sea of Thieves:

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    Upcoming Maintenance Window

    Wednesday 23rd May 9am – 2pm BST
    Patch 1.0.8 will be available during this time.

  • Wooooah @khaleesibot!

    Some nice fixes, and adjustments in this patch… Do the team ever sleep? Some of these will make life soooo much more easier! And more time to #bemorepirate!

    Can't wait to see the Hungering Deep in less than a weeks time!

  • Woooooooo

  • thank you. This is much more than I expected.

  • Yay! now all you have to do is get the devs to turn on the hungering deep dlc for the weekend..hint!..hint!

    As always keep up the good work devs!

  • @khaleesibot

    So many good things in these patch notes, thanks for everyone's hard work!

  • Amazing stuff. Always blown away with how this team responds to requests asked for by players and their ability to get this out there for them (Colorblind mode for those players!!!).

    Great job and extremely glad this team works the way it does.

  • Awesome game fixes Rare, well done! The Sea of Tease is a nice add for players to speculate about over the next week until the release. The Pirate Times "Warning to All Swimmers" post is also a reference to the upcoming content. Lets just hope the roll out goes nice and smooth with tomorrow's patch and next week's release. Fair winds mateys!

  • well done Rare, you managed to correct youre fault. Nice communication there! And pls do the maintenance fast tomorrow :P

  • @personalc0ffee said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.8:

    What about the return of washed up items?

    I want my bottles and booty.

    Yes please! I still find myself scoping the shore looking for them even though I know they were removed. I am addicted to shiny things. :-P

  • Very nice updates. I'm glad there's now an icon when you speak in-game.

    So, is it safe to give people bananas now?

  • @blindnev Apparently so!

  • Finally, now I can know if I'm talking.

    But on a different note, what happend to the taking and giving items feature that wasn't in last patch? has it been fixed and is it in 1.0.8? Or is it still WIP?

    And Barrels of plenty? is it a new thing (I haven't been playing for a bit) or is it just a name for the floating barrels, a mega pile of gunpowder barrels or something else?

  • @personalc0ffee said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.8:

    What about the return of washed up items?

    I want my bottles and booty.

    Currently just the Lore Books, but we are working on it!

  • Thanks for the stable update Rare! Happy to see a steady trickle of new stuff to ensure this game has (sea) legs!

    Have beach loot items returned? I never really realized how they serve as fun secondary objectives until they were removed last week. I feel this is a great key feature and miss them.

  • @khaleesibot Love it! Thank you for updating us all!!

  • @blindnev said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.8:

    Very nice updates. I'm glad there's now an icon when you speak in-game.
    So, is it safe to give people bananas now?

    @katttruewalker said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.8:

    @blindnev Apparently so!

    I didn't see that in the patch notes. Unless it was left out by mistake I think it is still an issue.

  • @jonaldinho It IS fixed matey and is in the list :)

    Fixed Issues

    • Issues with giving items have been resolved and the feature is now re-enabled.
  • @khaleesibot That makes me so happy, the ambient stuff in the game is definitely one of its best (HAHA B E S T) features. There is very little that compares to the feeling of coming across something while out for a sail.

  • @musicmee said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.8:

    @jonaldinho It IS fixed matey and is in the list :)

    Fixed Issues

    • Issues with giving items have been resolved and the feature is now re-enabled.

    arrrgh. it's literally the first thing in the fixed issues section :-) I stand corrected.

  • @jonaldinho Hehehehe no worries matey! Might want to switch the eye yer eyepatch is on I suspect it may be on the wrong one ;)

  • Nice updates indeed! I'm glad these ones will be implemented.
    Unless... they break the game again and rollback!
    Sounds familiar?
    Just joking, good luck for the deployment of it DEVS!

  • Oooooooooo

  • Im so excited for The Hungering Deep! Thanks for all the fixes and changes!

  • @thesneakycat97 I'm with you; I have no idea what this "Barrels of Plenty" is. Help anyone?

  • Awesome patches :D
    But i still hope that either the 8 removed items get a redone or will be available as an timed event again XD still 140k away from all :D

  • Nice comeback glad to see that the team was able to get over last week incident and exceeded expectations for this patch.

    Pressing F to pay respects

  • @khaleesibot Love the fixes, good job and keep up the good work! When will the issue of being shot of a cannon at ~45 degrees off of where aimed get fixed? This is highly frustrating - having to swim sometimes for minutes because the launch trajectory from the intended target is WAY off! Please fix your Maths!

  • I'm dying for the hungering deep, cant we just have it early? Please! haha, keep up the good work, I am loving the game.

  • The letter said "You know what, some of those paintings would make great tattoos." You know what that means!!

  • @khaleesibot How about answering the greatly heated debate on Optional Cross Play!

    When are we going to get Rare's attention on that Mega Thread? Or is Rare going to continue to ignore their community on that topic!

  • Still would very much like Xbox Text speak please. It’s a great quality of life addition in my opinion and is very much needed.

  • @musicmee I literally LOLed at this!

  • Great work!

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