This gane is great, unless you play solo or no one joins

  • One of THE most frustrating games. It is great MOST of the time.

    However! When you just want to chill and sail, or no one joins because it's quiet, this game freaking sucks.

    There needs to be a passive mode, heck I'd even pay for a private server.

    I get it's a pirate game, but guess what, not all pirates go around looting and grieving each other.

    End of rant.

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    windows 10feedbackgeneral
  • Use the official discord to team up with people if you don't like playing by yourself

  • It can be very frusterating.. for sure!
    Solo Slooping is basically Hard mode.
    But you will learn fast and hard.. you must do everything!
    Multi-tasking is the name of the game.

    I solo Sloop often.. it takes time. but you will get good at it!
    But, know your limitations as a solo sloop.
    Some things you just shouldnt do solo until you are very experienced at it.
    Such as a FOF.

    And when you are equal to or out numbered in every fight.. Play smart.
    Use your enviornment, Keep an eye on the map & horizon.
    Be proactive.. act first or avoid conflict.

    When u cannot avoid conflict, Out sail.. out smart.

    Solo Sloop is hard, Yes.. But its rewarding when u take out a 4 Man Galleon Solo..
    Or Outsmart a sweaty brig.

    Keep at it!

  • @biceptacon sagte in This gane is great, unless you play solo or no one joins:

    One of THE most frustrating games. It is great MOST of the time.

    However! When you just want to chill and sail, or no one joins because it's quiet, this game freaking sucks.

    There needs to be a passive mode, heck I'd even pay for a private server.

    I get it's a pirate game, but guess what, not all pirates go around looting and grieving each other.

    End of rant.

    You want to pay for private servers? You might have the chance in the future...custom servers are about to come one day, mostly for content creators, you pay for them, but there will be NO PROGRESSION, NO GOLD
    If that's fine for you, go on
    If not, you have to deal with it is now, because it won't change
    I play solo from time to time and got no issues

  • I solo sloop quite a bit. I'd say, in my time playing, the game tends to skew more heavily towards chill than it does to spicy.

  • @biceptacon Just want to point out thag being sunk isn't griefing.

  • This is an expectation issue. Pve servers won't be implemented (from devs) private servers if and when brought in, won't have progression, its for arranged sessions such as tournaments, not peaceful servers. Sadly server alliances do exist which is closest to what you're asking for but what they're playing is so different from the designed game I just pity them.

  • @hiradc There is a reason for their existence you know. You may not like it, but the demand is there for them.

  • @kalgert

    Question: I've always heard that pre-established Alliance servers are pretty hardcore about gold production. Would they let you in to one if you were just wanting to sail around and explore islands, take pretty pictures, grind sleeping milestones, etc? From what others have said, they are less of a PvP-free paradise zone, and more of a gold-mill. Accurate, or no?

  • @maximusarael020 I can't remember, haven't bothered with any of them since... I don't know, September 2020.

    I just remember a lot of sitting in a queue waiting for a ship to have a spare slot, then having a group of people seem very disinterested in having a jo-ho-ho time while adventuring, and more of a down-to-business kind of attitude.

  • Random removes guarantees but there are ways to consistently chill and sail without running into much trouble

    What is required to do this comes down to removing expectation and being open to adapting to the server based on what random things are happening.

    Essentially all you need to do is find an area without activity and harvest enjoyment out of that area until it becomes necessary to find a new area. This could include finding a new server with a better random roll.

    Imo it never is about focusing on what others are doing more than just using it as data to adapt for your own goals. No expectations just adapting.

    Imo the main issue peaceful/passive pirates run into is that they push against what exists rather than adapt to what exists so they can achieve success in their goals.

    Getting personal or taking it personal consumes time and energy that can always be used to improve your own situation in a shared environment.

    If you ever want help coming up with strategy over specifics you are welcome to contact me any time.

  • Been solo sloop the whole time, yeah there is a lot that is harder or nigh impossible solo. But all I do is chill and sail now. At first I wasn’t able to do any of the events (active forts or kraken) and the repetitive voyages from the only three guilds got old fast (before adventures and tall tales) so I made most of my first half of legend by beach combing, just sail,grab what’s washed ashore and dash like a madman to sell. I often was sunk at port while I ran back and forth to drop the three things I found to three different shops. But now with all the updates it has gotten easier in a lot of ways and even solo I can usually find some ally (often another solo) or to chill and sail I’ll just park and fish, beach comb when I go ashore for bait. I still get sunk by randos but all that dose is transport me to a new island to get bait and park and fish. Others have already given good advice for lfg but you can do it solo too, maybe not all the tall tales or timed events but a skelly fort or sea fort/shrine…yeah it can be done solo and it just makes everything more epic when you succeed.

  • However! When you just want to chill and sail, or no one joins because it's quiet, this game freaking sucks.

    Depends on your PoV
    Some actual enjoy and prefer the Solo life. Much more chill and makes the game better.

    There needs to be a passive mode, heck I'd even pay for a private server.

    ooooh here we go...I'm out.

  • @wolfmanbush I wonder if a combination of being a chatterbox, an extensive vocabulary and a decent enough announcement to your voice has an effect on the likelyhood of being sunk or.

