....I frequently hear this. "Pirate Legends are jerks" or some variation of the last word. OK. I understand the logic. PLs are people who don't need the loot for rep, and yet they fight for it anyway. As a PL, let me offer an alternative theory.
It is approximated that it takes around 250 hours of gameplay to reach Pirate Legend. In that 250 hours, a pirate will have been betrayed any number of times, and eventually they get to the point where enough is enough.
I was always the friendly pirate...the "let's be friends and sail together" pirate. I was rarely betrayed. As the percentage of betrayal began to exceed the percentage of friendship though, I began to become more mistrusting... more cautious... and less willing to help "friendly" crews.
I am the girl who became Pirate Legend and gave away over 20K loot the following day...just to be nice...just to help out a friendly pirate.
I am also the girl who the day after giving away all that loot was betrayed at a fort for the millionth time.
So, yes, I'm less likely to be friendly now. I'm less likely to believe you if YOU say you're friendly. Because I've heard that before, and I've believed that before...and I've paid for that before.
So, no... Pirate Legends are not jerks for refusing to hold your hand and dance to your shanty. Pirate Legends are people who have seen it ALL in this game, and who have been betrayed far more than befriended.
Sure, there are some people who will attack and grief just because they have that sparkly title and they feel it means they're somehow superior. Those people can suck it lol
But most Pirate Legends are like me...we have been betrayed so many times that it's difficult to trust anyone...so it's nothing personal... we just won't put ourselves in a position to be betrayed any longer. It has happened one, five, seven, or nineteen thousand times.
That is my feeling, and the feeling of every Pirate Legend I know and sail with. It's not personal. We've just lived....we've sailed... we've learned.