Why Dauntless Adventurer Sails only PS5 and not giving a chance for Xbox players to get as well?

  • Dunno if anyone will agree with me but listen: when SoT got closed beta on Xbox we got the Vanguard Sails right? only in White because at the time the sails in the game were white! but then we got new updates with new colors for hubs, sails, capstans, wheels, etc the Vanguard Sails did not update with it and with plentiful options now the Vanguard is keeping in the chest for not matching with this new colors for our ships (yes yes I know a lot of people uses despite of it, you do not see it very often) here in this forum time to time I have been asking Rare to only bring new colors to this Sails, like Black, Red, Golden, etc. Now with the PS5 version coming they are making a new closed Beta for them and guess what? with a brand new EXCLUSIVE Dauntless Adventurer Sails which is JUST LIKE the Vanguard Sails just with another name on it (they have the same image!) with new colors! So I'm like why they are making so exclusive for them and not giving a chance for xbox players to get one just like that?, doesn't need to be "Dauntless Adventurer Sails" could be "Dauntless Vanguard Sails" if we gonna be so picky about that. I do not know if you guys are gonna agree with me about this matter, it just giving more options to all players from PC/Xbox and PS5 users since we all gonna play together!, and I know I`m not the only persons asking for recolor that sails, a lot of people even bring an image to show how it would look like!The new sails they are giving:
    Dauntless Adventurer Sails

    Compare to the Vanguard Sails, just like the same right?
    Vanguard Sails

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  • Because it's a pre-order bonus. There were lots of pre-order bonuses for XBox that are not available to PS5 players.

  • @d3adst1ck Did you get the point I`m proposing about the sails? It is not a matter of "xbox got pre-oder bonuses and not PS5'' because the game was exclusive since 2018 before MS decided to bring to another platform so of course xbox would have more bonus: it was only on the xbox/pc all this years. I'm saying more about giving an item that is a 2.0 version of the Vanguard with better colors and not giving the Old one a recolor or other options just like this Dauntless Adventurer. Why not make an Dauntless Vanguard Adventurer Sails then?

  • @schramm00 Your solution is to dilute the Vanguard sails even further? 🫤

  • I played the closed beta back in the day on this account yet I don't have the original brave vanguard sails, The clout chasing on this game is unreal.

  • @d3adst1ck why would dilute? I just more color options to Vanguard Sails in the end.

  • @schramm00 said in Why Dauntless Adventurer Sails only PS5 and not giving a chance for Xbox players to get as well?:

    @d3adst1ck why would dilute? I just more color options to Vanguard Sails in the end.

    If you want XBox users to get these recolors, you're diluting the sails amongst a larger number of players. If you are restricting the recolors to players who already have the Vanguard sails, why? They already have rare sails.

  • @lofuss What do you mean by that? I`m not asking for just "hey look at my sails that you do not have", just asking for new options to recolor for the vanguard sails since this new cosmetic bonuses is literally 2.0 version of the Vanguard with better visual.

  • @d3adst1ck How a new sails with new colors not to be exclusive to players who already have the Vanguard Sails is diluting? I`m not asking to bring exclusive to them (myself included)

  • Now with the PS5 version coming they are making a new closed Beta for them and guess what? with a brand new EXCLUSIVE

    You had the answer all along.

  • @burnbacon said in Why Dauntless Adventurer Sails only PS5 and not giving a chance for Xbox players to get as well?:

    Now with the PS5 version coming they are making a new closed Beta for them and guess what? with a brand new EXCLUSIVE

    You had the answer all along.

    @burnbacon Well the point is to make this sails to xbox players as well, but if you are saying is just because of the closed beta then would be nice to get a new recolor as a "Dauntless Vanguard Sails" right? the PS would keep the exclusive and Xbox/PC would get a new one for everybody. It`s more options for players.

  • Well they most likely aren't going to do that.

    Should PS5 players get access to all the time limited things the Xbox and PC crowd has enjoyed since launch in 2018?

  • @schramm00 because they are for PS5????

  • What's with people always wanting to get all the things?

    The point of limited items is to show you were there at that time, or did that one thing. It defeats the purpose entirely to make them available for all. These sails are there to commemorate those who took part on the PS5 beta.

    Super against making stuff like this available beyond its original purpose, personally, no matter how many of these posts come up every time there's a limited item around.

  • Think it's a little stupid you can't use all cosmetics cross play. Yaaaaay branding 🥳🤡

  • @schramm00 if all you want is to recolor them perhaps a dye system is what you are looking for instead of getting all the "diluted" replies, I'm simply saying this game is full of people who place an absurd amount of value into cosmetics and feel the need to gatekeep because you had to be there mentality.

    I personally don't care about recolors because I come from Destiny 1&2 a franchise known for reusing content and reskins not to mention fomo lol.

