Liar's dice in every Outpost

  • Imagine that you should play dices on every outpost in SoT . If there was a little table in every Inn where would sit some Npc and you should bet some of your golds earned by voyages . If there was a table for 4 player and you would shake them in your own pirates mug ..

    i was thinking about it and imagine if there was limit like that npc should give only for exmaple 2000-5000 g from their inventory or you would be limited for 5 games of dices (after that number of games or spented gold you got maybe 30 minutes cooldown to play again and you should move to other outpost and it is another adventure for people if there was some quest linked to that )

  • 6
  • i wonder what do you think about that :D guys

  • @lukkas5970
    I strongly agree that there should be a Liars's Dice game in every outpost and maybe in other various islands or maybe even in the Ferryman. However giving us an option to play with the NPC's would break the game's economy. You could just beat one of them until that particular npc would reach it's limit to play. Then you could just go to another outpost and repeat. Considiring that Liar's Dice is a game that finishes in just a few minutes(if it's a 2 man game), you can earn unworked and undeserved gold extremely fast. Now money is not that important in SoT and there are tons of players sitting with fat millions of gold and thousands of dubloons. Even though this is the case, an option to earn extremely fast money would not be fair. You also can't lower the bet to like a hundred gold or something since it would make it too insignificant.

    My suggestion is this;
    Just like you said I think there can be a table at various locations, however we either should only be able to play with other players, or the betting system goes away because like I said, it would break the game's economy resulting in even the newest players getting extremely fast money without even knowing the game's primary mechanics.
    If the first option is implied, than putting no limitations in the game can actually make it interesting since people with all those millions can actually bet their entire gigantic treasuary as long as all the other playing parties can match it. This can create some tension and a use for the enourmous amounts of gold some players have(not that much I know but better than nothing I guess). The no limits thing however would also allow players to transfer their coins(and maybe dubloons?) to other players or accounts in an instant resulting in 1 account with all the money and other accounts with none at all. This can be abused and exploited so not good. It can also take away the friendly competition spirit but whatever :P, friendly frusturation is always enjoyable I believe.
    Putting limitations is the safe choice but the same transfering thing happen again with just more time investing. These limits would also make the board game seem insignificant for rich players.
    If you choose the second option then people would just play it a few times and then never comeback making the effort spent on the mini-game wasted.

    There are options to choose from(probably even more than my own ones) but in the end the options can be further investigated if Rare actually decides to add something like this. But I agree about a Liar's Dice game that would be amazing expecially if we could increase the tension with bigger bets!

  • Since before the game released a few of us would talk of games like this, especially when Rare had their Karnath Cards for sale on the store, speculating if there would one day be some sort of casino. But as time has come and gone, as much as I would still like this idea as some sort of gold sink, it takes people off the water. If this was to be implemented in the best possible outcome, keeping server population healthy, they would almost need another "game mode" like how the arena has its separate servers and build, so should this 'Tavern' for games, gambling and more. This would also however effect the games ESRB rating and get into the murky waters GTA online found itself in when they added their casino, since you can pay real $ for in game currencies, which would then be used for gambling. I fear it is just a pipe dream at this point but I always think about a card game or a dice game while cruising along the calm waters in the dead of night without a ship in sight.

  • @sdrewger i agree with breaking that economic if there was maybe something else to bet than gold or doubloons but that mini game with friends will be great for me

  • @the-zackdaddy it is sad about that gambling maybe if there was some way to not bet golds and rather by limited by games

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