Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition) - Best ‘Shadow’ Screenshot! [RESULTS]

  • Another fantastic week of entries!

    Well done everyone and thank you for entering!

    But the pirate that walks away with the loot is none other than @Bipperboi

    Well done me matey!
    As you are gifting part of your haul, you and yer matey's cosmetics will be added to your account asap :)

    Pop back tomorrow when I'll have another mission..... should you choose to accept it!

  • 26
  • I’m disappointed that I lost but this picture is well done. Working with shadows is difficult

  • Liked a lot of yalls pics last week

    congrats to the winner and thank you for hosting another week

  • Thank you so much for choosing my screenshot as the winner even though there were some AMAZING ones. I'm so happy right now!

  • Looking nice, my congrats

  • @lizalaroo bruh

  • Im a little in shock about this result. But not my competition.... Personally there were way better pics than this.
    Just my opinion. Ignore me

  • Well done to the winner! very nicely done to line up both the Eye of Reach Emote as well as the Barrel handstand Emote!

  • @badods Same dude it seems like there's always pics that are neater and nicer and have more thought put in but I guess you can't think too hard and you'll win

  • @apple5864 Bro yours was easily the best I thought you were gonna win when I went through them. Great pic I wish I had thought of it. You just gotta try less hard apparently and you'll win. I submitted a 10 stack FOTD one time and lost still. Great job!

  • alt text

  • @WolfManbush You cant't please everyone... but I love the ingenuity in this one!

    Sometimes the ones that are thinking outside the box are the best.

  • i agree, stacking FoTD or having a massive loot spread on your ship doesn't really show creativity as much as it just shows your willingness to grind for a screenshot. I think a reason why Apple may not have won over this was because a lot of the time when a screenshot wins with more than one crews worth of people, there have been complaints that its been unfair that having more people = better chance to win. but i guess you cant make everyone happy.

  • I have to say this picture is really creative. I love it!

  • @atinyoldman yeah, i liked your aswell, kinda suprised that was the pic that won

  • @apple5864 I got 13 upvotes lol, just needed some from the judges xD

  • "Neat", "nice", "creative" and so forth are all very subjective! :)

    Congrats winner, it was a cool one :D

  • I trust that @lizalaroo won't be bias towards the pictures in the competition. They r the judges and I respect that and trust them

  • Congratulations to the winner! This is a very creative shot :D

  • @apple5864 I did say there were many worthy of winning, and it has been said before getting the most upvotes does not guarantee a winner and there is certainly no bias towards any who enter. :)

  • I love how the people one payed for emotes

  • @doomscorp The competition was more so about having friends rather than buying emotes.

  • @Apple5864 Had the best shot for sure, but the winner wasn't that bad either. Better luck next.

  • I think that although Apple's picture told a bigger story, the winner was far more creative with the perspective thus deserves to win. Congratulations.

  • Some gue tree to use my image

  • @lizalaroo no problem xD. Thanks for not being bias tho. Many people were really mad at the winner from 2 weeks ago. I feared that would impact your decision, but now that I know you weren't biased at all, I have a lot more hope for future competitions

17 out of 26