Another crossplay discussion

  • @inboundbomb said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @inboundbomb said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @inboundbomb said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @vacahombre said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @inboundbomb said in Another crossplay discussion:

    We know there are significant differences in platforms but we prioritize appropriately when there are PC players in the area.

    I just try and keep a wary eye out. Mouse and keyboard advantage don't mean squat if they can't catch me.

    And if they do catch me... well if someone catches me the outcome is already determined no matter what platform they're on. So for me, personally, it's a moot point.

    This may be true for a solo playstyle but I play with a combat crew on a galleon. If we run into a xbox crew we can have a little more slack on sending boarders over to anchor and help sink the ship. If a PC Crew is present only one may leave if we have the upper hand, if not we stay on ship and pepper them to death with cannon fire and fire bombs. We defend those ladders to deny access to the ship no matter what. We just have different strategies for the different platforms.

    And when you get harpooned or rammed and the clown car ends up on your deck going after you all? Those ladder camps won't save you! Hehe ;)

    Interesting that you have different strats based on platforms... Each crew I run into I treat the same and if they get the urge to try something they all end up the same... (sunk).

    Sorry to tell you but we've only been sunk once in the past year on a galleon and that was due to Karen's interference during the fight. We know our ship and our place on the ship. If you try to harpoon you will be fire bombed, try a ram you will be anchor balled or rigged followed by a weary or jig before you get near. We play the game to our favor and not the enemies but not to say that these things haven't happened because there has been instances of those things and the clown died. Perhaps you haven't ran into a crew and just a groups of randos.

    We all play the game as we see fit, that wasn't my over all point to my post. The fact you have "tactics" based on the assumed platform you think someone is on was what I was reaching at.

    Blowing yourself up on a forum means little. To your point, perhaps we haven't ran into a decent crew, but perhaps either have you ;)

    I'm sorry to come off a little stern and trying to flex but it is the truth. We've lost more to Karen blocking our hole into the bottom of theship more. As for the assuming part there is none. I can tell what platform you are playing on within render distance and your crew as well. Every Xbox player can do this because it is part of the reporting system. Checking recent players to see how combat will be taken care of is just second nature to us on this game. Most crews we do run into aren't that well versed in combat as well. It is hard to find that one crew that carries enough supplies and wit for a good fight.

  • That edit messed up. LOL

  • @savagexxxone The tactics we have to use is more or less the hardware issues of my crew load times. I and another play on an X so it can take 10 to 20 sec to get back by mermaid or through the ferry. 2 plays on an S and it typically takes up to 30 sec. 2 are on OG systems and it takes as long as it sees fit. We are just trying not to over extend ourselves when some PC's have faster reload times. It's all about the ship. LOL

  • @inboundbomb

    Makes sense why you pay that much attention to it then.

    Yeah I invested into an EVO SSD for games such as SoT for much quicker load times overall on Xbox X.

  • @savagexxxone I got a SSD as well to help out the performance as well and it does help.

  • @staceyxsx FINALLY remember in this thread when people were laughing and claiming adventure cross play opt out was cancelled. Well its coming for JAN. FINALLY.

    [mod edited]

  • @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx FINALLY remember in this thread when people were laughing and claiming adventure cross play opt out was cancelled. Well its coming for JAN. FINALLY.

    Farewell pc players, I can almost feel the aimbot trying to hit me as I post!

    Only to be replaced by ME as I will be using these easy servers to add your tears to the salt of the seas and prove the lot of you wrong about the big bad PC players. I'll definitely be using this option to take a much more aggressive playstyle just to prove this point on these servers that you cannot deal with more skilled Xbox players and add to my bank. It s going to be ohh so sweet!

  • @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    Farewell pc players, I can almost feel the aimbot trying to hit me as I post!


    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx FINALLY remember in this thread when people were laughing and claiming adventure cross play opt out was cancelled. Well its coming for JAN. FINALLY.

    Can you provide a link to where this was posted?

  • @dlchief58 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx FINALLY remember in this thread when people were laughing and claiming adventure cross play opt out was cancelled. Well its coming for JAN. FINALLY.

    Farewell pc players, I can almost feel the aimbot trying to hit me as I post!

