Map Expansion: Aztec/Mayan Jungle Temples

  • It would be cool to have a small map Expansion like the Devils Roar area but based on Aztec/Mayan temples on islands with very dense jungle, Lots of traps and a new enemy (Aztecs or Mayans with big masks and spears) Old Brinestone Fortress is a prime example of an overgrown temple theme.

    ps: I know it's been suggested but with the recent sneak peak of the new pirate legend adventures coming and seeing the mask the pirate lord was using a re-sparked interest.
    Please feel free to add suggestions

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    feedbackgeneralcommunityjust for funstory & lore
  • As cool as this would be, I’m unsure whether they would do an expansion due to all the new “island” like locations such as shrines and sea forts. Maybe in Season 7/8

  • small map Expansion like the Devils Roar area

    Yet they already said they can’t due already reached max length :/

  • @burnbacon said in Map Expansion: Aztec/Mayan Jungle Temples:

    small map Expansion like the Devils Roar area

    Yet they already said they can’t due already reached max length :/

    Yes, they can’t add it to the main map, but they could do something like they did with the Sea of the Damned and make the area its own map accessible from the portals.

  • @burnbacon ah shoot I didn't know that that's too bad maybe add random islands in few of the corners or change small islands no one goes to

  • @gundy-the-shark or this would be cool the possibilities if they could make it work

  • I love this idea so much I absolutely agree

  • At least this is a better idea than the tired ice zone requests that make no sense for this game. No objections and it would fit into the world created.

  • More ships before map expansion imo

  • Now that’s an interesting idea! I’d much rather welcome more jungly islands than icy ones.

    Think of how beautiful it could be too 🤤.

  • set foot on a vast jungle land with your crew! map in one hand with a sword in the other, the vast jungle that lies ahead must be explored! I love this idea. has my support.

  • @treefittymonsta as much as I wanted new ships or bigger crews as well (and I did suggest it) a few people brought forth a good point up. Imaging you by yourself on a sloop, going up against a galleon, 4 possibly sweaty double gunners and they spawn camp the heck out of your boat and if you can hold them off even the slightest now imagine a bigger boat with more sweaty gunners. Lately my crew and I have been getting into the same lobbies on multiple ships it has been alot funner since.

  • @charlie-murrfy not new ships... A higher population on servers before a map expansion

  • One suggestion someone posted a while ago was to have a desert region. The mechanic with that area was that it would be essentially a singular giant landmass the size of a region and the way to navigate large distances would be with rowboats that function as sand skiffs to ‘sail’ across the sand.

    Of course, given how they designed the bayou in A Pirate’s Life then they could also carve out deep rivers throughout the landmass too.

  • @treefittymonsta aha yes my bad just re read that

  • @gundy-the-shark said in Map Expansion: Aztec/Mayan Jungle Temples:

    One suggestion someone posted a while ago was to have a desert region. The mechanic with that area was that it would be essentially a singular giant landmass the size of a region and the way to navigate large distances would be with rowboats that function as sand skiffs to ‘sail’ across the sand.

    Of course, given how they designed the bayou in A Pirate’s Life then they could also carve out deep rivers throughout the landmass too.

    I think that might have been my idea as I posted something similar to that a long while ago, could it be this you were talking about?

  • They changed Gold Sands Outpost. Maybe they can slowly alter some of the islands with Ancient Isles to do what you are suggesting.

  • @unfadingshimmy yes absolutely but it also seems like there is quite a bit of open map under the ancient isles as well. It's 3 -4 squares lower and the length of the map wide. I mean the space is there it's whether or not they can add more islands, but yes if they can't add then change some islands by saying their was and ancients curse that was released from the shrouded ghost or something and makes the islands jump back through time to the time of the ancients.

  • @charlie-murrfy yes rare please do this!!!

  • more map expansion has been a thing for as long as the forsaken shores has come out and people demanded a frozen area. the biggest problem with map expansion and they talked about this before is old gen consoles not being able to handle it. i think they could do it if rather then adding to the current map, they added a new map, but i find it unlikley.

  • @sgt-w0lfe I love this idea especially in the ancient direction it is heading! But as long as it is not an ice biome I’m cool

  • @charlie-murrfy this would be cool maybe if they repurposed the Devils Roar since it rarely is played in

  • @scuriestdog said in Map Expansion: Aztec/Mayan Jungle Temples:

    @charlie-murrfy this would be cool maybe if they repurposed the Devils Roar since it rarely is played in

    It's possible but unlikely; Rare have recently stated their thoughts on what is happening to the Roar in the newest episode of the podcast.

  • I can see them turning off the final chapter of PoTC tall tales for the 6 locations available. Making it only happen in 3 locations where it is already near established islands. The odds of 6 ships doing it at once are so low this should be an idea. Not to mention only 5 ships are on a server right now so yeah.

    I can then see them adding islands to the south of the map eventually.

    Also, there is no way they don't further use the portals for something else.

    The "ice region" could make sense if they put you in a region via a portal.

    I eventually see a sea of the damned region.

  • @treefittymonsta said in Map Expansion: Aztec/Mayan Jungle Temples:

    More ships before map expansion imo

    There won't ever be more ships. They have already said the core game is balanced for 6 ships per server and only 6 ships per server.

    In order to actually change that, it would have so many knock off effects, it would not be worth it.

    They have said it is bad enough we don't have max players.

  • @gallerine5582 that was a dumb excuse to keep it running it better be good what they have planned

  • @scuriestdog hopefully what ever is planned is good

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