    I can count two instances where me being a chatterbox got me out of getting killed while it had no effect on one. One even giggled a bit at my response to their arrival.

    I guess there was a point to this whole "Communication" thing that some people like to post about. What is your input?

  • @kalgert said in This gane is great, unless you play solo or no one joins:

    @wolfmanbush I wonder if a combination of being a chatterbox, an extensive vocabulary and a decent enough announcement to your voice has an effect on the likelyhood of being sunk or.

    I can count two instances where me being a chatterbox got me out of getting killed while it had no effect on one. One even giggled a bit at my response to their arrival.

    I guess there was a point to this whole "Communication" thing that some people like to post about. What is your input?

    It's random

    random preferences, random biases positive/negative, random scenarios and random moments, some people act different in certain scenarios or with certain people

    this makes it to where things really can just work one way or another

    Communication can certainly help and it can also lead things to getting odd.

    I've seen a little of everything and imo there really isn't a universal way to do anything, it comes down to reading the room every server.

    If someone were to communicate with me it makes a massive difference but that same communication to people I know and know of it would make no difference or would possibly lean things in another direction.

    I'd say stick with clear communication as long as a person doesn't go into it with expectations

    the expectations are where pve pve/pvp and pvp all go off course in their approach imo.

  • @hefty-henri sometimes i do want to play just by myself. As a freshy to this game, a few weeks now, the few times I have played solo have been epic fun doing the pve, which most recently has had a buff to difficulty which ive certainly noticed, before this buff it wasnt so bad. But throw in pvp with reapers coming after your booty and spawn trapping you on the island you need to finish your quest on, it is a pain.

    Pirates are more than just sinking other ships, that excuse i see gets thrown around a lot, no its some pirates, not all.

  • @li-jratt-li the pve stuff i can work around, its the having a quest on an island and having a reaper crew with nothing better to do but grief you consistently, making it impossible to finish the quest. Sure i can change server, and lose 2 hours worth of loot, progress, blood, sweat and tears, id rather a passive mode. Its not unreasonable to request.

  • @schwammlgott plenty of things change, enough people voice the same desire for a change, it will come. This game is great dont get me wrong, but sometimes, just sometimes, doing pve by itself and having an option for that is all i want, and i see others and hear it from others in game as well. perhaps a reduced loot and progression multiplier while in passive mode or something to make it less appealing could be implemented.

  • @habiki in my shortime playing, likewise, but the other times when it gets spicy, when it rains it f-ing pours haha id rather have the option to pull out my umbrella instead of constantly getting drenched.

  • I play solo and think solo crews should only be matched up in sessions with other solo crews. If I'm going to duo sloop, then match me up with duo sloops. I do think it's a bit scary seeing a brig or galleon on the horizon turn towards me and drop sails... but I rest easy knowing they will be digging my loot out of the red sea after I log out

  • @biceptacon sagte in This gane is great, unless you play solo or no one joins:

    @schwammlgott enough people voice the same desire for a change, it will come.

    Really? You know since when the PvE server request exists? Threads coming up at least 3 times a week
    Still nothing changed, because it's fine the way it is

  • @sarjentstupid sagte in This gane is great, unless you play solo or no one joins:

    I play solo and think solo crews should only be matched up in sessions with other solo crews. If I'm going to duo sloop, then match me up with duo sloops. I do think it's a bit scary seeing a brig or galleon on the horizon turn towards me and drop sails... but I rest easy knowing they will be digging my loot out of the red sea after I log out

    The only ones to fear are brigs...against galleons sail into the wind to get away
    You can also try to guide them near forts and shoot from the towers, easier to hit...
    Also, with just solo sloops it would be impossible to go for glitterbeard

  • @schwammlgott True the brigs are worst than the galleons.

    I don't know what that Glitterbeard is

  • @sarjentstupid
    Glitterbeard is an in game sort of Easter egg or Dedication/monument to a member of the Rare team that past away.
    Within SOT there are Glitterbeard journals and finally
    a secret Glitterbeard cave on Plunder Valley.

    Look it up, its quite cool.

    Others can provide more information, as i have yet to have the opportunity to do it. ( 8 ppl are required )
    Ive found all the journals cept the final one within the Secret Cave.

  • @schwammlgott
    Agreed. Brigs are to be feared more than Galleons.
    Theyre so fast there is no out running or out sailing them.
    A well run Brig is a force to be reckoned with.

  • Agreed I only play solo and when I see other ships I used to Red Sea the loot for fun but now usually I just get bored and turn it off when I see other people start coming towards me. I’ve never enjoyed playing games with strangers it kills the vibe for me

  • @biceptacon Ahoy!

    The team have semi-recently given their thoughts on the topic of PvPvE and discussed it in an official Podcast here.

    There is also a thread for Custom servers here.

    Sea of Thieves will always be a shared world adventure game, with elements of both PvP and PvE but Joe did speak about Custom Servers about a year ago. These servers will not offer Gold or progression IF they become available to the public. Private Servers are still being tested with our Partners.

    Dropping anchor on this now.

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