Looking for new crewmates that is willing to play together from time to time preferably that can do both pvp/pve

  • I have been playing with alot of people here and there but most of my friend group i started playing with is not playing anymore and I find myself not finding someone to play with. I mostly play in the weekends cause work but if im free or sick home i play weekdays too. I mostly pvp with pve here and there so im fine with anything. Also trying to get a little comunity server going for sot so i can play more regularly with others. anybody intrested?

  • 16
  • I am also looking for someone to just play with I have a few friends who like to play but they both don't care for pvp and I am wanting to do more of that so I would be down to play with you

  • Looking for players as well so if ever interested hit me up LBZER. On daily and streaming again.

  • I don't have a mic, but I'm down to play!

  • @cpt-edvard0 Hey nice to hear down to play add me on discord so i can add you in the server Spectra#8008

  • @lbzer82 hey nice to hear my discord is Spectra#8008

  • You play in the EU region? Seeing as the game's drawing me back in I might end up repurchasing the game, and I don't think I'll enjoy playing by myself.

  • Me too if anyone wants to play with me right now I’m online

  • xxDeMoNxx8920 is my Xbox user

  • Im up to play, my discord is Reino#4794

  • @xxdemonxx8920 said in Looking for new crewmates that is willing to play together from time to time preferably that can do both pvp/pve:

    Me too if anyone wants to play with me right now I’m online

    Yo u on rn?

  • I'm happy to play, can u help me with my reapers reputation?

  • Hi if you are looking for a second pear of hands then yes would love to help, give us a call if you're interested. Not massive player but love this game alot, so am up for it if you want another Porson to help.



  • @reinotb I don’t have discord

  • @atlas138 Sure add me on discord#8008

  • hi i am new as well like i just finished the tutorial im looking for a crew that will like stay permanent i am not willing for changes i am looking for a crew that we can enjoy not sweat i bought this game for fun if ur interested please please add me on discord:Accurice#3450

6 out of 16