Question for community members who want PVE only

  • @vachombre
    I think what he is tryin to say is even tho pve players say a pve mode wont break the game, they are not game designers. They really cant call that.
    Pvp players really cant either but use Elite as an example of what might happen.

  • @brimstone-love
    Reguardless it is still up to the player buying the game to do the research.
    I know i did. And when i seen it was open world pvpve, i preordered instantly.
    Im not tryin to argue or anything but the blame will always fall on the person buying the product for not paying attention to what they purchase.
    Rare hasnt hidden anything, or tried to make the game out to be something its not.
    The description is very accurate.
    The title alone should have told players what to expect

  • @bumbumbac said in Question for community members who want PVE only:

    @brimstone-love said in Question for community members who want PVE only:

    The question I would like to see answered though. PvP centric players keep claiming that PvE mode would kill adventure mode. The claim is that the majority of players would play PvE avoiding PvP. If this is the case, then doesn't that mean that the people wanting constant PvP are in the minority? If they aren't in the minority how would the smaller subset of PvE players ruin Adventure mode?

    Democracy by majority vote never works because majority of people lack skills, maturity, knowledge and understanding to make correct decisions regarding most matters... in other words they're not qualified. As is the case with all these PVE-only requests.

    Should your next door car mechanic neighbor be allowed to vote on what heart surgery procedures are and how should they be done? NO!
    Is majority of people qualified to speak about heart surgery? NO!
    Would majoritarian democracy work? NO!

    Just because you got a heart doesn't mean you know how to fix it, just because you play the game doesn't mean you know how to design and balance it.

    The problem isn't PVPVE environment, it is the lack of skill on part of PVE community that is making waves on the forums.

    Every wise person sees it, every ignorant person denies it... naturally.

    You really didn't answer the question though. Instead you fallen into the same pattern of blanket statements and false comparisons instead of providing an answer. In addition you really don't seem to understand game development. Do you understand that knowledge on how to design and balance a game fundamentally is learned from playing games. Sure you use metrics once you have your systems in place to ratchet in the specifics but for the most part its mostly done by feel.

    Now majority rules can be detrimental in certain circumstances however you will find when it comes to changes in tweaks in games, majority rule not only works well but is the safest way to change or design new content. Simply put a new feature is added, testers try it out and if a majority of them give positive feedback its adopted. In some cases developers ignore the majority but in allot of cases this has turned out to be a mistake.

    Moving forward claiming PvE players are ignorant or lack skill is just plain silly. Just because one is good at PvP does not mean its preferred by said player. What you are doing here boils down insulting those with an opposing opinion.

    I am still interested in an answer to my initial question.

  • @nwo-azcrack

    Ah, a better way of putting it that lacks the implication that PvPers "know better" than PvEers. Thank you.

    Then again, professional game designers still seem to think that escort missions are a good idea. =P

  • Question for community members who want PVE only:

    Then again, professional game designers still seem to think that escort missions are a good idea. =P

    Escort missions are easy to design and help eat time creating the illusion of fuller content. You drop an escort mission in the right place and an hour of content can be pushed to an hour and half.

  • @nwo-azcrack said in Question for community members who want PVE only:

    Reguardless it is still up to the player buying the game to do the research.
    I know i did. And when i seen it was open world pvpve, i preordered instantly.
    Im not tryin to argue or anything but the blame will always fall on the person buying the product for not paying attention to what they purchase.
    Rare hasnt hidden anything, or tried to make the game out to be something its not.
    The description is very accurate.
    The title alone should have told players what to expect

    True and I am not going out of my way to claim a bait and switch or anything of the sort. Just countering the point that this is obviously about PvP when the opening pitch doesn't make that clear. When I look up the description of SoT to purchase from various locations action-adventure is mentioned every time and PvP is no where to be found. Now i'm not trying to argue as much as counter the statement that this is a PvP game, when its much more complex than that.

    In a way it similar to saying that the name Sea of Thieves represents what the game is but, by that logic shouldn't the game be called Sea of Players who try to kill each other? Its a silly statement but trying to say the name of a game is a reason that the game has to play one specific way is just as silly.