    Only to be replaced by ME as I will be using these easy servers to add your tears to the salt of the seas and prove the lot of you wrong about the big bad PC players. I'll definitely be using this option to take a much more aggressive playstyle just to prove this point on these servers that you cannot deal with more skilled Xbox players and add to my bank. It s going to be ohh so sweet!

    lol the salt... We could always tell whos on Xbox or PC. Good luck to you if you come across my crew in your super chest out protest voyage. rofl.
    [mod edited]

  • [mod edited]

  • @boxcar-squidy looks like this post fell flat on its face

  • @dlchief58 never had a problem playing in arena since opt out. In fact my win rate went up by 90%. So I think we will be alright 😁

  • To all the people in this thread that continued the good fight with me. Such as Tak and Stacey. Well done we did it. We stood the good fight and we got what we wanted.
    You should all be proud!

  • @princessasuna96 how so?

    For months now I've been saying that Rare said they were working on it and I'll be happy with it so long as it is fair.

    What I have objected to is the entire forum being held hostage by this argument and every unrelated discussion being hijacked by anti-PC people behaving badly.

    And you're still behaving badly, trying to rile people up because you desperately want to feel you've "won" an argument that wasn't the argument we were having in the first place.

    I'm happy with the news and looking forward to testing it. Just like I've always said I would be if it was done fairly. Does it upset you that I'm happy? You see when I say a thing, I mean a thing. It's called integrity. I may not always be right, but I stick to what I believe and I mean what I say.

    Why are you tagging me here? Is this what passes for trolling in your head?

    Are you not happy that they've announced what you were asking for? Surely that would be a good time to stop trying to cause arguments and sow division wouldn't it? Or are you just showing us all your true colours?

  • @princessasuna96 If its over does that mean you'll all stop polluting the forums with this festering crossplay garbage? At this point I welcome any update that ends this conversation. If the January update deletes Sea of Thieves forever I would be happy knowing I'd never have to hear this stupid argument again!

  • @princessasuna96 And I've never had an issue with crossplay Adventure, so I think you and others will be in for a rude awakening - and no longer have the big, bad PC boogeyman to blame it on. As I said, I'll definitely be playing MUCH more aggressively on these servers than before or than I will on the REAL SoT servers.

    I'll also laugh wholeheartedly when weekly gameplay statistics afterwards do not reflect this mass return of players you and your ilk keep claiming quit due to this.

  • @inboundbomb said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @savagexxxone The tactics we have to use is more or less the hardware issues of my crew load times. I and another play on an X so it can take 10 to 20 sec to get back by mermaid or through the ferry. 2 plays on an S and it typically takes up to 30 sec. 2 are on OG systems and it takes as long as it sees fit. We are just trying not to over extend ourselves when some PC's have faster reload times. It's all about the ship. LOL

    That logic doesn't work because some pcs have the same slow hard drive as the consoles. You can also replace the internal SSD on the console and get even faster load times than using the overpriced external SSD they sell.

    You will still have people complain that things aren't on a level playing field and they never will be because hardware differences exist. People have faster internet, people have more powerful pcs. Both of which have made gaming more difficult on for the lower end of people for years and yet this is the first time we have a console that has more powerful/faster hardware playing the same game.

    Anyone can use mouse and keyboard on console so people will still be able to flick shots on you.

    What is going to end up happening is people on OG Xbox Ones are going to complain that people are PC when reality they have done some of the following.

  • @fadingtojosh

    I don't think you understand how the elite controller works.

  • @fadingtojosh Can you read or do you like hearing yourself mumble? WE use our tactics for ourselves knowing each others capabilities and hardware limitations that WE are using. I didn't say ALL PC's have faster loading times, I said SOME. Please read conversations between others before posting. Thank you.

  • @oakenkhan90088 Can you go into detail of how I don't understand?

  • @dlchief58 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 And I've never had an issue with crossplay Adventure, so I think you and others will be in for a rude awakening - and no longer have the big, bad PC boogeyman to blame it on. As I said, I'll definitely be playing MUCH more aggressively on these servers than before or than I will on the REAL SoT servers.

    I'll also laugh wholeheartedly when weekly gameplay statistics afterwards do not reflect this mass return of players you and your ilk keep claiming quit due to this.

    Already have my Xbox warmed up for the PvP hunts on these lobbies. A lot of peoples guards will be down and the loot will be ripe for the taking.

  • @inboundbomb I understand you are using those limitations however you will still have people on sloops complain that bullies targeted them. You specifically said

    some PC's have faster reload times

    You explicitly said that some pcs are slower which removes the point of splitting up players.

