Sense of Adventure Has Gone Away...

  • I don't know about you but for me the feeling of being a pirate exploring the world is gone. This is not because of lack of places to explore, but rather what seems to be a game that punishes people that want to explore and do PvE style gameplay. Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting a PvE server or even a solo mode but rather more emphisis on exploration rather than piracy (I know its a pirate game, kinda ironic isnt it?) But for me when I didn't understand the dangers other players can cause back in the betas, I had so much fun exploring the Islands. Now once I dock at one I have to keep constantly looking towards the horizon for other players rather than searching the island for hidden lore.

    My favorite example was I was searching an Island for treasure for like 5 minutes when I realized the island I was on was actually a really cool pirate cemetery. Now instead of looking for hidden meaning behind Shark Bait Cove I make a beeline to the X and then haul A$$ back to an outpost.

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  • @mrdestiny17 I think the higher piracy gameplay is really only due to the whole "lack of content" many complained about. Maybe we will see a drop in all out piracy once the DLC's start to drop. Never know!

  • Hide treasure on island and search all ya want. If you get sunk in a drive by. Just go back to island and collect hidden loot.

  • @mrdestiny17 the island that you described, the one with the Graves, sounds like lone cove. Am o right, me lad?

  • @barnacle-blake said in Sense of Adventure Has Gone Away...:

    Hide treasure on island and search all ya want. If you get sunk in a drive by. Just go back to island and collect hidden loot.

    Server migration. ...aaaaand it's gone.

  • I think at the moment if you plan to explore you have to commit to just exploring much like the freedom to pvp because you know your hull is empty. I sail around often with a sketchbook on my desk looking for cool spots to scribble down and inspire larger projects but I go in fully committed to if the ship gets attacked then let it go. If they come looking for me hide or be prepared to go the passive route "I'm just doodling/looking around/etc take what you want".

    I have been lucky up to this point that no one has bothered me during my little ventures and as others have said you can just stash any treasures you find until it's safe to load them up.

    Hopefully as the game expands this type of gameplay will be given some loving attention or at least some breathing room.

  • @mrgrim67686 happens often to you? cant think of last time I migrated but yes.. that would suck. I figured he would see other ships he is worried about b4 doing this. IF you see other ships prob wont migrate either. Thanks grim you are the fastest shot in the shoot down west yet again.

  • @mrgrim67686 said in Sense of Adventure Has Gone Away...:

    @barnacle-blake said in Sense of Adventure Has Gone Away...:

    Hide treasure on island and search all ya want. If you get sunk in a drive by. Just go back to island and collect hidden loot.

    Server migration. ...aaaaand it's gone.

    I wonder if in the future it wpuld be possible for Rare to update it so that any chests that out in the world migrate with the players?

  • @xcalypt0x many sloops hide stuff in bushes. Im not 1st to do this....I have never lost my loot due to migration. I don't hide stuff in bush for hours on end either

  • @xgodkevin I don't agree with that at all. If you give people the ability to go and kill someone, regardless of how much content there is, they will go and kill someone. Nothing is ever going to change that. Not with this game or any other game.

  • @barnacle-blake

    Hiding loot is a valid tactic. I did it from a sloop me and a friend were fighting off the back of Dagger Tooth. He distracted with cannonfire while I hid all there loot in bushes until the fight was over. We lost since it was really 2 versus 1 as I pilfered but by the time we sailed back they had left and we pulled it all from the bushes in tact.

    Bushes are your friend.

  • @john-hatter yup its no different then setting a chest of sorrows on beach as you loot island. I wonder how many chests of sorrows have been lost due to a migration. not many is my guess

  • @daddymacdown I mentioned it because i've seen quite a few threads here from people willingly stating they only attack people nonstop due to the lack of content in their opinion.

  • @xgodkevin said in Sense of Adventure Has Gone Away...:

    @daddymacdown I mentioned it because i've seen quite a few threads here from people willingly stating they only attack people nonstop due to the lack of content in their opinion.

    raises hand

  • I've not seen a server migration since the games release. Honestly you want a server to yourself to do this stuff? Afk with a control input pinned for a few hours. You'll come back to an empty server.

  • @eredhar I think so, can't remember but it was cool seeing all the small details that Rare hid away on the island

  • @xgodkevin Yeah I get that there are some people who say that, but even if there was as much content as say a WoW you are still going to be hunted down

  • @barnacle-blake said in Sense of Adventure Has Gone Away...:

    @john-hatter yup its no different then setting a chest of sorrows on beach as you loot island. I wonder how many chests of sorrows have been lost due to a migration. not many is my guess

    unless someone else found them, all o' mine have. I don't let that thing near my ship. No' worth the hassle for such a measly reward.

    Consider it me gift to the next pirate at the island... Free ship sinking machine.

  • What's there to explore?
    I remember finding those uncharted islands back in alpha or beta, and thinking there'd be some awesome stuff to do there, or treasure to be found.
    But there was nothing.
    The game world is like a still life.
    It's pretty, but entirely functionless.

    I just wish for environmental puzzles.
    I wish the riddle maps were actual riddles, and not lame directions.
    I wish you could find secrets, stashed loot based on dynamically generated tavern rumours,and more.
    But sadly, the game looks to have never been completely developed beyond the simple empty world to facilitate the simple, empty combat and quests.

  • Yep.

    Sadly the world of Sea of Thieves still ends up feeling small, dull, and purposeless.

  • @awesomecoreusa said

    Consider it me gift to the next pirate at the island... Free ship sinking machine.

    Cheers mate, we have found a couple just sitting above the ground surface ready for the taking. Some have not cried a drop the whole time whilst other just won't shut the hell up. lol

    We often leave lesser valued stronghold loot behind for anyone passing by, looking for powder kegs or what have you.
    That extra two minutes could mean the difference of cashing-in comfortably or continuing to fight for the loot you've already fought for.

  • Next time you load up and leave port, don't take up a quest? I do that often, looking for paintings which I've noticed more so is seen on the southern sides of the map.

    On my way back, i may check a sunken ship, check for loot so I'm not empty handed heading back to port to get a mission.

  • @mcdoll Sorry for the late response, but I believe in the last mega thread Rare are trying to give more exploration incentive to people. Looks like they might increase the random chest spawn but even then it doesn't add what you are asking, (Love the environmental puzzles idea btw, maybe something like a hidden switch on sunken ships that opens the captains quarters? idk) But it is a start.

  • @wizensquire1113 Recently I have been doing that, just loot sunken ships and forts and just explore the islands

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