Release Notes - 2.0.23

  • Release Notes - 2.0.23
    Today's maintenance window is now over and Sea of Thieves is officially back online alongside update 2.0.23! Read our release notes to find out more about the fixes and improvements that this build introduces.

    Release Notes - 2.0.23

    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

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  • 18
  • - Players below deck should now correctly see water rising after the ship is damaged, along with the sea outside their ship.

    What about other visual bugs introduced in 2.0.22? Are they fixed but not in patchnotes?

    • Regeneration bar
    • Glowing Ancor
    • Eye of reach aiming
    • Inventory gliches

    Also, are you gonna make the game more responsive to some actions?

    Are you planning to add sensitivity slider to Spy Glass (or make it the same as Sniper rifle)? SO players would not use DPI switch on a mouse - more comfort!

    Are you planning to add Gamma and Brithness sliders? SO players would not adjust monitor profiles every time the night is falling - more comfort!

    Do you have some ideas to decrease the doublegunning power other then just add annoing delays?

    Tnx! And have a good day

  • @tippatak said in Release Notes - 2.0.23:

    - Players below deck should now correctly see water rising after the ship is damaged, along with the sea outside their ship.

    What about other visual bugs introduced in 2.0.22? Are they fixed but not in patchnotes?

    • Regeneration bar
    • Glowing Ancor
    • Eye of reach aiming
    • Inventory gliches

    Also, are you gonna make the game more responsive to some actions?

    Are you planning to add sensitivity slider to Spy Glass (or make it the same as Sniper rifle)? SO players would not use DPI switch on a mouse - more comfort!

    Are you planning to add Gamma and Brithness sliders? SO players would not adjust monitor profiles every time the night is falling - more comfort!

    Do you have some ideas to decrease the doublegunning power other then just add annoing delays?

    Tnx! And have a good day

    it's better double gunning was an exploit and yes I hope they fix all bugs

  • Hit reg is still a recognized problem and has had key prioritization according to Rare release notes for nearly a year now I believe. Seasons was supposed to be able to give them more time to fix this. Yet nothing is ever actually fixed and we are still getting monthly updates that is introducing more bugs. Just in case you don't realize it Rare, this does look like blatant lying to your consumers. At least admit you can't fix it, explain why you can't or say it will be a significant amount of time before anything is done. Don't say you are fixing it and never do anything about it.

  • Finally they add hit reg issues to the known issues. it's been an issue since release. when can we expect 6 ships on a server again?

  • Well the game seems to be a bit less laggy, so good work on that. Only had my character lag teleport once or twice today, normally I rubberband all over the place.

  • Translation of barrel management for Spanish is incorrect, reported months ago.

    alt text

  • @treefittymonsta said in Release Notes - 2.0.23:

    Finally they add hit reg issues to the known issues. it's been an issue since release. when can we expect 6 ships on a server again?

    I must have missed something, how many ships are currently on servers?
    And why where they reduced?

  • @knifelife sagte in Release Notes - 2.0.23:

    @treefittymonsta said in Release Notes - 2.0.23:

    Finally they add hit reg issues to the known issues. it's been an issue since release. when can we expect 6 ships on a server again?

    I must have missed something, how many ships are currently on servers?
    And why where they reduced?

    5, it's been a while since they lowered it...because of stability, probably because of the XBoxOne

  • Awesome, I can't even launch the game now on my PC. It crashes every time on launch, indicating a corrupted data file. I uninstalled/reinstalled the game and still getting the same issue. This is from the Windows Store. I'm installing the Steam copy now to see if that is successful or not.

  • The new Pistol from the Sea of Sands shoots really high compare to the top of the barrel when aiming down sights.

  • @nola-ustrina said in Release Notes - 2.0.23:

    The new Pistol from the Sea of Sands shoots really high compare to the top of the barrel when aiming down sights.

    I bought the set last night and I noted this too, however it still shoots centre screen it's just the visual gun skin that sits lower, aim slightly higher using the top of the barrel and you'll be dead eye in no time.

    Phuzzy bond did a comparison on the flintlock its worth a watch too!

  • 3 shipwreck voyages and none had shipwrecks all the manifests were just floating on the water lol

  • I do appreciate the hard work that goes into the game, especially the Steam version's Alt+tab freezing bug being fixed after it came back. It's still there slightly, but less noticeable.
    Still unable to harpoon items while moving that are small (skulls, gems, bottles) only able to harpoon barrels or chests while moving above a certain speed threshold.
    Map table clipping on the sloop is still there as well as on many outpost ramps walking down from the docks, requiring the player to jump.
    But if the Known Issue of Hit Detection is Key Priority, that means that will be the most important thing to be fixed since it's a core game mechanic. Would not make sense to say something is a priority but not address it for a year while adding other things.

  • @tommy said in Release Notes - 2.0.23:

    I do appreciate the hard work that goes into the game, especially the Steam version's Alt+tab freezing bug being fixed after it came back. It's still there slightly, but less noticeable.
    Still unable to harpoon items while moving that are small (skulls, gems, bottles) only able to harpoon barrels or chests while moving above a certain speed threshold.
    Map table clipping on the sloop is still there as well as on many outpost ramps walking down from the docks, requiring the player to jump.
    But if the Known Issue of Hit Detection is Key Priority, that means that will be the most important thing to be fixed since it's a core game mechanic. Would not make sense to say something is a priority but not address it for a year while adding other things.

    Does you screen still freeze for half a second when you alt+tab out? It used to be about a 2 second freeze for me but now it's really minuscule compared to what it used to be, but still really annoying to me because I have a second monitor and like looking up YouTube, emails, etc. while sailing. I'm a little sad that I bought this game for Steam just so I could keep track of my hours, but when I played the game on MS this bug was non-existant.

    Do you have any other problems with clipping in this game? This is also another problem that drives me up a wall. While I'm sailing from island to island, I like running around my sloop and practicing my movement by jumping around the edges and being nimble. Whenever I walk up the stairs hugging the rail closest to the steering wheel I clip an invisible wall and it stops me from sprinting, which makes me more irritated because I have to keep spamming shift when I just want to toggle it on.

    Sorry for the complaints - I'm just wondering if you, or anyone else, had any of these issues I've stated so I can rest easy knowing it's not just me?

  • Hello team. With the latest update I think the addition of allowing firebombs to set skelly ships of fire has gone away again. I hit skelly ships with firbombs 20 times today and none of the ships are catching and staying on fire.

  • I Hope Alt-Tab on steam version will be solved soon. Very annoying


  • @fxt-redwolf I have noticed this as well. While it was officially included within the patch notes. However, I have noticed skelly ships taking damage while being on fire. Fire also tends to disappear due to the render distance.

9 out of 18