  • @fadingtojosh Certainly. The "extra" buttons on an elite don't equate to more hotkeys on a keyboard. They can only be mapped to buttons that already exist on the controller. I.E. a paddle on it cant be set to something other than A B X or Y (or a trigger/bumper). So you end up with the same number of buttons that you can create shortcuts with on the game menu as a standard controller.

    But really the whole argument that the fact that Rare cant eliminate every possible difference means that they shouldn't bother giving console its own option is just false.

  • @savagexxxone I'd gladly take you on my crew for this adventure of pillaging - and honestly not that concerned about loot either, would hunt just for the fun of it. Add me as a friend and we can sail together!

  • @fadingtojosh said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @inboundbomb said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @savagexxxone The tactics we have to use is more or less the hardware issues of my crew load times. I and another play on an X so it can take 10 to 20 sec to get back by mermaid or through the ferry. 2 plays on an S and it typically takes up to 30 sec. 2 are on OG systems and it takes as long as it sees fit. We are just trying not to over extend ourselves when some PC's have faster reload times. It's all about the ship. LOL

    That logic doesn't work because some pcs have the same slow hard drive as the consoles. You can also replace the internal SSD on the console and get even faster load times than using the overpriced external SSD they sell.

    You will still have people complain that things aren't on a level playing field and they never will be because hardware differences exist. People have faster internet, people have more powerful pcs. Both of which have made gaming more difficult on for the lower end of people for years and yet this is the first time we have a console that has more powerful/faster hardware playing the same game.

    Anyone can use mouse and keyboard on console so people will still be able to flick shots on you.

    What is going to end up happening is people on OG Xbox Ones are going to complain that people are PC when reality they have done some of the following.

    Already see people in Arena complaining about cheating and all that even when on Xbox. These people just don't get better and resort to fallacies. Same will happen in Adventure mode with the preference change.

    I just think it is going to be even worse since now people will be actively going after people for PvP in these lobbies.

  • @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @dlchief58 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 And I've never had an issue with crossplay Adventure, so I think you and others will be in for a rude awakening - and no longer have the big, bad PC boogeyman to blame it on. As I said, I'll definitely be playing MUCH more aggressively on these servers than before or than I will on the REAL SoT servers.

    I'll also laugh wholeheartedly when weekly gameplay statistics afterwards do not reflect this mass return of players you and your ilk keep claiming quit due to this.

    Already have my Xbox warmed up for the PvP hunts on these lobbies. A lot of peoples guards will be down and the loot will be ripe for the taking.

    LoL gonna be a rude awakening for quite a few of you who end up running into people who will be waiting for you to do so since they know the playing field is more level.

    Remember a number of people who were pro option could actully beat PC guys but didn't like paying to play at a disadvantage.

  • @oakenkhan90088 Yet by remapping commonly used buttons to them you do not need to take your finger of a joystick, hence an advantage in turning to those skilled with it. And lets not forget the different length joysticks that can give an advantage in sensitivity in moving and turning.

  • @dlchief58 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @oakenkhan90088 Yet by remapping commonly used buttons to them you do not need to take your finger of a joystick, hence an advantage in turning to those skilled with it. And lets not forget the different length joysticks that can give an advantage in sensitivity in moving and turning.

    Sure sure, but really none of that is like the difference between an open and closed platform.

  • @oakenkhan90088 There is MINIMAL difference in this particular game...period. You'll find out soon enough bub, enjoy Davey Jones Locker.

  • @oakenkhan90088 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @dlchief58 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 And I've never had an issue with crossplay Adventure, so I think you and others will be in for a rude awakening - and no longer have the big, bad PC boogeyman to blame it on. As I said, I'll definitely be playing MUCH more aggressively on these servers than before or than I will on the REAL SoT servers.

    I'll also laugh wholeheartedly when weekly gameplay statistics afterwards do not reflect this mass return of players you and your ilk keep claiming quit due to this.

    Already have my Xbox warmed up for the PvP hunts on these lobbies. A lot of peoples guards will be down and the loot will be ripe for the taking.

    LoL gonna be a rude awakening for quite a few of you who end up running into people who will be waiting for you to do so since they know the playing field is more level.

    Remember a number of people who were pro option could actully beat PC guys but didn't like paying to play at a disadvantage.

    Problem is you assume to much... Even then, your comment just points to what we all have been saying.

    ANYONE can beat ANYONE on any platform.. Good lord. The nonsense.

    I play on both platforms, double the amount of time on Xbox compared to PC. I can handle my own just fine and got the crew to back it when out and about. Not worried about it at all and never will be.

