Fate of The Morningstar Bug?

  • So I feel I'm unable to complete fate of the Morningstar. Every guide I see tells me to head to the Old Faithful Isle, and once I arrive to use the lantern, I see no ghosts or such. Will I ever finish this quest or is this bugged forever?

  • 22
  • I know to hold the lantern up and sorts, but still no ghosts.

  • I was able to complete this one. make sure you land on one of the southeast beaches. Your lantern should reveal a single skelly on the beach. head up toward the center of the island until you get to the campfire. All three crew members should be sitting there (under lanternlight), and you'll see their footprints heading further up. Hope this helps!

  • @bactatankbill That's the strange part, I did and yet I don't see them. I even scoured the whole beach and yet I still don't see them. It does help though.

  • @shadowkatdark Alright, Plan B: there's a large open area near the center of the island. 4 or 5 of the 'ghost scenes' show up there at different spots. Take out your lantern and walk around there. If you see any of the ghosts, you can backtrack (follow the human footsteps back to their point of origin) and locate the beginning that way.

  • I'm gonna ask a dumb question, which lantern are you holding up?

  • @captain-coel The Ferryman's lantern.

  • @bactatankbill I'll try.

  • @shadowkatdark just wanted to make sure, are you at the SW beach?

  • @captain-coel I was... I'm honestly not sure which beach I had docked at. I turned off the game to see if that would fix it, so I'm on my way to pick the lantern up again. But I am certain I was on the pure South Beach. Is that way?

  • @shadowkatdark Invite me, I'll help you get parked in the right spot

  • We did this one the other night, but it took place on Kracken's Fall. I believe in one of the more recent updates they were going to add more island and riddle options to the Tall Tales to keep them from getting stale, the guides might have been before the patch so they would only include Old Faithful?

  • @shadowkatdark Good Luck!!

  • @captain-coel Thank you for helping me!

  • @nightowltrucker You know what? I guess that's what happened, but thankfully I got to my destination! Good to know for the future though!

  • I was gonna say I thought I read they added an island to switch things up a lil. The book should tell you which island to go to.

  • @shadowkatdark thing is a couple updates ago they added krakens fall to the possible islands where you have to find the ghosts, quick tip the book tells you which island on i believe page five

  • @nightowltrucker @CallMeBackdrafT I completely forgot about that update to the TT. I did get @ShadowKATdark situated on Old faithful last night to work on it.

  • Haha, when using guides causes you to be less informed than using the in-game tools..... :D

    It's like using an out-dated GPS to drive into a river. :D Some times you need to put down the device and use your own eyes!

    Glad you got the issue solved! ;)

  • The same thing is happening to me, what do i do please help

  • @prodiamond33406 start by using the info in game. And then dont necro threads.

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