Open crew - Greybeard

  • Hey all,

    Since the Ashen winds event being added, I have found that every open crew I go to play I will always get Greybeard as my error. I've been trying to find an open crew arena galleon, although also noticed that adventure open crew it gives me Greybeard as well. Anyone else having this issue?

    I know the below is the description of the error, making me think it's a server side problem. However any chance it could still be my end?

    Greybeard -
    This is an issue with Rare's servers, the team are hard at work to get everyone back in and playing as quickly as possible!

    Beard Errors

    If anyone can shed some light on this, it would be much appreciated.


  • 77
    greybeard error
  • bump...

    Is this a nat issue or? I find it odd that I never had a problem joining open games before Ashen winds.

  • I'm having the same issue

  • Quite ridiculous, had no issues prior to ashen winds. I have even tried having a friend invite me into a closed crew arena game, as well as me just trying to join off him with still no luck.

    Find it a tad off that I never had this problem before, nor have I changed any network settings.

  • @digestedingo Happening to a lot of players,I've been getting it for I'd say about a month now.

  • @digestedingo I just installed the game and I'm having the same problem, I have been searching to fix it and I didn't find anything, I can only play in private crews.
    I hope they fix it.

  • same problem for me too!

  • @TakuBoto Hey mate, would you be able point us having this error message in the right direction to correct this beard error we're having? I would like to be spending time playing in the Arena without needing to invite friends who mightn't be up for just player verse player interactions. Would enjoy pushing my completion of collecting the sea dog cosmetics however with this error, that's not happening.

    Thanks in advance!

  • I can't do any open crew or Arena without getting a greybeard error. This is my first time playing Sea of Thieves with my partner and I can't get it to work :(

  • It's a good error that will turn players away from the game for a long period. Which in turn will cause the game to go down hill from there with less players actively playing.

  • i am surprised they didn't fix the grey beard error in this latest update

  • I've had this issue for a while now as well, I've never played Arena and I really want to try it out, but I can't because of this glitch. I get the greybeard error too.

  • Looks like this error is happening only on PC. Xbox players are not complaining about this... And now i can't complete summer event because of that...

  • I just find out the issue is specific (at least for me) to the South American servers. Using a VPN, I connected through an US server, and open crew worked perfectly, but I had to play with 200 ping.

  • a vpn worked for me

  • @thaleschief said in Open crew - Greybeard:

    Looks like this error is happening only on PC. Xbox players are not complaining about this... And now i can't complete summer event because of that...

    I was thinking about this today, as I'm helping a friend get a few of the challenges for the summer event done. Would suck if players can't obtain the Arena ones specifically due to greybeard.. hopefully it can be fixed before the event ends, if not that'd be rather unfair on everyone experiencing the Greybeard error.

  • same here... i have this problem only at Microsoft version.
    On Steam version it's normal, but there's another anoying problem: when i Alt+Tab to the other monitor or back, my game freezes for about 4 or 5 seconds.

    Not really enjoing playing the game having to choose the less anoying bug in the game.

  • My ticket has been closed after receiving this response.

    Ahoy there!

    My apologies for your continued issues with receiving the 'Greybeard' error when attempting to enter 'Open Crew' gameplay and thank you for forwarding your replies to our query.

    We are still actively investigating this issue which has included receiving additional investigative help from the Xbox Live team.

    Due to the on-going nature of this issue, we are going to close your support ticket but please keep an eye on our social channels where we will communicate once this issue has been resolved.

    We thank you for your continued patience with this issue.

    Customer Service - Player Support.

    I feel for those who will not be able to complete the Summer Event challenges which Arena is required.

  • Same here so weird...
    But its seems not linked to my account. I try on my xbox and I dont have the isue, only the issue arrive on my pc. I wonder. It would be great to try on an other pc to know. For me the bug occur when I was lagging in arena. I was playing with the 4g of my phone as a router. And suddently it change by itself to the wifi of my workplace( a ferry with very bad wifi) got disconnected and now I cant open crew. I tried many things but nothing work. I even hope I didnt mess.with my computer seting trying to =/

  • While looking on the French Dicord Sea of Thieves I found a person who gives a solution to this problem in arena.
    The manipulation to be done is:

    • Put the mouse on closed crew
    • press escape and enter at the same time
      You can then click on "raise anchor" and once you arrive in the tavern put your crew on open.
    • I don't know if this solution works for console players.
    • sorry if the translation is not quite correct.

    En cherchant sur le Dicord Sea of Thieves français j'ai trouver une personne qui donne une solution pour se problème en arène .
    La manipulation à faire est :

    • Mettre le souris sur équipage fermé
    • appuyer sur échappe et entré en même temps

    Vous pourrez ensuite cliquez sur " lever l'encre " et une fois arriver dans la taverne mettre votre équipage sur ouvert .

    • je ne sais pas si cette solution fonctionne pour les joueurs console .
  • I've been having a problem with game chat, I'm on xbox and game chat use to work 100% of the time. But around 3 months ago game chat just stopped working and not only for me but for most of my friends xbox friends. I though that it would get fixed but its been a long time and I'm wondering if anyone know what to do, I'm sure its a problem with sea of thieve because I've gone through all my settings both in sea of thieves and on my xbox. and game chat works for all my other games so I'm at a lost; can anyone help?

  • Sorry for the necro but, is anyone still having this issue?

  • Yes, still having the issue

  • I am still having this issue as well. PC- NA

  • yep still have have it PC (aus)

  • Yes I'm having the issue and its so damn annoying. PC-NA.

  • I'm joining the ranks as someone experiencing this issue. :( It's frustrating. It just recently started for me, too, like the past couple of days. Oceania server, PC.

  • Same problem here for the last 2 days. PC - EU

  • Started doing this to me last night. I’m in the central US

  • Started happening to me as well last night. Went to bed and was hoping it'd be fixed today but open crew and arena still broken.

  • Hi guys,

    I never had this problem before, but today it suddenly started.
    I cannot enter any open crews anymore. It will always give me the greybeard message.

    Pretty weird since there was no update recently or anything. As I said, I am playing every day and it just started today....

  • @bongotalk Same thing happened to me last night, have not seen any response to the issue from Rare and there is no fix for this so we may just have to wait until things are fixed.

  • also having this issue since yesterday

  • @digestedingo Been trying to do open crew for days and getting errored. Can only solo sloop and it sucks

  • I've also been having this for the past 2 days. Pc-NA
    Even tried a full reinstall. No luck.
    Very frustrated.

greybeard error
16 out of 77