    And in all honesty, no one should worry about it, we are just going to prove a point. That point is, some just want easy mode and refuse to get better. So they find an excuse and die on that hill. You think they are going to be better on "preferred" servers for Xbox players? Nah. Just more Xbox players that are good will go after them. Its going to be the excat same thing that is going on today. Not sure why anyone thinks this is going to change anything except reduce the CP community.

  • @dlchief58

    lol I already know.
    Dude we've been able to tell whos on PC forever. And for a long time now we've been able to confirm it too.

    I've got no worries about the blowhard legends of the forums talking big game about how they're gonna go fire up thier Xboxs to show us all.

    Come on over and if you bump into us and win. more power to ya, but I don't think it'll be as easy as you assume because for my crew anyway it wasn't ever about losing.

  • @oakenkhan90088 You can still rebind your D-Pad to Food/Shovel/Bucket and then associate those with the paddles. The major issue most controller players face is when they're forced to either stop moving or stop aiming. By having those paddles on the back of the controller, you're able to not take your thumbs off the two joysticks and have an advantage over people not using it.

    Keyboard/Mouse players don't have it "easy" when it comes to gameplay. The keyboard was created long before pc gaming was a thing and ergonomics wise it's a lot worse. There is a reason why controllers are getting retouched even in a single console's lifespan. WASD is outdated but the standard practice for PC gaming.

  • @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @oakenkhan90088 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @dlchief58 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 And I've never had an issue with crossplay Adventure, so I think you and others will be in for a rude awakening - and no longer have the big, bad PC boogeyman to blame it on. As I said, I'll definitely be playing MUCH more aggressively on these servers than before or than I will on the REAL SoT servers.

    I'll also laugh wholeheartedly when weekly gameplay statistics afterwards do not reflect this mass return of players you and your ilk keep claiming quit due to this.

    Already have my Xbox warmed up for the PvP hunts on these lobbies. A lot of peoples guards will be down and the loot will be ripe for the taking.

    LoL gonna be a rude awakening for quite a few of you who end up running into people who will be waiting for you to do so since they know the playing field is more level.

    Remember a number of people who were pro option could actully beat PC guys but didn't like paying to play at a disadvantage.

    Problem is you assume to much... Even then, your comment just points to what we all have been saying.

    ANYONE can beat ANYONE on any platform.. Good lord. The nonsense.

    I play on both platforms, double the amount of time on Xbox compared to PC. I can handle my own just fine and got the crew to back it when out and about. Not worried about it at all and never will be.

    And in all honesty, no one should worry about it, we are just going to prove a point. That point is, some just want easy mode and refuse to get better. So they find an excuse and die on that hill. You think they are going to be better on "preferred" servers for Xbox players? Nah. Just more Xbox players that are good will go after them. Its going to be the excat same thing that is going on today. Not sure why anyone thinks this is going to change anything except reduce the CP community.

    lol you talk about assuming too much but then assume that the people asking for opt out were looking for easy mode. lol hilarious. The truth is that the only reason it was contraverisial in the first place was PC already is Easy mode.

  • @oakenkhan90088 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @dlchief58 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @oakenkhan90088 Yet by remapping commonly used buttons to them you do not need to take your finger of a joystick, hence an advantage in turning to those skilled with it. And lets not forget the different length joysticks that can give an advantage in sensitivity in moving and turning.

    Sure sure, but really none of that is like the difference between an open and closed platform.

    This doesn't matter on the core of the game when you are using simple controls to achieve what you are doing. So in a perfect world, you are attacking and moving. How is that different between platforms? You jump with buttons and move with mouse or joystick. Not sure where we are going with this open/close platform stuff. The core of the game is essentially the same.

  • @fadingtojosh said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @oakenkhan90088 You can still rebind your D-Pad to Food/Shovel/Bucket and then associate those with the paddles. The major issue most controller players face is when they're forced to either stop moving or stop aiming. By having those paddles on the back of the controller, you're able to not take your thumbs off the two joysticks and have an advantage over people not using it.

    Keyboard/Mouse players don't have it "easy" when it comes to gameplay. The keyboard was created long before pc gaming was a thing and ergonomics wise it's a lot worse. There is a reason why controllers are getting retouched even in a single console's lifespan. WASD is outdated but the standard practice for PC gaming.

    Not to mention most of us use controller on PC..... lol

    Having more keys doesn't make things better overall, especially when the core of the game is only a few keys.

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