  • @brimstone-love said in Question for community members who want PVE only:

    Escort missions are easy to design and help eat time creating the illusion of fuller content. You drop an escort mission in the right place and an hour of content can be pushed to an hour and half.

    And push my enjoyment of the game from "fair" to "controller-snapping contempt".

  • But wouldn't they know what kind of games they like?

    I mean, I don't know how build a car, but I know what kinds of cars I like.

    Also, Dark Souls players would like to talk to you about PvEers "lack of skill".

    What do you mean?

    Any game is a new environment you have to understand the aspects of in order to succeed in it. SOT world is comprised of PVE aspects (generated by AI), PVP ones (generated by humans).
    AI and Humans can be understood as different levels of challenge...some humans are capable of putting up a greater challenge than AI.

    Then clearly pve-only requests are made by those who cannot handle challenges presented by often smarter and more skillful fellow humans... they are not ready and have to learn but instead of learning, a gruesome process to all self-absorbed-important-deluded newbies out there, they cry. Weak and meek crying about unfairness of the existence instead of training and learning to adapt to it and become sturdy and strong.

    If anyone's feelings have been hurt during reading of my post, I'm not sorry, ha.

  • @bumbumbac

    So would that apply to PvPers as well?

    Those who find the PvE elements of the game boring or repetitive? Would they lack... like imagination or something?

    Just curious here. I've always viewed such things as just down to personal preference. I find your attempt to tie it to skill (and maturity? Not sure I understood you completely) quite interesting.

    Oh, and don't worry. I don't think anyone was expecting you to feel bad about offending anyone. It's the internet after all. =)

  • @brimstone-love said in Question for community members who want PVE only:

    You really didn't answer the question though. Instead you fallen into the same pattern of blanket statements and false comparisons instead of providing an answer. In addition you really don't seem to understand game development.

    Your question is designed to promote a specific conclusion, leading others to respond in agreement with you. I don't fall for these tactics, sir/miss.

    I didn't answer YOUR question, I explained the fundamentals your question seems to ignore thus, refuting your question throughout my explanation.

    Do you understand that knowledge on how to design and balance a game fundamentally is learned from playing games. Sure you use metrics once you have your systems in place to ratchet in the specifics but for the most part its mostly done by feel.

    On the contrary, most important and meaningful things in our lives that actually work well are rooted in logic not in feelings! Pathos is inferior to Logos...

    Now majority rules can be detrimental in certain circumstances however you will find when it comes to changes in tweaks in games, majority rule not only works well but is the safest way to change or design new content. Simply put a new feature is added, testers try it out and if a majority of them give positive feedback its adopted. In some cases developers ignore the majority but in allot of cases this has turned out to be a mistake.

    Not if the suggested feature comforts fear and weakness.

    Moving forward claiming PvE players are ignorant or lack skill is just plain silly. Just because one is good at PvP does not mean its preferred by said player. What you are doing here boils down insulting those with an opposing opinion.

    I am still interested in an answer to my initial question.

    Those who don't know have to learn in order to know, if they cry instead of learning... GOD HELP THE HUMANITY, I PRAY.

  • @brimstone-love said in Question for community members who want PVE only:

    I feel need to point this out. When you go Sea of Thieves homepage it lists two game modes.

    First is Enter the Arena with the following "Meet the Sea Dogs and prove yourself in contests of treasure-hunting tenacity and seafaring skill! Competition is fierce, so bond with your crew and rise above your rivals in this exciting new way to make a name for yourself on the Sea of Thieves."

    Right next to it is Adventure Awaits. "The freedom of a pirate paradise unfolds before you! Find a crew or go solo, exploring the world at your own pace. Follow the threads of tall tales, make deals with Trading Companies and take your pick of Voyages leading to Pirate Legend glory."

    At initial glance it seems like they are pointing to The Arena for those looking for competition. Lets be honest though I can point out that descriptions of Sea of Thieves Online don't mention anything beyond it being an Action Adventure game. All this means of course is perhaps give folks a break before trying to claim they came into the game knowing what to expect.