  • @lofuss
    Rarity is a fun pony lol.

    I have stuff.

    Both of the Bear & Bird. One used to be called Bird and Bear, but people whined. They changed the name. Now you need 2... Because I know.

    Want to make a Duke Sloop and name it "Playstation DNI"

  • @pithyrumble said in Why Dauntless Adventurer Sails only PS5 and not giving a chance for Xbox players to get as well?:

    Think it's a little stupid you can't use all cosmetics cross play. Yaaaaay branding 🥳🤡

    This I agree with, yeah.

    Although I wouldn't mind it if it was very limited to platform-specific stuff. Like, if you have an Uncharted skin on your ship, that means you have to be playing on PlayStation, and if you're using a Gears of War one, on Xbox. Same for the Duke Set and any potential PlayStation equivalent. I'd be ok with that kinda thing cause at least it gives some extra layer to the sets.

  • I honestly just wish the items exclusive to playstation were a bit more…. Playstation-y?

    Like, Xbox gets the Duke stuff, which is thematic to the color scheme and iconography of the Xbox console family, all black and acid green with colorful gems to match the buttons.
    But Playstation gets recolored versions of old alpha and beta cosmetics that don’t really make sense to be exclusive to playstation, nor do they feel symbolic or relevant. You would expect them to get some sort of blue and white ship set with ps icons and theming.

    If I were in charge, I would not make any cosmetics exclusive to any platforms. But if it has to be this way, it’d make much more sense to have the current exclusive items be available on any platform once you earn them via playstation, and then have an appropriate ship set that matches the feeling of the Duke ship set, and then make that ship set be exclusive to the platform. It just doesn’t quite make sense that I can use white vanguard sails on a playstation but not red vanguard sails on an xbox. If it were a playstation ship on an xbox, or vice versa, I’d get it.

  • and where are the steam exclusive skins? ;)

  • I own PC, Xbox, and Ps5 versions of the game since god knows when now.... 9 years? lol whatever. When it comes out on Nintendo Switch I'll own that from beta as well.... I think it is really dumb that I can't use the Dauntless Adventurer sails on WHATEVER machine I choose to play on. I earned it. I can use Brave Vanguard sails on PS5 but not the DAS*(Dauntless Adventurer Sails) on Xbox or pc? It's dumb. I could see the Duke set not being used on PS5. Mainly because it is an actual XBOX ship set. But the Vanguard and DAS were beta.... make them available for Xbox. I used the same account on PS5 for that beta as I used on XBox and PC....

    Y'all are some seriously negative Nancy's. I'm still laughing at PC players who whined & cried about Safer Seas. I told you what was going to happen. Guess what? It happened. This sails nonsense is either going to get a coloring upgrade like dude was asking for *(doesnt seem unreasonable to ask for more coloring options for sails we already own) or the DAS sails will be available for anyone who earned em on any platform. The issue may have something to do with formatting of those particular sails files right now. Maybe they're the wrong file type or different dimensions or whatever. The issue of not being able to be used WILL be fixed. Rare has enough on their plate already. This ship is only gonna get tighter.

    Member when I said we needed Anti-Cheat? The negative Nancy PC players didn't like that. It was absolute panic from some of the PC players! We got it. Some of those who panicked turned out to be serious cheaters who all got exposed.... The game is infinitely better for it too. I can attack someone, while lagging, & maybe come out on top or at the very least escape. Even while elastic banding the whole time. I still have chitty internet. But I no longer get spawn camped by PC Cheaters.

    Now I'm going to have an issue with game pass core. I'm not paying for it until some demands of mine are met. I can't thank Rare enough for allowing me to use single player Safer Seas without game pass.
    It sure would be nice to play multi-player over my own network just like before these "ONLINE ONLY" games took over....*(100% hate em) Private Networking SoT like in the old days *(lol) 100% without lag. It'd be like playing a totally NeW game!!! My machines, my network, my own private games.... even uf it was connected to the internet for crash reports n updating etc.... wait n see.... we don't all believe or follow the trends of ONLINE ONLY. Now,.... I've said something.... let the panic BEGIN!

  • I really don't get it as well, we can use the vanguard sails on PS5 but not the dauntless one on xbox/pc , why ? it's the same thing they both are BETA/Alpha rewards and are the same sails with just a recolor.
    Don't tell me it's because they were available at a time when PS5 version didn't exist, because we can't use the black dog outfits on ps5 which are the pre order bonuses for the xbox/pc version.
    I own it, why I can't use it where I want ?
    Same thing for black dog outfits, I'm using it on my pirate, when I want to play on PS5 it removes everything... so stupid.

  • I also agree, why can't I use it on the PC or do I pay less? Is this the result of my passion for this game

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