Renown system

  • What about a indicator as to how "Fearful" or "Helpful" you are? Like a red skull shows up in the spyglass indicating that crew engages in a lot of pvp? Maybe white for neutral, and green for friendly. This also could work with a ship naming system, where the ship name changes color, .. Lmk what you think

  • 6
  • I like it, but I wonder, what would happen if you are a very peaceful crew but you sink anyone who attacks you. It would count as PvP, but you didn't start it though. And how would the game know if you're being 'friendly'? I mean, you can play music together and then shoot each other.

    I like the idea of adding renown, or infamy, or bounties. But I don't know how to make it work.

  • A mechanic like this would ruin the spirit of the game - truly not knowing whether someone will attack you or befriend you, or do the latter followed by the former is a big part of what makes the SoT so exciting. Having a mechanic strips that away, and doesn't really help anyways because an angel can still turn on you, and a devil can still turn over a new leaf.

    We have the capability to be 1 or the other, or both - why limit that?

  • This would ruin the spirit of the game and can be exploitable. Plus, what happens if someone does a lot of PvP only in DEFENSE? Does that means they aren't friendly even though they love friendly ships?

  • All valid points... Just trying to think of ways to make it easier for those who try and avoid pvp to do so without avoiding interactions all together... The funnest times, for me, in SOT is usually when i encounter another random neutral/friendly crew. I bet that I have less of these interactions though, due to one or both crews being too suspicious of the other. Which SHOULD be part of the game.

    Just trying to brainstorm

  • Part of the fun for me is the unknown.

    Rocking up to a ship with my ally flag up and cannons raised wondering if im gonna make a friend or a mad dash to the cannons to return fire.

    A system would let everyones guard down and kinda water down the experience.

3 out of 6