    The 'Find Out More' button is there and not easy to miss ... do people usually spend 60 bucks or so on two two-line blurbs ? People who buy the game and are surprised by other players showing up, should have clicked that button.

    The question I would like to see answered though. PvP centric players keep claiming that PvE mode would kill adventure mode. The claim is that the majority of players would play PvE avoiding PvP. If this is the case, then doesn't that mean that the people wanting constant PvP are in the minority? If they aren't in the minority how would the smaller subset of PvE players ruin Adventure mode?

    False dichotomy and false statement, nobody is claiming that.
    I'm not wanting constant PvP and AFAIK neither do a lot of of people who are against PvE servers. But I am of the opinion there should NOT be a server doing Adventure as it is currently with only PvE. Private server where you can hold events and so on, without any or its own progression, fine.

    I want the possibility to encounter other players either from far away or up close. Danger of loosing chickens, skulls, meat & fish, chests, rum, planks or even my pride ;). I don't want every ship on the horizon be a hostile opponent.

    There is a certain balance if you're with 5 other crews on the server. If all PVE crews go to their own server that balance will change.

    Perhaps you should read a bit more what "the other side" posts instead of assuming all those posts are about wanting to sink you.

  • @bumbumbac

    So would that apply to PvPers as well?

    Those who find the PvE elements of the game boring or repetitive? Would they lack... like imagination or something?

    Just curious here. I've always viewed such things as just down to personal preference. I find your attempt to tie it to skill (and maturity? Not sure I understood you completely) quite interesting.

    Oh, and don't worry. I don't think anyone was expecting you to feel bad about offending anyone. It's the internet after all. =)

    Following the reason... AI programming is limited by the imagination of its creators and in most cases, can be recognized and exploited by any perceptive person capable of making such observations.

    But to understand human beings, a truly mysterious realm, is a different story.

    PVE gives a backbone to the game, but PVP is what grows around it. It's nice to have a backbone but it's also nice to be a human not just a skeleton. Skeletons, a fitting label for all pve-only folks.... \o/

  • @lem0n-curry said in Question for community members who want PVE only:

    The 'Find Out More' button is there and not easy to miss ... do people usually spend 60 bucks or so on two two-line blurbs ? People who buy the game and are surprised by other players showing up, should have clicked that button.

    There are people who buy a game at face value with little more than a blurb and some screenshots to guide them but your missing the point. One of the pro PvP arguments is that this is billed as a PvP game. If that statement were true then the initial pitch would push that as a selling point.

    False dichotomy and false statement, nobody is claiming that.
    I'm not wanting constant PvP and AFAIK neither do a lot of of people who are against PvE servers. But I am of the opinion there should NOT be a server doing Adventure as it is currently with only PvE. Private server where you can hold events and so on, without any or its own progression, fine.

    Actually its claimed quite often. Its one of the most common responses to requests for a PvE mode. But its funny the Progression comment is the next point. The game has no vertical progression, so why would it matter if a group of players earned some fancy clothes or paint in PvE? Last I checked engage other pirates wasn't necessary on a majority of commendations.

    I want the possibility to encounter other players either from far away or up close. Danger of loosing chickens, skulls, meat & fish, chests, rum, planks or even my pride ;). I don't want every ship on the horizon be a hostile opponent.

    You would still have the Danger in normal Adventure mode as well as potential Alliances. Just because players who wish to avoid conflict play else where shouldn't change things for players like yourself who are more like minded,

    There is a certain balance if you're with 5 other crews on the server. If all PVE crews go to their own server that balance will change.

    The balance doesn't change though. Encounters are created and balanced so that a solo crew can handle the challenge. The involvement of other players or PvP within the scope of the events doesn't factor into the balance.

    Perhaps you should read a bit more what "the other side" posts instead of assuming all those posts are about wanting to sink you.

    Look at some of the comments in this very thread. You gave PvPers claiming players who prefer PvE are unskilled and ignorant. I know we have Hyperbole on both sides of the discussion though.

  • Imagine that pve mode has appeared.

    1. pvp players will leave the game.
    2. Pve mode will be interesting only for some time, then he will get bored. And you leave the game.
    3. The game is dead.
  • @alekseylight said in Question for community members who want PVE only:

    Imagine that pve mode has appeared.

