Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition) Best 'Crow's nest' Screenshot [RESULTS]

  • There were many great screenshots this week all worthy of winning the loot. But this weeks winning screenshot is by....


    Well done me matey and congratulations!

    I'll be back later with your new mission.... should you wish to accept it!

  • 19
  • @lizalaroo r u being serious??????

    banana man

  • lol how?

  • @namwob2357 clearly states at the bottom of each comp thread.....

    I shall pick, and there will be no complaining lol the winner will just be ‘the winner’ ok?

    Yours was a good one, along with others, but I liked the 11 in the crows nest more.

  • Does this mean that your chances are higher with more people? I didn't know that. I thought it as more for creativity and as such just having people in the crowsnest, HUD on, Names on, Half HP, wouldn't really fit that. But that's not for me to say, its your pick afterall.

  • If nobody else will say it, I sure will. It's a lovely screenshot, doesn't matter if it has HUDs on and what not, you can tell it was a lovely session and a rare occasion to remember, and those make the best screenshots 💝

  • Quite the party they had up there, probably had more fun than me with flameheart, he only allow me to drink one tankard of grog and rum :/

  • Looks like they had a blast up there! Congratulations @TXBig8Balls

  • @xaseonis for real, lol terrible effort. Shame to see all the other more qualified screen shots with no recognition.

  • @frogfish12 Absolutely, such a lazy effort on this "winner" I saw many many more deserving. But hey, just pick a random one and make somebodies day i guess. Im sure they could care less who wins, activity is activity either way.

  • @wizegoldman

    While it may look lazy on the part of the winner here... I feel the screenshot tells of some epic journey on the Sea of Thieves and depicts a crew (or two) in the crows nest? What more could we want?

    It seems they met all the desired criteria to me?!

    Also, remember... art/screenshots are all subjective... beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

    Sometimes the super arty, fancy, out of the box screenshots will win, and sometimes the more story-driven ones will win. It's just how it is.

  • @wizegoldman That's not actually how I choose.

    @Frogfish12 I can barely see your crow's nest for all the ships in your picture. :) And no, it does not mean that having more people in the screenshot gives you a higher chance of winning.
    At this rate we can ditch the grog and drink for days with the sour grapes around here. Lets give the winner the credit they deserve, and not 'wine' on when we don't agree with the winning screenie.

  • @musicmee Meh, decent argument. But compared to all the rest, this is just lazy and undeserving. @lizalaroo that may not be how you choose, but your winning choice doesn't reflect on that lol. Not very creative to gather 6 people and make them lay down. But, to each their own. As for our "whining" clearly the vast majority of us were expecting you to pick a screen shot with more effort than "ok lay down guys" :D

  • @wizegoldman

    Tracey Emin - My Bed = Art = Leonardo da Vinci - Mona Lisa

    Both are art. Perceived laziness does not deter from that.

    One may appear to be lazy, but they both end up being art and depicting of the subject/story they try to represent.

  • I am amazed Liz still does these contests to be honest, with the amount of flack/complaining that happens from people that 'obviously should have won'....

    If you didn't win this time....try again next time! If you don't want to enter, don't!

  • @musicmee lol, this isn't about some deeper meaning baloney. I understand art. Everything in the world could be considered art. The excrement in my toilet this morning, was art.. you're missing the point. But again, the contest is over, just stating the winner was effortless. Whether or not it's art, isn't the argument lol

  • @wizegoldman Ok. Better luck next time :)

    These cosmetics are well worth entering for, seems like everyone is eager to get their hooks on them!

    Happy sailing!

  • @wizegoldman I'm sorry you don't agree with my selection for winning screenshot.
    9 days on the forum (and your very first competition entry) is a very short time to really understand what I might be looking for. Maybe take a look at the previous winners for some ideas or inspiration. There have been many in the year it's been running :)

    We'll have to agree to disagree, won't we. Thank you for your feedback though. :)

12 out of 19