Looking back at Cursed Sails!

  • I still remember this so clearly, an epic tale and battles galore, it started off with this incredible teaser trailer......

    'We teased the arrival of Cursed Sails with skeletons infiltrating an Outpost to stake their claim on the seas. The trailer set the mood, showing off Skelly Ships for the first time as they plunged beneath the waves after issuing their battle challenge!

    Recap what this content brought us!

    Cursed Sails, which introduced Skeleton Ships, the Brigantine, Alliances and Cursed Cannonballs to the world, as well as an intriguing side quest featuring Wanda the weaponsmith...


    Did you investigate the side quest featuring Wanda the weaponsmith? Her partnership with Salty didn’t end well, but you can still visit their Alchemy Lab on Wanderer’s Refuge. Wanda’s shop was subsequently taken over by her sister, Wonda (voiced by the excellent @cissyspeaks)!

    The skirmishes with skeleton fleets were made tougher by the skellies’ Cursed Cannonballs. Battles progressed from region to region, culminating in an opportunity to defeat the Warsmith – Wanda’s final form! @keeyaaaa had more to say about that here:

    Tomorrow’s looking jam-packed, but we’ll pick up on Thursday with our hot take on Forsaken Shores. Until then, share your favourite Cursed Sails moments below!

    Share your stories here on the forums or on twitter!

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  • @katttruewalker I remember forming a five ship alliance, all with the correct sail, to take down a ship battle. We then hung out together at Galleons Grave, and oh how we laughed at the shenanigans! It was proof that large scale, friendly encounters can happen when the right mix of folk end up on the same server.

    It serves as a reminder of how flexible and random any session in the Sea Of Thieves can be!

  • Aye, it made for some truly epic moments. I still rep the shores o’ plenty sails.

  • @katttruewalker Cursed sails was the first event I got fully invested in. I really enjoyed it and hunted those commendations, well minus the dated ones.

    It was a great event and in my opinion also a great example of why nothing a developer says should be taken as gospel. We was told we would never get NPC ships on the horizon and I for one am glad they changed there mind.

  • Cursed sails was another brilliant update that brought different crews together again to fight a common enemy and share in the spoils with the alliance system. This video captures some of the moments and memories while completing the final stand of the wilds

    @KnifeLife I remember getting 2 ships on the server and then staying up really late with @Tartansnake and another Aussie crew to complete this on with you

  • @katttruewalker this content drop broke me and stopped me playing for a month or two...
    I couldn't wrap my head around the timings issue and not being able to see all of the content. Rare fixed this in part, but it still left a bitter taste in the mouth.

    I came back for a resurgence over the Autumn months last year, and I will be back as soon as other stuff going on is resolved!

  • @stacky-a Yes! Yet another event my pirates from down under pulled me through kicking and screaming 😂😂

  • I remember the anticipation for the final battle with the Warsmith.

    There she was: the Skeleton Fleet of the Shores of Plenty. Our lonely brigantine arrived at the battle zone near Smuggler's Bay. Soon cannons would fire, fierce sword fights would commence and tactics played out to send those pesky skeletons back to Davy Jones.

    When the final wave arose from the depths below, I courageously boarded the Captain's Ship, only the lock eyes with the empty eye sockets of the mighty Warsmith. As our ship suffered major damaged, I had to jump off the enemy's vessel to repair our own. But not before I snapped this picture:

  • This was my second favorite event. That was when it worked right. It was extremely buggy. Each fight did not always start, could end without notice, and there were numerous times of no loot after completing the fight. My spouse and I fought these fights mostly on a sloop together. When they worked it was great fun. Made us want the skellie ships popping up and roaming in the open world. The Hungering Deep and this one showed that the game could be a lot more than just running around digging up chests. Shame just digging up lot of chests has been the focus and only gameplay content over the past few months.

  • The most epic event Sea of Thieves has had to date, Cursed Sails saw every ship on the server eager to join forces. You couldn't spawn without another ship coming up and looking for you to join their alliance.

    One of the final days, I remember, we did it in a sloop with a trio of Germans(?) in a brigantine. Having got all supplies and reached the area, I fancied we had fifteen minutes before the event started and they all went to get some food quickly ... before I noticed we just actually had two. Two minutes! Luckily, they made it back in time :D

    At one point we loose sight of each other 'cos of the high-rolling seas--next minute we cruise right past, our ships bare INCHES from each other like we're on a roller coaster.

    The brigantine sank and lost a lot of loot into the process - this was pre-glint. But me and the guy I was sailing with happily dumped half the spoils on their deck.

  • This event was by far and away the one that upset me the most, but gave me the most excitement as well. I took the day this update released off from work, because I was just that pumped about it. Then, the update was delayed, there were problems on Rare's end. After many, many hours of delays they finally got some servers up and running. And by then, everyone was trying their best to log on, most to no avail. My best mate and I finally got on a server. But it was so buggy, so many glitches, that it was barely playable. We basically sailed over to a fleet battle knowing we could not possibly fight with the way conditions were, but we wanted to see those ships live and in person.

    Thankfully, by the weekend, they had many, but not all of the glitches fixed. That Saturday my best mate and I formed alliances with 2 or 3 other ships. And we ended up spending the entire day, over 15 hours, playing the game. And boy did we have some amazing battles and adventures. After each battle sharing a grog with our newest friends. With barely any sleep the next morning, we went out and once again formed alliances with a couple of other ships. These crews even more hilarious and fun to be around than the day before. And once again we spent the full day in game sailing around.

    Those first batches of ships were so difficult to take down. Especially the sleeping ball or dancing ball ones. So in the end, while the start of the event remains to this day my worst experience with SoT, by the time the event was over with, we had so many new adventures, and so much fun that it ranks as the best event to date for me. So while Rare did not mean for me to go through the emotion wheel from super upset to super excited and everything in between, I still got to experience that. LOL

  • @katttruewalker My best moment will always be the fact my main crew and I after getting sick and tired of all the people screwing up the battle of the wilds and or waiting on other ships we managed to sink ALL of them in the waves just by ramming them and bucketing water which in turn helped us avoid being spammed by the daft weary balls lol

    That said I still have backed up all the screenshots I took but here are a few of my best ones from that event:

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  • Cursed Sails was my favorite event, not to mention it added the Regional Sails:
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    Which are my all time favorite Sails in the whole game!

  • My favorite, most epic event thus far. I sailed with a steady crew mostly for each wave, scheduling our times to log in so that we could all face every single event together. Each time we had a Galleon, Brig, and Sloop together, rotating who was on which ship so that we all go the commendations for completing the event in the different ships.

    My best moment came from the very last battle with Captain Warsmith. The Brig and Gally had taken major damage and had sailed away from the battle a bit to repair. Myself and my sloop partner were able to down the second to last ship with a few cannonballs, but took a few critical hits from Warsmith's ship. With water flooding in and no planks left to repair, we dropped our last 3 gunpowder barrels onto the front of our ship and set to ramming speed.

    My sloops partner shouted "For the fleet!" as she lit the fuse and we both jumped off. The explosion was glorious and we watched Warsmith's ship go down. We fended off the sharks until the Galleon scooped us up and we all had a pint at the nearest tavern.

    (We also robbed a previous alliance by parking our brig between the rest of the alliance and the captains sunken ship. Chimed in with "does anyone see the loot" as we climbed off the back of our ship and loaded every single piece on board. Started to sail away and broke the alliance behind some rocks so no one could follow us. Cruel? Sure, but sometimes it be a pirate's life for me!)

13 out of 14