    1. pvp players will leave the game.


    1. Pve mode will be interesting only for some time, then he will get bored. And you leave the game.

    Interest would wax and wane on the addition of content much as it does now.

    1. The game is dead.

    Hyperbole. Other sandbox titles which offer a choice between PvE and PvP have no issue remaining active. It all comes down to content. The addition of a PvE mode ontop of the current modes has the potential to attract a substantial PvP disliking playerbase who have avoided the title up to this point.

  • @brimstone-love said in Question for community members who want PVE only: (...)

    (...) so why would it matter if a group of players earned some fancy clothes or paint in PvE?

    They can have different clothes for turning in chests uncontested, not having sunk their own boat for 20 miles for all I care. I don't want the current Adventure stuff (commendations, cloting, &tc) in a private server to have an incentive to do Adventure as intended - with 5 other crews on the seas. Not too fancy stuff, as I rather have Rare spent time on the real game.

    Last I checked engage other pirates wasn't necessary on a majority of commendations.

    For some it's the preferred way to get chests, skulls, &tc. delivered, those achievements say nothing about digging them up :). Only animal and gunpowder delivery is to be your own.
    This game, just like other games, is not just defined by its commendations. I have no intention to stop playing when I have them all... nor do I always let them dictate my actions on the seas (except when they are time-dependent and have nice sails &tc behind them)

    You would still have the Danger in normal Adventure mode as well as potential Alliances. Just because players who wish to avoid conflict play else where shouldn't change things for players like yourself who are more like minded,

    Of course not, if PvE minded crews who are currently playing on the same servers as I do are not on those servers, "my seas" become more hostile. Their places will be filled with either PvPvE and more PVP centered players.

    The balance doesn't change though. Encounters are created and balanced so that a solo crew can handle the challenge. The involvement of other players or PvP within the scope of the events doesn't factor into the balance.

    I wasn't talking about PvE encounters.

    Perhaps you should read a bit more what "the other side" posts instead of assuming all those posts are about wanting to sink you.

    Look at some of the comments in this very thread. You gave PvPers claiming players who prefer PvE are unskilled and ignorant. I know we have Hyperbole on both sides of the discussion though.

    You posted about how PvP centric players keep claiming ... could be a language barrier but I took that as you think all or almost all non PvE'ers do that. The majority doesn't IMHO.

  • @bumbumbac

    Ah, so it's a double standard. Gotcha. Always nice to know where we stand.

    Also, I'll bow out of the philosophy talk. Trying to get deep meaning out of cartoony computer games makes me feel a bit too navel-gazey. =)

  • @vac-hombre
    Most hated missions of all time since i was a kid.....hey you have to have this dumb npc follow you, and if they die you fail.

  • @nwo-azcrack

    They always took me right back to Earthworm Jim. Desperately trying to guide Peter Puppy through the gauntlet of vicious plants, deadly pits, and UFOs. =(

  • @brimstone-love
    Please allow me to explain why there should be no progression on a pve or private server. Although its only cosmetics. In my opinion.

    It would be a slap in the face to every Pirate Legend or any player that has successfully defended their loot. All the blood, sweat, tears and time devalued.

    How many hours have players spent scanning the horizon so they can keep their loot safe?
    How many hours have players have players spent stocking the boat so they are prepared?
    How many hours spent practicing pvp(even players who hate pvp) just so they can defend their loot?
    How many hours spent being chased sailing around the map so they can keep their loot?
    How many hours spent redoing missions or Tall Tales because a player came along and took all your loot?

    And now a player gets to come along and have all the same things you worked for without even a portion of the effort? It doesnt seem fair at all. We all know players are the worst threat in this game.

    The feeling of accomplishment from gaining Pirate Legend comes from all those successes and failures. The entire experience.

    I dont want u to get me wrong. Im not a legend yet. Even tho i have played since beta. I just dont care about loot or progression. Im here for fun.

    But how can anyone feel good about those cosmetics they have, knowing all the time and effort put in, if they could have just waited for a pve mode and gained it in a fraction of the time and almost none of the effort??

