Gunpowder barrel max stack?

  • Hello all,

    I've just been told by a fellow players I do not believe is correct because I cannot find the information.. Explosive kegs! The best thing in the game besides grog and banana's. Is there a max stack?

    He said the max was 5 on a boss... But I cannot find anything to back this up, nor have I heard this before.

    Thank you.

  • 13
  • @almighty-je5u5 You can put an infinite amount of kegs on your boat.

  • @approvedjoey said in Gunpowder barrel max stack?:

    @almighty-je5u5 You can put an infinite amount of kegs on your boat.

    That's not the question, I am on abou damage figures...

    He said kegs will only do damage of 5 keys. So if I have 7 kegs and shoot them... Only 5 of them do damage, that is what I've been told but never come across this.

  • @almighty-je5u5

    No u can stack as much as u want. Example for boss tall tales, stack 6 kegs per crewmate and u can 1 shot a TT boss. It’s how i did the bosses. (Except Gold Hoarder).
    For forts bosses it is about 4 kegs no Matter how many crew mates.

    It might have changed a bit since I did this more than 6 months ago. But if unchanged that the keg stack also stack the damage.

    Good luck

    Edit: still figuring out the number for FOTD boss. 20 kegs is not enough for one shot. Me and my crew are planning a 60 keg stack.

  • I've one-shot the Tall Tales bosses but I think there is a maximum damage threshold for GreyMarrow at the Fort of the Damned. I've definitely beaten him him with about 15 kegs detonated one by one, but 20+ kegs detonated all at once wouldn't kill him and in fact left him with laods of health afterwards.

  • Difficulty varies depending on crew size a boss wont have the same hp if you were to take them on while using a sloop compared to a galleon if there was just one scale of hp without no sense of balance ether the sloop would find it too hard or the galleon would find it too easy

  • @weakdexx Back during Cursed Sails I got megged during each and every fleet. One time, the meg sunk me, and all 30 or so of our kegs floated up after the ship despawned. The meg swam into the kegs and instantly died. Best thing ever.

  • @almighty-je5u5

    Every keg in the area does damage if it hits. So you can stack 5, 10, or even 20 kegs.

    I think what your friend is doing is trying to not overkill the boss. 5 kegs is usually what we use for the boss at the FoTD because we want to make sure we have more for the next boss or a ship just in case.

    Hope this helped!

  • @natsu-v2

    We use kegs all the time on FOTD. The more we use the less shots he needs afterwards. I do think stacked kegs take his HP down. Without kegs it can be a 5 - 10+ barrage of Cannonballs and EoR shots. With about 20+ kegs it takes less than 5 minutes of barrage to take him out.

    Anyways this next comment is for the thread itself. The 60 keg plan has not been completed yet.

  • @weakdexx That's kind of my point though. You say you dumped 20+ kegs on him and still needed 5 minutes of cannonballs to kill him. I've beaten him with less than 20 kegs by just detonating them one by one, no guns or cannons necessary. When you combine them all together they clearly throw some of that damage away. No one has ever one shot Greymarrow on FotD to my knowledge, but we have used enough kegs to one shot him if the kegs are spaced out individually.

  • @natsu-v2

    The 20 kegs on a stack put him instant in banana mode so I reckon it can be done. Will only know when we bring the floating gasstation

  • @natsu-v2 said in Gunpowder barrel max stack?:

    @weakdexx That's kind of my point though. You say you dumped 20+ kegs on him and still needed 5 minutes of cannonballs to kill him. I've beaten him with less than 20 kegs by just detonating them one by one, no guns or cannons necessary. When you combine them all together they clearly throw some of that damage away. No one has ever one-shot Greymarrow on FotD to my knowledge, but we have used enough kegs to one-shot him if the kegs are spaced out individually.

    My guess would be that the kegs themselves do not have a damage cap but greymarrow is coded to not die one hit. So in a way, he probably has armor (two separate health bars) that the other bosses don't have so that he cant die instantly it seems you can only beat phase one in one hit. Because he has invincibility between phase two the banana eating phase kind of like how in some games you kill the boss then he has invincibility as he reaches new form. I'm curious as to how many kegs he started laughing at for you. It makes me think if you saved some he could potentially be two shotted. If you had enough kegs to save time.

  • when Graymarrow first came out in the TT we coaxed him into a spiral circle of about 20 kegs and sniped them. He died pretty quick.

6 out of 13