    Sorry to all who have heard me say this before. And im sorry to @Bugaboo-Bill that this is the only thing me and him dont see eye to eye on.

  • @vacahombre
    Lol first one i thought of was Golden eye.
    Cant remember that womans name but i have karate chopped her hundreds of times out of frustration.

  • @nwo-azcrack said in Question for community members who want PVE only:

    Please allow me to explain why there should be no progression on a pve or private server. Although its only cosmetics. In my opinion.

    It would be a slap in the face to every Pirate Legend or any player that has successfully defended their loot. All the blood, sweat, tears and time devalued.

    How many hours have players spent scanning the horizon so they can keep their loot safe?
    How many hours have players have players spent stocking the boat so they are prepared?
    How many hours spent practicing pvp(even players who hate pvp) just so they can defend their loot?
    How many hours spent being chased sailing around the map so they can keep their loot?
    How many hours spent redoing missions or Tall Tales because a player came along and took all your loot?

    And now a player gets to come along and have all the same things you worked for without even a portion of the effort? It doesnt seem fair at all. We all know players are the worst threat in this game.

    The feeling of accomplishment from gaining Pirate Legend comes from all those successes and failures. The entire experience.

    I dont want u to get me wrong. Im not a legend yet. Even tho i have played since beta. I just dont care about loot or progression. Im here for fun.

    But how can anyone feel good about those cosmetics they have, knowing all the time and effort put in, if they could have just waited for a pve mode and gained in in a fraction of the time and almost none of the effort??

    Sorry to all who have heard me say this before. And im sorry to @Bugaboo-Bill that this is the only thing me and him dont see eye to eye on.

    I understand what you are saying though I disagree with it. You have your experiences, memories, and stories tied to the game. Just because someone else is wearing the same hat doesn't diminish your accomplishments. The hat is not the reward but the journey to the hat.

    Think of it this way. As time goes on the game gets fundamentally easier. You have 5 factions of which any 3 will grant you Pirate Legend. You have new voyage types, treasures...ect. Everything is mapped out now making solving riddles a google search away. Since its easier to achieve Pirate Legend by what you said, the outfits and cosmetics should be different. After all the current Pirate Legends don't have to grind Gold Chicken voyages for Merchants like the old days. Why is it fair that new Legends get the same cosmetics others had to work hard for?

  • Thats fine we disagree. Im an open minded guy. I have heard all the arguements for and against a pve server and both sides have good points.
    I kinda neutral on the subject now after all my time here. Even tho i have my worries what it will do to adventure mode.
    I just wanted to give ya some points i have heard from others since the beta concerning progression on a pve server.
    I also understand how many players a pve server would bring to the game. And the financial value of adding it.
    Like i said i wasnt tryin to argue. Just wanted to show you the other side of the argument.
    In the end ill find fun with the game one way or the other.

  • @nwo-azcrack a dit dans Question for community members who want PVE only :

    Lol first one i thought of was Golden eye.
    Cant remember that womans name but i have karate chopped her hundreds of times out of frustration.

    Haha the same, Natalya Simonova!!

  • @jetorchidee97
    Lol ya i googled it after i posted. Just seeing her picture raised my blood pressure 20 points 🤬 👊

  • @nwo-azcrack said in Question for community members who want PVE only:

    Thats fine we disagree. Im an open minded guy. I have heard all the arguements for ans against a pve server and both sides have good points.
    I kinda neutral on the subject now after all my time here. Even tho i have my worries what it will do to adventure mode.
    I just wanted to give ya some points i have heard from others since the beta concerning progression on a pve server.
    I also understand how many players a pve server would bring to the game. And the financial value of adding it.
    Like i said i wasnt tryin to argue. Just wanted to show you the other side of the argument.
    In the end ill find fun with the game one way or the other.

    I am glad you shared your point of view. As you said In the end you will find your fun which is honestly what this game is really about. The term Group Shaped Narrative really makes allot of sense. I have had fun in this game doing allot of different things. Including one session sitting on an island with a buddy fishing and helping him keep his mind off of real life for a while. It was one of the best times I ever had in a game.

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